Song Information

Artist: good-cool ft. Florence
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: good-cool
Vocals: Florence
BPM: 160
Length: 1:59
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Lyrics are from the long version of the song. Only the first two sets of lyrics, as well as the chorus and the set of lyrics from "I..." to "conclusion", appear in the game cut.

What is on my mind and what is on your heart?
Who tells me an answer for the question?
Something makes a noise and worry in my brain
Straight right now don't tease me out

Time's just run away
And it seems so far away
Ain't just no way 4 me no way 2 go
I don't know what we will do

But, However...

Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time that I should be tough
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're lookin'
Tell me what you're feelin'

Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time I should be strong
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're thinkin'
Tell me what you're hidin'

I can make your wish and gotta make your chance
I gave up on finding this emotion
Every step you take and every move you make
There's nothin' else fill me out

We'll move on with our lives
I know it's not first to cry
Then you turn the right
I turn to the left
Get on the another way

But, However...
Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time that I make it right
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're lookin'
Tell me what you're feelin'

Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time I do it right
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're thinkin'
Tell me what you're hidin'

I... I... I... I... I'm in a daze and then I'm in solution
I... I... I... I... I'm in pieces and had a conclusion

Time's just run away
And it seems so far away
Ain't just no way 4 me no way 2 go
I don't know what we will do

But, However...

Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time that I should be tough
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're lookin'
Tell me what you're feelin'

Maybe I'm gonna be alright!!
This is the time that I should be strong
Baby I'm gonna be OK!!
Tell me what you're thinkin'
Tell me what you're hidin'

Song Connections/Remixes


Song Production Information


Video Production Information


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[[Category::IIDX AC Songs Never Removed]]