Devil's Gear

Devil's Gear

Song Information

Artist: DJ Myosuke
Composition/Arrangement/Vocals: DJ Myosuke
BPM: 180
Length: 2:12
Movie: NAGI
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 23 copula
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes


  • Devil's Gear's ANOTHER charts were unlocked on December 10th, 2015.
  • Devil's Gear's video was produced by re-editing beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS's CYBER generic video.
  • Devil's Gear is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS as part of beatmania IIDX INFINITAS Music Pack vol.10 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.10).

Song Production Information

DJ Myosuke

Hello, I'm DJ Myosuke.
This is my second IIDX song.

This is a heavy, evil MAINSTREAM HARDCORE song.
It's a style close to the music genre called "Crossbreed", which also incorporates elements of darkstep.
Anyways, it was made intensely and evil, which was the original concept of the idea.
It's similar to the music I usually make, but I packed and developed more sounds so that it can be enjoyed in a music game.
I also secretly used my own screams...!
Have fun, thank you!

Video Production Information


When I was a student, I was hooked on fighting games.
Since then, I've always loved fighting girls.

I didn't have the chance to draw them in BEMANI, until Myosuke's grim and cool song arrived!!
Here it is!!! And suddently I had these five girls drawn in front of me.

The red girl in the middle is a member of the discipline committee, a senior member who beats up anyone who disturbs the school's order... the blue girl is one of the top 3 strongest in the school, but has a gentle heart that cares about the wild flowers... I thought about the setting and stories of each character while I was creating them.
It was a lot of fun~ ^^

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts - 548 1152 1793 - 573 1163 1782 -
beatmania IIDX 23 copula→Present - 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE - 6 10 12 - - - - -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS - 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -