Song Information

ON OUR WAY's jacket.

Artist: Tommy-T
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Bass/Other Instruments & Drum Programming: Yoshihiko Koezuka
Lyrics/Vocals/Chorus: Thomas Howard Lichtenstein
BPM: 128
Length: 1:27
Genre: 70's WEST COAST
Movie: yos
First Music Game Appearance: drummania 2ndMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size

We're on our way 
At last, we are 
Someday we'll reach the stars 

Once we saw a future 
Filled with our fears 
We knew the past 
Had so many tears 
We couldn't see a better day 

Now we know that there is 
A bright future here in store 
With the possibility 
Of so much more 

On our way 
We can make it 
We'll reach for the rising sun 
On our way 
Every day into the new millennium 
On our way 
We'll discover the secret of who we are 
On our way 
We'll reach out and touch a shooting star 
Now that we're on our way 

We're on our way 
At last, we are 
Someday we'll reach the stars

Long Version

We're on our way 
At last, we are 
Someday we'll reach the stars 

Once we saw a future
Filled with our fears 
We knew the past 
Had so many tears 
We couldn't see a better day 

We thought our frontiers
Had come to an end
With only borders left to defend
There had to be a better way

Now there's a reason
We've got something real to fight
Not even our wildest dreams
Are out of sight

* On our way
  We can make it 
  We'll reach for the rising sun 
  On our way 
  Every day into the new millennium 
  On our way 
  We'll discover the secret of who we are 
  On our way 
  We'll reach out and touch a shooting star 
  Now that we're on our way 

We're on our way 
At last, we are 
Someday we'll reach the stars

We fought with each other
For far too long
We couldn't stop although it was wrong
That was the sad reality

Now we know that there is 
A bright future here in store 
With the possibility 
Of so much more

On our way
We can do it
We'll take what we know is ours
On our way
It's our destiny to reach the farthest stars
On our way
We'll discover the reason we live and die
On our way
As our starships burst into the sky
Now that we're on our way

Now we know that there is 
A bright future here in store 
With the possibility 
Of so much
Of so much
Of so much more

* Repeat

** We're on our way 
   At last, we are
   Someday we'll reach the stars

** Repeat ×2

Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.

Song Production Information

Yoshihiko Koezuka

I originally created this song with a dance-styled arrangement, but when I completed it at a certain point, I let the director Sakurai listen to it, and suggested me "let's go with a West Coast style", so I changed the arrangement. As a result, it perfectly matches the vocals. This is the new unit "Tommy-T"'s first millennium song in 2000.

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania difficulty from the original games to GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 99 from GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX onwards. (Ratings obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 151 352 605 196 208 208 220 253 ? - - -
GF3/dm2 1 3 6 2 4 8 N/A N/A - - - -
GF4/dm3 1 3 6 2 4 ↓6 N/A N/A - - - -
GF5/dm4 11 31 75 18 25 39 N/A N/A - - - -
GF6/dm5 11 31 75 18 25 39 - - - - - -
GF8/dm7 power-up ver. location test ↑16 ↑33 ↓70 ↓12 ↓16 ↓31 21 27 30 - - -
GF8/dm7 power-up ver.→GF/DM V4 ↓12 ↓17 ↓54 12 ↓15 ↓20 ↓15 ↓26 - - - -
GF/DM V5→V8 12 17 54 12 15 ↑22 15 26 - - - -
GF3/dm2 CS 1 3 6 2 4 8 N/A N/A - - - -