Music Tatsujin Challenge 3 Log

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Session Start: Sat Apr 09 09:59:15 2005
Session Ident: #vjarmy
[09:59] * Now talking in #vjarmy
[09:59] * Topic is 'MUSIC TATSUJIN CHALLENGE ROUND 3: ��4please download the zip if you haven't yet -�'
[09:59] * Set by rmz on Sat Apr 09 10:41:59
[09:59] <rmz> Let me link ya
[09:59] <Ryujin> And we get points for song, artist, style, genre.
[09:59] <Ryujin> Mainly song.
[09:59] <Xythar> psyched!!!
[09:59] <rmz> You get 1 point for each of those 4 things you say
[09:59] <rmz> BUT
[09:59] <rmz> If someone answers before you while you were typing out those things they get the points
[09:59] <rmz> and you get none
[09:59] <Ryujin> Only the 1st person get points.
[09:59] <rmz> So speed is usually preferred
[09:59] * djHaQ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by: djHakku))�)
[09:59] * djHakku has joined #vjarmy
[09:59] <Ryujin> Yeah, I'm aware.
[09:59] * djHakku is now known as djHaQ
[09:59] <rmz> Last game it was almost ALL just song names
[10:00] <Ryujin> That sucks.
[10:00] <Daisuke-Niwa> but i scored 3 points on thunder :D
[10:00] <rmz> Unless you were sure you were the only person that knew it so you could take your time
[10:00] * PkerUNO has joined #vjarmy
[10:00] <Ryujin> I'd like to whip out Forktronica sometime.
[10:00] <rmz> I got 3 on Love Me Do too :D
[10:00] <Xythar> goodgood
[10:00] <PkerUNO> 5 MINUTE???
[10:00] <rmz> haha
[10:00] <PkerUNO> I though it was in an hour o_O
[10:00] <rmz> daylight savings changed last weekend Pker
[10:00] <PkerUNO> aaaah
[10:00] <rmz> I mentioned that in the thread to Xythar, sorry I didn't specifically mention you
[10:00] <rmz> :P
[10:00] <PkerUNO> :D
[10:00] <Xythar> requesting halftime at 25 so I can eat breakfast
[10:00] <rmz> We can wait until you get ready though
[10:00] <rmz> Sure
[10:00] <Ryujin> What time is it in Australia?
[10:00] <PkerUNO> let me get set up :)
[10:01] <Xythar> 10am
[10:01] <rmz> Like 15 min like last time?
[10:01] <Xythar> sounds good
[10:01] <rmz> okay, let's wait 5-10 min for everyone
[10:01] <Ryujin> Sounds fine.
[10:01] <rmz> You want me to post the log, Xyth, or will you?
[10:01] <PkerUNO> I'm watching Open Your Eyes with my mum so for at least an hour I've got Official Permission(tm)
[10:01] <rmz> :D
[10:01] <Xythar> i woke up not long ago after waking up and going back to sleep over and over with a weird dream about Mr T becoming God or something
[10:01] <Xythar> I'll log it
[10:01] <rmz> haha
[10:01] <PkerUNO> hahaha
[10:01] <rmz> okay
[10:02] <rmz> Okay, guys, before we start I have a few things I need to go over
[10:02] <rmz> That are different from last time
[10:02] <djHaQ> lollipops
[10:02] <rmz> But we'll wait a few minutes
[10:02] <Xythar> he like, went insane and raised the universe to another plane of existence or such
[10:02] <rmz> so wait
[10:02] <PkerUNO> oooooook
[10:02] <PkerUNO> aaaaaaaaall right
[10:02] <rmz> Mr.T the musician or Mr. T the "I pity the fool"
[10:02] <Xythar> the former
[10:02] <rmz> damn
[10:02] <rmz> it should've been both
[10:02] <rmz> the new A-Team with Mr.T and Mr.T
[10:03] <Ryujin> Nah, too much confusion.
[10:03] <Ryujin> You'd probably have to go w/Ucchie or something for the former.
[10:03] <rmz> haha
[10:03] <devomania> Or BA Baracus for the latter.
[10:03] <rmz> But then it wouldn't be funny :(
[10:03] <rmz> brb
[10:03] <chickensnack> okay now that i've AAAd somebody like you I think i'm ready for this TATSUJIN CHALLENGE
[10:03] <Ryujin> THAT's his real name?
[10:03] <devomania> Nah, that was his name on the A-Team.
[10:03] <PkerUNO> "Open Your Eyes" is a brilliant film by the way
[10:03] <devomania> I think.
[10:04] <PkerUNO> much better than Vanilla Sky
[10:04] <Ryujin> Open Your Eyes is the film that spawned it, right?
[10:04] <Xythar> it was Spanish or something
[10:04] <chickensnack> ABRE LOS OJOS
[10:04] <PkerUNO> yes
[10:04] <Xythar> last night I A'd somebody like you another
[10:05] <Xythar> I was pleased
[10:05] <PkerUNO> oh
[10:05] <djHaQ> y'ever sleep for like an hour
[10:05] <PkerUNO> I beat your kakumei score :P
[10:05] <Xythar> all the damn time
[10:05] <djHaQ> I feel like shit... woohoo!
[10:05] <chickensnack> I can FC somebody like you every time... except the one time i AAA it
[10:05] <chickensnack> probably got nervous and messed up
[10:05] <Xythar> that's how I remember bizarre dreams in the first place
[10:05] <chubs> what is the tatsujin challenge?
[10:05] <Xythar> everyone plays V 15 times in a row
[10:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> yep
[10:05] <Xythar> no wait, that's what I did yesterday
[10:05] <Ryujin> I finally got the pic up for this one..
[10:05] <Ryujin>
[10:06] <djHaQ> high-paced music decrypting trivia
[10:06] <Xythar> fast-paced
[10:06] <Ryujin> LOW-paced?
[10:06] <moondabor> HIGH-paced.
[10:06] <PkerUNO> medium-paced
[10:06] <djHaQ> oh damn
[10:06] <Xythar> ACT-paced
[10:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> basically a test to see who extracts and types the fastest without making mistakes
[10:06] <Ryujin> LAB-paced
[10:06] <rmz> haha
[10:06] <rmz> no
[10:06] <rmz> I have a lot more bonus questions this time
[10:06] <PkerUNO> LAB
[10:06] <PkerUNO> LAB
[10:06] <PkerUNO> LAB
[10:06] <rmz> So it'll be a little more fair
[10:06] <Xythar> I hate ACT's notes
[10:06] <rmz> hopefully
[10:07] <PkerUNO> RISLIM -REMIX-
[10:07] <chickensnack> do you know when we're going to start?
[10:07] <PkerUNO> RISLIM -REMIX-
[10:07] <PkerUNO> RISLIM -REMIX-
[10:07] <chickensnack> I'd like to run and grab some food
[10:07] <Daisuke-Niwa> MazriM_TaiM wasnt too good on not making mistakes
[10:07] <Xythar> it doesn't have anywhere near as hard an ending as LAB but the notes are really awkward
[10:07] <rmz> Um
[10:07] <Ryujin> ACT is way more fun for me than LAB.
[10:07] <Xythar> I'm not too good either here
[10:07] <rmz> Within a few minutes
[10:07] <Xythar> get food at halftime
[10:07] <rmz> Can you wait like an hour Chickensnack?  We'll have a short halftime
[10:07] <chickensnack> sure
[10:07] <Xythar> right now I am trying to get into the best position for speed typing
[10:07] <chubs> what is the tatsujin challenge?
[10:07] <Xythar> I'm not used to my keyboard being in this position on this desk :/
[10:08] <rmz> It's a music trivia game basically chubs
[10:08] <PkerUNO> my responses will probably be slower than usual for the first half
[10:08] <chubs> oh that thing
[10:08] <rmz> haha
[10:08] <PkerUNO> on account of the film :P
[10:08] <Xythar> dong-tepo no. 1 dj nagureo techno 3rd
[10:08] <rmz> OK so
[10:08] <rmz> Shall we get things started?
[10:08] <djHaQ> EXE
[10:08] <chubs> mods 2tone love and zest 9
[10:08] <Xythar> yes let's
[10:08] <PkerUNO> oki
[10:08] <Ryujin> New rules, then?
[10:08] <rmz> USUAL DAYS
[10:08] <Lux> Aer you going to do the +v business?
[10:08] <rmz> anyway
[10:08] <rmz> nah
[10:09] <Xythar> love and zest is kiddy from kiddy & sunshine lovers
[10:09] <rmz> That was a pain last time with Pker's great connection
[10:09] <Lux> haha
[10:09] <PkerUNO> hahaha
[10:09] <Lux> HIGHER
[10:09] <PkerUNO> SORRY :P
[10:09] <PkerUNO> BLAME SLAKE
[10:09] <rmz> ANYWAY
[10:09] <Xythar> so what are you doing, pker, you've got the laptop quietly open during a movie
[10:09] <rmz> here's the jist guys, in case someone here hasn't played before
[10:09] <djHaQ> drop the bass boom dng digi dng digidngdng getzbuq90uwqiopqioejdl BOOM dngnidngindin
[10:09] <PkerUNO> haha, no
[10:09] <PkerUNO> it's in full view
[10:10] <chubs> Xythar; is this one gonna have popn in it again?
[10:10] <Xythar> ask rmz
[10:10] <rmz> no
[10:10] <rmz> I'm hosting this time anyway
[10:10] <chubs> damn
[10:10] <rmz> all IIDX
[10:10] <chubs> weak
[10:10] <Lux> oooook practice?
[10:10] <Xythar> pker is the James Bond of IRC games
[10:10] <rmz> yeah
[10:10] <Xythar> or whatever other kind of secret agent there is
[10:10] <rmz> A quick overview of the rules for any newbies
[10:10] <PkerUNO> lol
[10:10] <PkerUNO> :D
[10:10] <chickensnack> I'm such a newbie
[10:10] <rmz> �I will give out a password to one of the zip files at a time
[10:10] <Lux> Title needs more GRANDEUR
[10:10] <Xythar> he's tom cruise suspended from the ceiling on a rope using IRC on the computer terminal without touching the floor
[10:11] <PkerUNO> :D:D:D
[10:11] <rmz> �You will then use it to open the file and listen to the MP3 contained
[10:11] <chubs> i like a sundae even on a monday
[10:11] <devomania> Will the passwords be given in order (1,2,3)?
[10:11] <rmz> Devo - yes.
[10:11] <djHaQ> usually that's how it works
[10:11] <PkerUNO> this channel will self-destruct in 5 seconds
[10:11] <devomania> Okay, cool.
[10:11] <rmz> 1 through 50
[10:11] <djHaQ> ohshi
[10:11] <rmz> We'll do the practice ZIP in a minute so you get how it works
[10:12] <Xythar> I need the ripped HAPPY SKY location test MP3s and Pop'n Music 12 secret songs
[10:12] <rmz> �The first person to respond with the correct song name (plus the artist, genre, or style it first appeared in) will get points
[10:12] <djHaQ> uh-oh
[10:12] <Xythar> that stuff which setzer and anyone else who's down on BMS has and nobody else does :(
[10:12] <rmz> �Typos are generally not accepted, but case doesn't matter
[10:12] <djHaQ> showa akigyo whjatever
[10:12] <Ryujin> What about long romanized titles?
[10:12] <Xythar> showa kigyo senshi arayama kachou
[10:12] <Xythar> i'm ready and going
[10:12] <rmz> A good approximation is fine
[10:13] <rmz> �There are more bonus questions this time, which anyone can answer for one extra point
[10:13] <Songy> oh whoa I almost missed this
[10:13] <rmz> �There are a couple followup bonus questions that are given after a few bonus questions
[10:13] <PkerUNO> excellent
[10:13] <Xythar> who wants to bet our player numbers will double halfway through
[10:13] <djHaQ> Music Tatsujin Challenge in -900secs.
[10:13] <Daisuke-Niwa> wait
[10:13] <chubs> i'll take that bet
[10:13] <chubs> fifty bucksw
[10:13] <chubs> *bucks
[10:13] <rmz> �For those, whoever won the bonus question will get an EXTRA question just for them
[10:13] <Songy> OKAY IM READY
[10:13] <Daisuke-Niwa> is MazriM_TaiM attending this one?
[10:13] <PkerUNO> aaah :)
[10:13] <Xythar> interesting
[10:13] <Ryujin> As long as I don't see Azure, I'm happy.
[10:13] <rmz> �For another bonus point
[10:13] <Xythar> where's Azure :( :( :( :( :(
[10:14] <rmz> �If they can't answer it, anybody can take it after I say so
[10:14] <Songy> team chubs-songy will win
[10:14] <rmz> We banned him last time Xythar
[10:14] <chubs> no
[10:14] <rmz> haha
[10:14] <chubs> i dont have speakers
[10:14] <Songy> gay
[10:14] <Xythar> when?
[10:14] <rmz> last week
[10:14] <djHaQ> If Azure is here don't induce him to leave.
[10:14] <Xythar> did I miss this?
[10:14] <rmz> I think so
[10:14] * Retrieving #vjarmy info...
[10:14] <rmz> He talked to us for like an hour after you left
[10:14] <djHaQ> oh right
[10:14] <djHaQ> woops
[10:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> he called us all idiots that have nothing better to do than IIDX
[10:14] <Ryujin> That's fine, he just better not go all OCD
[10:14] <Lux>
[10:14] <Xythar> was it a random argument?
[10:14] <djHaQ> best image
[10:14] <rmz> not really
[10:15] <PkerUNO> hahahahaha :D
[10:15] <djHaQ> So...
[10:15] <Xythar> I need logs posted of this
[10:15] <rmz> Anyway
[10:15] <rmz> MOVING ON
[10:15] <rmz> We can hook you up Xythar 
[10:15] <djHaQ> I think there was one.
[10:15] <Xythar> goodgood
[10:15] <Lux> He started getting hostile and lashing out at people for not understanding his moral structure, or something.
[10:15] <rmz> �Every question this time is from IIDX
[10:15] <chubs> gay
[10:15] <rmz> �Let's begin with the practice archive.
[10:15] <djHaQ> heh
[10:15] <rmz> �The password is
[10:15] <rmz> �SwA+bd+HytgTfSQC
[10:16] <Xythar> You have successfully opened the practice archive!
[10:16] <Songy> You have successfully opened the practice archive!
[10:16] <Lux> You have successfully opened the practice archive!
[10:16] <Daisuke-Niwa> You have successfully opened the practice archive!
[10:16] <Xythar> who own
[10:16] <Xythar> won
[10:16] <PkerUNO> ditto
[10:16] <djHaQ> Azure: "I hate random. It doesn't work with my religion."
[10:16] <djHaQ> god damn I lose don't I
[10:16] <rmz> way to go xythar
[10:16] <chickensnack> ah
[10:16] <rmz> Xythar gets 10000 points
[10:16] <rmz> �oh
[10:16] <rmz> �one thing I forgot to mention
[10:16] <chickensnack> my notepad program is all messed up so it looked like it wasn't working
[10:16] <rmz> �The high-score list command this time around is !hof
[10:16] <chickensnack> hooray.
[10:16] <Ryujin> I can't copy the password down
[10:16] <rmz> �for "hall of fame"
[10:16] <Lux> !hof
[10:16] <Songy> !hof
[10:16] <rmz> Ryujin - are you using mIRC?
[10:17] <djHaQ> yay script
[10:17] <Ryujin> erm, yes
[10:17] <chickensnack> !hof
[10:17] <Lux> just highlight it
[10:17] <rmz> drag a box across the password
[10:17] <rmz> It'll automatically copy it
[10:17] <Ryujin> Ah, cool
[10:17] <Daisuke-Niwa> when you highlight something, it automatically copies it to the clipboard
[10:17] <Xythar> shit I was always pressing ctrl c afterwards
[10:17] <rmz> haha
[10:17] <Ryujin> Awesome, ok.
[10:17] <djHaQ> right no need
[10:17] <Ryujin> thanks.
[10:17] <rmz> Got it?
[10:17] <Lux> i learned that the hard way... i highlight text arbitrarily as i read XD
[10:17] <rmz> okay, is everyone ready to start?
[10:18] <rmz> Anyone need more time?
[10:18] <Xythar> I want a script that automatically grabs pws to the clipboard
[10:18] <djHaQ> o/
[10:18] <Ryujin> Sure.
[10:18] <Songy> LETS GO LADIES
[10:18] <Xythar> i'm fine
[10:18] <chickensnack> ready
[10:18] <devomania> Ready.
[10:18] <PkerUNO> ok
[10:18] <rmz> okay
[10:18] <rmz> �#1 - unfiltered
[10:18] <rmz> �Password is
[10:18] <rmz> �g6K7fT7esfBzbgT3
[10:18] <Songy> bad boy
[10:18] <Lux> Bad Boy
[10:18] <Xythar> bad boy
[10:18] <djHaQ> bah
[10:18] <Ryujin> dammit
[10:18] * chubs has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[10:18] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:18] <rmz> Nice job.
[10:18] <chickensnack> stupid itunes >:l
[10:18] <rmz> �Bonus question
[10:18] <rmz> �to anyone
[10:18] <Lux> I'm lsited first on mine. :(
[10:18] <Xythar> i was going to type in bad boy bass for a sec :)
[10:19] <rmz> �Vivi is the name of a vocalist.  Who actually composes the music for Vivi's songs?
[10:19] <Ryujin> iyiyim
[10:19] <Daisuke-Niwa> shoichiro hirata
[10:19] <Xythar> that one is DJ SWAN
[10:19] <Xythar> the one in 6th is Taka
[10:19] <djHaQ> UHOH
[10:19] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:19] <rmz> haha
[10:19] <rmz> I thought it was Taka for all of them
[10:19] <djHaQ> trick questions
[10:19] <rmz> Xythar wins for correcting me.
[10:19] <Ryujin> *smacks head*
[10:19] <rmz> my mistake
[10:19] <Ryujin> IIDX only..
[10:19] <djHaQ> nono
[10:19] <rmz> There aren't any more like that, haha
[10:19] <djHaQ> it was that one guy after taka etc.
[10:19] * Thunderbird thought you checked your answers ;)
[10:19] <rmz> I'm sure about the rest of them
[10:19] <djHaQ> give me a point too
[10:20] <rmz> haha
[10:20] <Xythar> DJ Swan did about all the dance pop in 3rd :)
[10:20] * Songy hands djHaQ a banana buck
[10:20] <Ryujin> ANYWAY.
[10:20] <rmz> ANYWAY
[10:20] <devomania> One sec, I'm not sure how to C+P. I have mIRC and the highlighting isn't working.
[10:20] <rmz> Oh, hold on guys
[10:20] <Lux> we went over this
[10:20] <rmz> �(17:50:45) Remy Phone: I'm 5 minutes from home
[10:20] <Lux> oh, nevermind
[10:20] <djHaQ> highlight the text and voila no neet to hit ctrl
[10:20] <Xythar> will do
[10:20] <rmz> �(17:51:12) Remy Phone: Apologize to everyone for me
[10:21] <Songy> NOT FORGIVEN
[10:21] <rmz> so let's wait for Mr. Remy
[10:21] <Ryujin> Cripes, I knew Vivi was PART of Iyiyim...
[10:21] <djHaQ> god damn it
[10:21] <chickensnack> I think
[10:21] <Xythar> the vivi from iyiyim credit is in guitarfreaks I think
[10:21] <chickensnack> I will run and get food because i am starving
[10:21] <devomania> Got it. Thanks.
[10:21] <chickensnack> BRBRBRB
[10:21] <Xythar> sweet illusion
[10:21] <Ryujin> Yeah, I don't know why I thought that
[10:21] <devomania> !hof
[10:21] <Ryujin> I took the question as "Vivi's music composer"
[10:22] <Ryujin> Not "Composers from Bad Boy and Kotti Wo Muiteyo"
[10:22] <rmz> Sorry guys, yeah, that question was a little confusing
[10:22] <rmz> The rest are good, promise :D
[10:22] <rmz> fine, fair enough
[10:22] <Ryujin> No, don't sweat it
[10:22] <rmz> Shall we disqualify that bonus question?
[10:22] <Xythar> no :(
[10:22] <Ryujin> No, don't worry about it.
[10:23] <Ryujin> I need to not be dumb, that's all
[10:23] <rmz> haha
[10:23] <rmz> Fine :3
[10:23] <Xythar> what is :3?
[10:23] <Xythar> ballsmouth?
[10:23] <rmz> haha
[10:23] <Xythar> some kind of whale?
[10:23] <djHaQ> JEWS DID WTC
[10:23] <djHaQ> :o
[10:23] <Songy> anime kitty face?
[10:23] <rmz> It's supposed to be a smug smile I think
[10:23] <Xythar> zoidberg?
[10:23] <rmz> I personally l ike it as being Zoidberg
[10:23] <rmz> but either way
[10:23] <Xythar> <3 = asscone
[10:23] <PkerUNO> colon three?
[10:23] <Lux> :E
[10:23] <Ryujin> Hooray for Zoidberg
[10:23] <Lux> that is zoidberg
[10:24] <Xythar> BAD BOY BAAAAASBY
[10:24] <Xythar> Dance NRG
[10:24] <chickensnack> BACK
[10:24] * chubs has joined #vjarmy
[10:24] <chubs> did i win?
[10:24] <PkerUNO> yes
[10:24] <Songy> get out
[10:24] <djHaQ> OK REMY IS HERE
[10:25] <Xythar> remy is this true
[10:25] <Ryujin> The Ragin' Cajun himself.
[10:25] <Xythar> why doesn't my phone have its own SN?
[10:25] <Remy> Give me one sec, guys
[10:25] <djHaQ> yessss it's truuuuueeeeeeee
[10:25] <Songy> well chubs
[10:25] <djHaQ> I aaaam the tooth fairyyyy
[10:25] <rmz> Remy, if you want the password for #1
[10:25] <Songy> I got the first one
[10:25] <Lux> I put the screw in the tuna.
[10:25] <rmz> it was
[10:25] <rmz> �g6K7fT7esfBzbgT3
[10:26] <Songy> I
[10:26] <Songy> PUT THE SCREW
[10:26] <Songy> IN THE TUNA
[10:26] <Xythar> what you don't know is that my password generator script records all the passwords it generates in a file on my server
[10:26] <Xythar> j/k
[10:26] <rmz> hahaha
[10:26] <Xythar> but you're lucky I'm trustworthy
[10:26] <PkerUNO> sure you are
[10:26] <Songy> I
[10:26] <rmz> D
[10:26] <rmz> AMAZING
[10:26] <Songy> PUT THE SCREW
[10:26] <Songy> IN THE TUNA
[10:26] <Xythar> yes
[10:26] <PkerUNO> :P
[10:26] <Xythar> #2 is 100% minimoo-G
[10:26] <rmz> haha
[10:26] <Ryujin> So... don't use the server.
[10:26] <rmz> No Happy Sky songs, sorry :(
[10:27] <rmz> 1st through RED, though
[10:27] <rmz> Oh, in case you guys were curious
[10:27] <Lux> Only one I've heard is Captivate
[10:27] <Xythar> actually it premiered on Beatmania Obscure Edition 5 which was only released for four minutes in April 1999
[10:27] <rmz> �If you want to name the style something came from, I will accept either its AC style or the first CS style it appeared on
[10:27] <Xythar> i know these things because I am cool
[10:27] <Remy> Okay, I'm good
[10:27] <djHaQ> happy sky is a hoax :o
[10:27] <Songy> GOGOGOGOGO NR20 GL HF
[10:27] <Xythar> so cool I don't capitalise all my is
[10:27] <Lux> Let's pickle
[10:27] <rmz> haha
[10:27] <rmz> okay #2
[10:27] <rmz> �#2
[10:27] <rmz> �password is
[10:27] <rmz> �+mF+drJQZy+a646n
[10:27] <djHaQ> R5
[10:27] <PkerUNO> r5
[10:27] <Songy> karma
[10:27] <Xythar> filtered?
[10:28] <Songy> damn
[10:28] <Ryujin> r5
[10:28] <PkerUNO> damn
[10:28] <chubs> r2
[10:28] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:28] <Xythar> guess not
[10:28] <rmz> oh sorry
[10:28] <chubs> oh well
[10:28] <rmz> I'll say in the future
[10:28] <Ryujin> Damn you guys are fast w/C+Ping
[10:28] * devomania has left #vjarmy
[10:28] <rmz> �If I don't say "filtered", assume it's not
[10:28] <chubs> so wheres the bonus question?
[10:28] <Xythar> okay
[10:28] <rmz> here it is
[10:28] <rmz> �Bonus question
[10:28] <rmz> �What is "remix name" given to the slightly longer "Another" 
[10:28] <rmz> version of R5?
[10:28] <Xythar> ska-ana mix
[10:28] <djHaQ> ska-ana mix
[10:28] <Songy> ska-ana mix
[10:28] <PkerUNO> ana-ska
[10:28] <Ryujin> Ana-ska
[10:28] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:28] <chickensnack> nascar
[10:28] <Xythar> frankly I fail to see where the ska is
[10:28] <chubs> i totally knew that
[10:28] <PkerUNO> lol
[10:28] <Songy> NO IM LOSING
[10:29] <djHaQ> 11 second piano roll woo
[10:29] <Ryujin> Wha?
[10:29] <Ryujin> That roll is TOTALLY ska
[10:29] <Lux> OI OI OI
[10:29] * Songy is going to stop boasting
[10:29] <Ryujin> All 30+ seconds of it
[10:29] <chubs> my computer is being slow
[10:29] <djHaQ> 11
[10:29] <rmz> �okay, #3
[10:29] <rmz> �filtered
[10:29] <rmz> �password is
[10:29] <rmz> �ejFU3jT+T2eTb+xf
[10:29] <chickensnack> DXY!
[10:29] <Xythar> heartbeat?
[10:29] <djHaQ> okay now wtf
[10:29] <Ryujin> blocks sparker red
[10:29] <chubs> breath sparker red
[10:29] <Songy> symbolic
[10:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> setsugekka 10th ryu*
[10:30] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �3��0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[10:30] <Daisuke-Niwa> WOOT
[10:30] <djHaQ> what the gay
[10:30] <Xythar> yikes
[10:30] <Ryujin> ooh.
