Music Tatsujin Challenge

About the Music Tatsujin Challenge

What Is It?

The Music Tatsujin Challenge is a test of the contestants' music identification skills. The challenge is to identify a piece of music from a short sample, before anyone else does. The music samples are distributed ahead of time (in the file linked to above) but they are in individually passworded zips, and the passwords are given out one by one in the game. The host may also filter the samples (change their speed, pitch, reverse them, etc) to make it harder.

How Is It Played?

In the IRC channel, the host announces what number the next sample to hear will be, and then say its password. They also say whether it's filtered but that's all the info the players get. The players then immediately open the zip in Winzip, double click the MP3, and paste in the password to hear it.

The first person to respond with the song name will win a point - but here's the trick. For every additional piece of information players provide - game first appeared in (simply saying something like "6th" will do), genre or artist, they receive one additional point. But the additional information has to be on the same line as the title. In other words, players can't fire off the title right away first, and then say the other pieces of information afterwards. It has to be something like "V 5th TAKA Progressive" all at once, or any amount of those, provided the song title is among them - while the example before would earn 4 points, "V 5th" would get two and "V TAKA Progressive" or such would get three. Any combination.

So it's a gamble. Players can respond with the minimum amount of information right away and they're more likely to get your 1 point. Or they could respond with more information, and if they still end up first they could get up to quadruple their points - but they could also be beaten by someone who simply immediately names the song, and get nothing. So which do players do? Are they confident they've realised what the sample is far ahead enough of everyone else that they can afford to take the time to type up everything they know about it?

If nobody comes up with the answer for a few minutes the host will give out increasingly blatant hints until either someone gets it or the host gives up, insults the players' intelligence and moves on. To liven things up, sometimes after a particular piece of music is identified the host will ask a quick trivia question related to the music in some way - whoever correctly answers first will receive one additional point. Later versions of the Music Tatsujin Challenge included a few "followup" questions, in which an extra trivia question is given to the person who answered the initial trivia question correctly. If that player fails to answer correctly, anybody may give an answer.

MTC4 (the fourth Music Tatsujin Challenge event) used an experimental new way of playing the sound clips, using a Flash application that players kept open which would play the appropriate sound clips when the game host clicks the Next Song button on his or her "admin panel" (another Flash application). Aside from some minor technical glitches and the inevitable latency issues that occur when dealing with internet communication, the new Flash system worked relatively well. It is undecided which method the upcoming MTC5 will use.

Past Events

Music Tatsujin Challenge 1

(hosted by Xythar)


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  1. Songy - 26
  2. sanchny - 25
  3. PkerUNO - 13
  4. Daisuke-Niwa - 9
  5. DragoonRaven - 2
  6. Azure - 1

Music Tatsujin Challenge 2

(hosted by Xythar)


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  1. rmz - 17
  2. MazriM_TaiM - 16
  3. Team_Ragnarok - 11
  4. sanchny - 9
  5. Daisuke-Niwa - 9
  6. djHaQ - 9
  7. PkerUNO - 5
  8. kappaiidx - 3
  9. Lux - 2

Music Tatsujin Challenge 3

(hosted by rmz)


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  1. Xythar - 22
  2. Daisuke-Niwa - 19
  3. Ryujin - 18
  4. djHaQ - 9
  5. Songy - 9
  6. TheKnightOfNee - 7
  7. PkerUNO - 5
  8. chickensnack - 3
  9. Remy - 2
  10. Lux - 1

Music Tatsujin Challenge 4

(hosted by rmz)


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  1. Miz - 17
  2. Sakurina - 15
  3. Ryujin - 12
  4. Xythar - 10
  5. MazriM_TaiM - 8
  6. Daisuke-Niwa - 8
  7. mpq - 7
  8. chickensnack - 6
  9. VgameT - 4
  10. SiKrAiKeN - 3
  11. sanchny - 3