Beyond the Ave.

Revision as of 19:28, 3 August 2023 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

beyond the Ave.

Song Information

Artist: BEMANI Sound Team "SYUNN"
Composition/Arrangement: Shunsuke Sato
BPM: 135
Length: 1:44
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat beyond the Ave.
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes



  • beyond the Ave. is the main theme of jubeat beyond the Ave..
  • beyond the Ave.'s EXTREME chart will be selected via a chart writing contest that began on August 3rd, 2023 and will end on August 18th, 2023.
    • Charts submitted for the contest can be played for a limited time on jubeat (2021) during the dates mentioned above.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts N/A N/A N/A
jubeat (2021) N/A N/A N/A
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