[10:30] <Ryujin> yeah, now I hear it.
[10:30] <Lux> I can hear the Gee-yo-o-ho thing
[10:30] <Ryujin> Damn.
[10:30] <djHaQ> hmm
[10:30] <chubs> ok bonus question
[10:30] <chickensnack> sounded dxy-y to me :l
[10:30] <rmz> Shut up, chubs, haha
[10:30] <chubs> :D
[10:30] <rmz> �#4
[10:30] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:30] <rmz> �password is
[10:30] <rmz> �z+FbSycHj6thVTCo
[10:30] <Daisuke-Niwa> small clone
[10:30] <Xythar> junglist king
[10:31] <Songy> more move
[10:31] <Songy> fuck
[10:31] <djHaQ> Daisuke-Niwa damn
[10:31] <Xythar> wait yeah what he said
[10:31] <Ryujin> dammit.
[10:31] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[10:31] <chubs> safari
[10:31] <PkerUNO> small clone :(
[10:31] <chubs> ok
[10:31] <Ryujin> Shit man.
[10:31] <Remy> I can't even get these open fast enough
[10:31] <djHaQ> why was I thinking 8
[10:31] <Xythar> have the password box already open remy
[10:31] <Remy> I do
[10:31] <rmz> Yeah, it pays to come up with a system
[10:31] <Ryujin> sigh.
[10:31] <chubs> so how many bonus questions will there be?
[10:31] <Ryujin> bonus?
[10:31] <rmz> hmm
[10:31] <djHaQ> lots
[10:31] <rmz> no
[10:31] <rmz> I will say when there is one
[10:31] <djHaQ> redraw lots... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[10:32] <rmz> Anyway �#5
[10:32] <chubs> toybox 9
[10:32] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:32] <rmz> �password is
[10:32] <rmz> �WzfFvEo+eHX+RAuf
[10:32] <PkerUNO> traces
[10:32] <Xythar> traces
[10:32] <Lux> traces taq
[10:32] <Xythar> WZTF
[10:32] <ScoreBot> ��11,1PkerUNO��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:32] <Songy> freaks
[10:32] <Ryujin> ?!?
[10:32] <djHaQ> wow thx speakers
[10:32] <Ryujin> How the crap did you figure that out.
[10:32] <Xythar> listen to traces alot
[10:32] <PkerUNO> played it today :)
[10:32] <Lux> i played it like an hour ago
[10:32] <Songy> traces is a shitty song bye
[10:32] <chickensnack> what a poignant melody
[10:32] <Xythar> I played it like a month ago
[10:32] <rmz> �Bonus question
[10:32] <PkerUNO> traces is GREAT
[10:32] <PkerUNO> fool
[10:32] <Lux> went from a c to an a on the another XD
[10:33] <rmz> �What is the name of TaQ's live concert album that features the long version of traces on it?
[10:33] <Xythar> it's on 7th tho
[10:33] <djHaQ> bounce
[10:33] <PkerUNO> uh...
[10:33] <Lux> Bounce Connected
[10:33] <Xythar> bounce connected
[10:33] <chubs> bounce conew iosfd
[10:33] <Xythar> arse.
[10:33] <Xythar> :P
[10:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> bounce.connected
[10:33] <Songy> ongaq stromatolite
[10:33] <chubs> man
[10:33] <Ryujin> You gusy suck.
[10:33] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Lux��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:33] <djHaQ> oh album I see
[10:33] <chubs> you should make more questions that only i know the answer too
[10:33] * TheKnightOfNee has joined #vjarmy
[10:33] <Lux> HYPONOTHEQUE
[10:33] <TheKnightOfNee> OMG I just woke up
[10:33] <TheKnightOfNee> Where are we?
[10:33] <Xythar> you spelt it wrong
[10:33] <djHaQ> smarrrr crrrrooone
[10:33] <rmz> Haha
[10:33] <Ryujin> Hypnotheque rocks.
[10:33] <rmz> We're only on #6 now
[10:33] <TheKnightOfNee> whoo!
[10:33] <djHaQ> yay diverse
[10:33] <rmz> out of 50
[10:33] <Lux> hypo. haha
[10:34] <rmz> We can give you a minute or two if you want
[10:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[10:34] <TheKnightOfNee> Eh, keep going
[10:34] <Xythar> !hof
[10:34] <rmz> !hof
[10:34] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 has the best score of�11,1 �4��0 ;�11,1 �Xythar��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �1��0;
[10:34] <Ryujin> !hof
[10:34] <Remy> rmz, next time
[10:34] <Remy> I'll give you access to the icecast reflector. :P
[10:34] <rmz> Okay :P
[10:34] <rmz> haha
[10:34] <TheKnightOfNee> I'm gonna go to the bathroom and grab some food, I'll just hop in in a minute
[10:34] <rmz> Cool :D
[10:34] <Remy> Little more sporting that way
[10:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> what is genre of setsugekka?
[10:34] <rmz> okay
[10:34] <rmz> Shall we move on them
[10:34] <Ryujin> Hard House.
[10:34] <Songy> hard house
[10:34] <Xythar> that seems unfairer to 56ks
[10:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> k
[10:34] <Remy> Xythar: Not if it's low bandwidth streaming
[10:34] <Lux> 6 yet
[10:34] <rmz> Haha
[10:34] <Xythar> ah
[10:35] <rmz> Remy
[10:35] <rmz> You forget my connection
[10:35] <PkerUNO> it's a good idea actually
[10:35] <Remy> rmz
[10:35] <djHaQ> 1dao
[10:35] <rmz> Low-bandwidth is never low bandwidth enough
[10:35] <Remy> You forget MY connection
[10:35] <Xythar> well, I use DSL so I can use it
[10:35] <Remy> MWAHAHAHA
[10:35] <Remy> Wait
[10:35] <Remy> n/m
[10:35] <rmz> But I mean
[10:35] <PkerUNO> last half-hour of film :P
[10:35] <chickensnack> hooray for T3
[10:35] <rmz> I have like a 8kbps upstream
[10:35] <rmz> so
[10:35] <djHaQ> music tatsujin has been delayed
[10:35] <Xythar> 32 :D
[10:35] <rmz> ANYWAY
[10:35] <rmz> let's move on
[10:35] <Xythar> rettsugo
[10:35] <rmz> �#6
[10:35] <rmz> �filtered
[10:35] <rmz> �password is
[10:35] <rmz> �Uj+mNxYn5JBRUMhf
[10:36] <Xythar> what
[10:36] <djHaQ> oh god
[10:36] <Remy> Make Your Move
[10:36] <Xythar> shit I know this
[10:36] <Ryujin> checking you out good-cool
[10:36] <Xythar> that could be it
[10:36] <Remy> Flash Of Love
[10:36] <PkerUNO> mobo moga?
[10:36] <chubs> honey goodcool 9th
[10:36] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Remy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:36] <Xythar> right right
[10:36] <Xythar> :/
[10:36] <rmz> wooo remy
[10:36] <djHaQ> what one
[10:36] * Remy does the Mickin' pose
[10:36] <rmz> Flash of Love
[10:36] <djHaQ> bah
[10:36] <Songy> damn 5th
[10:36] <chubs> man
[10:36] <rmz> �#7
[10:37] <Xythar> I feel like an idiot for not getting that
[10:37] <rmz> �also filtered
[10:37] <chubs> i wouldn't have gotten that even if i did have speakers
[10:37] <rmz> �password is
[10:37] <rmz> �CQSfTgtyHcdbxAwS
[10:37] <Xythar> moon_child
[10:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> moon_child
[10:37] <djHaQ> murmur twins
[10:37] <Songy> murmur twins
[10:37] <djHaQ> bah
[10:37] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:37] <djHaQ> O_o
[10:37] <djHaQ> yay
[10:37] <Ryujin> I could've sworn it'd be moon child.
[10:37] <TheKnightOfNee> wow, that was fast
[10:37] <rmz> It's the beginning of murmur twins in reverse
[10:37] <Songy> stop being fast typers
[10:37] <Ryujin> Ah right, it can be reversed too
[10:37] <djHaQ> oh okay
[10:37] <Xythar> i need like 1 more second to think on these :(
[10:37] <PkerUNO> hey
[10:38] <djHaQ> setting to 1WPM
[10:38] <PkerUNO> to make things fair
[10:38] <rmz> �bonus question
[10:38] <Xythar> moon_child must be murmur twins in reverse
[10:38] <chubs> yay
[10:38] <Xythar> i've uncovered the plot
[10:38] <PkerUNO> could everyone please watch a film now?
[10:38] <rmz> �In the Murmur Twins video, the person writes that they want to take a bus from London to...where?
[10:38] <PkerUNO> thanks :*
[10:38] <Xythar> world's end
[10:38] <Ryujin> World'
[10:38] <Ryujin> s end
[10:38] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[10:38] <Ryujin> sht
[10:38] <Lux> World's End
[10:38] <Songy> my house
[10:38] <PkerUNO> OOOOG
[10:38] <PkerUNO> BLOODY HELL
[10:38] <chubs> damn it
[10:38] <Xythar> pker's place
[10:38] <djHaQ> I think Songy got it.
[10:38] <PkerUNO> a question on home turf -____-
[10:38] <rmz> �#8
[10:39] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:39] <rmz> �password is
[10:39] <rmz> �P2LMEtCu2nfZhfxb
[10:39] <djHaQ> vienna
[10:39] <djHaQ> oy
[10:39] <PkerUNO> SH
[10:39] <Xythar> silhouette of my mind
[10:39] <Songy> atomic age 9th
[10:39] <chubs> estella
[10:39] <chickensnack> silhouette of my mind
[10:39] <Ryujin> silhoette of my mind
[10:39] <PkerUNO> AARGH
[10:39] <TheKnightOfNee> Silhouette of my mind
[10:39] <TheKnightOfNee> DAMN
[10:39] <PkerUNO> mental block
[10:39] <Songy> fuck you guys
[10:39] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[10:39] <Xythar> ?
[10:39] <rmz> It is spelled engrishey
[10:39] <Ryujin> hooray for spelling.
[10:39] <djHaQ> yep
[10:39] <Xythar> aww :(
[10:39] <chickensnack> ghghhgfhgf
[10:39] <Daisuke-Niwa> HAHA
[10:39] * Remy has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client�)
[10:39] * Remy has joined #vjarmy
[10:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Remy
[10:39] <djHaQ> ofuk
[10:39] <TheKnightOfNee> Stupid misspellin
[10:39] <Xythar> I heard the sample and immediately thought TRILL
[10:40] <Remy> Way to crash, IRC client!
[10:40] <rmz> �#9
[10:40] <djHaQ> I thought wtf this song sucks
[10:40] <Xythar> well actually the first thing I thought was twin amadeus
[10:40] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:40] <rmz> �password is
[10:40] <rmz> �oB4fnHvSVQxnth5J
[10:40] <Ryujin> honey
[10:40] <Songy> honey
[10:40] <Xythar> fuck
[10:40] <djHaQ> damn
[10:40] <Xythar> :P
[10:40] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:40] <Songy> YOU FAGGOYT
[10:40] <Ryujin> tee hee?
[10:40] <TheKnightOfNee> I didn't evne have it opened in time, d'oh
[10:40] <rmz> �bonus question
[10:40] <Xythar> i'm only nearly fast enough
[10:40] <Xythar> good-cool
[10:40] <Xythar> himself
[10:40] <Xythar> is the vocalist
[10:40] <rmz> �Honey, sadly, does not have a 7-key Another on 9th Style.  Name another 9th Style song that has no 7-key Another.
[10:40] <Xythar> aww
[10:40] <Daisuke-Niwa> bag
[10:40] <Ryujin> make a difference
[10:40] <TheKnightOfNee> Distress
[10:40] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[10:41] <chubs> disterajwk;
[10:41] <chubs> sfj;lasd
[10:41] <chubs> fjoasdfjdsa
[10:41] <chubs> damn
[10:41] <djHaQ> oy
[10:41] <Ryujin> WHY, WHY did i type that
[10:41] <Xythar> traces tracing you mix :(
[10:41] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[10:41] <Daisuke-Niwa> i was first
[10:41] <rmz> Bag is the secret to winning that one, haha
[10:41] <Songy> distress :V
[10:41] <djHaQ> bad Ryujin, bad, bad Ryujin, bad Ryujin, bad
[10:41] <Xythar> rmz is not as predictable as me
[10:41] <TheKnightOfNee> I played bag for an hour today too
[10:41] <TheKnightOfNee> How did I not think of that?
[10:41] <Songy> I AAA'd bag today
[10:41] <chickensnack> i AAAd bag yesterday
[10:41] <Ryujin> MAD was the 1st thing I thought of.
[10:41] <rmz> �#10
[10:41] <rmz> �filtered
[10:41] <Xythar> I AAAed yesterday bag
[10:41] <rmz> �password is
[10:41] <rmz> �nEcXWfGdL4gTQLtX
[10:42] <Ryujin> diving money
[10:42] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[10:42] <TheKnightOfNee> Ryujin, slow down
[10:42] <Xythar> i listened to that yesterday :(
[10:42] <Remy> Claimed the password was wrong, weird
[10:42] <Xythar> did you copy the space?
[10:42] <chickensnack> time to close a ton of winrar windows
[10:42] <rmz> You might have copied a space
[10:42] <djHaQ> dun tch-boom
[10:42] <Xythar> !hof
[10:42] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 has the best score of�11,1 �5��0 ;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �Xythar��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �1��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �1��0;
[10:42] <Remy> Perhaps
[10:42] <rmz> !hof
[10:42] <djHaQ> dun pop pop
[10:42] * Songy is getting raped
[10:42] <Lux> !hof
[10:42] <Songy> !hof
[10:42] <Remy> Incidently
[10:42] <Ryujin> Think I'm getting the system down.
[10:42] <Ryujin> !hof
[10:43] <rmz> Yeah, there's a routine you have to get down
[10:43] <Xythar> i'll get one soon
[10:43] <TheKnightOfNee> What's !hof do?
[10:43] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[10:43] <rmz> displays score list
[10:43] <djHaQ> a pretty bad routine but it works
[10:43] <Remy> The full answer to the last question was Bag, Distress, Make A Difference, Midsummer Flowers - Midsummer Dreams, Over The Clouds Flying Grind, and Trace Tracing You Mix
[10:43] <Ryujin> Score list.
[10:43] <rmz> haha
[10:43] <TheKnightOfNee> REMY WINS
[10:43] <Ryujin> totally not using Manatsu No Hana, Manatsu No Yume.
[10:43] <Remy> GIVE ME MY
[10:43] * Remy counts
[10:43] <djHaQ> Trace Tracing You Mix
[10:43] <Remy> 6 POINTS
[10:43] <Remy> Kidding
[10:43] <rmz> :D
[10:43] <Songy> next one go
[10:43] <rmz> �ok bonus question
[10:43] <TheKnightOfNee> ooh
[10:43] <Xythar> why are half those songs awesome
[10:43] <djHaQ> what again
[10:44] <rmz> �On the OTHER Quadra song on 3rd CS, who else is credited as the artist besides Quadra? (It's "Quadra w/ [somebody]")
[10:44] <Xythar> DJ FX
[10:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> cold pulse
[10:44] <Ryujin> shit
[10:44] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[10:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh boo
[10:44] <Xythar> same person
[10:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> misread the question
[10:44] <TheKnightOfNee> Yeah, I started typing Cold pule like an idiot
[10:44] <Xythar> hiroshi watanabe
[10:44] <rmz> I know, I find that funny
[10:44] <Songy> I cant win with all these bemanibois
[10:44] <rmz> Me w/ myself
[10:44] <Xythar> reveng vs de-sire
[10:44] <rmz> Haha yeah
[10:44] <rmz> �okay #11
[10:44] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:44] <rmz> �password is
[10:44] <rmz> �MLt3VW2tve86vGAq
[10:45] <Ryujin> dual control mr.t
[10:45] <Daisuke-Niwa> 1989
[10:45] <Songy> dual control
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> crap
[10:45] <Xythar> dual control
[10:45] <djHaQ> damn
[10:45] <PkerUNO> no
[10:45] <Xythar> fucked up pasting the password :(
[10:45] <PkerUNO> it's orange lounge
[10:45] <Remy> Fucking hell, I think the boldface is blowing the pasting
[10:45] <Xythar> it's dual control
[10:45] <rmz> Oh okay
[10:45] <djHaQ> don't hit ctrl-c
[10:45] <rmz> I'll stop doing boldface Remy
[10:45] <rmz> If it'll help you
[10:45] <rmz> Nobody's gotten it yet
[10:45] <Xythar> oh
[10:45] <Songy> mobo moga
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> hmm
[10:45] <PkerUNO> aaaah
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> I know this
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> crap
[10:45] <djHaQ> fun
[10:45] <djHaQ> haha
[10:45] <Songy> comment te dire adieu
[10:45] <chickensnack> vienna
[10:45] <PkerUNO> foreplay
[10:45] <Xythar> presto
[10:45] <PkerUNO> five regrets
[10:45] <Ryujin> estella
[10:45] <Songy> love is orange
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> Five regrets
[10:45] <djHaQ> haha
[10:45] <ScoreBot> ��11,1PkerUNO��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:45] <chickensnack> ghgh
[10:45] <rmz> FIVE REGRETS
[10:45] <TheKnightOfNee> SON OF A IFWJENHGEKJF
[10:45] <PkerUNO> a-ha!
[10:46] <Ryujin> Where in the song?!
[10:46] <TheKnightOfNee> Right before speed up
[10:46] <chickensnack> i knew it was osamu :\
[10:46] <Ryujin> OH.
[10:46] <Ryujin> I could've sworn it was Dual Control :(
[10:46] <Xythar> I have my MSN status set to busy and people still IM me
[10:46] <djHaQ> sounds exactly like the beginning of dual control... except... no... cymbal clash thing....
[10:46] <rmz> �ok bonus question
[10:46] <TheKnightOfNee> I kept thinking Estella, but I knew it was 6th.
[10:46] <TheKnightOfNee> >_<
[10:46] <rmz> �What famous IIDX character does the Five Regrets video feature?
[10:46] <Xythar> tran
[10:46] <Remy> Tran
[10:46] <Ryujin> tran
[10:46] <djHaQ> trsn
[10:46] <chubs> tZRN
[10:46] <Songy> tran
[10:46] <chubs> Seann
[10:46] <Ryujin> a;lsdkfj;lasdf
[10:46] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[10:46] <djHaQ> TRSN, YES
[10:46] <TheKnightOfNee> TAQ
[10:46] <Xythar> the swirly colours box
[10:46] <chubs> wow
[10:46] <Xythar> isn't it famous?
[10:46] <Ryujin> Try Stoic.
[10:46] <chickensnack> beat-kun
[10:46] <chubs> that Seann was total mashing
[10:47] <Songy> YUNTA
[10:47] <Remy> Swirly Pink
[10:47] <rmz> �ok #12
[10:47] <djHaQ> mash poors
[10:47] <rmz> �filtered
[10:47] <rmz> �password is (I won't bold it)
[10:47] <rmz> xMQrRwRJoMEiaf7x
[10:47] <djHaQ> 5PM ETERNAL
[10:47] <chickensnack> 5PM ETERNAMLgfnmkvbd
[10:47] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[10:47] <Remy> rmz
[10:47] <Xythar> i need to see if I can get a decent score on bonus Qs alone
[10:47] <djHaQ> so let me cum in ya eye
[10:47] <Remy> You can go back to boldfacing them
[10:47] <Ryujin> Come to think of it, Diving Money really didn't sound filtered
[10:47] <rmz> okay
[10:47] <Ryujin> I recognized it like immediately
[10:47] <Remy> I think my system is giving me a middle finger
[10:47] <TheKnightOfNee> That song is so bad that it shouldn't deserve it's own question
[10:47] <rmz> It was reversed
[10:47] <Remy> So I'm going to just go for the bonuses
[10:47] <PkerUNO> oh shit :S
[10:47] <rmz> Haha okay
[10:48] <PkerUNO> they've been shot :S
[10:48] <rmz> �bonus question
[10:48] <rmz> �Name the Guitar Freaks song that GUHROOVY produced.
[10:48] <Xythar> shit
[10:48] <chubs> damn it
[10:48] <Xythar> eraser engine
[10:48] <chubs> i said ones that i DID know
[10:48] <PkerUNO> ...or maybe not?
[10:48] <Ryujin> erasermotor
[10:48] <TheKnightOfNee> throw away question
[10:48] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[10:48] <Songy> nigga in my chicken
[10:48] <Xythar> i am not doing the capitalisationb
[10:48] <Ryujin> THAT's the one
[10:48] <Remy> It was SHIT?
[10:48] <Xythar> yes
[10:48] <Xythar> t'was
[10:48] <rmz> ERAser ENgiNe
[10:48] <Ryujin> eraser something.. knew it wasn't erasermotor
[10:48] <rmz> okay �#13
[10:49] <Xythar> it was in TM4
[10:49] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:49] <Songy> NO.13
[10:49] <rmz> �password is
[10:49] <rmz> �FJ5UAM9BHrJabo5Z
[10:49] <Remy> Deadlines
[10:49] * djHaQ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by: djHakku))�)
[10:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> last message
[10:49] * djHakku has joined #vjarmy
[10:49] <Ryujin> last message
[10:49] <TheKnightOfNee> Last message
[10:49] <Xythar> blame
[10:49] * djHakku is now known as djHaQ
[10:49] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[10:49] * Remy enjoys guessing
[10:49] <Xythar> that's what azure was doing, Remy :)
[10:49] <Remy> Oh no, Xythar
[10:49] <djHaQ> <3 my ISP... Everyone, you should all get Verizon DSL. They love to disconnect you!
[10:49] <djHaQ> what number are we on
[10:49] <Xythar> guess EXE and R10K more often
[10:49] <chubs> damn it
[10:49] <Remy> Now you know what I'm going to do
[10:49] <djHaQ> ...
[10:49] <chubs> i wish i knew azure was crazy when he still came here
[10:49] <Remy> djHaQ: 13
[10:49] <TheKnightOfNee> EXE!
[10:49] <rmz> !hof
[10:49] <Lux> HIGHER? No, Oi Punk 0
[10:49] <Ryujin> No, it's always Rislim Remix in summer time!
[10:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Usual Days!
[10:50] <Xythar> contemporary nation
[10:50] <Remy> chubs: He's certifiably crazy?
[10:50] <rmz> okay
[10:50] <rmz> �14
[10:50] <Remy> Or just that you didn't know who he was?
[10:50] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:50] <chubs> the second one
[10:50] <Remy> Ah
[10:50] <rmz> 332jcZiuwMFW9Fsf
[10:50] <chubs> i dont mean like, LEGITIMATELY crazy
[10:50] <Songy> buffalo
[10:50] <chubs> i just meant that everyone here considered him crazy
[10:50] <Songy> fake time
[10:50] <Ryujin> fake time
[10:50] <Ryujin> gah
[10:50] <djHaQ> right
[10:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Geez
[10:50] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:50] <TheKnightOfNee> I keep have mental blanks on these
[10:50] <Songy> was it fake time?
[10:50] <djHaQ> what was the password for 13?
[10:50] <Xythar> you'd think I'd be better at these
[10:50] <rmz> yes
[10:50] <Xythar> so did I
[10:50] <TheKnightOfNee> I can sing the next half minute, but I can't name it
[10:50] <rmz> FJ5UAM9BHrJabo5Z
[10:50] <djHaQ> Thanks.
[10:51] <rmz> okay �bonus question
[10:51] <rmz> �Who is the original artist of BAD BOY BASS!! (dj REMO-CON MIX)?
[10:51] <Remy> Y&Co
[10:51] <Xythar> y&Co
[10:51] <Ryujin> Y&co
[10:51] <TheKnightOfNee> Y & c
[10:51] <TheKnightOfNee> ewgifpjk
[10:51] <Ryujin> fuck
[10:51] <Xythar> fuck my phone is ringing
[10:51] <Songy> fuck off all of you
[10:51] <djHaQ> Y&Co.
[10:51] <Xythar> one sec please?
[10:51] <chubs> damn that & key
[10:51] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Remy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[10:51] <chickensnack> yampersandco
[10:51] <TheKnightOfNee> Why did I bother to put spaces?
[10:51] <djHaQ> it's wrong with spaces
[10:51] <Ryujin> Yokota Shokai
[10:51] <rmz> sure
[10:51] <djHaQ> I mean
[10:51] <Remy> Y&Co.
[10:51] <Xythar> 1sec please
[10:51] <Remy> Ho ho
[10:51] <chubs> yandco
[10:51] <Ryujin> yogurt and cone
[10:51] <rmz> ynco
[10:51] <Songy> NEXT
[10:52] <Remy> Yanko
[10:52] <rmz>  <Xythar> one sec please?
[10:52] <Xythar> okay let's go
[10:52] <Songy> oops
[10:52] <rmz> ok
[10:52] <rmz> �15
[10:52] <rmz> �unfiltered
[10:52] <rmz> �password is
[10:52] <rmz> �332jcZiuwMFW9Fsf
[10:52] <chubs> secret of love 11th dj swan drum'n'bass
[10:52] <PkerUNO> love is dreaminess
[10:52] <TheKnightOfNee> Love is dreaminess
[10:52] <Xythar> photongenic
[10:52] <Xythar> guess
[10:52] <TheKnightOfNee> =(
[10:52] <chickensnack> rgh
[10:52] <Songy> sounded like legend of max to me
[10:52] <ScoreBot> ��11,1PkerUNO��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[10:52] <djHaQ> EXE
[10:52] <chubs> damn
[10:52] <chickensnack> i knew it was love SOMETHING
[10:52] <TheKnightOfNee> R10k
[10:52] <chubs> i was close
[10:53] <djHaQ> USUAL DAYS
[10:53] <TheKnightOfNee> I typed three s's, and had to delete one
[10:53] <Ryujin> Sinclair Lewis
[10:53] <rmz> and if you'll notice, that password was the same as the last one
[10:53] <djHaQ> srsly she says usual days
[10:53] <rmz> I messed up
[10:53] <PkerUNO> SHIT this film is good
[10:53] <rmz> haha
[10:53] <PkerUNO> sorry if not paying attention to irc :S
[10:53] <Xythar> how did you get that one
[10:53] <rmz> haha
[10:53] <rmz> �#16 - unfiltered
[10:53] <rmz> �password is
[10:53] <rmz> �ZJieAhKine9f3Qeb
[10:53] <chubs> karma drum'n'bass taq 9th
[10:53] <PkerUNO> holic
[10:53] <chickensnack> gravity
[10:53] <djHaQ> exe
[10:54] <Songy> abstarct
[10:54] <ScoreBot> ��11,1PkerUNO��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[10:54] <Songy> symbolic
[10:54] <Xythar> symbolic
[10:54] <djHaQ> holy god
[10:54] <TheKnightOfNee> Where is that?
