Yanya yanya Night ~odoroyo Nippon~

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やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~

Song Information

やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~'s jacket.

Artist: ゴールデンボンバー
Composition/Lyrics: Sho Kiryuin
Arrangement: Sho Kiryuin, tatsuo
Album: キラーチューンしかねえよ (2018)
BPM: 145
Length: 1:52
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat clan
Other Music Game Appearances: None.





保証など無く 諸行無常さ この世界は

Dance Dance Dance 踊れ日本
やんややんやNight 朝まで騒ごう
彩る様な 光と影に怯えながら
Dance Dance Dance どうせこの世は
やんややんやNight 泡沫の夢


Song Connections / Remixes

  • やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~ is an "all-Japan" version of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~, which has 47 different versions, each corresponding to one of the 47 prefectures of Japan.
    • Short versions of all 47 variations of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ also appear in jubeat clan.


  • やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~ can be unlocked in jubeat clan from April 26th, 2018, as part of the jubeatでやんややんやNight ~巡ろうよニッポン~ event. It can be unlocked by playing at least 5 different versions of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~.
  • Unlike all the versions of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~, which share the same exact BASIC chart, やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~ has a different BASIC chart.
  • やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~ was removed from jubeat festo on March 24th, 2021.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 178 427 481
jubeat clan 3 6 9
jubeat festo 3 6 9.0