Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Song Information

Candy Girl's jacket.

Short Version

Artist: New Edition
Composition/Lyrics: Maurice Starr
Album: Candy Girl (1982)
BPM: 104 (DanceDanceRevolution), 103 (pop'n music)
Length: 1:52 (DanceDanceRevolution), 1:50 (pop'n music)
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution II
Other Music Game Appearances: None.

Full Version

Artist: New Edition
Composition/Lyrics: Maurice Starr
Album: Candy Girl (1982)
BPM: 104
Length: 3:39
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution II
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Only the lines marked with an asterisk (*) are present on the short version of Candy Girl.

* My girls like candy, a candy treat
  She knocks me hot up off me feet
  She's so fine as can be
  I know this girl is meant for me

  Candy Girl
  You are my world
  You look so sweet
  You're a special treat

  Candy girl
  All I want to say
  When you're with me
  You brighten up my day

  All I know
  When I'm with you
  You make me feel so good
  Through and through
  The way you walk
  And the way you talk
  You always look so good
  You make me forget my thoughts

  Do you really love me? (do you really love me?)
  Don't you really care? (don't you really care?)
  Do you really need me? (do you really need me?)
  And will you always be there?

  Every night
  And every day
  I'm always thinking of you
  In every way

  All I know
  When I'm with you
  You make me feel so good
  Through and through

  Candy girl
  You are my world
  You're everything, everything
  Everything to me

  Candy girl
  All I want to say
  I need your love
  Each and everyday

  Hey fellas
  Check out Mike & Bobby's little lady
  Ooh eeh
Well, check out Ricky & Ralph's
Ooh eeh
What about Ronnie's?
She's bad, she's bad
I know she's bad

She walks so fast, she looks so sweet
She makes my heart just skip a beat
My girl's the best and that's no lie
She tells me that I'm her only guy
That might be true but my girl's a joy
She don't play around, she's right to the point
My girl's like candy, a candy treat
She knocks me hot up off my feat

Ah candy
You look so sweet

Ah candy
You're a special treat

Candy (you're my candy)
Candy girl (candy)
Candy (you're my candy)
Candy girl (candy)

Candy girl
You are my world
I need your love
Each and everyday

Candy girl
All I want to say
You're everything, everything
Everything to me

Candy girl
You are my world
I need your love
Each and everyday

Candy girl

I need it, need it, need it, need it, need it everyday

Candy girl

Song Connections / Remixes



  • Candy Girl features its music video in the DanceDanceRevolution series, eliminating any on-screen dancers.
  • Complete data for Candy Girl can be found unused in pop'n music (Wii), including music and charts.

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
No difficulty ratings are shown for ポップンミュージック and its American/European counterparts.


Short Version

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 60 / 6 89 / 30 137 / 30 181 / 38 - / - / - - / - - / - - / - - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution II / hottest party5 2 5 6 8 - - - - -

Full Version

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 130 / 18 197 / 62 287 / 58 393 / 66 - / - / - 211 / 62 287 / 62 411 / 41 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution II / hottest party5 2 5 6 8 - 5 6 9 -

pop'n music

Game Game Type
1 Player 2 Player
Standard Challenge 1P 2P
Notecounts 104 140 121 121
pop'n music (Wii) (unreleased) N/A N/A N/A