[10:54] <Ryujin> Wow.
[10:54] <TheKnightOfNee> I couldn't identify that at all
[10:54] <PkerUNO> :P
[10:54] <Xythar> like 4 people guessed before I pasted it in :)
[10:54] <rmz> all over the place
[10:54] <djHaQ> !hof
[10:54] <Ryujin> Thought it was eurobeat
[10:54] <rmz> It's the "holic sound effect"
[10:54] <Ryujin> !hof
[10:54] <djHaQ> hey
[10:54] <Xythar> hard techno!
[10:54] <djHaQ> k
[10:54] <Xythar> who stole the bonus Qs
[10:54] <TheKnightOfNee> Me
[10:54] <chickensnack> i get my taqs confused
[10:54] <djHaQ> who, who, who who
[10:54] <rmz> �bonus question
[10:54] <Xythar> ah
[10:55] <TheKnightOfNee> Stoic
[10:55] <Songy> brow
[10:55] <rmz> �At the time of its debut on 3rd Style AC, Holic ANOTHER(7) had more notes than any other singles notechart in IIDX.  TRUE OR FALSE?
[10:55] <Ryujin> True
[10:55] <TheKnightOfNee> No!
[10:55] <Xythar> false
[10:55] <djHaQ> false
[10:55] <chubs> true
[10:55] <chubs> u
[10:55] <Daisuke-Niwa> TRUE
[10:55] <Songy> false
[10:55] <TheKnightOfNee> false
[10:55] <Remy> Wow
[10:55] <chubs> damn
[10:55] <fuse> r5[a]
[10:55] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[10:55] <Remy> True or false bonus questions are laffo
[10:55] <rmz> �followup question
[10:55] <TheKnightOfNee> Why did I say no?
[10:55] <djHaQ> bah hehe
[10:55] <rmz> �everyone shut up
[10:55] <djHaQ> oh god
[10:55] <Songy> NEUTRAL
[10:55] <rmz> �Xythar
[10:55] <rmz> �name a song that had the MOST notes on singles as of 3rd AC
[10:55] <Xythar> R5 another
[10:55] <rmz> �*the song
[10:55] <rmz> �no...ANYONE can answer this now
[10:56] <Xythar> thanks a lot fuse :(
[10:56] <chickensnack> the safari
[10:56] <Ryujin> sos the tiger took my family
[10:56] <Daisuke-Niwa> the safari
[10:56] <djHaQ> get on beat
[10:56] <fuse> :DDDDDD
[10:56] <Songy> the safari
[10:56] <chubs> get on beat wild style-a
[10:56] <TheKnightOfNee> S.O.S.
[10:56] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[10:56] <djHaQ> No.13
[10:56] <PkerUNO> 5.1.1. L7
[10:56] <chubs> thats ridiculous
[10:56] <TheKnightOfNee> DJ Quadra w/ DJ FX
[10:56] <Xythar> there is no DJ in Quadra
[10:56] <Ryujin> GAMBOL.
[10:56] <Xythar> you lose
[10:56] <TheKnightOfNee> Yeah
[10:56] <TheKnightOfNee> =(
[10:56] <Songy> atomic age L7
[10:56] <TheKnightOfNee> I go home now
[10:56] <PkerUNO> OH SH>...
[10:56] <rmz> �#17 - filtered
[10:56] <djHaQ> hamburger helper
[10:56] <PkerUNO> DON'T JUUUMP
[10:57] <rmz> �password is
[10:57] <rmz> �g9YpitkNVEZXHHmz
[10:57] <chubs> karma drum'n'bass taq 9th
[10:57] <chubs> secret of love 11th dj swan drum'n'bass
[10:57] <Xythar> bag
[10:57] <Xythar> wait no
[10:57] <Songy> sana morette ne ente
[10:57] <djHaQ> wtf
[10:57] <Songy> sana morette ne ente blt style
[10:57] <chubs> contemporary nation
[10:57] * chubs was kicked by rmz (chubs�)
[10:57] * chubs has joined #vjarmy
[10:57] <Xythar> sana morette ne ente blt style
[10:57] <Ryujin> festa do sol 9th
[10:57] <TheKnightOfNee> Sana merette ne ente blt style
[10:57] <chubs> D=
[10:57] <djHaQ> golden horn
[10:57] <Xythar> love box
[10:57] <Lux> hormiga obrera shawn the horny master
[10:57] <rmz> :D
[10:57] <TheKnightOfNee> Ave de rapina
[10:57] <rmz> no one has it yet
[10:57] <Xythar> ave de rapina
[10:57] <chubs> ave de rapina
[10:57] <chubs> damn
[10:57] <Xythar> paramnesia
[10:57] <TheKnightOfNee> moba moga
[10:57] <Xythar> more move
[10:57] <Songy> 9 o clocks
[10:57] <djHaQ> the biggest roaster
[10:57] <Songy> suggestion
[10:57] <Ryujin> secret tale dj nagureo 7th
[10:57] <Songy> max 300
[10:58] <djHaQ> okay wtf
[10:58] <TheKnightOfNee> spica
[10:58] <PkerUNO> OH SHIT
[10:58] <Daisuke-Niwa> the safari lion musashi
[10:58] <rmz> hint
[10:58] <Songy> love shine
[10:58] <djHaQ> exe?
[10:58] <PkerUNO> THIS FILM IS ACE
[10:58] <rmz> It is a 5th Style song
[10:58] <fuse> piano concerto number 1 ~scorpion fire~
[10:58] <djHaQ> presto
[10:58] <TheKnightOfNee> Estella
[10:58] <Xythar> time is money
[10:58] <PkerUNO> it just finished
[10:58] <Ryujin> sometime 
[10:58] <Songy> outer wall
[10:58] <TheKnightOfNee> Be in my paradise
[10:58] <chubs> V
[10:58] <Songy> dengue
[10:58] <Xythar> damn!
[10:58] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �8
[10:58] <Songy> cracker
[10:58] <djHaQ> tengoku no kissu
[10:58] <Xythar> oh good then
[10:58] <TheKnightOfNee> crap
[10:58] <PkerUNO> give me a sec
[10:58] <Ryujin> WHAT. THE. FUCK.
[10:58] <Xythar> give me a sign
[10:58] <Ryujin> Awesome guess.
[10:58] <Xythar> or sec
[10:58] <djHaQ> oh god no wonder why I didn't know it... I hate that song... haha
[10:58] <TheKnightOfNee> SOUNDS LIKE REAL
[10:58] <PkerUNO> ok
[10:59] <Ryujin> Sounded like Secret Tale
[10:59] <djHaQ> G2
[10:59] <Remy> I'm jumping out to watch a dvd.  It's been fun, guys.  Also just disturbed.
[10:59] <PkerUNO> fire away
[10:59] <rmz> ok �#18
[10:59] <Xythar> okay sry :(
[10:59] <rmz> Haha, later Remy
[10:59] <TheKnightOfNee> so long Remy
[10:59] <chubs> that was the worse thing i've ever seen remy say
[10:59] <Ryujin> later.
[10:59] <chubs> and with that i will also be leaving
[10:59] <Ryujin> take care.
[10:59] <djHaQ> am I lagging
[10:59] <Daisuke-Niwa> no
[10:59] <rmz> �#18
[10:59] <djHaQ> oh well
[10:59] <Xythar> are you?
[10:59] <djHaQ> k
[10:59] <rmz> �password is
[11:00] <rmz> �vrQ4egPAnQ2HuKAn
[11:00] <Lux> Sakura
[11:00] <djHaQ> sakura
[11:00] <Daisuke-Niwa> 1st samurai
[11:00] <Songy> 1st samurai
[11:00] <Remy> chubs
[11:00] <djHaQ> 1st samurai
[11:00] <chickensnack> 1st samurai
[11:00] <Xythar> no point in guessing now :P
[11:00] <Remy> Given that you were somehow under the impression I was black
[11:00] <TheKnightOfNee> crap, copied the space
[11:00] <djHaQ> bafg
[11:00] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[11:00] <djHaQ> bag
[11:00] * chubs was kicked by Remy (chubs�)
[11:00] * chubs has joined #vjarmy
[11:00] <Songy> :O
[11:00] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh boo
[11:00] <Daisuke-Niwa> i had him beat on my screen :(
[11:00] <PkerUNO> when is the break?
[11:00] <Ryujin> my irc window was too high up
[11:00] <Xythar> 25
[11:00] <rmz> after 25
[11:00] <Songy> mine too heh
[11:00] <djHaQ> I thought you beat him too
[11:00] <Ryujin> couldn't copy the link
[11:00] <chickensnack> you had him beat on mine too
[11:00] <djHaQ> lol
[11:00] <Songy> hence hte :O
[11:00] <PkerUNO> ok
[11:00] <rmz> oh shit
[11:00] <PkerUNO> it'll give me time to reposition
[11:01] <rmz> sorry guys it WAS Daisuke
[11:01] <PkerUNO> and go to bathroom :P
[11:01] <rmz> niwa
[11:01] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was deducted�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[11:01] <Xythar> then do subtract + add
[11:01] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[11:01] <djHaQ> oh my god
[11:01] <djHaQ> !hof
[11:01] <Ryujin> !hof
[11:01] <Xythar> !hof
[11:01] <Songy> but he didnt guess daisuke
[11:01] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �8��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �1��0;
[11:01] <Thunderbird> !hof
[11:01] <djHaQ> I suck woohoo
[11:01] <rmz> !hof
[11:01] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[11:01] <Xythar> hahahahaha
[11:01] <Ryujin> Cool, T-3rd.
[11:01] <PkerUNO> !hof
[11:01] <Xythar> wasn't expecting that
[11:01] <chickensnack> !ihop
[11:01] <TheKnightOfNee> mmm
[11:01] <PkerUNO> !isuck
[11:01] <Thunderbird> Ya know, a black text background color is dammed difficult to read on a white screen :P
[11:01] <Songy> whyd he get the point?
[11:01] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:01] <rmz> �bonus QQQ
[11:02] <TheKnightOfNee> omgggg
[11:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL GET IT
[11:02] <Xythar> oedo techno
[11:02] <Ryujin> wa-ah!
[11:02] <rmz> �1st Samurai is the Extra Stage for 10th Style.  What is the GENRE of the OMES for 10th Style?
[11:02] <Xythar> happy
[11:02] <djHaQ> edo techno
[11:02] <Songy> oedo techno]
[11:02] <Songy> oedo techno
[11:02] <Xythar> haha I can read
[11:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> happy hardcore
[11:02] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �9
[11:02] <Songy> happy
[11:02] <PkerUNO> brb
[11:02] <Ryujin> crap.
[11:02] <djHaQ> oh damn it
[11:02] <djHaQ> one more
[11:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> wow
[11:02] <Ryujin> Was trying to think of 1st Samurai's genre..
[11:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> Xythar is destroying us on bonuses alone
[11:02] <Ryujin> big mistake
[11:02] <Thunderbird> OML may sound like techno, but that's not what 10th and RED say :P
[11:02] <rmz> preemptiveness will kill you
[11:02] <rmz> Since I know what you'll try to guess
[11:02] <rmz> 8)
[11:02] <Songy> what
[11:02] <djHaQ> I was going to guess sakura
[11:02] <Xythar> i already preempted oedo techno anyway
[11:02] <Songy> I dont get this
[11:02] <Xythar> so i'm covered on both fronts
[11:03] <Xythar> >_>
[11:03] <Songy> did xythar say the answer
[11:03] <Xythar> yes
[11:03] <TheKnightOfNee> Happy
[11:03] <Xythar> happy
[11:03] <rmz> yeah
[11:03] <Daisuke-Niwa> what is oedo techno?
[11:03] <rmz> happy
[11:03] <rmz> �#19 - filtered
[11:03] <Songy> where
[11:03] <Xythar> oedo techno, I assume
[11:03] <djHaQ> I thought it was edo
[11:03] <Xythar> either
[11:03] <djHaQ> k
[11:03] <rmz> �password is
[11:03] <rmz> �a9FjPSHrxgWnnjsu
[11:03] <Songy> I dont see Xythar saying happy on my screen
[11:03] <djHaQ> innocent walls
[11:03] <Ryujin> innocent walls
[11:03] <chickensnack> max300
[11:03] <Xythar> I knew that :(
[11:03] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[11:03] <Songy> rmz
[11:03] <TheKnightOfNee> Haha, I took my headphones out like an idiot
[11:04] <Songy> when did Xythar say happy
[11:04] <TheKnightOfNee> Then I wondered why I didn't hear anything
[11:04] <rmz> yes
[11:04] <Xythar> onoken did this remix of innocent walls
[11:04] <djHaQ> phew
[11:04] <Ryujin> dammit dammit dammit
[11:04] <Xythar> like right after rmz asked the question songy O_o
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:40] <Xythar> happy
[11:04] <Songy> oops
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:42] <djHaQ> edo techno
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:43] <Songy> oedo techno]
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:45] <Songy> oedo techno
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:47] <Xythar> haha I can read
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:48] <+ScoreBot> Xythar was awarded 1 point. Current Wins: 9
[11:04] <rmz> [18:32:48] <Songy> happy
[11:04] <Thunderbird> right after the question got asked
[11:04] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:04] <Songy> the bold face obfuscated the answer :x
[11:04] <rmz> �Where was TaQ (physically) when he composed Innocent Walls?  As a hint, what is "Innocent Walls" referring to?
[11:05] <Lux> hospital
[11:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> changes
[11:05] <Ryujin> hospital
[11:05] <Xythar> hospital room walls
[11:05] <djHaQ> walls of a hospital
[11:05] <djHaQ> oy
[11:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> lol woops
[11:05] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Lux��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[11:05] <TheKnightOfNee> Mental hospital
[11:05] <Songy> porno set
[11:05] <Thunderbird> where exactly did you find that info out? :P
[11:05] <PkerUNO> vets
[11:05] <Xythar> ROOTS26
[11:05] <Xythar> or the interview
[11:05] <Xythar> I forget
[11:05] <TheKnightOfNee> Adoption agency
[11:05] <rmz> interview
[11:05] <djHaQ> hospital is so broad
[11:05] <djHaQ> hahaha
[11:05] <Xythar> is lux's answer correct?
[11:05] <rmz> arcadia magazine interview I think
[11:05] <Xythar> because mine was more specific
[11:05] <rmz> yes
[11:05] <Xythar> if I'd just answered 'hospital' I'd have been first
[11:05] <rmz> I was just looking for "hospital"
[11:05] <Xythar> oh well
[11:05] <rmz> he was in a hospital
[11:05] <Xythar> you win some you lose some
[11:05] <Lux> The question was "where"
[11:05] <Xythar> them's the breaks
[11:05] <rmz> The "walls" was just a hint
[11:06] <Xythar> right next to the accelerator
[11:06] <PkerUNO> next please
[11:06] <Songy> japan
[11:06] <rmz> �#20 - filtered
[11:06] <Xythar> haha
[11:06] <rmz> �password is
[11:06] <rmz> �9HJMhgfEdhXsJwMe
[11:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Traces
[11:06] <PkerUNO> AA
[11:06] <Songy> music to your head
[11:06] <Ryujin> AA dj amuro
[11:06] <Ryujin> no!!!
[11:06] <ScoreBot> ��11,1PkerUNO��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[11:06] <djHaQ> WHAT
[11:06] <Xythar> that sounds too good for AA
[11:06] <TheKnightOfNee> I finally type first, and I'm wrong, d'oh
[11:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[11:07] <Xythar> !hof
[11:07] <rmz> �bonus q
[11:07] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �9��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;
[11:07] <rmz> �What style did the first "Renaissance" song debut on?
[11:07] <Xythar> 7th
[11:07] <Ryujin> 7th
[11:07] <Lux> A
[11:07] <Lux> Doh
[11:07] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[11:07] <Songy> 14rd
[11:07] <PkerUNO> 6th
[11:07] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[11:07] <djHaQ> beatmaniaIIDX 7th style
[11:07] <djHaQ> ohshi
[11:07] <PkerUNO> 5th
[11:07] <TheKnightOfNee> IIDX
[11:07] <Songy> EXTREME
[11:07] <Ryujin> Score.
[11:07] <Lux> MUST. READ. QUESTION.
[11:07] <Xythar> but i was first on my screen!!!11!1!1!!!
[11:07] <PkerUNO> but it was ready by 3rd style, right?
[11:07] <Xythar> apparently
[11:07] <Ryujin> Uh, I'm 1st according to this
[11:07] <rmz> Yeah
[11:07] <rmz> haha
[11:07] <Xythar> j/k
[11:07] <rmz> What matters is who's first on my screen
[11:07] <Xythar> yep
[11:07] <rmz> Since the internet is weird sometimes
[11:08] <PkerUNO> "so there"
[11:08] <Xythar> irc puts the answer up when you send it
[11:08] <Lux> fucking internet :(
[11:08] <PkerUNO> next
[11:08] -> [rmz] PING
[11:08] <rmz> �#21
[11:08] <Thunderbird> mIRC displays your sent text before it reaches the server
[11:08] <PkerUNO> I'll have to simulate switching off the computer soon
[11:08] <Ryujin> dammit, should've used red for the "aa" question
[11:08] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:08] <Xythar> i have 4 seconds to rmz :(
[11:08] <Thunderbird> (and so does X-Chat)
[11:08] <rmz> �password is
[11:08] <rmz> �FuKFV2J6ERKicwng
[11:08] <TheKnightOfNee> 22dunk
[11:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> 22dunk
[11:08] <Songy> 22dunk
[11:08] <Ryujin> slake song.
[11:08] <Xythar> jar jar jar binks
[11:08] <Ryujin> oh well
[11:08] <djHaQ> wtf why was I typing gambol
[11:08] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[11:08] <Lux> 22DUNK ANOTHER
[11:08] <PkerUNO> oooh, THIS is 22dunk?
[11:08] <Xythar> why is pker still here
[11:08] <PkerUNO> lol
[11:08] <rmz> It should've been #22 now that I think about it
[11:08] <rmz> :(
[11:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[11:09] <Xythar> irony'd
[11:09] <Thunderbird> Whoops
[11:09] <Lux> tricky like that
[11:09] <djHaQ> awman
[11:09] <Ryujin> pump pump pump up the bass
[11:09] <Ryujin> pump pump pump pump up the bass
[11:09] <djHaQ> ding ding
[11:09] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:09] <rmz> �What US DDR CS release did 22DUNK make an appearance in?
[11:09] <Thunderbird> Pker: 22Dunk has two different versions, it's Another's slightly different
[11:09] <Ryujin> 6th
[11:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> max
[11:09] <Xythar> MAX
[11:09] <chickensnack> ddrmax
[11:09] <Songy> ddrmax
[11:09] <djHaQ> DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution
[11:09] <Thunderbird> it is not called 6th :P
[11:09] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �8
[11:09] <PkerUNO> oh, right
[11:09] <djHaQ> awman
[11:09] <Ryujin> yeah, damn.
[11:09] <PkerUNO> are either of them good? :P
[11:09] <Xythar> I guessed :/
[11:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> can we get a break on 25?
[11:09] <PkerUNO> it's hard to tell in a 1-second preview
[11:09] <Xythar> that was the plan
[11:09] <rmz> Yep
[11:09] <rmz> halftime at 25
[11:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> k
[11:10] <rmz> *after 25
[11:10] <Daisuke-Niwa> k
[11:10] <rmz> �#22 - unfiltered
[11:10] * Thunderbird gets annoyed at people who call MAX US the US 6th
[11:10] <rmz> �password is
[11:10] <rmz> �8434VH6Pqvv+YmWR
[11:10] <Lux> NO 13\
[11:10] <Ryujin> resonate 1794
[11:10] <djHaQ> damn
[11:10] <Lux> whoo i suck
[11:10] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[11:10] <chickensnack> funsong
[11:10] <Songy> do one that only I would know
[11:10] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:10] <rmz> �Who composed the "Pathetique" piano sonata that is used as the basis for the second half of RESONATE 1794?
[11:10] <djHaQ> Ridge Racer
[11:10] <Xythar> beethoven
[11:10] <Ryujin> chopin
[11:10] <djHaQ> damn
[11:10] <Daisuke-Niwa> osamu kubota
[11:10] <Songy> bach
[11:10] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �10
[11:10] <PkerUNO> mozart
[11:11] <Xythar> I was halfway through typing beethoven before the question appeared
[11:11] <Songy> mussorgsky
[11:11] <Ryujin> I really didn't know
[11:11] <Xythar> then I typoed and had to correct it
[11:11] <PkerUNO> ooooh
[11:11] <Songy> brahms
[11:11] <rmz> haha
[11:11] <Songy> haydn
[11:11] <Ryujin> Liszt
[11:11] <PkerUNO> good old beethoven, of course
[11:11] <rmz> �#23
[11:11] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:11] <rmz> �password is
[11:11] <rmz> �AewfPRwYrefPKrdH
[11:11] <Songy> wow wow 70z
[11:11] <Songy> wow wow 70s
[11:11] <PkerUNO> wowow 70s
[11:11] <djHaQ> wow wow 70s
[11:11] <Ryujin> damn
[11:11] <TheKnightOfNee> Dang
[11:11] <djHaQ> wow wow 70's
[11:11] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[11:11] <TheKnightOfNee> Sampling masters aya
[11:11] <Songy> I played that a lot
[11:12] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:12] <rmz> �"sampling masters AYA" (Wow Wow 70's, one or eight) and "Aya" (Take It Easy, G2) are not the same person.  TRUE OR FALSE?
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> Afro
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> True
[11:12] <djHaQ> false
[11:12] <Xythar> true
[11:12] <Ryujin> flase
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> false
[11:12] <Daisuke-Niwa> TRUE
[11:12] <Ryujin> true
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> dammit
[11:12] <djHaQ> I win
[11:12] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �2
[11:12] <Ryujin> shit, i knew that
[11:12] <djHaQ> awman
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> Whooo
[11:12] <chickensnack> i was going to say afro too
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> Fast typing
[11:12] <rmz> haha
[11:12] <Ryujin> Didn't see the "not"
[11:12] <PkerUNO> one of the shots in the video
[11:12] <rmz> AFRO
[11:12] <PkerUNO> is a Milanese tram
[11:12] <rmz> two more
[11:12] <djHaQ> I forgot Aya's real name
[11:12] <djHaQ> oh well
[11:12] <Xythar> HaQ thought false? :(
[11:12] <PkerUNO> of course
[11:12] * Thunderbird thinks he knows what TKON was expecting for a bonus question
[11:12] <PkerUNO> the real ones don't have afros
[11:12] <djHaQ> wtf it is false
[11:12] <TheKnightOfNee> >_>
[11:12] <rmz> no
[11:13] <Songy> AYA DID WTCX
[11:13] <Songy> AYA DID WTC
[11:13] <Thunderbird> They are not the same person, which is what the question asked
[11:13] <Xythar> is there a followup?
[11:13] <rmz> AYA = aya sakuma; sm AYA = ayako saso
[11:13] <rmz> no
[11:13] <djHaQ> oh damn
[11:13] <Xythar> true/false with no followup? :/
[11:13] <djHaQ> read the question wrong
[11:13] <TheKnightOfNee> I know the followup answer
[11:13] <rmz> haha
[11:13] <TheKnightOfNee> Afro
[11:13] <rmz> SORRY XYTHAR
[11:13] <Thunderbird> missed the "not"? :)
[11:13] <djHaQ> yep :D
[11:13] <rmz> I'll try to come up with more followups during the break
[11:13] <djHaQ> tricky
[11:13] <Xythar> or less true/falses :P
[11:13] <TheKnightOfNee> I have a chance on those, though
[11:13] <rmz> yeah there's like one more maybe
[11:13] <rmz> not many true/falses
[11:13] <Xythar> true
[11:13] <rmz> anyway
[11:14] <Ryujin> !hof
[11:14] <rmz> �#24
[11:14] <Xythar> !hof
[11:14] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �10��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �8��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �6��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;
[11:14] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:14] <rmz> �password is
[11:14] <rmz> �6gPZVachWPAppzki
[11:14] <djHaQ> dancer
[11:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> memories
[11:14] <Ryujin> memoires
[11:14] <Xythar> memories
[11:14] <Songy> memoris
[11:14] <TheKnightOfNee> Memorie
[11:14] <djHaQ> oops
[11:14] <djHaQ> haha
[11:14] <Songy> memories*
[11:14] <Ryujin> dammit daisuke
[11:14] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �9
[11:14] <Songy> I had to correct it
[11:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL djHaQ
[11:14] <Ryujin> You're too fucking fast
[11:14] <Xythar> that was the fastest I answered :(
[11:14] <djHaQ> XD
[11:14] <TheKnightOfNee> Man, I hate that song
[11:14] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:14] <Xythar> and I was still third
[11:14] <rmz> �What Bemani artist performed a cover version of Memories for the 8th Style CS V-Rare CD?
