Mermaid girl

Mermaid girl

Song Information

Mermaid girl's pop'n music banner.

Artist: Cream puff
Composition/Arrangement: Cream puff
Lyrics: Halka
Vocals: moimoi
BPM: 140
Length: 2:06
Genre: BUBBLEGUM DANCE (バブルガムダンス)
pop'n music Character: KIRARA [9-1P]
VJ: F-FLY (overlays by Fukutomi WAVE)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem
Other Music Game Appearances:


I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Waiting for a honey man
De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song
Love me take me there

I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Oh I'm in a heavenly world
De-dup-i-dip-i call my name
De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

I lived in an ocean, in a coral palace
Grown up in comfort sweet princess
Sugar and spices and all that's nice
The missing ingredient was just your presence

One day a witch gave me lovely legs
To come up to your side
I know this dreamy world's a fairytale
But could you kiss me here

I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Waiting for a honey man
De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song
Love me take me there

I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Oh I'm in a heavenly world
De-dup-i-dip-i call my name
De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

Bubbles sparkle and disappear
Into the deep blue sea
I know my life is a sad fairytale
So could you wipe my tears

I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Waiting for a honey man
De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song
Love me take me there

I'm a twinkle little mermaid girl
Oh I'm in a heavenly world
De-dup-i-dip-i call my name
De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

Song Connections/Remixes

  • A long version of Mermaid girl appears on the beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK. It contains the final version's verse and a new one. The location test lyrics are not used.
  • Another long version, Mermaid girl (Extended RRVer.), appears on Ryu☆'s 3rd album, Rainbow☆Rainbow.
  • An eurobeat remix of Mermaid girl by DJ Command, Mermaid girl -秋葉工房MIX-, appears in beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle.
  • A speed remix by Ryu☆, Mermaid girl (Ryu☆ Remix), appears on the cyber beatnation 2 - Hi Speed conclusion- CD.


Song Production Information

Lyrics & Production/Halka

From the group HHH, here is Halka.

This time, Halka and moimoi have teamed up to form a new group, called Cream Puff.

Well, for the genre Bubblegum Dance, one important thing is to have cute vocals!
When I asked to add this type of song, they said they "would do it", but it took a few years.

Finally, after a while, they allowed me to do it!
Along with this came the responsibility of producing this.

For me to write the lyrics... it was a big responsibility.
I remember thinking about them when awake or asleep.

After a while, the shiny song Mermaid Girl was born.
The amount of revisions and the finished product differed greatly from the original.

As for the singer of the song, it is no other than the super cute vocalist from Supernova, moimoi!
And Mr. Ryu☆, with his great reputation for catchy melodies and sparkly sounds, came to help too!
With this great duo helping, the completion of this song far surpassed my expectations!!!

Even now, I still have great nostalgia over those happy days☆

Please enjoy this song!


Hi everyone♪, I'm moimoi ☆ ☆ ☆.

One day, I received the lyrics to this shiny and sparkly melody.

I watched it, and the moment I listened to it, my hair shined in rainbow colors!
Wanting to project this image, I sung very hard!

Special thanks go out to Ryu☆ and Halka for making such a wonderful song.

Now everyone! ♪ ♪ ♪ Let us go to a world with rainbows together...


Hey, it's Ryu☆, the one in charge for the sound of Cream puff/Mermaid Girl.
Because of the directions of Halka P, I am proud of making this great song!
I look forward to seeing a lot of plays for this song!

Video Production Information

A wish sung by a lovely singing voice is hidden by the foamy waters.
Would you notice me?

I showed up out of the fleeting sweet and beautiful paradise.
Would you notice me?

But you'll not notice
Because it is a sad fairy tale ...

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BemaniWIKI and

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Normal Hyper Another Normal Hyper Another
Notecounts 295 500 856 1113 629 1003 1310
beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem→Present 3 5 8 10 6 8 11

pop'n music

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 296 488 839 1105 ? ?
pop'n music 20 fantasia 16 20 29 36 ? ?
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present ? ? ? ? ? ?