HEART (Tokyo Gegegay)
This page is for the song HEART by 東京ゲゲゲイ. For the MEG song that appears in REFLEC BEAT, please see HEART.
Song Information
Artist: 東京ゲゲゲイ
Composition: MIKEY, Hideki Ataka
Arrangement: Hideki Ataka
Lyrics: MIKEY, Usagi Nakamura
Rap Lyrics: Reol
Vocals: Tokyo Gegegay
Album: キテレツメンタルワールド (2020)
BPM: 187
Length: 1:18
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat (2021)
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Yesterday's hope is today's dope Tomorrow's forecast Nothing gonna last All these broken dreams tearing at my seams Love's passion and flames soon turn cold and tame あともうちょっとで届かないロープ 叫んでるS.O.S リングの真ん中 破れた夢 何で繕う? 怒り?後悔?それともリベンジ? One twoで肩あげて ギリギリ two point nine 返せ 意地でも絶対に言わないギブアップ びしょ濡れのハート ダダ漏れのリグレット Hearts (hearts), hearts (hearts) この翼に風 吹かせられるのは ひたむきなハート 真っ直ぐに生きるハート
Yesterday's hope is today's dope Tomorrow's forecast Nothing gonna last All these broken dreams tearing at my seams Love's passion and flames soon turn cold and tame I'm a rope that's been stretched to the limit From the center of a life ring I scream How does one go about patching up a torn dream? Anger? Regret? Or is it revenge? One two my back's to the mat Two point nine up just in time Even when you're about to snap don't ever give up My heart is soaking wet Soaked from all this regret Hearts (hearts), hearts (hearts) But a wind keeps me afloat that ever-blowing breeze is A dedicated heart A straight and truthful heart Pure heart
Song Connections / Remixes
- HEART received a new song cut with a fade out on May 28th, 2021.
- An English version of HEART, titled HEART (English Ver.) was uploaded on 東京ゲゲゲイ's YouTube channel. It was later released as a digital single on July 28th, 2021.
- A ballad version, titled HEART (Ballade Ver.), can also be found on the same single.
Difficulty & Notecounts
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts | 99 | 199 | 360 |
jubeat (2021) | 1 | 5 | 8 |