[11:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[11:14] <Xythar> colors
[11:14] <djHaQ> colors
[11:14] <Ryujin> clors
[11:14] <djHaQ> damn
[11:14] <Songy> de vol
[11:14] <TheKnightOfNee> clrs
[11:14] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �11
[11:15] <Songy> HALF TIME SHOW
[11:15] <Daisuke-Niwa> NOT YET
[11:15] <TheKnightOfNee> AFTER
[11:15] <Xythar> #25 first
[11:15] <rmz> no
[11:15] <djHaQ> empty I freeeeee
[11:15] <rmz> one more
[11:15] <rmz> AFTER 25
[11:15] <rmz> XD
[11:15] <djHaQ> semete
[11:15] <Songy> didnt we just do it
[11:15] <Xythar> sunny is not japanese ryujin
[11:15] <Xythar> >_>
[11:15] <djHaQ> no
[11:15] <Songy> oops
[11:15] <TheKnightOfNee> no
[11:15] <rmz> anyway let's get this over with
[11:15] <rmz> �#25
[11:15] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:15] <Ryujin> close enough
[11:15] <rmz> �password is
[11:15] <rmz> �VJMG6pVEksaEQuAP
[11:15] <Daisuke-Niwa> luv 2 feel your body
[11:15] <djHaQ> luv to feel your body
[11:15] <djHaQ> 2
[11:15] <Ryujin> luv 2 feel your body
[11:15] <TheKnightOfNee> damn
[11:15] <djHaQ> gah
[11:15] <Xythar> fucked up three times on password pasting :/
[11:15] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �10
[11:15] <Songy> WHAT THE FUNNY KING
[11:15] <TheKnightOfNee> Love This Feelin
[11:15] <Songy> WHAT THE FUNNY KING
[11:16] <Songy> WHAT THE FUNNY KING
[11:16] <djHaQ> hahahaha
[11:16] <Ryujin> Xythar: ditto
[11:16] <Xythar> get right down get right down
[11:16] <rmz> okay halftime
[11:16] <Songy> SANWICH
[11:16] <djHaQ> legit
[11:16] <rmz> Be back at the top of the hour?
[11:16] <Songy> SANDWICH GET
[11:16] <djHaQ> bonus
[11:16] <Xythar> the what?
[11:16] <TheKnightOfNee> I go shower
[11:16] <Ryujin> Sounds good.
[11:16] <djHaQ> hahaha
[11:16] <Ryujin> That sounds good too
[11:16] <PkerUNO> ok
[11:16] <TheKnightOfNee> Also has Make a Jam lyrics in it
[11:16] <rmz> �we will continue at the top of the hour or a few minutes after
[11:16] <rmz> �but not much later
[11:16] <PkerUNO> I;ll be back in 15 minute
[11:16] <Xythar> top of the hour?
[11:16] <Xythar> "top of the hour to you laddie"
[11:16] <djHaQ> ignition sequence... started
[11:16] <PkerUNO> NO
[11:16] <rmz> �e.g. 15 minutes
[11:16] <PkerUNO> WRONG
[11:17] <TheKnightOfNee> What if one of us lives in one of those weird time zones that are off by 15 minutes or a half hour?
[11:17] <Xythar> i know
[11:17] <TheKnightOfNee> Not that I do
[11:17] <Xythar> I am :(
[11:17] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[11:17] <djHaQ> Xythar was awarded 3 points. Current Wins: 3
[11:17] <rmz> then 15 minutes
[11:17] <TheKnightOfNee> Xythar, where are you? Newfoundland?
[11:17] <PkerUNO> be back in 15 mins then
[11:17] * PkerUNO has quit IRC (Quit: Blog: | Schan:�)
[11:17] <chickensnack> my ears are numb and my neck is sore because my headphones are WAY TOO TIGHT
[11:17] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[11:17] <rmz> !hof
[11:17] <djHaQ> !hof
[11:17] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[11:17] <Daisuke-Niwa> down by 1 :/
[11:18] <Thunderbird> !hof
[11:18] <Xythar> australia
[11:18] <chickensnack> my goal remains to get one point
[11:18] <djHaQ> 5th uh-hoo uh-hoo hoo
[11:18] <TheKnightOfNee> Why did I think I had 3?
[11:18] <djHaQ> uh-huh uh-hoo
[11:18] <Ryujin> !hof
[11:18] <djHaQ> time to watch BASEketball for 10 minutes
[11:18] <Ryujin> I gotta admit, you guys are FAST.
[11:18] <TheKnightOfNee> fast
[11:18] <Ryujin> I was hoping it wouldn't be that hard
[11:19] <chickensnack> let's see if I can AAA something new during this break
[11:19] <djHaQ> get right down get right down
[11:19] <djHaQ> LOVE THIS FEELIN'
[11:19] <TheKnightOfNee> I wish my roommate wasn' sleeping right in front of the tv
[11:19] <djHaQ> dund udn dun suuuuch an offffff soooong
[11:19] <TheKnightOfNee> Then I could do something
[11:19] <TheKnightOfNee> Oh well, off to the shower instead
[11:19] * TheKnightOfNee is now known as Dan|shower
[11:20] <Songy> sandwich acquired
[11:20] <Xythar> luv 2 feel your body another is bs :(
[11:21] <djHaQ> imagine slake's remix
[11:21] <djHaQ> over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ...etc.
[11:21] <djHaQ> slake loves to brake for break
[11:21] <Daisuke-Niwa> slake is great :(
[11:21] <chickensnack> i am moderately concerned by the EXPLOSION sounds coming from outside
[11:21] * SiR] has joined #vjarmy
[11:22] <Ryujin> But isn't Slake's great style...
[11:22] <Xythar> slake does not do remixes
[11:22] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:22] <djHaQ> It's just a sonic boom
[11:22] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:22] <Xythar> he does 'extended version with crackly sound'
[11:22] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:22] <Xythar> well except lower world that was pretty badass
[11:23] <Xythar> am I lagging or is nobody saying anything?
[11:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> its quiet
[11:23] <Xythar> god
[11:23] <Xythar> good
[11:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> everyone is in the bathroom
[11:24] <Ryujin> YOU ARE ALL ALONE
[11:24] <rmz> quietish
[11:24] <Songy> NOISE
[11:24] <Xythar> grood
[11:24] <Songy> NOISE
[11:24] <Songy> NOISE
[11:24] <Songy> NOISE
[11:24] <rmz> I'm busy writing more followups
[11:24] <Songy> NOISE
[11:24] <Xythar> be quiet
[11:24] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:24] <djHaQ> so throw your undies on the stage
[11:24] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:24] <djHaQ> no wait
[11:24] <rmz> I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY
[11:24] <Ryujin> music to your
[11:24] <Xythar> quite
[11:24] <rmz> ONE MORE LOVELY GET IT
[11:24] <rmz> YOU'RE UNDERAGE
[11:24] <Songy> you're underage
[11:24] <Ryujin> I'm very happy if you have enjoyed
[11:24] <Xythar> shop at tarjay
[11:24] <djHaQ> :D
[11:24] <rmz> freezepop is god
[11:24] <Songy> s
[11:24] <Songy> u
[11:24] <Songy> p
[11:24] <Songy> e
[11:24] <djHaQ> it's for ev'rything you do
[11:24] <Songy> r
[11:24] <Daisuke-Niwa> i'm underage :(
[11:24] <djHaQ> you are the best
[11:24] <Xythar> i am a bike thief
[11:24] <djHaQ> now get undressed
[11:25] <Songy> I'm not underage
[11:25] <djHaQ> this is what you are
[11:25] <Ryujin> Target needs to adopt the BM 7th slogan.
[11:25] <Ryujin> We expect you a nice play again
[11:25] <rmz> S___K A__A_K
[11:25] <Xythar> or the PnM slogal
[11:25] <djHaQ> so come a lo-lo-long with me
[11:25] <Xythar> i'm very happy if you have enjoyed
[11:25] <djHaQ> Now I think I need to get some Freezepop
[11:25] <chickensnack> keepin' evolution
[11:25] <Ryujin> Sounds more like a sex shop there though.
[11:25] <rmz> I need their new CD
[11:25] <rmz> I have the first two
[11:25] <djHaQ> I need to find Unnatural Selection
[11:25] <rmz> REAL COPIES
[11:26] <Xythar> pulla for the drinkah, dance wit yo body
[11:26] <Xythar> kasson crooker is one of the freezepop people
[11:26] <Xythar> it's a conspiracy!!!!!
[11:26] <rmz> yes
[11:26] <rmz> Symbion Project
[11:26] * fuse is now known as fuse|bed
[11:26] <rmz> + freezepop
[11:26] <djHaQ> :O
[11:26] <rmz> Liz from Freezepop also did the lyrics for Synthesized haha
[11:27] <rmz> er, vocals
[11:27] <Xythar> my job is paid for by the public's tax dollars
[11:27] <Songy> and that is what
[11:27] <rmz> OUT THE BOX
[11:27] <Xythar> it's like military R&D or something
[11:27] <Songy> R&D is
[11:27] <Xythar> that's just for this year as industry experience
[11:27] <Xythar> research & development
[11:28] <Xythar> programming in my case >_>
[11:28] <djHaQ> work it out, y'all, no doubt, y'all, we're gonna show the people what it's all about, y'all
[11:28] <Songy> just buy your guns from the good ol' USA
[11:28] <Xythar> i'm not developing guns
[11:28] <Xythar> training systems
[11:28] <rmz> The songs from Frequency were way better than Amplitude :(
[11:28] <Songy> just let the good ol' USA train your boys
[11:28] <djHaQ> SO
[11:28] <Xythar> I like Amplitude's music... well, some of it
[11:28] <rmz> FREQ OUT
[11:28] <Xythar> the stuff that isn't pop
[11:28] <djHaQ> How do I get Spaztik?
[11:28] <rmz> I made a KILLER remix of that
[11:28] <Xythar> is spaztik seriously like 95 bpm?
[11:28] <rmz> clear everything on insane
[11:29] <Xythar> since when is drum & bass 95 bpm
[11:29] <rmz> yeah
[11:29] <djHaQ> o rly
[11:29] <djHaQ> well
[11:29] <djHaQ> I'M ALMOST THERE
[11:29] <rmz> just to make the measures twice as long
[11:29] <Xythar> how is that even possible
[11:29] <djHaQ> I need to clear sub culture god damn it
[11:29] <rmz> it's 190 but they made the measures twice as logn to fuck you over
[11:29] <rmz> *long
[11:29] <Xythar> haha
[11:29] <rmz> So it says 95
[11:29] <Xythar> I don't think I ever got past the second world on insane
[11:29] <djHaQ> and then I need to play the last arena over again to get enough points for the stupid bonus song
[11:29] <rmz> I got it
[11:29] <Xythar> I don't get how I can be doing three button patterns that are about 1/100th of IIDX difficulty and still suck at it.
[11:29] <rmz> I was pretty awesome at Freq/Amp in my day
[11:30] <Xythar> I wish I could play with my IIDX controller
[11:30] <rmz> But then I got IIDX and never played them again
[11:30] <rmz> haha
[11:30] <Xythar> I played Amp recently and I STILL SUCK ;_;
[11:30] <rmz> haha
[11:30] <rmz> I was THE GOD at Frequency when it was out
[11:30] <Songy> I tried playing amplitude with a ddr pad
[11:30] <djHaQ> BECAUSE
[11:30] <Xythar> fucking Shades of Blue Insane must have taken me 20 tries
[11:30] <Xythar> minimum
[11:30] <Songy> incompatible hardware
[11:30] <rmz> I could combo that part of End of Your World when everyone was like O_O
[11:30] <Xythar> you need something with analog sticks
[11:30] <djHaQ> I Am Hated Insane took me 20 tries
[11:31] <Songy> me too
[11:31] <rmz> oh god
[11:31] <rmz> That slipknot song is crazy insane
[11:31] <chickensnack> amplitude!
[11:31] <Xythar> not looking forward to listening to that song 20 times
[11:31] <rmz> because it goes offbeat haha
[11:31] <djHaQ> It was late at night too heh
[11:31] <djHaQ> volume up
[11:31] <rmz> just like fear factory did in frequency
[11:31] <Xythar> you should've played rislim remix on Amplitude
[11:31] <rmz> it was like OMG WHERE'S THE BEAT
[11:31] <Lux> I should play Technic Beat later.
[11:31] <djHaQ> GET IT, DMC3?!
[11:31] <chickensnack> i managed to get 10,000 on the cosmonaut zero song
[11:31] <rmz> and the bass and guitar PLAYED DIFFERENT RHYTHMS
[11:31] <Xythar> I only ever got 4 bars on like 1 song
[11:32] <rmz> The Freezepop songs are really easy to max out
[11:32] <Xythar> basically I completely suck at everything except Bemani and I suck at Bemani too
[11:32] <Songy> I forgot what song I couldn beat in amplitude
[11:32] <djHaQ> I figured out that hello bar if I miss you I can bring it back with the next one
[11:32] <Songy> butit was on insane
[11:32] <rmz> I got almost the maximum possible score on Science Genius Girl
[11:32] <djHaQ> I still need to unlock the cosmonaut zero song
[11:32] <Songy> and the last world
[11:32] <Songy> OH
[11:32] * Dan|shower is now known as TheKnightOfNee
[11:32] <Songy> it was the song after the rock show
[11:32] <TheKnightOfNee> We're not back yet, are we?
[11:32] <Xythar> I have a hard time playing Frequency after Amplitude
[11:32] <Songy> or the one after that one
[11:32] <rmz> subculture
[11:32] <Xythar> it has bad graphics :/
[11:32] <rmz> the drum track on that is crazy
[11:32] <djHaQ> Then I played FreQuency and it pisses me off how bad it is compared to amplitude
[11:32] <chickensnack> i got 4 bars on every song EXCEPT uptown saturday night
[11:32] <rmz> WHAT
[11:32] <rmz> Frequency is WAY better
[11:32] <rmz> The ring setup is better than the lanes :(
[11:32] <djHaQ> and I always get stuck on the scratch and axe tracks
[11:32] <rmz> so you can loop back
[11:33] <Xythar> it arguably has better music but I don't like anything else about frequency better
[11:33] <djHaQ> Yeah.
[11:33] <Xythar> I played it before Amplitude too
[11:33] <Songy> I dont remember how frequency was
[11:33] <djHaQ> I wish I played it before amplitude
[11:33] <djHaQ> heh
[11:33] <Xythar> frequency's multiplayer mode was a crock of shit too
[11:33] <Songy> what was the ring system
[11:33] <rmz> I played against Robotkid (the produer of Frequency/Amplitude) online the first day the network adapters came out
[11:33] <chickensnack> :D
[11:33] <rmz> He was like "haha, that's pretty cool"
[11:33] <djHaQ> AND YOU WON
[11:33] <rmz> he's not all that good
[11:34] <rmz> haha
[11:34] <djHaQ> Haha.
[11:34] <Xythar> have you written any FAQs, RMZ?
[11:34] <rmz> no
[11:34] <Songy> should we resume
[11:34] <djHaQ> so when does break time end
[11:34] <Xythar> also, dj RMZ looks better than dj AARON
[11:34] <rmz> in a minute
[11:34] <rmz> WHAT
[11:34] <rmz> I don't like dj RMZ
[11:34] * mpq has joined #vjarmy
[11:34] <rmz> anyway
[11:34] <mpq> argh
[11:34] <rmz> Let's continue in a minute
[11:34] <djHaQ> one minute, tick-tock go the clock
[11:34] <rmz> I also wrote more followups, and i will announce them ahead of time so people shut up when someone gets it right
[11:34] <mpq> something is wrong with the fliptop
[11:34] <Xythar> dj XYTH also looks better than dj XYTHAR which is why I still use it
[11:35] <mpq> and I can't figure out what
[11:35] <rmz> If someone else blurts out the answer of a followup, the person who is SUPPOSED to get it gets the point
[11:35] * Songy likes his name
[11:35] <rmz> so shut up when they happen
[11:35] <Xythar> okey dokey
[11:35] <djHaQ> What do you mean supposed to
[11:35] <rmz> ok brb
[11:35] <TheKnightOfNee> ok
[11:35] <djHaQ> ack
[11:35] <rmz> The person who the followup question is intended for
[11:35] <djHaQ> oh
[11:35] <rmz> anyway
[11:35] <rmz> brb
[11:35] <Ryujin> Following the correct answer to a BQ that is
[11:35] <TheKnightOfNee> I wish I had a followup to my t/f question
[11:36] <mpq> I need help
[11:36] <rmz> with what?
[11:36] <djHaQ> !help
[11:36] <mpq> my fliptop
[11:36] <Ryujin> !hof
[11:36] <Xythar> !help
[11:36] <mpq> it isn't working and I can't figure out why
[11:36] <rmz> ask when we're done
[11:36] <Xythar> that's a funny help message O_o
[11:36] <rmz> We're in the middle of something, sorry :P 
[11:36] <rmz> try #bemanistyle
[11:36] <mpq> I knew that
[11:36] <Xythar> why'd you put that there rmz?
[11:36] * MILK|NOTTEKKENTAG has quit IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.53=-�)
[11:36] <rmz> !help
[11:36] * MILK has joined #vjarmy
[11:36] <rmz> I didn't
[11:36] <Xythar> made you look
[11:36] <mpq> is anyone ever in #bemanistyle?
[11:36] <djHaQ> probably didn't disable it
[11:36] <Lux> !help
[11:37] <rmz> haha
[11:37] <rmz> I didn't disable it
[11:37] <Xythar> I didn't get anything when I said !help
[11:37] <djHaQ> !arrowsmash
[11:37] <Songy> !ddr
[11:37] <rmz> I did
[11:37] <Irob> ��8 Songy does DDR: Step rating = Perfect
[11:37] <rmz> haha
[11:37] <rmz> I got a command list
[11:37] <djHaQ> O_o
[11:37] <rmz> But nobody do trivia commands or I'll break you
[11:37] <djHaQ> wtf
[11:37] <Xythar> it might just work for you
[11:37] <djHaQ> !arrowsmash
[11:37] <TheKnightOfNee> Hmm... my friends want me to go play DDR soon... should I go there, or say hold on and stay here?
[11:37] <rmz> ANYWAY
[11:37] <Xythar> this > ddr >_>
[11:37] <chickensnack> correct
[11:37] <rmz> �Let's move on
[11:37] <mpq> how much longer does this game go on anyway?
[11:37] <Songy> LET THEM MOOOOVE
[11:37] <rmz> It'll be like one hour
[11:37] <Ryujin> Let's go.
[11:37] <Songy> LET THEM MOve
[11:38] <rmz> �Let us move
[11:38] <rmz> �N.M.R.
[11:38] <Xythar> rettsugo! raida kikku!
[11:38] <TheKnightOfNee> 3rd mix
[11:38] <TheKnightOfNee> Or is it 2nd?
[11:38] <Lux> GATTAISEYO
[11:38] <rmz> ok
[11:38] <Ryujin> 2nd, technically
[11:38] <rmz> �#26 - unfiltered
[11:38] <rmz> 2nd
[11:38] <TheKnightOfNee> Either way, it sucks
[11:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> wait
[11:38] <rmz> �password is
[11:38] <rmz> ok
[11:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> k
[11:38] <Xythar> damn
[11:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> ready
[11:38] <Ryujin> damn you
[11:38] <rmz> Wait for what
[11:38] <TheKnightOfNee> d'oh
[11:38] <Xythar> i nearly had a chance
[11:38] <rmz> haha
[11:38] <rmz> �password is
[11:38] <rmz> �cfLGfLPfECafaFig
[11:39] <Xythar> infinite prayer floating flock style
[11:39] <Songy> TOO HARD
[11:39] <Ryujin> infinite prayer floating flock style another
[11:39] <TheKnightOfNee> Infinite prayer
[11:39] <Lux> infinate praayer floating flock style
[11:39] <djHaQ> NICE
[11:39] <TheKnightOfNee> Oh god
[11:39] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �12
[11:39] <TheKnightOfNee> I was never gonna get all that off
[11:39] <Ryujin> wtf?
[11:39] <Songy> 4TH STYLE FAGS
[11:39] <djHaQ> !ddr
[11:39] <Ryujin> it IS the another
[11:39] <Irob> ��9 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Great
[11:39] <rmz> it's technically the another but I'm not going for that specific
[11:39] <djHaQ> oh you are a jew
[11:39] <rmz> It's just the soundtrack version
[11:39] <Ryujin> well screw that.
[11:39] <djHaQ> great, pfft, perfect
[11:39] <Xythar> flow flow
[11:39] <TheKnightOfNee> Great song
[11:39] <djHaQ> Drop the bass
[11:39] <Ryujin> best part though. i could listen to that sample again and again
[11:39] <djHaQ> BOOM
[11:39] <rmz> �bonus q
[11:40] <TheKnightOfNee> It feels like I'm playing Super MEtroid when I play that song
[11:40] <Xythar> goro
[11:40] <rmz> �INFINITE PRAYER -floating flock style- has never appeared on a IIDX arcade release.  TRUE OR FALSE?
[11:40] <TheKnightOfNee> True
[11:40] <Xythar> ttrue
[11:40] <Ryujin> true
[11:40] <chickensnack> false
[11:40] <Songy> true
[11:40] <Daisuke-Niwa> false
[11:40] * Kinryuu has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[11:40] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[11:40] <TheKnightOfNee> XD
[11:40] <chickensnack> i was close
[11:40] <Ryujin> ergh
[11:40] <Xythar> you and your t/f questions >_>
[11:40] <Daisuke-Niwa> hes just randomly guessing true -_-
[11:40] <rmz> ok 27
[11:40] <djHaQ> next q
[11:40] <TheKnightOfNee> It is true, though
[11:40] <Lux> Anyone else have big voyager preloaded?
[11:40] <rmz> �27
[11:40] <Xythar> i'm going to preemptively guess true to every future bonus Q
[11:40] <djHaQ> true
[11:40] <Xythar> :P
[11:40] <rmz> I think that's the last true/false one
[11:40] <rmz> I �think
[11:40] <rmz> no promises
[11:40] <TheKnightOfNee> He thinks
[11:40] <Xythar> i feel...
[11:40] <Lux> HAPYP
[11:40] <djHaQ> think of me
[11:40] <rmz> anyway
[11:41] <rmz> �#27 - unfiltered
[11:41] <rmz> �password is
[11:41] <rmz> �6MfEEYbApVbvtfuX
[11:41] <Xythar> desolation
[11:41] <Ryujin> desolation
[11:41] <Daisuke-Niwa> desolation
[11:41] <Xythar> damn
[11:41] <TheKnightOfNee> Mr T
[11:41] <Songy> what the fuck I've never heard this
[11:41] <djHaQ> oh my god lag
[11:41] <Songy> fly away
[11:41] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[11:41] <Xythar> i like the way so far one person has had the time to put up more than the title
[11:41] <Ryujin> Um..
[11:42] <Xythar> what's happening now
[11:42] <djHaQ> 28?
[11:42] <rmz> �#28
[11:42] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:42] <rmz> �password is
[11:42] <rmz> �TceeSGAAegY36CRM
[11:42] <Xythar> ageha
[11:42] <TheKnightOfNee> um
[11:42] <Songy> lower world
[11:42] <Ryujin> lion suki
[11:42] <TheKnightOfNee> No clue
[11:42] <Songy> giudecca
[11:42] <TheKnightOfNee> Nebula grasper
[11:42] <djHaQ> daikenkai
[11:42] <djHaQ> oops
[11:42] <djHaQ> wrong game
[11:42] <Daisuke-Niwa> its one of those non CS songs :/
[11:42] <Songy> hyper boundary gate
[11:42] <Xythar> ghost revival
[11:42] <TheKnightOfNee> Spiral Galaxy
[11:42] <Lux> The Big Voyager
[11:42] <rmz> nope
[11:43] <chickensnack> awakening
[11:43] <djHaQ> oh god I know this
[11:43] <Songy> quickening
[11:43] <rmz> it is on CS currently
[11:43] <TheKnightOfNee> Andromeda
[11:43] <Songy> the earth light
[11:43] <djHaQ> oh god it's the eeeeend
[11:43] <Daisuke-Niwa> one of the 2039482390842038 anothers of the earth light
[11:43] <djHaQ> hmm or not
[11:43] * PkerUNO has joined #vjarmy
[11:43] <Lux> Genom Screams
[11:43] <rmz> nope
[11:43] <PkerUNO> hello again
[11:43] <PkerUNO> #?
[11:43] <Xythar> I feel like I should know and I don't
[11:43] <Thunderbird> Advance? :P
[11:43] <Songy> silvia drive
[11:43] <Lux> HIGHER
[11:43] <rmz> 28
[11:43] <Songy> love is drowing
[11:44] <PkerUNO> shit :S
[11:44] <rmz> TceeSGAAegY36CRM
[11:44] <PkerUNO> what songs did I miss?
[11:44] <Xythar> hint?
[11:44] <rmz> one sec
[11:44] <djHaQ> Deadline
[11:44] <Songy> music to your head
[11:44] <Ryujin> Lion Suki akira yamaoka
[11:44] <rmz> its genre is Trance
[11:44] <Songy> power dream
[11:44] <TheKnightOfNee> Alien world
[11:44] <djHaQ> got that part
[11:44] <Songy> star field
[11:44] <Xythar> star dream
[11:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> wanna tell that word
[11:44] <TheKnightOfNee> e-motion 2003
[11:44] <djHaQ> oh god
[11:44] <TheKnightOfNee> Dissolve
[11:44] <Thunderbird> Wanna Tell That Word is US Hard House
[11:45] <Songy> attitude
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> Foundation of our love
[11:45] <Daisuke-Niwa> i know
[11:45] <djHaQ> end this madness
[11:45] <Daisuke-Niwa> fly through the night
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> In my eyes
[11:45] <Xythar> reincarnation
[11:45] <Xythar> :P
[11:45] <Xythar> >_
[11:45] <Thunderbird> Love Will
[11:45] <rmz> It's on 6th style
[11:45] <Songy> V I WIN
[11:45] <djHaQ> rislim -remix-
[11:45] <PkerUNO> I feel...
