
Song Information

Artist: .KoMoToMoK.
Composition/Lyrics: Ariko Shimada
Arrangement: ota2
Vocals: ToMo K.
Guitar/Chorus: Yoichi Hayashi
BPM: 130
Length: 1:51
pop'n music Genre: LONELY (ロンリー)
pop'n music Character: May-Fa [CS8]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 8 CS
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Lyrics from the full version of the song.










もし時間に迷えば 私の名前を呼んで…


Gin'iro no biru no mori mayoi konde
Deguchi wo sagashiteru
Suki tooru kaze ga tsumetaku suhada ni 
Togatte tsuki sasaru

Motto kantan ni nakeru hodo sunao ni narenai ne
Semete jibun wo daiji ni shite

Sabishige na yokogao utsumuite hohoenderu
Yasashisa wa kokoro ni tokete yuku
Ataerareta mono wo inochi no hikari ni kaete
Kagayaku sutoikku na tsuki ni naru

Mou sorosoro hitori de arukanakucha
Yume ni oitekareru

Motto jishin wo motteru kurai tsuyokereba ii no ni
Semete mou yowane wa tsukanai

Yodomanda machi no naka iki wo tsutsumarasenai you ni
Hikari wa sasayaka na kaze wo yobu
Anata ga kurayami de michi wo mi ushiwanu you ni
Watashi wo sasayaka na tsuki ni shite ...

Koori tsuiteru mayoi wo tsuyoku
Tokasu you ni daki shimete

Ataerareta mono wo inochi no hikari ni kaete
Kagayaku sutoikku na tsuki ni naru
Anata ga kurayami de michi wo mi ushiwanu you ni
Watashi wo sasayaka na tsuki ni shite ...

Moshi toki ni mayoeba watashi no namae wo yonde ...

Song Connections/Remixes

  • A long version of Artemis appears on the pop'n music 10 AC ♡ CS pop'n music 8 album.


  • Artemis' charts were made by Tatsuya Mizuno himself.

Music Comment

Ahh! The appearance of a hot and straight rock. Body moves spontaneously!?

Song Production Information

ToMo K.


I'm the vocalist, ToMo K.
This is my first time singing in pop'n music. *g* Nice to meet you. Haya-P was the recording director. He was really good! *g* He helped make it really fun.
He had lots of ideas for the chorus part too that made it sound a lot more gorgeous than the original recording. Please pay attention to the chorus, too~


(Lyrics and composition)

I'm the lyricist and composer, Ariko. This is my first time making music for pop'n. Nice to meet you. I was also at the recording session. Haya-P and ToMo were really cool! ... so my luck as a composer ran out. Their suggestions really made the song shine!!!
Thanks to Mr. Mizuno for the wonderful arrangement, and to all of you as well.


(Arrangement and note chart supervision)

This is a song by ".KoMoToMoK.". I guess I really like palindromes. One day, I was listening to the demo for this song, "Haya-P" said we should make a really great arrangement of this song. My heart beat a little bit faster, and I got to do the arrangement.

Anyway, getting to play with a song that you've never heard before is really exciting. It's kind of like when you're young, and ... "This year, I'll have my first sexual experience! What pressure~! Pop'n is the BEST!!" I basically got to have my way with this arrangement; it was a little scary at first, but I eventually got it into a sound I like. Great, isn't it? I guess. There's no Sympathy here this time. Well anyway I guess what I really want to do is pay close attention like there's an incredible melody living in this song. I really like the part right before the chorus.

The end


(Guitar and chorus arrangement assistance?)

When I first heard the demo, I thought, "Wow, the melody of the chorus is so [...]". It really makes you feel in the mood of the song ... so I really didn't get anywhere for a long time, so I wondered what it would be like if my number-one lonely-style (shouldn't that be moment-style!?) pal Mr. Mizuno arranged it? That's how he got the job. The part at the end that develops like a shower of questions is really nice.

We all thought about it there while we were recording the chorus, but there were just more and more of us, and in the end even the composer, Ariko, ended up participating. It seems almost like a gospel chorus somehow *g*

Character Information


Staff Comments


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 through Sunny Park.

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 133 254 485 545 341 544
pop'n music 8 CS 7 13 24 29 14 31
pop'n music 9 CS 7 ↓13 24 29 14 31