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> Let the snow paint me Y&Co Remix
[11:45] <djHaQ> oh
[11:45] <Xythar> flowtation
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> Fly through the night
[11:45] <Xythar> fly away
[11:45] <Songy> CHEER TRAIN
[11:45] <djHaQ> just do it
[11:45] <Xythar> l'amour et la liberte
[11:45] <djHaQ> real love
[11:45] <Daisuke-Niwa> free style
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> L'amour et la liberte
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> oh
[11:45] <djHaQ> oh wait those are techno
[11:45] <TheKnightOfNee> Sync
[11:45] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �13
[11:45] <Xythar> which was it?
[11:45] <djHaQ> dear god
[11:45] <dbEXCLAMATIONPOINt> aaron, want that album now?
[11:46] <TheKnightOfNee> L'amour?
[11:46] <Ryujin> yeah, thought so
[11:46] <rmz> l'amour
[11:46] <TheKnightOfNee> D'og
[11:46] <Xythar> really
[11:46] <rmz> Not now DB
[11:46] <TheKnightOfNee> d'oh
[11:46] <rmz> Lagging a little
[11:46] <Xythar> it doesn't sound anything like it to me O_o
[11:46] <rmz> A little later
[11:46] <TheKnightOfNee> He typed it while I was in the middle of it
[11:46] <TheKnightOfNee> =(
[11:46] <djHaQ> it was the end...
[11:46] <djHaQ> ...I think
[11:46] <rmz> it's from the end part
[11:46] <Xythar> it's a heavier beat than I remember too
[11:46] <rmz> with the drumroll
[11:46] <Ryujin> Could pass for Lion Suki
[11:46] <PkerUNO> sorry for the long delay, I had to make sure parents were in bed :D
[11:46] <djHaQ> I need to hook you guys up with 320 rips
[11:46] <rmz> haha
[11:46] <Daisuke-Niwa> djHaQ
[11:46] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:46] <rmz> �Which DDR AC release was L'amour et la liberte transplanted into?
[11:46] <Xythar> taka
[11:47] <Ryujin> 8th
[11:47] <Xythar> extreme
[11:47] <Songy> extreme
[11:47] <djHaQ> EXTREME
[11:47] <Daisuke-Niwa> extreme
[11:47] <PkerUNO> extreme
[11:47] <Ryujin> exterm
[11:47] <TheKnightOfNee> Extree
[11:47] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[11:47] <djHaQ> HO SHI
[11:47] <TheKnightOfNee> Nice spelling guys
[11:47] <Lux> EXCEED 2
[11:47] <djHaQ> haha
[11:47] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[11:47] <PkerUNO> NEON FM
[11:47] <Ryujin> uh..
[11:47] <djHaQ> Daisuke-Niwa: ?
[11:47] <Xythar> what about DDR Taka? :(
[11:47] <Thunderbird> Xythar got it first here
[11:47] <Ryujin> i'm seeing xythar first
[11:47] <Daisuke-Niwa> xythar beat him
[11:47] <rmz> Technically it's never called 8th Mix by konami
[11:47] <Songy> it's called ddr extreme
[11:47] <chickensnack> xythar
[11:47] <rmz> So it's not 8th
[11:47] <djHaQ> I got xythar first too O_o
[11:47] <Ryujin> no, i meant xythar was 1st
[11:47] <djHaQ> maybe I'm lagging
[11:47] <rmz> Haha
[11:47] <PkerUNO> me too
[11:47] <rmz> It says Songy on both of my windows
[11:47] <rmz> But I'll do Songy if you guys all agree
[11:47] <Xythar> fair enough
[11:47] <rmz> erm
[11:47] <Thunderbird> o_O
[11:47] <rmz> Xythar
[11:48] <rmz> Xythar?
[11:48] <Xythar> I don't mind, the rule is that it's whats on your window
[11:48] <chickensnack> i see xythar
[11:48] <djHaQ> right
[11:48] <rmz> well
[11:48] <rmz> I'm lagging hardcore
[11:48] <Songy> i see me
[11:48] <TheKnightOfNee> I, um... see my name first. >_>
[11:48] * Thunderbird wonders how rmz sees Songy first when it doesn't look like anybody else does
[11:48] <djHaQ> well that's no good
[11:48] <rmz> so I'll go with Xythar since we seem to have a consensus
[11:48] <TheKnightOfNee> No, Xythar's, myself
[11:48] <sanchny> I see Songy
[11:48] <Xythar> say 1 point for both of us
[11:48] <Xythar> maybe?
[11:48] <Xythar> i don't mind not getting one
[11:48] <rmz> fair enough
[11:48] <TheKnightOfNee> 1 point for everyone!
[11:48] <djHaQ> we need millisecond timestamps
[11:48] <Songy> I agree
[11:48] <Ryujin> sounds fair.
[11:48] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �14
[11:48] <Xythar> everyone play HOUSE2
[11:49] <djHaQ> good-cool Spin the disc 6th
[11:49] <rmz> ok �#29
[11:49] <TheKnightOfNee> I still need to play the first house
[11:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> lol 6th
[11:49] <rmz> �unfiltered
[11:49] <djHaQ> oh waitr
[11:49] <rmz> �password is
[11:49] <rmz> �sCi+THKZCqsBnHbE
[11:49] <Lux> IID
[11:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> iidx
[11:49] <Xythar> IIDX
[11:49] <PkerUNO> iidx
[11:49] <Ryujin> second style
[11:49] <djHaQ> second style
[11:49] <Xythar> second style
[11:49] <djHaQ> damn it
[11:49] <Ryujin> oh shity
[11:49] <djHaQ> g.m.d
[11:49] <Ryujin> it IS iidx
[11:49] <TheKnightOfNee> Holy cow, it hadn't even opened when all those were there
[11:49] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �8
[11:49] <TheKnightOfNee> Twelfth style
[11:49] <Xythar> second style hip hop paradise
[11:49] <Ryujin> wha?!
[11:49] <PkerUNO> IIDX sucks
[11:49] <rmz> Nope it's Second Style
[11:49] <Xythar> then I'm right >_>
[11:49] <Ryujin> oh.
[11:49] <Songy> iidx was my 100th AAA
[11:49] <Ryujin> ok, cool
[11:49] <djHaQ> indeed, IIDX sucks, Second Style is awesome
[11:50] <Xythar> second style (hip hop paradise)
[11:50] <Xythar> is the full name
[11:50] <djHaQ> oh right
[11:50] <PkerUNO> why did they have to have such a bad anthem song?
[11:50] <rmz> Yes, Xythar
[11:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Taka was high
[11:50] <rmz> :D
[11:50] <djHaQ> It's soooo good though.
[11:50] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:50] <Ryujin> screw that, then give me my Infinite Prayer (FFS Another) answer. :)
[11:50] <rmz> �What is the name of the DAY BREAKERS song that is present on the IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY location test?
[11:50] <TheKnightOfNee> IIDX
[11:50] <djHaQ> Twelfth Style
[11:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Twelfth Style
[11:50] <Ryujin> fuck.
[11:50] <Xythar> so how come I didn't get the point for second style/
[11:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Man, I typed that like a minute ago too
[11:50] <Songy> GAMBOL
[11:50] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[11:50] <rmz> Xythar
[11:51] <Ryujin> because you put in IIDX?
[11:51] <rmz> Second Style is fine, he didn't need (HIP HOP PARADISE)
[11:51] <Xythar> it's still the full name, tho
[11:51] <Xythar> ah well
[11:51] <Xythar> i don't really mind, it just feels inconsistent
[11:51] <Ryujin> Consider it payback for not getting the Infinite Prayer one then.
[11:51] <rmz> On the song wheel it just says Second Style, correct?
[11:51] <Xythar> not sure
[11:51] <TheKnightOfNee> We got caught up in the heat of the moment
[11:51] <Ryujin> Because technically then by your count I should've had that.
[11:51] <rmz> I'm fairly sure it does
[11:52] <Ryujin> And not this one.
[11:52] <rmz> Anyway, it balances out like Ryujin said
[11:52] <djHaQ> boing
[11:52] <Xythar> we should probably just go by OST names, but okay
[11:52] <Lux> nehhkst
[11:52] <rmz> It doesn't have to be exact
[11:52] <Ryujin> any case, i'll do full names next time. sorry.
[11:52] <djHaQ> another day remix
[11:52] <rmz> I'm not that hardcore about it
[11:52] <Xythar> you were hardcore about silhoette :(
[11:52] <rmz> Just as long as it's not typoed or anything
[11:53] <sanchny> We play PS2 games primarily, not OSTs. :p
[11:53] <djHaQ> A SIGH MIX
[11:53] <Ryujin> THAT was a misspelling.
[11:53] <Lux> IID
[11:53] <djHaQ> no
[11:53] <TheKnightOfNee> Love is Drowing
[11:53] <djHaQ> It's like that in the game.
[11:53] <Xythar> anyway, I don't really care that much so let's go to #30
[11:53] <sanchny> on the song wheel?
[11:53] <rmz> yeah #30
[11:53] <Xythar> !hof
[11:53] <rmz> �#30 - unfiltered
[11:53] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �14��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �10��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �8��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �4��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;
[11:54] <rmz> �password is
[11:54] <rmz> �xVPbVHofqBHfzg44
[11:54] <Xythar> platonic xxx
[11:54] <Songy> shitty jap song
[11:54] <Ryujin> platonic-xxx
[11:54] <TheKnightOfNee> Secret Rendezvous in Japanese
[11:54] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �15
[11:54] <djHaQ> ew platoniX
[11:54] <Ryujin> Stupid hyphen.
[11:54] <rmz> Technically the hyphen is in the exact title
[11:54] <rmz> BUT LIKE I SAID
[11:54] <djHaQ> uhoh
[11:54] <TheKnightOfNee> UT OH
[11:55] <Ryujin> right, but I shouldn't have bothered
[11:55] <rmz> �I am not being SUPER STRICT about hyphens or mix names
[11:55] <djHaQ> GUESS WHO WON
[11:55] * Kinryuu has joined #vjarmy
[11:55] <djHaQ> me
[11:55] <Ryujin> Whatever. Let's move on.
[11:55] <Xythar> I am not being SUPER EUROBEAT
[11:55] <Xythar> <_<
[11:55] <djHaQ> generator
[11:55] <rmz> �bonus Q
[11:55] <Lux> Unless its Rislim -Remix-. Without the dashes it loses its subtle complexity and total meaning.
[11:55] <Xythar> hahaha
[11:55] <rmz> �Another platoniX song, Don't Be Afraid Myself, was included as a preview song on 8th Style CS.  Name one of the other RED previews on 8th CS
[11:55] <Ryujin> taiyo
[11:55] <Xythar> spiral galaxy, taiyo
[11:55] <sanchny> spiral galaxy
[11:55] <chickensnack> spiral galaxy
[11:56] <Songy> 5.1.1.
[11:56] <Xythar> oh right I didn't read that time
[11:56] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �9
[11:56] <PkerUNO> setsugekka
[11:56] <TheKnightOfNee> Man, I didn't read the full question, just the end, and I started typing Don't Be Afrai Myself
[11:56] <Ryujin> Whee.
[11:56] <djHaQ> wtf I was typing Taiyou and Don't be afraid myself... woops
[11:56] <PkerUNO> it's really well hidden
[11:56] <rmz> haha
[11:56] <djHaQ> +
[11:56] * MILK is now known as MILK|RUMINESU
[11:56] <djHaQ> hidden+
[11:56] <Xythar> that's not that related to the song you know :P
[11:56] <Xythar> play 100 songs on hidden/HARD
[11:56] <rmz> �31 - unfiltered
[11:56] <rmz> �password is
[11:56] <PkerUNO> in 1 hour
[11:56] <rmz> �Kdyg9WXFm4mCqAGx
[11:56] <djHaQ> penis
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> Doigts de fatima
[11:57] <djHaQ> what the FAKC
[11:57] <Ryujin> damn
[11:57] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �4
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> penis moved the password on me
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> =(
[11:57] <chickensnack> same here
[11:57] <chickensnack> >:l
[11:57] <djHaQ> oh the end
[11:57] <Xythar> pker interjected on my side
[11:57] <Ryujin> yeah, blame the penis
[11:57] <djHaQ> sorry :(
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> Do it more
[11:57] <TheKnightOfNee> Helped me, apparently
[11:57] <rmz> djHaQ's penis messed it up :(
[11:57] <Xythar> that's the most filtered-sounding unfiltered sample I've heard
[11:57] <Ryujin> Tatsujin Challenge tag team
[11:57] <djHaQ> sorry my penis got in the way :|
[11:58] <PkerUNO> ...
[11:58] <rmz> !hof
[11:58] <TheKnightOfNee> Really? That's just the voice things at the end
[11:58] <djHaQ> Won't happen again.
[11:58] <sanchny> control your penis please.
[11:58] <Ryujin> It stood out quite a bit
[11:58] <rmz> okay moving on
[11:58] <rmz> �#32 - filtered
[11:58] <TheKnightOfNee> okay
[11:58] <rmz> �password is (no penises this time please)
[11:58] <rmz> �bCwHA3ZwLa3rfY3G
[11:58] <Songy> music to your head
[11:59] <Songy> :|
[11:59] <Ryujin> overdoser 3rd
[11:59] <TheKnightOfNee> Still My Words
[11:59] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[11:59] <Xythar> this sounds like pop'n music O_o
[11:59] <Ryujin> ooh, good one.
[11:59] <djHaQ> Twelfth Style Tatsh feat.DAYBREAKERS NEXT HAPPY SKY
[11:59] <TheKnightOfNee> Whew, good guess
[11:59] <djHaQ> damn
[11:59] <PkerUNO> that was setsugekka too
[11:59] <Ryujin> !hof
[11:59] <PkerUNO> the Y&Co remix on 9th CS
[11:59] <PkerUNO> you unlocked it yet?
[11:59] <rmz> �#33 - unfiltered
[12:00] <rmz> �password is
[12:00] <rmz> �4fH39nf53ZgS6T66
[12:00] <TheKnightOfNee> Girigiri daddy
[12:00] <djHaQ> c-r-a-c-k-ER
[12:00] <Xythar> close my eyes for me
[12:00] <djHaQ> XD
[12:00] <Ryujin> fuck
[12:00] <Xythar> wait no it isn't
[12:00] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[12:00] <TheKnightOfNee> hot damn
[12:00] <PkerUNO> yes it is
[12:00] <PkerUNO> :(
[12:00] <rmz> damn, Dan's cleaning up
[12:00] <Lux> JUST IN TIME
[12:00] <Ryujin> typed "gigi" and knew I was screwed
[12:00] <sanchny> !hof
[12:00] <djHaQ> haha
[12:00] <Xythar> I typed "gigolo" and knew I was screwed
[12:00] <TheKnightOfNee> I almost forgot how to spell giri
[12:01] <rmz> �#34 - unfiltered
[12:01] <Ryujin> I guess Gigigigi Daddy doesn't sound too bad either
[12:01] <Xythar> giri giri = bling bling?
[12:01] <rmz> �password is
[12:01] <rmz> �2sCbsomeLbjbBnHm
[12:01] <Daisuke-Niwa> yoru no sangrasu
[12:01] <sanchny> blame
[12:01] <TheKnightOfNee> Yoru no sungurassu
[12:01] <Xythar> yoru no sangorasu
[12:01] <Ryujin> yoru no sangurasu
[12:01] <TheKnightOfNee> I dunno how to spell it
[12:01] <djHaQ> yoru no sangurasu
[12:01] <Ryujin> dammmit
[12:01] <djHaQ> gah
[12:01] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �11
[12:01] <Lux> Yoru no SUNGLASS
[12:01] <Xythar> wait wait wait
[12:01] <Ryujin> um
[12:01] <Xythar> is that how it's spelt?
[12:01] <Ryujin> he didn't get it right
[12:01] <Thunderbird> he spelled it wrong
[12:01] <Xythar> there are no 'gr's in Japanese
[12:01] <rmz> yes
[12:01] <sanchny> Xythar: pika pika = bling bling
[12:01] <PkerUNO> giri giri in italian = you turn, which goes well with the start of the video :D
[12:01] <rmz> oh crap
[12:01] <rmz> I didn't see that
[12:01] <rmz> MY MISTAKE
[12:02] <Lux> ryujin was the first one to spell it right
[12:02] <djHaQ> yoru no sunglasses
[12:02] <Ryujin> xythar's.
[12:02] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was deducted�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �10
[12:02] <rmz> That's why I count on you guys
[12:02] <Ryujin> no, it's xythar's point.
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> Xythar shows up before Ryujin on my screen
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> >_>
[12:02] <djHaQ> I think Ryujin is correct
[12:02] <Lux> its not sangorasu
[12:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> dammit
[12:02] <rmz> Ryujin is right
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> oh yeah
[12:02] <PkerUNO> it is, you know
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> wow
[12:02] <chickensnack> ryujin
[12:02] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �10
[12:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> xythar typoed it
[12:02] <Xythar> yeah I think so
[12:02] <Ryujin> oh wait
[12:02] <Thunderbird> VJA says Yoru No Sangurasu
[12:02] <rmz> sangUrasu
[12:02] <Ryujin> yeah, it is me.
[12:02] <Ryujin> cool.
[12:02] <djHaQ> I typed guro and knew I was screwed
[12:02] <Xythar> I didn't typo it, I just thought it was go and not gu :P
[12:02] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> Almost kept my roll going
[12:02] <rmz> the song wheel says sangurasu
[12:02] <TheKnightOfNee> Stupid second s
[12:03] <Daisuke-Niwa> ive always seen sangrasu
[12:03] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:03] <Daisuke-Niwa> but whatever
[12:03] <rmz> �What is the group name that "good-cool feat.Hideo Suwa" often goes by?
[12:03] <Xythar> school
[12:03] <TheKnightOfNee> Buffale
[12:03] <Daisuke-Niwa> school;
[12:03] <Ryujin> FUCK!
[12:03] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �16
[12:03] <rmz> haha
[12:03] <Ryujin> what are you, a madman?
[12:03] <djHaQ> oh my GOD
[12:03] <djHaQ> !ho
[12:03] <Xythar> that'd be a cool group name ryujin
[12:03] <djHaQ> !hof
[12:03] <Ryujin> !hof
[12:03] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[12:03] <Xythar> FUCK! (good-cool feat NVLM_ZK)
[12:03] <Ryujin> LOL. LOL.
[12:04] <rmz> okay this one is fun
[12:04] <Ryujin> Me think so too yep.
[12:04] <Lux> FACK - RAM - SPEED
[12:04] <sanchny> fun 9th
[12:04] <sanchny> :D
[12:04] <TheKnightOfNee> darn you sanchny
[12:04] <rmz> �there is a bonus Q AND a followup so if someone gets the bonus question shut up and let them think
[12:04] <TheKnightOfNee> okokokok
[12:04] <rmz> �on this next one
[12:04] <djHaQ> ok
[12:04] <rmz> �#35 - filtered
[12:04] <rmz> �password is
[12:04] <rmz> �8g+p626RgQ7cVYB9
[12:04] <Daisuke-Niwa> smoke
[12:04] <Songy> smoke
[12:04] <TheKnightOfNee> wow
[12:04] <djHaQ> nice
[12:04] <Ryujin> holy crap
[12:04] <Xythar> nice ones
[12:05] <TheKnightOfNee> hory clap
[12:05] <djHaQ> so we can go for the bonus just not the followup correct
[12:05] <rmz> no
[12:05] <rmz> not smoke
[12:05] <TheKnightOfNee> omg
[12:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> omg
[12:05] <Songy> real
[12:05] <Ryujin> qqq taq 5th
[12:05] <Xythar> close my eyes for me
[12:05] <rmz> yes
[12:05] <TheKnightOfNee> G2
[12:05] <rmz> the bonus is for anyone
[12:05] <djHaQ> k
[12:05] <TheKnightOfNee> Abyss
[12:05] <rmz> still waiting on a correct answer
[12:05] <djHaQ> MAX 300
[12:05] <chickensnack> checking you out
[12:05] <Songy> BAG
[12:05] <Thunderbird> Tribal Master 8th?
[12:05] <rmz> if you listen to it closely it's totally obvious
[12:05] <Ryujin> breath slake red
[12:05] <TheKnightOfNee> The Shining Polaris
[12:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> paranoia survivor max 9th 290
[12:06] <Songy> it's not obvious to me at all
[12:06] <djHaQ> damn
[12:06] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �3��0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 �13
[12:06] <TheKnightOfNee> I can't think of the name
[12:06] <djHaQ> gah
[12:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Damn
[12:06] <Ryujin> are you kidding?
[12:06] <Songy> OH NOW I SEE IT
[12:06] <PkerUNO> ????
[12:06] <rmz> you'll hear it now
[12:06] <djHaQ> no I hear it now
[12:06] <rmz> if you know what it is
[12:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> should have thrown in jungle mixture :/
[12:06] <Xythar> I don't
[12:06] <PkerUNO> I don't
[12:06] <Lux> The siren
[12:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Oh, it was filtered
[12:06] <djHaQ> lol
[12:06] <Ryujin> sped it up or something
[12:06] <PkerUNO> I still don't
[12:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Where is it?
[12:06] <Ryujin> I think I can pick it out
[12:06] <TheKnightOfNee> I'm not hearing it
[12:07] <sanchny> at what point in the song?
[12:07] <Lux> sped up, remastered
[12:07] <rmz> one of the slowdowns
[12:07] <rmz> with the bass kicks
[12:07] <TheKnightOfNee> Ah
[12:07] <rmz> it's reversed too
[12:07] <rmz> I think
[12:07] <TheKnightOfNee> Wow
[12:07] <Xythar> it was too easy before right
[12:07] <Xythar> >_>
[12:07] <Ryujin> Damn, I needed that one
[12:07] <rmz> anyway bonus Q
[12:07] <chickensnack> i was converting it to wav to reverse it in soundrec
[12:07] <rmz> Whoever gets this gets a followup
[12:07] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:07] <rmz> �How many different mixes of PARANOiA have been made for official Bemani releases (including the original)?  This includes all Bemani games, both arcade and home versions.  Closest guess wins.
[12:08] <Xythar> fuck
[12:08] <rmz> (first winning guess)
[12:08] <djHaQ> 11
[12:08] <Thunderbird> 9
[12:08] <sanchny> 13
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 6
[12:08] <chickensnack> 8
[12:08] <Ryujin> 8
[12:08] <Xythar> 14
[12:08] <Songy> 10
[12:08] <Xythar> 7
[12:08] <Ryujin> 10
[12:08] <Songy> 11
[12:08] <Songy> 12
[12:08] <Songy> 13
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 12
[12:08] <sanchny> 7
[12:08] <Songy> 14
[12:08] <djHaQ> oh damn it
[12:08] <Songy> 15
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> 15
[12:08] <sanchny> 10
[12:08] <djHaQ> wtf
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> 17
[12:08] <sanchny> 11
[12:08] <Songy> 1
[12:08] <Songy> 2
[12:08] <Ryujin> 6
[12:08] <Songy> 3
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> 16
[12:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> 7
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 13
[12:08] <rmz> sanchny gets it
[12:08] <Xythar> 18
[12:08] <Songy> 4
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 14
[12:08] <sanchny> 8
[12:08] <Songy> 5
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 11
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 10
[12:08] <sanchny> :D
[12:08] <Songy> 6
[12:08] <PkerUNO> 9
[12:08] <ScoreBot> ��11,1sanchny��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1
[12:08] <Songy> 7
[12:08] <Thunderbird> 13?
[12:08] <Songy> 8
[12:08] <djHaQ> wtf was it
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> 10?
[12:08] <Songy> 9
[12:08] <Songy> C
[12:08] <rmz> 13
[12:08] <PkerUNO> e
[12:08] <djHaQ> k
[12:08] <PkerUNO> pi
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> My thing stopped scrolling down
[12:08] <rmz> OKAY
[12:08] <Xythar> here I was like an idiot trying to count paranoias instead of spamming random numbers
[12:08] <Xythar> :/
[12:08] <rmz> �followup for Mr. Sanchny
[12:08] <TheKnightOfNee> shhhhh everyone
[12:08] <sanchny> uh oh
[12:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> the answer is penis
[12:09] <rmz> I meant to say that each person got one guess
[12:09] <sanchny> haha
[12:09] <rmz> But I forgot so I blame myself for the spam
[12:09] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:09] <rmz> hha
[12:09] <djHaQ> get it
[12:09] <PkerUNO> good job
[12:09] <Songy> !hof
[12:09] <rmz> anyway Mr. Sanchny
[12:09] <sanchny> yes Mr. Rmz
[12:09] <rmz> �name all 13.  You can miss at most ONE and still get credit.  If you fail to get this right, nobody else can do it because I don't want people spamming 13 song names each
[12:09] <sanchny> o_O
[12:10] <djHaQ> oh MY GOD
[12:10] <TheKnightOfNee> LOL
[12:10] <Thunderbird> Have fun :P
[12:10] <TheKnightOfNee> GET TO WORK
[12:10] <Xythar> I could SO do this :(
[12:10] <chickensnack> i'm going to go to the bathroom
[12:10] <sanchny> ok
[12:10] <Ryujin> Same here
[12:10] <PkerUNO> ok,I'll be back in half an hour :D
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia
[12:10] <rmz> haha
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia Respect
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia Eternal
[12:10] * PlatinumHawke has joined #vjarmy
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia Evolution
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia KCET clean mix
[12:10] <PlatinumHawke> what round is everyone in?
[12:10] <djHaQ> shh
[12:10] <djHaQ> :]
[12:10] <rmz> 35
[12:10] <sanchny> Paranoia Max dirty mix
[12:11] <djHaQ> 36 next
[12:11] <sanchny> Paranoia Rebirth
[12:11] * TrogdorburnsU has joined #vjarmy
[12:11] <sanchny> Paranoia Survivor
[12:11] <PlatinumHawke> ok
[12:11] <sanchny> Paranoia Survivor Max
[12:11] <sanchny> how many was that
[12:11] <Xythar> 9
[12:11] <rmz> 10
[12:11] <PkerUNO> 9
[12:11] <TheKnightOfNee> 9
[12:11] <Songy> I know one you'll all never get
[12:11] * Thunderbird sees 9
[12:11] <rmz> 9?
[12:11] <djHaQ> 9
[12:11] <Ryujin> No, it's 10
[12:11] <rmz> oh yeah
[12:11] <rmz> 9
[12:11] <rmz> I miscounted
[12:11] <Ryujin> oh wait
[12:11] <Xythar> i think I know the one Songy knows
[12:11] <Ryujin> whoops
[12:12] <djHaQ> drumroll
[12:12] <sanchny> uh, Paranoia Max
[12:12] <djHaQ> O_o
[12:12] <rmz> Since this is so ridiculous I'll give you a hint for the last few
[12:12] <Thunderbird> named already
[12:12] <Xythar> is there even a regular paranoia max/
[12:12] <rmz> They are all featured on other Bemani games besides DDR
[12:12] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh i know
[12:12] <djHaQ> Yes, but it was... stated already... :x
[12:12] <rmz> no
[12:12] <djHaQ> oh no
[12:12] <mpq> three more?
[12:12] <Thunderbird> there is one unnamed one in a DDR mix
[12:12] <Xythar> don't say anything, mpq
[12:12] <Ryujin> That's not ENTIRELY true.
[12:12] <rmz> four
[12:13] <djHaQ> lol Thunderbird
[12:13] <djHaQ> I know what you're getting at... I think.
[12:13] <Songy> Xythar and I want to say the REALLY obscure one so bad
[12:13] <TheKnightOfNee> Me too
[12:13] <sanchny> oh crud
[12:13] <mpq> I think I know what you mean
[12:13] <djHaQ> yeh
[12:13] <Xythar> pity that paranoia bounce connected mix doesn't count but it's non Bemani
[12:13] <Xythar> it's the best remix
[12:13] <rmz> yeah
[12:13] * Thunderbird can only think of one more Paranoia remix himself
[12:13] <djHaQ> DQ
[12:13] <sanchny> Paranoia jazzy groove
[12:13] <djHaQ> ...something different
[12:13] <Ryujin> I can name two
[12:14] <djHaQ> I can think of two at the moment
[12:14] <rmz> good
[12:14] <rmz> 3 more
[12:14] <Thunderbird> o_O
[12:14] * PlatinumHawke has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[12:14] <Xythar> paranoia jazzy groove is awesome
[12:14] <Ryujin> Paranoia Jazzy Groove?
[12:14] <djHaQ> oh right there's another one in beatmania
[12:14] <Ryujin> What's that one?
[12:14] <djHaQ> but...
[12:14] <Songy> YES
[12:14] <rmz> From a nonstop mix on dance maniax
[12:14] <djHaQ> :[|]
[12:14] <djHaQ> zzzzzzip
[12:14] <Ryujin> Weird.
[12:14] <sanchny> Paranoia Max Type 2
[12:14] <Xythar>
[12:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[12:14] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:14] * PlatinumHawke has joined #vjarmy
[12:14] <sanchny> meep
[12:15] <Xythar> Paranoia (Google Mix)
[12:15] <rmz> OK, time's up because I think you're googling them
[12:15] <rmz> haha
[12:15] <Songy> paranoia max funky bleep mix
[12:15] <djHaQ> YES
[12:15] <Lux> Paranoia Dirty Mix IN Roulette
[12:15] <Xythar> that one's cool too
[12:15] <mpq> funky bleep is awesome
[12:15] <Ryujin> Can we give the answers?
[12:15] <Songy> FORM BEATMANIA 5K
[12:15] <PkerUNO> what about luv mix?
[12:15] <djHaQ> I was about to say "What about Funky Bleep Mix?"
[12:15] <PkerUNO> ah no
[12:15] <Xythar> that's trip machine
[12:15] <Thunderbird> The roulette Paranoia MAX on 2nd didn't sound any different
[12:15] <Ryujin> Paranoia Max (Another Club Dirty Mix)
[12:15] <PkerUNO> that's TM
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA (DDR 1st Mix)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA MAX ~DIRTY MIX~ (DDR 2nd Mix)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~ (DDR 2nd Mix CS)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA MAX ~DIRTY MIX~ (Club Another Ver.) (DDR/IIDX Club)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA MAX ~DIRTY MIX~ (Club Another Ver. 2) (DDR/IIDX Club)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA Rebirth (DDR 3rd Mix)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOIA EVOLUTION (DDR Solo)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA ETERNAL (DDR 5th Mix)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOIA survivor (DDR EXTREME)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOIA survivor MAX (DDR EXTREME)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA -Respect- (DDR Party Collection)
[12:15] <rmz> PARANOiA JAZZY GROOVE (from the "Paranoia Jazzy Groove/Trip Machine Climax/Dead End" nonstop mix from Dance Maniax)
[12:15] <sanchny> you counted two dirty mixes?
[12:15] <Xythar> three
[12:15] <TheKnightOfNee> Three
[12:15] <djHaQ> yep
[12:15] <rmz> they're remixes
[12:16] <Ryujin> Yes, there's two remixes
[12:16] <Xythar> that should be 14 then
[12:16] <Ryujin> Of Dirty Mix
[12:16] <Xythar> you left out funky bleep mix
[12:16] <djHaQ> I see 13.
[12:16] <djHaQ> no it's there
[12:16] <djHaQ> [10:47:04 pm] <rmz> PARANOIA MAX (FUNKY BLEEP MIX) (BM CM2)
[12:16] <Xythar> oh whoops
[12:16] <djHaQ> :D
[12:16] <Xythar> nvm
[12:16] <PkerUNO> right
[12:16] <djHaQ> <3 funky bleep remix
[12:16] <djHaQ> -re
[12:16] <PkerUNO> next please :P
[12:16] <rmz> anyway moving on, nice try sanchny
[12:16] <Ryujin> Can we proceed?
[12:16] <TheKnightOfNee> What are we on?
[12:16] <Xythar> there are too many remixes of paranoia
[12:16] <rmz> I'd give you half a point if it would matter
[12:16] <PkerUNO> I don't have :P
[12:16] <Xythar> especially since the song kind of sucks
[12:16] <rmz> Can this thing do fraction points, Xyth?
[12:16] <Xythar> I don't know, I've never tried
[12:17] <ScoreBot> ��11,1sanchny��0 was awarded�11,1 �.5��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �1.5
[12:17] <PkerUNO> I say give him the point
[12:17] <sanchny> yay
[12:17] <djHaQ> maybe decimal
[12:17] <sanchny> :D
[12:17] <Xythar> haha
[12:17] <rmz> guess so
[12:17] <djHaQ> ooooh
[12:17] <rmz> good effort
[12:17] <Xythar> #36
[12:17] <Ryujin> T-T-T-T-TIE BREAKER!!
[12:17] <djHaQ> #47
[12:17] <Xythar> #98
[12:17] <rmz> okay �#36
[12:17] <TheKnightOfNee> #13
[12:17] <rmz> �unfiltered
[12:17] <rmz> �password is
[12:17] <Lux> HUT HUT
[12:17] <Xythar> haha
[12:17] <Xythar> get it
[12:17] <rmz> �42qAM7hxbr5j3vej
[12:17] <Daisuke-Niwa> kecak
[12:17] <Songy> kecak
[12:17] <Ryujin> fuck
[12:17] <Xythar> kecak
[12:17] <PkerUNO> kecak
[12:17] <PlatinumHawke> how many songs in this game?
[12:17] <Xythar> fucak
[12:17] <TheKnightOfNee> I copied the space
[12:17] <djHaQ> oh my god
[12:17] <Ryujin> back back back!
[12:17] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �14
[12:17] <rmz> 50
[12:18] <djHaQ> foiled by the lag again :[
[12:18] <Xythar> ravey song masquerading as trance
[12:18] <rmz> okay bonus question
[12:18] <Xythar> bali
[12:18] <rmz> �What island did John Robinson travel to to record the chanting vocals in Kecak?
[12:18] <djHaQ> oh well :)
[12:18] <Daisuke-Niwa> bali
[12:18] <Ryujin> screw taht.
[12:18] <TheKnightOfNee> Easter Island
[12:18] <TheKnightOfNee> Jamaica
[12:18] <Lux> "unfiltered" is synonymous with "don't enev try you won't be able to type it fast enough"
[12:18] <Songy> england
[12:18] <PkerUNO> Monkey Island
[12:18] <Songy> australia
[12:18] <TheKnightOfNee> Cyprus
[12:18] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �17
[12:18] <Ryujin> LOL at PkerUNO.
[12:18] <Daisuke-Niwa> OMFG
[12:18] <djHaQ> oh my god
[12:18] <djHaQ> again
[12:18] <Xythar> I am cool and preemptive
[12:18] <rmz> bali
[12:18] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats no fair
[12:18] <sanchny> wow.
[12:18] <TheKnightOfNee> what
[12:18] <rmz> is correct
[12:18] <Songy> Lux, hahaha
[12:18] <TheKnightOfNee> He said it before the question
[12:19] <djHaQ> wtf yeah
[12:19] <djHaQ> lol
[12:19] <rmz> haha what
[12:19] <Daisuke-Niwa> we have to make this a new rule
[12:19] <PkerUNO> DQ
[12:19] <djHaQ> hahaha
[12:19] <rmz> Not on my screen, but then again I'm lagging I think
[12:19] <Ryujin> Shit, gotta make up 8 points
[12:19] <PkerUNO> DQ
[12:19] <sanchny> he said it a second after for me
[12:19] <rmz> Well technically
[12:19] <rmz> He gave me points in Round 2 for PASTING AN MP3 FILE NAME
[12:19] <rmz> so I'm gonna count this
[12:19] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:19] <sanchny> come up with less predictable bonus Qs. :p
[12:19] <TheKnightOfNee> Conspiracy =P
[12:19] <rmz> HEY
[12:19] <djHaQ> - Naoki
[12:19] <TheKnightOfNee> That wasn't predictable at all
[12:19] <rmz> 99% of mine are unpredictable
[12:19] <Xythar> then how come I predicted it
[12:19] <PkerUNO> nooooo
[12:19] <Xythar> >_>
[12:19] <djHaQ> lo
[12:19] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:19] <TheKnightOfNee> HAX
[12:20] <Xythar> I've predicted 2 now
[12:20] <djHaQ> AIMBOT
[12:20] <Ryujin> Q'HEY - On The Tube
[12:20] <rmz> it wasn't like Xythar's
[12:20] <Thunderbird> looks like it can
[12:20] <Thunderbird> not that it's gonna help him any
[12:20] * Thunderbird remembers a remix called Paranoia MAX Type 2 from Dance Maniax 2nd...which one of the above was that?
[12:20] * Thunderbird checks his connection
[12:20] <chickensnack> hello!
[12:20] <chickensnack> whoa
[12:20] <rmz> I
[12:20] <chickensnack> lag
[12:20] <chickensnack> D:
[12:20] <Songy> it
[12:20] <djHaQ> haha
[12:20] <djHaQ> I
[12:20] <Xythar> I had to think of that in like 5 seconds
[12:20] <PkerUNO> NEXT
[12:20] <Ryujin> I'm telling everyone right noWWWWWW!!!
[12:20] <Thunderbird> whoa, I really lagged there for a bit :P
[12:20] <rmz> ANYWAY
[12:20] <chickensnack> me too
[12:20] <rmz> �#37
[12:20] <Xythar> yes you did
[12:20] <rmz> �unfiltered
[12:20] <rmz> �password is
[12:20] <rmz> �cggSEm6RrV7Ec2js
[12:21] <Songy> gigadelic
[12:21] <Ryujin> changes
[12:21] <Daisuke-Niwa> changes
[12:21] <Songy> genocide
[12:21] <TheKnightOfNee> Spiral Galaxy?
[12:21] <Xythar> changes
[12:21] <Songy> not
[12:21] <sanchny> nebula grasper 8th
[12:21] <Xythar> I hate it when I select the left of the cursor instead
[12:21] <Xythar> and I hate it when I select the space
[12:21] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �11
[12:21] <Daisuke-Niwa> c/p error :(
[12:21] <Ryujin> Actually, I did that too
[12:21] <Xythar> we do need a better way to do this
[12:21] <Xythar> but did you do both ryujin? :P
[12:21] <PkerUNO> telepathy
[12:21] <Ryujin> Erm, no.
[12:21] <rmz> �#38 - filtered
[12:21] <Xythar> I did
[12:22] <rmz> �password is
[12:22] <rmz> �ySw3sRUNBjY3Ak8v
[12:22] <TheKnightOfNee> Moba Moga
[12:22] <Songy> silvia drive
[12:22] <Xythar> comment te dire adieu
[12:22] <Ryujin> comment te dire adieu 6th
[12:22] <TheKnightOfNee> Comment de tire adieu
[12:22] <sanchny> love is orange
[12:22] <Daisuke-Niwa> comment te dire adieu
[12:22] <chickensnack> linus
[12:22] <Songy> YOU GUYS
[12:22] <Ryujin> no!!!!!
[12:22] <Songy> ARE SCRAY
[12:22] <Daisuke-Niwa> whoa
[12:22] <Songy> ARE SCARY
[12:22] <Ryujin> no!!!!
[12:22] <Ryujin> no!!!!
[12:22] <Lux> les filles blancet orange lounge red
[12:22] <djHaQ> woah that song gave my stomach a sinking feeling
[12:22] <Thunderbird> the bot has not responded yet
[12:22] <Xythar> les filles balancent
[12:22] <djHaQ> what bot
[12:22] <Songy> les filles ballancent
[12:22] <Thunderbird> Marmalade Reverie?
[12:22] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �18
[12:22] <sanchny> les filles balancent
[12:22] <Ryujin> no!!!
[12:22] <djHaQ> I thought he manually awarded scores
[12:22] <Xythar> either it was one or the other
[12:23] <djHaQ> with the bot
[12:23] <Xythar> which was it?
[12:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> i lagged like crazy with that comment te dire adieu spam
[12:23] <TheKnightOfNee> blancet, hahaha
[12:23] <Lux> i totally can't spell ijn french
[12:23] <Ryujin> i KNEW it was that, thought I had time
[12:23] <rmz> comment
[12:23] <Xythar> ah
[12:23] <PkerUNO> les filles balancent?
[12:23] <rmz> �comment
[12:23] <Xythar> I know that song well from trying to AAA it on L7
[12:23] <Lux> or english apparently
[12:23] <Thunderbird> If it was the RED one, you wouldn't have gotten the point
[12:23] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:23] <rmz> �What was the first Orange Lounge song to appear in IIDX?
[12:23] <djHaQ> mobo moga
[12:23] <TheKnightOfNee> Moba moga
[12:23] <Xythar> mobo moga
[12:23] <Ryujin> wow.
[12:23] <sanchny> Mobo Moga
[12:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> mobo*moga
[12:23] <TheKnightOfNee> Oh, now I don't say moba moga first
[12:23] <Songy> gambol
[12:23] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:23] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[12:23] <Ryujin> OVERDOSER
[12:23] <Songy> PRINCE ON A STAR
[12:23] <TheKnightOfNee> MAX 300
[12:24] <Xythar> motherboard moga
[12:24] <sanchny> SECOND STYLE
[12:24] <rmz> �followup question for Mr. HaQ
[12:24] <Xythar> kagonotori
[12:24] <djHaQ> oh jeez
[12:24] <Songy> prince on a star needs to be in this
[12:24] <rmz> �HaQ
[12:24] <TheKnightOfNee> shhhhhhh, followup
[12:24] <djHaQ> yes?
[12:24] <Songy> !ddr
[12:24] <Irob> ��9 Songy does DDR: Step rating = Great
[12:24] <rmz> �Name all of the Orange Lounge songs in IIDX, in the order that they first appeared (from earliest Style to newest).
[12:24] <Ryujin> Grr
[12:24] <Xythar> too easy :(
[12:24] <djHaQ> oy
[12:24] <Xythar> you take too long to type
[12:25] <Thunderbird> lot easier than the last follow up
[12:25] <sanchny> ;_;
[12:25] <Xythar> I can smell dust through my window
[12:25] <Xythar> where is it coming from
[12:25] <rmz> haha
[12:25] <rmz>  <Xythar> you take too long to type <-- who?
[12:25] <Xythar> HaQ
[12:25] <PkerUNO> the sun is rising...
[12:25] <djHaQ> Mobo Moga, comment te dire adieu, Marmalade Reverie, Les Filles Balancent
[12:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> HES GOOGLING IT LOL
[12:25] <rmz> oh
[12:25] <Thunderbird> Missed one
[12:25] <Ryujin> X
[12:25] <rmz> I type fast but I have lag haha
[12:25] <djHaQ> aw damn I missed one
[12:25] <PkerUNO> the birds are tweeting...
[12:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> MISS
[12:25] <rmz> NOPE
[12:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> love is orange
[12:25] <Xythar> we get it now right?
[12:25] <PlatinumHawke> love is orange !!\
[12:25] <rmz> love is orange
[12:25] <rmz> BZZT
[12:25] <Songy> mobo moga, comment te dire adieu, marmalade reverie, love is orange, les filles balancent
[12:25] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �0��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[12:25] <Ryujin> mobo moga comment te dire adieu marmalade reverie love is orange les filles balancent
[12:25] <Thunderbird> ouch
[12:25] <rmz> just because I can
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> hold on
[12:26] <djHaQ> so you add the 0 to make me self-conscious now
[12:26] <djHaQ> XD
[12:26] <rmz> no
[12:26] <rmz> yes
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> why not?
[12:26] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:26] <Xythar> do we get it or not?
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> brb
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> wait
[12:26] <djHaQ> no problem.
[12:26] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �5
[12:26] <rmz> Well
[12:26] <PkerUNO> so zero is singular, is it?
[12:26] <Xythar> :(
[12:26] <Ryujin> boo
[12:26] <djHaQ> on the bubbles
[12:26] <PkerUNO> zero point
[12:26] <rmz> Since I didn't specifically say, I have to I guess
[12:26] <Xythar> i'd have had it first but I was waiting for your goahead
[12:26] <Songy> yay
[12:26] <rmz> Sorry, I should've mentioned that
[12:26] <Xythar> I had it in the box ready to press enter
[12:26] <rmz> In those kinds of questions it's not fair to do that
[12:26] <rmz> I didn't mean to
[12:26] <Xythar> :P
[12:27] <rmz> Since it's just an ENTER KEY race
[12:27] <chickensnack> retrospective song?
[12:27] <rmz> �in the future, those kinds of questions don't go open
[12:27] <rmz> sorry :P
[12:27] <Lux> moving on...
[12:27] <PkerUNO> oooooook
[12:27] <Daisuke-Niwa> wait
[12:27] <rmz> brb
[12:27] <PkerUNO> on the move...
[12:27] <Xythar> you could always do the followups via PM
[12:27] <Daisuke-Niwa> nvm
[12:27] <Thunderbird> Retrospective Song is Comment te dire Adiue
[12:27] <djHaQ> It wasn't the typing either I just had massive head trauma at that instant.
[12:27] <chickensnack> ah
[12:27] <PkerUNO> next
[12:27] <chickensnack> that always confused me
[12:28] <PkerUNO> hurry please :(
[12:28] <rmz> okay
[12:28] <Xythar> 39
[12:28] <rmz> �#39
[12:28] <rmz> hurrying
[12:28] <rmz> �unfiltered
[12:28] <rmz> �password is
[12:28] <rmz> �69vNHyFWWPM6pJAm
[12:28] <Ryujin> g.m.d
[12:28] <Songy> gmd
[12:28] <djHaQ> g.m.d.
[12:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> g.m.d
[12:28] <djHaQ> damn
[12:28] <Thunderbird> Pker, you could always bug out early if you absolutely have to :P
[12:28] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �12
[12:28] <Xythar> oh is it?
[12:28] <Ryujin> whew
[12:28] <TheKnightOfNee> Didn't realize rmx was back already
[12:28] <TheKnightOfNee> rmz
[12:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[12:28] <Xythar> !hof
[12:28] <PkerUNO> no, never!
[12:28] <Ryujin> !hof
[12:28] <rmz> �bonus question
[12:28] <chickensnack> i typed rmz instead of gmd :l
[12:29] <PkerUNO> where would be the fun in that?
[12:29] <PkerUNO> :P
[12:29] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �18��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �14��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �12��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �6��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �6��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �sanchny��0 -�11,1 �1.5��0;
[12:29] <Xythar> s.d.z
[12:29] <rmz> �How many notes difference is there between g.m.d. 3rd Style L7 and 5th Style L7?
[12:29] <TheKnightOfNee> tsunami
[12:29] <Xythar> 2
[12:29] <djHaQ> 1
[12:29] <TheKnightOfNee> 1
[12:29] <Ryujin> 1
[12:29] <sanchny> 2
[12:29] <Ryujin> fuck
[12:29] <Thunderbird> 1
[12:29] <Ryujin> fuck
[12:29] <djHaQ> ho
[12:29] <chickensnack> 3
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> WOW
[12:29] * mpq is now known as mpq|iidx
[12:29] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[12:29] <djHaQ> shit
[12:29] <TheKnightOfNee> Stupid tsunami
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[12:29] <djHaQ> like trigonometry
[12:29] <Ryujin> Don't go runnin' home to mommy now
[12:29] <chickensnack> um
[12:29] <PkerUNO> just like konami
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <sanchny> 2
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <djHaQ> 1
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <TheKnightOfNee> 1
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <Ryujin> 1
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <Xythar> 2
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <Ryujin> fuck
[12:29] <rmz> [19:59:43] <Thunderbird> 1
[12:29] <rmz> all on the same second hahaha
[12:29] <sanchny> aha
[12:30] <djHaQ> woah
[12:30] <Xythar> I maintain that the difference in notes between the two vers is fuck
[12:30] <sanchny> followup: which note?
[12:30] <Xythar> ryujin wins
[12:30] <sanchny> :D
[12:30] <TheKnightOfNee> Sanchny's showed up like five more down for me
[12:30] <djHaQ> hahahaha
[12:30] <djHaQ> best followup
[12:30] <TheKnightOfNee>  But everything else was in order
[12:30] <Lux> me too
[12:30] <rmz> �okay #40
[12:30] <rmz> haha no
[12:30] <rmz> �40
[12:30] <DevilWarrior> k
[12:30] <rmz> �unfiltered
[12:30] <rmz> �password is
[12:30] <DevilWarrior> rmz is unfiltered.
[12:30] <rmz> �mXfe34vTvTEbgVAZ
[12:30] <TheKnightOfNee> Buffalo
[12:30] <Xythar> what the hell
[12:30] <djHaQ> WOW
[12:31] <Songy> step into the new world
[12:31] <ScoreBot> ��11,1TheKnightOfNee��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[12:31] <Ryujin> he's right.
[12:31] <Xythar> that's buffalo?
[12:31] <PkerUNO> yes
[12:31] <PkerUNO> the drums
[12:31] <TheKnightOfNee> The combo breaking part
[12:31] <rmz> yeah
[12:31] <Xythar> what was I playing
[12:31] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[12:31] <djHaQ> haha yes
[12:31] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:31] <Xythar> ballet?
[12:31] <Ryujin> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!
[12:31] <Xythar> bears in little cars?
[12:31] <rmz> �41
[12:31] <rmz> �unfiltered
[12:31] <sanchny> BUFFALO is in NEW YORK (GET IT?!?!?!)
[12:31] <rmz> �password is
[12:31] <rmz> �dsAU3S5aoqqzc2FK
[12:31] <Daisuke-Niwa> clione
[12:31] <djHaQ> haha nice get it
[12:31] <Xythar> clione
[12:31] <Ryujin> NO!!!1
[12:32] <Xythar> damn
[12:32] <TheKnightOfNee> I was laughing at the getit!
[12:32] <Ryujin> God, only one of my favorites IIDX songs
[12:32] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �15
[12:32] <Xythar> ocean sound
[12:32] <Ryujin> dutch trance
[12:32] <PkerUNO> small clione
[12:32] <rmz> �bonus question
[12:32] <rmz> �Along with kors k, someone else won Konami's Musicianship Trial to join the IIDX staff for 4th Style.  Who was it?
[12:32] <Xythar> ryu*
[12:32] <Ryujin> ryu
[12:32] <sanchny> Ryu
[12:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> wall5
[12:32] <djHaQ> wow
[12:32] <PkerUNO> really?
[12:32] <djHaQ> how in the hell? haha
[12:32] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �13
[12:32] <PkerUNO> :D
[12:32] <Xythar> the asterisk made me lose :(
[12:32] <Lux> HIDEO KOJIMA
[12:32] <Ryujin> yup, and it WAS ryu at first.
[12:32] <rmz> �followup for ryujin
[12:33] <Ryujin> Sweet.
[12:33] <TheKnightOfNee> I was typing out traces tracing you mix
[12:33] <rmz> �easy probably haha
[12:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[12:33] <djHaQ> haha
[12:33] <rmz> �Name at least five songs that Ryu* has written for IIDX.
[12:33] <Songy> OH MY GOD
[12:33] <PkerUNO> eeeeeasy
[12:33] <Ryujin> Including remixes?
[12:33] <Xythar> why don't you just give out 2 points for some of the bonus questions instead
[12:33] <Xythar> :/
[12:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> how about NO
[12:33] <rmz> �um, not counting 12th
[12:33] <djHaQ> how about sup Daisuke-Niwa
[12:33] <PkerUNO> freebie question
[12:34] <Ryujin> I mean remixes he did?
[12:34] <Xythar> there are 5 songs not including remixes
[12:34] <Xythar> easily
[12:34] <rmz> anything that's credited to RYU on IIDX
[12:34] <rmz> is fair game
[12:34] <Ryujin> Starmine, Rainbow Rainbow, Ageha, Setsugekka, Abyss (The Heavens Remix)
[12:34] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �14
[12:34] <rmz> easy enough
[12:34] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:34] <djHaQ> nahanaha
[12:34] <Songy> I would have said narcissus at oasis
[12:34] <Ryujin> Crap, you're right
[12:34] <rmz> see
[12:35] <rmz> �if you guys want these easy followups you better start winning the bonus Q's
[12:35] <rmz> :D
[12:35] <Thunderbird> hehe
[12:35] <Ryujin> Thing is, THAT's the first one that came to mind.
[12:35] <sanchny> ;_;
[12:35] <Xythar> BE QUIET HATER
[12:35] <Ryujin> And no, Narcissus At Oasis is gorgeous.
[12:35] <Ryujin> Be Quite, meh.
[12:35] <rmz> �okay #42
[12:35] <rmz> �filtered
[12:35] <rmz> �password is
[12:35] <rmz> �q6EU62yeG3Hn37aJ
[12:35] <Songy> sos
[12:35] <PkerUNO> sos
[12:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> soso
[12:35] <TheKnightOfNee> S.O.S
[12:35] <Ryujin> dammit
[12:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> wow
[12:35] <djHaQ> s.o.s. the tiger took my family
[12:35] <Xythar> infinite prayer
[12:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> oops
[12:35] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �6
[12:35] <sanchny> s.o.s. (the tiger took my family)
[12:35] <Ryujin> no, it's the original
[12:35] <djHaQ> oh no it's the original
[12:36] <djHaQ> gah
[12:36] <Xythar> haha it sounds like infinite prayer now :P
[12:36] <Songy> THAT IS MY SONG
[12:36] <TheKnightOfNee> Stupid periods
[12:36] <Songy> YOU HAVE NO IDEA
[12:36] <rmz> the original version
[12:36] <Xythar> you know, if you play Starmine on RED it says Ryu* for the artist
[12:36] <sanchny> how was it filtered?
[12:36] <PkerUNO> doctor bombay rullates of badly
[12:36] <djHaQ> I have rice & curry
[12:36] <Ryujin> Xythar: didn't know.
[12:36] <chickensnack> i think i'll play some 3rd after this
[12:36] <PkerUNO> me too
[12:36] <djHaQ> :D
[12:36] <PkerUNO> :D
[12:36] <Songy> I had rice and curry
[12:36] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:36] <PkerUNO> the cover is LOL
[12:36] <rmz> �what arcade style did the original version of S.O.S. premiere in?
[12:36] <Xythar> dr jekyll
[12:36] <TheKnightOfNee> Calcutta
[12:36] <Songy> 2nd
[12:36] <Xythar> 2nd
[12:36] <Ryujin> 2nd
[12:36] <TheKnightOfNee> 2nd
[12:36] <Thunderbird> 2
[12:36] <PkerUNO> 2n
[12:36] <djHaQ> hahahaha
[12:36] <PkerUNO> d
[12:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> brb
[12:36] <djHaQ> substream
[12:37] <sanchny> 1st
[12:37] <djHaQ> :o
[12:37] <TheKnightOfNee> 3rd
[12:37] <sanchny> 3rd
[12:37] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �7
[12:37] <Songy> 3rd
[12:37] <Songy> YES
[12:37] <rmz> hahaha
[12:37] <rmz> xythar
[12:37] <rmz> WRONG
[12:37] <Ryujin> Um..
[12:37] <Xythar> sit it IS 3rd isn't it
[12:37] <Xythar> I got confused with Calcutta
[12:37] <djHaQ> lol
[12:37] <djHaQ> err
[12:37] <Ryujin> I think I was 1st
[12:37] <Xythar> or whatever it's in
[12:37] <djHaQ> woops
[12:37] <Xythar> meh
[12:37] <Thunderbird> original S.O.S. is 2nd
[12:37] <Ryujin> Anyone else agree?
[12:37] <Songy> followup?
[12:37] <rmz> it's 2nd
[12:37] <Thunderbird> Calcutta got 3rd
[12:37] <sanchny> rmz, how was that filtered?
[12:37] <rmz> the remix was on 3rd
[12:37] <Xythar> oh, they're both 2nd
[12:37] <PkerUNO> precisely
[12:37] <Xythar> so I'm not wrong then
[12:37] <Thunderbird> Songy was first on my screen
[12:37] <PkerUNO> filter sucked
[12:37] <Ryujin> He was? Ok.
[12:38] <Songy> followup?
[12:38] <Xythar> !hof
[12:38] <rmz> The filter just took out the wind instrument part
[12:38] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �18��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �15��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �14��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �sanchny��0 -�11,1 �1.5��0;
[12:38] <rmz> no
[12:38] <Songy> WHY NOT
[12:38] <PkerUNO> not really
[12:38] <Xythar> fh
[12:38] <rmz> NO FOLLOWUP FOR YOU
[12:38] <sanchny> !hof
[12:38] <TheKnightOfNee> Where is 43
[12:38] <Xythar> COME BACK ONE YEAR
[12:38] <rmz> �#43
[12:38] <Xythar> next
[12:38] * djHaQ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by: djHakku))�)
[12:38] * djHakku has joined #vjarmy
[12:38] * djHakku is now known as djHaQ
[12:38] <rmz> �unfiltered, this one DOES have a followup question so stop bitching songy
[12:39] <Thunderbird> hehe
[12:39] <rmz> �password is
[12:39] <TheKnightOfNee> haha
[12:39] <rmz> �bpd9oQJATrfqFezs
[12:39] <djHaQ> ballad for you
[12:39] <Ryujin> ballad for yopui
[12:39] <Daisuke-Niwa> ballad for you
[12:39] <Songy> FUCK
[12:39] <Xythar> ballad for FUCK
[12:39] <Songy> FUCK
[12:39] <Songy> FUCK
[12:39] <Songy> FUCK
[12:39] <Songy> FUCK
[12:39] <TheKnightOfNee> man
[12:39] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �8
[12:39] <Ryujin> FUCK for you
[12:39] <PkerUNO> damn block
[12:39] <djHaQ> oh crap
[12:39] <TheKnightOfNee> I couldn't tell until that long note was over
[12:39] <rmz> BALLAD FUCK YOU
[12:39] <Ryujin> NM feat. Akira Shintani
[12:39] <Xythar> that'd be ballad fuck me
[12:39] <Ryujin> FUCK FOR YOu
[12:39] <rmz> okay bonus Q
[12:39] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:39] <djHaQ> woo
[12:40] <rmz> �Name the Bemani community artist that likes to brag about his friendship with Thomas Howard.
[12:40] <Xythar> dj potatoe
[12:40] <PkerUNO> dj potatoe
[12:40] <Songy> o2jam
[12:40] <djHaQ> dj shithead
[12:40] <Ryujin> lame question
[12:40] <Songy> popnco
[12:40] <Songy> popnko
[12:40] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �19
[12:40] <PkerUNO> gah
[12:40] <Xythar> followup time! :D
[12:40] <rmz> haha
[12:40] <djHaQ> DUN DUN DUN
[12:40] <Ryujin> DJ from Full House
[12:40] <rmz> �followup
[12:40] <PkerUNO> NEON FM
[12:40] <djHaQ> lol
[12:40] <rmz> �DJ Potatoe's new CD is called the "DJ Potatoe Super Collection."  What IIDX artist has his own "Super Collection" CD?
[12:40] <Xythar> good-cool
[12:40] <djHaQ> easy
[12:40] <rmz> �his/her
[12:40] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:40] <sanchny> ASLETICS
[12:40] * PlatinumHawke has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[12:40] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �20
[12:41] <djHaQ> DJ POTATOE
[12:41] <PkerUNO> SLUCK
[12:41] <Ryujin> It's cool, it's good AND cool.
[12:41] <Xythar> bonus bonus question: what's the other thomas howard song in IIDX
[12:41] <TheKnightOfNee> NO ONE KNOWS
[12:41] <Ryujin> He has another?
[12:41] <djHaQ> just like a pathetic dentist or whatever has samples from a stupid barber
[12:41] <Xythar> yes
[12:41] <sanchny> LET'S SAY HELLO
[12:41] <PkerUNO> we don't care since we don't get a point for it
[12:41] <Xythar> go on try and guess
[12:41] <rmz> no
[12:41] <djHaQ> right right
[12:41] <TheKnightOfNee> B4U
[12:41] <rmz> haha
[12:41] <Songy> say it 
[12:41] <Xythar> it's virtual mind
[12:41] <Ryujin> Oosenbashi
[12:41] <Daisuke-Niwa> HAHA
[12:41] <djHaQ> ack
[12:41] <Xythar> I knew that and you didn't
[12:41] <rmz> �#44 - filtered
[12:41] <PkerUNO> want a medal?
[12:41] <Xythar> yes
[12:41] <PkerUNO> ok
[12:42] <rmz> �password is
[12:42] <rmz> �h3p5uJbjzSzRcVhq
[12:42] <Daisuke-Niwa> b4u
[12:42] <PkerUNO> B4U
[12:42] <Ryujin> burning heat
[12:42] <djHaQ> ride on the light hi great mix
[12:42] <TheKnightOfNee> darn you
[12:42] <PkerUNO> yes
[12:42] <ScoreBot> ��11,1djHaQ��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �9
[12:42] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[12:42] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh snap
[12:42] <Ryujin> !hof
[12:42] <Ryujin> nice guess.
[12:42] <TheKnightOfNee> lol, it's contagious
[12:42] <Xythar> it sounds like something else too I can't quite place
[12:43] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:43] <rmz> �The original version of Ride On The Light debuted in what Bemani game?
[12:43] <djHaQ> beatmania
[12:43] <Daisuke-Niwa> gf
[12:43] <Xythar> keyboardmania 2nd mix
[12:43] <Thunderbird> KBM
[12:43] <sanchny> dancemaniax
[12:43] <Ryujin> keyboardmania
[12:43] <djHaQ> oops
[12:43] <Songy> beatmania
[12:43] <Remy> KEyboardmania
[12:43] <chickensnack> keyboardmavkj
[12:43] <TheKnightOfNee> Keyboard mania 3rd
[12:43] <Ryujin> damn, he's fast
[12:43] <TheKnightOfNee> >_>
[12:43] <Remy> How is this still going
[12:43] <djHaQ> guitarfreaks
[12:43] <Daisuke-Niwa> lol
[12:43] <Remy> I just watched all of Orgazmo
[12:43] <Songy> 20 minute break
[12:43] <djHaQ> oh wait
[12:43] <Thunderbird> had one long bonus followup
[12:43] <Remy> And a handful of the extras
[12:43] <djHaQ> haha
[12:43] <TheKnightOfNee> WE KEPT IT GOING FOR YOU REMY <3<3<3
[12:43] <rmz> okay guys
[12:43] <djHaQ> I need that DVD!
[12:43] <rmz> Is 2nd mix right?
[12:43] <rmz> �guys
[12:43] * Thunderbird checks his KBM box
[12:43] <Xythar> I checked, it is
[12:43] <Daisuke-Niwa> doesnt matter
[12:43] <TheKnightOfNee> I dunno, I never played
[12:43] <Ryujin> it's 2nd mix.
[12:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> it asks for game only
[12:44] <rmz> �was it 2nd Mix?  I want to know if Xythar should get the credit
[12:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> not game AND mix
[12:44] <Xythar> keyboardmania trivia mastah
[12:44] <Ryujin> it is.
[12:44] <rmz> �ok
[12:44] <sanchny> give it to him
[12:44] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �21
[12:44] <sanchny> !hof
[12:44] <Remy> Yes, it's 2nd
[12:44] <djHaQ> uh-huh uh-huh
[12:44] <rmz> �followup for Xythar
[12:44] <Xythar> heh
[12:44] <Remy>
[12:44] <rmz> �Name one other Mr.T song that appeared in Keyboardmania.  If you don't get this, this WILL go public
[12:44] <Xythar> To the 448833
[12:44] <Ryujin> Crap, we'll never catch him
[12:44] <Ryujin> WRONG
[12:44] <djHaQ> damn
[12:44] <rmz> close enough
[12:44] <Xythar> To the 44883
[12:44] <djHaQ> omg gj remy hah
[12:44] <Ryujin> ...
[12:44] <rmz> It's to the 44883 but I'll count it
[12:45] <Ryujin> Well shit.
[12:45] * PkerUNO[ShinBASHI] has joined #vjarmy
[12:45] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Xythar��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �22
[12:45] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> uh
[12:45] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> what was it?
[12:45] <Xythar> Walky
[12:45] <rmz> To the 44883
[12:45] * PkerUNO has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[12:45] <Xythar> WALKY
[12:45] * PkerUNO[ShinBASHI] is now known as PkerUNO
[12:45] <Xythar> FINGERING
[12:45] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[12:45] <Xythar> SANCTITY
[12:45] <PkerUNO> I'm sorry?
[12:45] <Xythar> keyboardmania has the best genres ever
[12:45] <TheKnightOfNee> SANCTUS
[12:45] <rmz> anyway
[12:45] <Xythar> RELAX
[12:45] <rmz> �almost there
[12:45] * Remy has left #vjarmy (Client exiting�)
[12:45] <sanchny> Pker, it was Ride On The Light
[12:45] <rmz> �#45 - unfiltered
[12:45] <djHaQ> ouh
[12:45] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:45] <PkerUNO> ok
[12:46] <rmz> �password is
[12:46] <rmz> �Mhn4fZLqfXmTHwNu
[12:46] <Ryujin> Star filed
[12:46] <Daisuke-Niwa> star field
[12:46] <Xythar> star field
[12:46] <Xythar> filed!
[12:46] <Songy> gayest song in all of iidx
[12:46] <TheKnightOfNee> I can't tell pink pong songs apart
[12:46] <Ryujin> Star filed, good lord
[12:46] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �16
[12:46] <djHaQ> wtf it's a good song
[12:46] <Daisuke-Niwa> star field = sada
[12:46] <Xythar> it's not by pink pong haha pwned
[12:46] <Daisuke-Niwa> NOT PINK PONG
[12:46] <TheKnightOfNee> oh, lol
[12:46] <rmz> WHAT
[12:46] <TheKnightOfNee> <_<
[12:46] <rmz> Songy I will dock 999 points from you
[12:46] * TheKnightOfNee hides
[12:46] <rmz> :(
[12:46] <PkerUNO> gaaaah
[12:46] <Songy> sorry
[12:46] <Songy> star field is shitty trance and i hate it
[12:46] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:46] <Xythar> wanna tell that word
[12:46] <TheKnightOfNee> Attitude is ten times worse than Star Field
[12:46] <PkerUNO> where's my 9th style? ;_;
[12:46] <rmz> �What is the GENRE of the other song that SADA wrote for 9th Style
[12:46] <TheKnightOfNee> Maybe 50 times
[12:47] <Xythar> us hard house
[12:47] <Ryujin> us hard house
[12:47] <djHaQ> trance
[12:47] <TheKnightOfNee> House
[12:47] <djHaQ> oops
[12:47] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �15
[12:47] <PkerUNO> attitude rocks, excuse me
[12:47] <rmz> haha
[12:47] <Daisuke-Niwa> lol we answered that earlier :P
[12:47] <Xythar> the preguess didn't slow me down any
[12:47] <djHaQ> BRING HER DOWN
[12:47] * Thunderbird shoots TheKnightOfNee for dissing Attitude :P
[12:47] <TheKnightOfNee> =P
[12:47] <djHaQ> well... her...
[12:47] <djHaQ> meh
[12:47] <Ryujin> i thought it might be wanna tell that word
[12:47] <rmz> Attitude is GREAT
[12:47] <rmz> �GREAT
[12:47] <rmz> �IT IS A FACT
[12:47] <Xythar> LTSPM Y&Co Mix = Attitude
[12:47] <Daisuke-Niwa> attitude has a crap chart
[12:48] <PkerUNO> IT'S THE LAW
[12:48] <Xythar> Attidue should be a 6
[12:48] <Xythar> Attitude
[12:48] <Xythar> yeha.
[12:48] <Xythar> yeah.
[12:48] <Ryujin> Attitude [A] = fun.
[12:48] <Songy> no it shouldnt
[12:48] <rmz> �ok hurrying up for Pker
[12:48] <PkerUNO> no it doesn't!
[12:48] <TheKnightOfNee> Attitude should be LESS REPETITIVE
[12:48] <rmz> �#46 - unfiltered
[12:48] <rmz> �password is
[12:48] <Songy> attitude is deserving 7
[12:48] <rmz> �AhHz9SRoENJ6b4LM
[12:48] <Ryujin> yesterday
[12:48] <PkerUNO> yesterday
[12:48] <Xythar> yesterFUCK
[12:48] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �16
[12:48] <djHaQ> yeeeeeeesssssteeeeeerrrrdaaaaaaaaayyyyyy
[12:48] <TheKnightOfNee> Beep boop beep
[12:48] <Daisuke-Niwa> PASSWORD DOESNT WORK FOR ME
[12:48] <djHaQ> rememb'ring
[12:48] <Xythar> bonus Q answer: love me do
[12:48] <djHaQ> haha
[12:48] <PkerUNO> haha
[12:48] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[12:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> but its just me cause i am uncool :(
[12:49] <Ryujin> Wasn't that already done?
[12:49] <rmz> NO
[12:49] <Xythar> the opposite was
[12:49] <rmz> haha
[12:49] <djHaQ> raspberry heart
[12:49] <rmz> �#47 - filtered
[12:49] <rmz> �password is
[12:49] <rmz> �xHGoVmw6Cf+dYLZ8
[12:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> night of fire
[12:49] <TheKnightOfNee> Solid gold
[12:49] <rmz> this one might be hard
[12:49] <rmz> WHAT
[12:49] <Ryujin> night of fire.
[12:49] <djHaQ> damn
[12:49] <Ryujin> dammit.
[12:49] <TheKnightOfNee> damn
[12:49] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �17
[12:49] <djHaQ> how the hell Daisuke-Niwa
[12:49] <Thunderbird> Guess not
[12:49] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[12:49] <rmz> I thought that'd be the hardest one
[12:50] <TheKnightOfNee> I knew it was eurobeat right away
[12:50] <Ryujin> Not really.
[12:50] <Daisuke-Niwa> i think the PSM one was harder
[12:50] <Xythar> was that just night of fire backwards
[12:50] <djHaQ> the hardest one was EXE
[12:50] <TheKnightOfNee> And yesterday probably had us thinking 6th
[12:50] <TheKnightOfNee> Or, him
[12:50] <rmz> haha
[12:50] * Remy has joined #vjarmy
[12:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Remy
[12:50] <Xythar> hiiiiii
[12:50] <PkerUNO> hello
[12:50] <rmz> �48 - unfiltered
[12:50] <djHaQ> run-ning in the-nineties
[12:50] <Xythar> where is my kirby wave button
[12:50] <rmz> �password is
[12:50] <rmz> �hwXEWnKfESAvE92g
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> a new morning
[12:51] <djHaQ> a new morning
[12:51] <Songy> a new morning
[12:51] <TheKnightOfNee> A new mornign
[12:51] <Xythar> a new morning
[12:51] <djHaQ> DAMN
[12:51] <Ryujin> crap
[12:51] <TheKnightOfNee> damn
[12:51] <Xythar> auuuugh
[12:51] <PkerUNO> OH FUCK
[12:51] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �18
[12:51] <sanchny> !hof
[12:51] <djHaQ> I SEE SOMETHING
[12:51] <rmz> �bonus Q
[12:51] <TheKnightOfNee> Oh, I spelled it wrong anyways
[12:51] <Ryujin> you guys are ruthless
[12:51] <PkerUNO> I have complete mental block for all 6th songs today :(
[12:51] <Xythar> yukihiro fukutomi
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> 6th
[12:51] <Xythar> licenced songs on 6th
[12:51] <Songy> they unlock 6th
[12:51] <djHaQ> they are avex
[12:51] <sanchny> unlock system in 6th
[12:51] <Ryujin> unlocks everything
[12:51] <rmz> DING
[12:51] <Xythar> that too
[12:51] <djHaQ> lol
[12:51] <djHaQ> lots
[12:51] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �8
[12:51] <djHaQ> WHAT
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh boo
[12:52] <Xythar> a new morning is not avex
[12:52] <djHaQ> oh right
[12:52] <Daisuke-Niwa> i got a bad pass for yesterday
[12:52] <rmz> �followup for songy
[12:52] <Ryujin> Night Of Fire isn't either.
[12:52] <Daisuke-Niwa> SO I FORGOT
[12:52] <Songy> YS
[12:52] <Xythar> yes it is
[12:52] <Songy> YES
[12:52] <PkerUNO> YES IT IS
[12:52] <rmz> �What else did you have to do to make the unlock code work on 6th Style besides just playing those three songs in order?
[12:52] <TheKnightOfNee> Enter in the right name
[12:52] <TheKnightOfNee> OH god
[12:52] <djHaQ> shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[12:52] <TheKnightOfNee> I suck
[12:52] <PkerUNO> FOR SONGY
[12:52] <ScoreBot> HAHAHA
[12:52] <rmz> songy gets the point
[12:52] <TheKnightOfNee> I'm on the phone, and not paying attention
[12:52] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Songy��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �9
[12:53] <Daisuke-Niwa> owned
[12:53] <djHaQ> god damn it
[12:53] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:53] <Xythar> that's not a full answer you know
[12:53] <Thunderbird> that's not all
[12:53] <Songy> you had to wait for all of the credits to roll through, wait for the game over screen, auto save (?), and see if complete was on the screen
[12:53] <Daisuke-Niwa> wow
[12:53] <djHaQ> It's not a full answer but Songy gets the point anyway.
[12:53] <Daisuke-Niwa> he would have missed
[12:53] <rmz> OK, that works
[12:53] <rmz> Close enough
[12:53] <sanchny> haha
[12:53] <Xythar> he should have to say what name to put in
[12:53] <Remy> The name was 2DX6. :P
[12:53] <Xythar> yes
[12:53] <Ryujin> The DJ name = 2DX6
[12:53] <rmz> It was close enough to clue him off to the right answer
[12:53] <djHaQ> would've missed
[12:53] <rmz> Which is enough to give the PENALTY POINT
[12:53] <djHaQ> BUT by default
[12:53] <Xythar> let's all fill in the answer for him :P
[12:53] <TheKnightOfNee> Man
[12:53] <rmz> which is why I say "shut up during followup Q"s
[12:53] <rmz> for your own safety
[12:53] <rmz> :D
[12:53] <TheKnightOfNee> the phone rang
[12:53] <TheKnightOfNee> And I came back and saw that
[12:53] <Thunderbird> Evil :P
[12:53] <Xythar> that's it I'm moving away from my window
[12:53] <sanchny> you had to get out of your seat and jump around. a-jump around.
[12:53] <TheKnightOfNee> And typed madly
[12:53] <rmz> haha
[12:54] <TheKnightOfNee> x_x
[12:54] <rmz> �ok two more
[12:54] <Xythar> jump around just jump all around
[12:54] <rmz> �#49 - unfiltered
[12:54] <PkerUNO> yay
[12:54] <Xythar> move that boh-day
[12:54] <rmz> �password is
[12:54] <rmz> �d9ttBJ6V6thp5jbC
[12:54] <djHaQ> night flight to tokyo
[12:54] <Daisuke-Niwa> the cube
[12:54] <Xythar> the FUCK
[12:54] <Ryujin> dammit
[12:54] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Daisuke-Niwa��0 was awarded�11,1 �1��0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 �19
[12:54] <rmz> !hof
[12:54] <chickensnack> cube 2: hypercube
[12:54] <Songy> !hof
[12:54] <sanchny> !hof
[12:54] <Ryujin> copy-paste trouble.
[12:54] <PkerUNO> cube zero
[12:54] <TheKnightOfNee> I swear, fake guesses like haq's throw me off
[12:54] <Ryujin> !hof
[12:54] <Thunderbird> !hof
[12:54] <TheKnightOfNee> So much
[12:54] <Daisuke-Niwa> !hof
[12:54] <djHaQ> well
[12:54] <PkerUNO> !hof
[12:55] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[12:55] <PkerUNO> laaaag
[12:55] <djHaQ> I wasn't ready and I missed the password so I thought it was too late. :]
[12:55] <rmz> Haha
[12:55] <rmz> �#50 - filtered
[12:55] <Xythar> is it #50 time
[12:55] <rmz> �last one
[12:55] <PkerUNO> yay
[12:55] <rmz> �password is
[12:55] <rmz> �n9NC2dbKTbQQFPHc
[12:55] <Songy> gigadelic
[12:55] <Xythar> my ears
[12:55] <Ryujin> rislim remix 9th
[12:55] <TheKnightOfNee> DAMN
[12:55] <djHaQ> OH MY GOD
[12:55] <TheKnightOfNee> I knew it too
[12:55] <djHaQ> NOOOOOO
[12:55] <Daisuke-Niwa> 250 bpm akira yamaoka 4th gabba
[12:55] <ScoreBot> ��11,1Ryujin��0 was awarded�11,1 �2��0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 �18
[12:55] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh boo
[12:56] <PkerUNO> ¬_¬
[12:56] <Xythar> I don't hear it
[12:56] <Daisuke-Niwa> i do
[12:56] <Ryujin> THE ENDING!!
[12:56] <PkerUNO> I don't know it
[12:56] <Songy> I hear it
[12:56] <djHaQ> sampled TO HELL
[12:56] <PkerUNO> so... hmm.
[12:56] <Xythar> is there a bonus for this one
[12:56] <TheKnightOfNee> IT'S NOT MIDNIGHT
[12:56] <djHaQ> haha
[12:56] <Xythar> hahaha
[12:56] <Ryujin> Yes, please
[12:56] <djHaQ> oh man
[12:56] <PkerUNO> IT IS FOR ME
[12:56] <rmz> haha
[12:56] <Xythar> !hof
[12:56] <Ryujin> It's the last one!
[12:56] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �22��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �19��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �18��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �sanchny��0 -�11,1 �1.5��0;
[12:56] <rmz> You want a bonus Q?
[12:56] <djHaQ> Silent Hill
[12:56] <rmz> !hof
[12:56] <TheKnightOfNee> Azure
[12:56] <Xythar> not really actually
[12:56] <Ryujin> preferably.
[12:56] <djHaQ> ohshi I win
[12:56] <TheKnightOfNee> De Vol, ric
[12:57] <Xythar> riewo, detroian
[12:57] <rmz> okay let's make this interesting
[12:57] <TheKnightOfNee> =P
[12:57] <PkerUNO> go for it
[12:57] <rmz> gimme a sec to think of one
[12:57] <TheKnightOfNee> k
[12:57] <Ryujin> Sure.
[12:57] <Xythar> hiroshi & chiiko
[12:57] <sanchny> The Strong Jaeger (Ryu* remix)
[12:57] <Xythar> akira shintani
[12:57] <djHaQ> we already answered all of your possible bonus questions
[12:57] <djHaQ> dun dun dun
[12:57] <Xythar> the answer is unexpected
[12:57] <sanchny> ric flair
[12:57] <Ryujin> Right here! Right now!
[12:57] <chickensnack> maybe I can still get a point!
[12:57] <Xythar> ultraDOOF
[12:57] <sanchny> Boxthor
[12:57] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[12:57] <Ryujin> Long summer nights
[12:57] <djHaQ> HUR BEST DJ
[12:57] <Xythar> TRUCK ME
[12:58] <Ryujin> Manatsu no hana, manatsu no yume
[12:58] <Xythar> silent hill 4
[12:58] <sanchny> Contemporary Nation
[12:58] <Daisuke-Niwa> screw the last question
[12:58] <PkerUNO> STAND BY TO WIN
[12:58] <Xythar> that earth crap
[12:58] <chickensnack> TOE JAM
[12:58] <Ryujin> Hulk Hogan
[12:58] <djHaQ> haha
[12:58] <Xythar> excitement and familiarity
[12:58] <PkerUNO> Prince Charles
[12:58] <djHaQ> Thomas Howard
[12:58] <Ryujin> Mystery meat
[12:58] <Daisuke-Niwa> where did rmz go? o.o
[12:58] <Xythar> kamikaze makes me scared when I have to go to school
[12:58] <djHaQ> thinking of a bonus question
[12:58] <rmz> typing up the question
[12:58] <Daisuke-Niwa> i have a good one
[12:59] <djHaQ> or typing it up
[12:59] <Daisuke-Niwa> but thats me and im uncool
[12:59] <Xythar> (actual Azure paraphrase)
[12:59] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[12:59] <djHaQ> HAhahahaha
[12:59] <Ryujin> Random BAD!!!!
[12:59] <Xythar> suspense'D
[12:59] <TheKnightOfNee> hmmm
[12:59] <PkerUNO> as long as it's not a list...
[12:59] <Xythar> what is this, the middle of nemesis?
[12:59] <Ryujin> Hammer time'D
[13:00] <PkerUNO> extended remix
[13:00] <djHaQ> If you use random, you're only using one of the game's easy-to-find cheats!
[13:00] <Ryujin> Beginning of Karma.
[13:00] <rmz> okay
[13:00] <Xythar> beginning of karma has that awesome dungeon door noise
[13:00] <TheKnightOfNee> End of spooky
[13:00] <PkerUNO> Nemesis -middle bit extended remix-
[13:00] <Ryujin> HAHA
[13:00] <Ryujin> nice.
[13:00] <djHaQ> UHOH GUYS
[13:00] <Xythar> i think I have that
[13:00] <Xythar> listening to it now
[13:00] <rmz> �ready
[13:00] <PkerUNO> me too
[13:00] <Ryujin> ready.
[13:00] <TheKnightOfNee> ok
[13:00] <PkerUNO> what a coincidence!
[13:00] <djHaQ> �ready�
[13:00] <PkerUNO> ok
[13:00] <rmz> �bonus Q
[13:00] <Remy> For 500 points
[13:01] <rmz> �Give me the following, spelled EXACTLY as is in the game, correct caps, correct spelling, everything, on the same line...this will give you THREE points.
[13:01] <PkerUNO> lol
[13:01] <rmz> �1. RISLIM -Remix-'s genre, 2. RISLIM -Remix-'s FULL credited artist/name field, spelled exactly right
[13:01] <PkerUNO> FUCK THIS
[13:01] <Xythar> Electro 2 step ric remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <TheKnightOfNee> Electro 2 step ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <Ryujin> Electro/2-Step, Ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:01] <Xythar> Electro 2step ric remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <TheKnightOfNee> DAMN YOU XYTHAR
[13:01] <PkerUNO> where is my 9th style ;_;
[13:01] <sanchny> Electro 2 Step Rislim (Remix) ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <Xythar> Electro 2step ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:01] <chickensnack> ELECTRO @ STEP Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <Daisuke-Niwa> Electro 2 step ric >>> remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <chickensnack> er
[13:01] <TheKnightOfNee> Or did I get it?
[13:01] <chickensnack> ELECTRO 2 STEP Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2STEP ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:01] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:01] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:01] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2STEP ric remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <Xythar> do I have it yet?
[13:02] <Ryujin> Electro/2Step ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:02] <djHaQ> ELECTRO 2 STEP / ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:02] <chickensnack> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <rmz> hold on
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> ELECTRO 2STEP ric >>> remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2STEP ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric >>> remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <Xythar> the Remixed part is on another line
[13:02] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <TheKnightOfNee> Electro 2 Step ric (remixed byHisashi Nawata)
[13:02] <rmz> �okay stop
[13:02] <TheKnightOfNee> ok
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> on the OST it has >>>
[13:02] <Remy> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric/remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <djHaQ> ELECTRO 2 STEP / ric >>> remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:02] <rmz> �but I said
[13:02] <rmz> �IN THE GAME
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> either that or pillowfight cant tag worth crap
[13:02] <djHaQ> ohshi
[13:02] <chickensnack> I have 9th running right now
[13:02] <rmz> �not IN THE OST
[13:03] <Remy>
[13:03] <TheKnightOfNee> EXE
[13:03] <Ryujin> ELECTRO/2-STEP ric (remixed by Hisashi Nawata)
[13:03] <Xythar> !hof
[13:03] <Remy> You guys took long enough I had to look it up. :P
[13:03] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �22��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �19��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �18��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �sanchny��0 -�11,1 �1.5��0;
[13:03] <djHaQ> rmz goes to turn on the console
[13:03] <rmz> yeah I just pulled it up Remy :D
[13:03] <TheKnightOfNee> lol
[13:03] <Thunderbird> ELECTRO 2-STEP ric
[13:03] <Xythar> so what is it?
[13:03] <sanchny> someone check the actual game
[13:03] <chickensnack> i checked
[13:03] <rmz> what does it say in the game Chickensnack
[13:03] <djHaQ> oh right
[13:03] <PkerUNO> worst question 50 ever ¬_¬
[13:03] <chickensnack> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:03] <Xythar> shit I should have thought of JON's video
[13:03] <djHaQ> on the game it has the special remixed by column
[13:03] <chickensnack> remixed by is on new line
[13:03] <Thunderbird> (the remixed part is on a separate line :P)
[13:03] <rmz> haha
[13:03] <TheKnightOfNee> I had the R capitalized!
[13:03] <rmz> yeah
[13:03] <rmz> Thta's what I had
[13:04] <rmz> *that's what I had written down
[13:04] <djHaQ> err not column but row
[13:04] <rmz> �The first person I saw with it right was
[13:04] <sanchny> chickensnack
[13:04] <TheKnightOfNee> Dan
[13:04] <rmz> �[20:32:36] <chickensnack> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:04] <djHaQ> I think Xythar
[13:04] <chickensnack> :D
[13:04] <djHaQ> oh
[13:04] <Xythar> haha that was a perfect end to it then
[13:04] <rmz> ��11,1chickensnack��0 was awarded�11,1 �3��0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 �3
[13:04] <chickensnack> I GOT MY POINT
[13:04] <PkerUNO> congrats :)
[13:04] <rmz> haha
[13:04] <djHaQ> [11:33:29 pm] <Xythar> ELECTRO 2 STEP ric remixed by Hisashi Nawata
[13:04] <chickensnack> or 3!
[13:05] <rmz> The R
[13:05] <djHaQ> aw damn
[13:05] <sanchny> Xythar didnt caps the R
[13:05] <Xythar> wrongly capitalised R
[13:05] <rmz> was not capitalized
[13:05] <djHaQ> oops
[13:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[13:05] <djHaQ> didn't see that
[13:05] <TheKnightOfNee> I said it after Xythar
[13:05] <PkerUNO> goodnight, I'll check the logs tomorrow :)
[13:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> are we done now?
[13:05] <Ryujin> There's no slash between the genres?
[13:05] <Xythar> No
[13:05] <Ryujin> !hof
[13:05] <TheKnightOfNee> I thought
[13:05] <chickensnack> no slash
[13:05] <sanchny> !hof
[13:05] <Ryujin> Bummer.
[13:05] <TheKnightOfNee> I capitalized the r
[13:05] <Xythar> hof
[13:05] <rmz> The slash didn't matter
[13:05] <Xythar> !hof
[13:05] <rmz> I didn't count that as wrong or right
[13:05] <djHaQ> parenthesis
[13:05] -ScoreBot- ��11,1Xythar��0 has the best score of�11,1 �22��0 ;�11,1 �Daisuke-Niwa��0 -�11,1 �19��0;�11,1 �Ryujin��0 -�11,1 �18��0;�11,1 �djHaQ��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �Songy��0 -�11,1 �9��0;�11,1 �TheKnightOfNee��0 -�11,1 �7��0;�11,1 �PkerUNO��0 -�11,1 �5��0;�11,1 �chickensnack��0 -�11,1 �3��0;�11,1 �Remy��0 -�11,1 �2��0;�11,1 �Lux��0 -�11,1 �2��0;
[13:05] <Ryujin> Crap, one more for a tie with 2nd.
[13:05] <sanchny> Where'd my 1.5 points go?!?!?
[13:05] <PkerUNO> bye!
[13:05] <Ryujin> That was fun though.
[13:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> yea
[13:05] <djHaQ> !hof
[13:05] * PkerUNO has quit IRC (Quit: Blog: | Schan:�)
[13:06] <rmz> right but you didn't capitalize ELECTRO 2 STEP
[13:06] <rmz> !hof
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> OHHHH
[13:06] <djHaQ> you can find me in da club
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Stupid vjarmy
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Making me copy/paste the wrong things
[13:06] <sanchny> haha
[13:06] <rmz> oh Sanchny
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> I MEAN
[13:06] <rmz> I think it just displays the top 10
[13:06] <djHaQ> I can't wait
[13:06] <djHaQ> �02,01-� �02,01�WADX5.08� ��12,02� -HAPPY SKY- �� �02,01-� �12,01[ Cosmonaut Zero �12,02[��12,02 Spaztik ��12,02]����12,01 ]�� �02,01-� ��12,02 DRUM'N'BASS �� �02,01-� �12,01mp3� �02,01-� �12,0103:13� �02,01-� �12,01192kbps�
[13:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> ok so we are done now right?
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> !hof
[13:06] <Thunderbird> !hof
[13:06] <chickensnack>
[13:06] <chickensnack> there you go
[13:06] <rmz> Yep :D
[13:06] <TheKnightOfNee> Okay, I go now, night everyone
[13:06] * TheKnightOfNee is now known as Dan|DDR
[13:06] <djHaQ> good night
[13:07] <Xythar> did we need to make "Hisashi Nawata" bigger? :P
[13:07] <Ryujin> Good night guys. Good game. I'll put up a better fight next time. :)
[13:07] <djHaQ> ohshi
[13:07] * Ryujin has quit IRC (Quit: �)
[13:07] <djHaQ> then
[13:07] * rmz changes topic to 'XYTHAR WINS MTC3! 2nd: Daisuke-Niwa; 3rd: Ryujin | Congrats to all players!�'
[13:07] <djHaQ> IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
[13:07] <chickensnack> !hof
[13:07] <Daisuke-Niwa> i love how Xythar won almost all of it on bonuses
[13:07] <Daisuke-Niwa> and i won all of mine on the songs itself :/
[13:07] <rmz> yeah haha
[13:07] <Xythar> yeah I got like 4 songs right
[13:08] <Xythar> if that
[13:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> but the filtered ones i get multiple points on :D
[13:08] <rmz> The filtered ones are the ones that do it haha
[13:08] <djHaQ> Can't wait to play spaztik
[13:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> so djHaQ
[13:08] <djHaQ> shit
[13:08] <Xythar> remy
[13:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> do you have popn 10AC/8CS ost?
[13:08] <Xythar> Can we set up the radio for me for the next one?
[13:08] <Xythar> Although I don't know how to use it...
[13:09] <djHaQ> I have all the IIDX osts and a few beatmania ones. :|
[13:09] <Remy> Actually
[13:09] <djHaQ> So, no, sorry. :/
[13:09] <rmz> I wouldn't be able to play most likely then :(
[13:09] <Remy> I have a better idea, one that wouldn't limit the low bandwidth people as much
[13:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> psh
[13:09] <rmz> I can't stream for crap
[13:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> can you send me RED in 320 then?
[13:09] * rmz sets mode: -v ScoreBot
[13:09] * ScoreBot has quit IRC (Quit: �)
[13:09] <Remy> It'll be very simple
[13:09] <Remy> Put all the mp3s in a directory on VJArmy
[13:09] <Remy> Use an htaccess to deny access to all
[13:09] <Remy> Then during the game, remove the deny statements one at a time
[13:09] <djHaQ> That doesn't sound simple to me.
[13:10] <Xythar> Wouldn't work
[13:10] <Remy> It's simple for *me*
[13:10] <rmz> but uh
[13:10] <Xythar> It's the same as uploading them one at a time
[13:10] <rmz> then we'd have to download them correct
[13:10] <Xythar> People still have to DL them at varying speeds
[13:10] <Remy> (shuttup)
[13:10] <rmz> I think the passworded ZIP this is the only real solution
[13:10] <rmz> hah
[13:10] <Xythar> and it's a pain in the ass :/
[13:10] <djHaQ> I need a place to upload it....
[13:10] <Remy> The passworded zip is a massive pain in the ass
[13:10] <chickensnack> i enjoy zip
[13:11] <chickensnack> it's extra exciting
[13:11] <Daisuke-Niwa> ive came with ways to unzip at lightning speed now :D
[13:11] <Daisuke-Niwa> so i wont complain
[13:11] <rmz> You gonna upload a log, Xyth?
[13:11] <Xythar> Yeah I will
[13:11] <rmz> ok
[13:11] <Xythar> I can't think of a good way to do this without custom software
[13:11] <djHaQ> Daisuke-Niwa: We can see that... lol
[13:11] <Daisuke-Niwa> :P
[13:11] <Xythar> Like a Winamp plugin that plays specially encoded MP3s
[13:11] <djHaQ> scores don't lie
[13:11] <chickensnack> i had it so i'd just paste and hit enter, and it would come up and play on loop in itunes
[13:11] <djHaQ> oh shit
[13:11] <chickensnack> not like that helped me get any points :\
[13:11] <Xythar> for which the keys are sent to it over the Internet automatically
[13:11] * rmz changes topic to 'XYTHAR WINS MTC3! 2nd: Daisuke-Niwa; 3rd: Ryujin | Congrats to all players! | djHaQ's penis got in the way :(�'
[13:11] <djHaQ> batteries died
[13:11] <Remy> Possible proposal
[13:12] <Remy> Maybe if there was always a question attached to the song
[13:12] <Remy> The filtering was a good idea to slow people down
[13:12] <Remy> But perhaps if it wasn't just an "identify this" race
[13:12] <rmz> yeah
[13:12] <Remy> And if people were limited to one guess apiece
[13:12] <sanchny> How about if the password is the answer to a question
[13:12] <rmz> yeah
[13:12] <Xythar> hmmmmm
[13:12] <rmz> But honestly, even if you ask questions, it's still not totally equal
[13:12] <rmz> Since some people were lagging really bad
[13:12] <rmz> Including me
[13:12] <rmz> I didn't see my scorebot's text until like 10 seconds later
[13:13] <Xythar> Are we sure the radio would not be feasible?
[13:13] <Remy> Well that's solvable by just having everyone use the same IRC server. :P
[13:13] <djHaQ> I disconnected a couple times lol
[13:13] <Remy> Xythar: Radio is feasable for everyone on broadband
[13:13] * Thunderbird wonders how his 3 messages appeared while he was lagging
[13:13] <Songy> well
[13:13] <djHaQ> and one time I came back and got one O_o
[13:13] <Songy> I'm glad I got sos
[13:13] <Remy> But not for people on shitty connections
[13:13] <Xythar> let's just UUEncode all the samples and paste them into the IRC conversation ;)
[13:13] <rmz> haha\
[13:13] <Songy> so I win by spirit
[13:13] <Remy> Heh
[13:13] <Xythar> here is #45:
[13:13] <Xythar> SPAM
[13:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[13:14] <djHaQ> rislim get you
[13:14] <rmz> Xythar was kicked (Excess flood)
[13:14] <djHaQ> I need to propose a song to enter into IIDX called Excess flood
[13:15] <djHaQ> nah that was a dumb idea
[13:15] <Xythar> Yeah, the only good way I can see right now is for a server program to tell a bunch of client programs to decode and play the MP3s
[13:15] <Xythar> and I don't think we have that kind of thing
[13:15] * JustiNIC has joined #vjarmy
[13:15] <rmz> haha
[13:15] <JustiNIC> hay
[13:15] <djHaQ> It's over.
[13:15] <Xythar> any way we can make pasting in the passwords less painful?
[13:15] <R00ZtR> YOGAY
[13:15] <JustiNIC> i missed the fun :(
[13:15] <rmz> hey
[13:16] <rmz> just ended
[13:16] <djHaQ> the password will be a single digit
[13:16] <JustiNIC> i forgot cause i was playing iidx haha
[13:16] <rmz> :\
[13:16] <rmz> hahaa
[13:16] <rmz> like that paranoia question spam
[13:16] <rmz> but I forgot
[13:16] <rmz> :(
[13:16] <Xythar> :(
[13:16] <chickensnack> :>
[13:16] <djHaQ> lol
[13:16] <djHaQ> 13
[13:16] <rmz> oh well
[13:16] <rmz> at least I didn't LEAVE THE ID3 TAGS ON
[13:17] <rmz> MR. XYTHAR
[13:17] <Xythar> >_>
[13:17] * Xythar hides
[13:17] <rmz> :>
[13:17] <djHaQ> 12 12 13 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[13:17] * Irob has quit IRC (Excess Flood�)
[13:17] * Irob has joined #vjarmy
[13:17] <djHaQ> haha
[13:17] <Xythar> I think text-based trivia is still the best-working one
[13:18] <Xythar> so, from now on our samples will be text based
[13:18] <rmz> yeah
[13:18] <Xythar> #45: da da da dum da dee
[13:18] <djHaQ> I like this format.
[13:18] <Xythar> what is that
[13:18] <sanchny> yeah, says Encyclopedia Xythar
[13:18] <chickensnack> we could always rent a game show studio in hollywood and buy plane tickets for everyone that wants to participate
[13:18] <rmz> we could make it all trivia questions...
[13:18] <rmz> I dunno
[13:18] <Xythar> sounds good to me :P
[13:18] <Xythar> >_>
[13:18] <Xythar> <_<
[13:18] <rmz> haha yeah
[13:18] <JustiNIC> i like chicken's ide
[13:18] <JustiNIC> a
[13:19] <rmz> and we all have our individual satellite dishes aimed at it
[13:19] <Remy> I don't think I have enough referral monies to pay for that guys
[13:19] <rmz> :(
[13:19] <chickensnack> how about a studio in toronto
[13:19] <rmz> how about a studio in your mom
[13:19] * Irob has quit IRC (Excess Flood�)
[13:19] <rmz> �4BURN
[13:20] * Irob has joined #vjarmy
[13:20] <JustiNIC> we should just telepathically transmit our thoughts to whoever is running it, and they can hum the song so we all hear it in our miiiiinds
[13:20] <rmz> ._.
[13:20] <JustiNIC> that's obviously the easiest way
[13:20] <Songy> !ddr
[13:20] <Irob> ��8 Songy does DDR: Step rating = Perfect
[13:20] <rmz> !ddr
[13:20] <Irob> ��9 rmz does DDR: Step rating = Great
[13:20] <Xythar> I think what I really need to do is go fail V another 10 times
[13:20] <chickensnack> !ddr
[13:20] <JustiNIC> !ddr
[13:20] <Irob> ��9 chickensnack does DDR: Step rating = Great
[13:20] <Irob> ��9 JustiNIC does DDR: Step rating = Great
[13:20] <Xythar> that's "another 10 times"
[13:20] <djHaQ> Sounds like a good idea, but where are we going to get our thoughts to the transmitter if there is none, retard.
[13:20] <Xythar> not "V [a] 10 times'
[13:21] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:21] <Irob> ��8 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Perfect
[13:21] <Irob> �Combo is continuing! (Combo: 4)
[13:21] <djHaQ> O_o
[13:21] <rmz> haha
[13:21] <rmz> !ddr
[13:21] <Irob> ��11 rmz does DDR: Step rating = Good
[13:21] <Irob> ��14Combo stopped!
[13:21] <chickensnack> !ddr
[13:21] <Irob> ��7 chickensnack does DDR: Step rating = Marvelous
[13:21] <djHaQ> oh no
[13:21] <rmz> NO
[13:21] <chickensnack> :o
[13:21] <JustiNIC> wtf haha
[13:21] <djHaQ> WHAT THE GAY
[13:21] * rmz was kicked by ChanServ ((Remy) No reason�)
[13:21] * rmz has joined #vjarmy
[13:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o rmz
[13:21] <Remy> COMBO BREAKER
[13:21] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:21] <Irob> ��7 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Marvelous
[13:21] <rmz> HEY
[13:21] <rmz> REMY
[13:21] <djHaQ> yay
[13:21] <Irob> whoah
[13:21] <Remy> GOOD
[13:21] <djHaQ> I suck at DDR in #vjarmy
[13:21] <JustiNIC> ok time to play iidx and fail hard things
[13:21] * rmz was kicked by rmz (I let the team down :(�)
[13:21] <Remy> AND KICK THE BAR
[13:21] <Irob> you guys figured me out
[13:21] * rmz has joined #vjarmy
[13:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o rmz
[13:22] <Xythar> i'm too busy failing things that everyone else has passed
[13:22] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:22] <Irob> ��13 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Almost
[13:22] <Irob> ��14Combo stopped!
[13:22] <djHaQ> OH FUCKER
[13:22] <Remy> It's like fucking russian roulette in here
[13:22] <Xythar> what is this almost crap
[13:22] <Songy> ddr is hard
[13:22] <rmz> Boo
[13:22] <djHaQ> haha
[13:22] <rmz> the stupid US version of Boo :(
[13:22] <rmz> and for some reason "Boo" is better than "Miss"
[13:22] <rmz> for American players
[13:22] <rmz> or something
[13:22] <Irob> I can change it to Boo
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> it wont be arcade perfect if you do :(
[13:23] <djHaQ> I hate American players.
[13:23] * R00ZtR has quit IRC (Quit: �)
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> im not american :D
[13:23] <djHaQ> spic
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> :P
[13:23] <Xythar> spica
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> SPIC[A]
[13:23] <Irob> guys DDR shouldn't be hard
[13:24] <Irob> I mean srs
[13:24] <djHaQ> I figured it out
[13:24] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:24] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:24] <Irob> ��13 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Boo
[13:24] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:24] <Xythar> ddr shouldn't be hard :(
[13:24] <djHaQ> !ddr
[13:24] <Irob> ��11 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Good
[13:24] <Irob> ��11 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Good
[13:24] <Irob> ��8 djHaQ does DDR: Step rating = Perfect
[13:24] <Xythar> it hurts too much
[13:24] <djHaQ> aw damn it I didn't figure it out
[13:24] <Thunderbird> rmz: The only region of DDR that calls the low ratings Boo and Miss is Japan
[13:24] <Irob> you have a 75% chance of getting a combo and 25% chance of getting a combo breaker
[13:24] <Thunderbird> both US and Europe use Almost and Blue :P
[13:24] <Xythar> oh and I was talking to Combi / dj SIBA the other day on MSN
[13:24] <Thunderbird> *Boo
[13:24] * Thunderbird wonders how the hell he typoed Boo into Blue
[13:24] <Xythar> wahgt is 4
[13:25] <djHaQ> a number
[13:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> i wish i was cool enough to talk to other people on AIM :(
[13:25] <chickensnack> webster's defines it as
[13:25] <chickensnack> one more than three
[13:25] <djHaQ> bs
[13:25] <djHaQ> lies
[13:25] <rmz> oh well
[13:25] <djHaQ> Everyone might say hi but I have to say bye
[13:25] <djHaQ> Night.
[13:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> later
[13:26] <rmz> later :D
[13:26] <Irob> Miss: 8% Boo: 10% Good: 12% Great: 30% Perfect: 30% Marvelous: 10% (ok it's 30/70)
[13:27] <rmz> �0,1Stopping the trivia.�11 �!trivia <number>��0,1 to restart.
[13:27] <rmz> turning off that damn bot
[13:27] * Irob has quit IRC (Excess Flood�)
[13:27] <djHaQ> you can still award points and stuff... not that it matters lol
[13:28] * Irob has joined #vjarmy
[13:28] <djHaQ> erm
[13:28] <djHaQ> I mean
[13:28] * djHaQ is sleeping
[13:28] <rmz> yeah
[13:28] <rmz> haha
[13:28] <rmz> lies
[13:28] <rmz> [20:55:51] <djHaQ> bs
[13:28] <rmz> [20:55:53] <djHaQ> lies
[13:28] <rmz> IN YOUR OWN WORDS
[13:29] <rmz> OK I think I'm gonna go do something guys
[13:29] <rmz> back later
[13:29] <Xythar> OK, I'll go too
[13:29] <Xythar> Will put up log/stats
[13:29] * Ryujin has joined #vjarmy
[13:30] <rmz> cool
[13:30] <Xythar> Bye
[13:30] <rmz> baibai
[13:30] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Apr 09 13:30:12 2005