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= Welcome to RemyWiki =
This is a wiki used largely for documenting things of general interest to the [[BEMANI]] community. It is named after [[User:Remy|Dan Dickinson]], who hosted it for a number of years.

= Welcome to RemyWiki =
RemyWiki also hosts a SEGA rhythm games-related wiki, [[silentblue:Main Page|SilentBlue]]. You can also visit us [ at our Discord server] to discuss news and wiki-related content.

This is the wiki of [[User:Remy|Dan Dickinson]], used largely for documenting things of general interest to the Bemani community.
RemyWikiは、BEMANIプレイヤーに関心のあることを文書化するためのウィキです。「RemyWiki」という名前は、当サイトの元管理者である[[User:Remy|Dan Dickinson]]氏に由来しています。

= News =
03/27/24 - [[Polaris Chord Information|ポラリスコード]] support has been added.<br>
02/25/23 - [[What Could Have Been]] now unlocked for everyone to edit. Please follow editing rules when adding information.<br>

= Sections =
= Sections =

== [[IIDXicon|IIDXicon]] ==
== Active BEMANI Series ==
=== [[beatmania IIDX Information|beatmania IIDX]] ===
* [[What is beatmania IIDX]]?
* [[IIDX History|History of the beatmania IIDX Series]]
* [[IIDX Glossary|Glossary of IIDX Terms]]
* '''General Information''' - [[AC General Info|Arcade]] • [[CS General Info|Home]] • [[IIDX General Info|Other]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC Pinky Crush|beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush]]
* Current CS Versions: [[CS INFINITAS 2020|beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020)]] / [[CS ULTIMATE MOBILE|beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE]]
* [[:Category:beatmania IIDX Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:beatmania IIDX Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[pop'n music Information|pop'n music]] ===
* [[What is pop'n music|What is pop'n music?]]
* [[PNM_History|What is the history of pop'n music?]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC pnm Jam&Fizz|pop'n music Jam&Fizz]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS pnm Lively|pop'n music Lively]]
* [[:Category:pop'n music Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:pop'n music Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[GITADORA Information|GITADORA]] ===
* [[What_Is_GFDM|What is GuitarFreaks & DrumMania?]]
* [[GFDM History|What is the history of GuitarFreaks & DrumMania?]]
* [[GFDM Glossary|Glossary of GuitarFreaks & DrumMania Terms]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS GD Konasute|コナステ GITADORA]]
* [[:Category:GuitarFreaks & DrumMania Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:GuitarFreaks & DrumMania Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[DanceDanceRevolution Information|DanceDanceRevolution]] ===
* [[What Is DDR?|What is DanceDanceRevolution?]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC DDR WORLD|DanceDanceRevolution WORLD]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS DDR GRAND PRIX|DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX]]
* [[:Category:DanceDanceRevolution Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:DanceDanceRevolution Artists|Artist Directory]]

An encyclopedia of data about beatmania IIDX: everything from obscure song trivia to game errata.
List of console releases by regions:
* [[Japanese DanceDanceRevolution Games]]
* [[North American DanceDanceRevolution Games]]
* [[European DanceDanceRevolution Games]]
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'''Sections of Interest'''
=== [[jubeat Information|jubeat]] ===
* [[Jubeat Information|jubeat General Information]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC jb beyond the Ave.|jubeat beyond the Ave.]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]
* [[:Category:Jubeat Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:Jubeat Artists|Artist Directory]]
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* [[What Is Beatmania IIDX]]?
=== [[SOUND VOLTEX Information|SOUND VOLTEX]] ===
* [[IIDX History|History of the Beatmania IIDX Series]]
* [[IIDX Glossary|Glossary of IIDX Terms]]
* [[SOUND VOLTEX Information|SOUND VOLTEX General Information]]
* '''General Information''' - [[AC General Info|Arcade]] • [[CS General Info|Home]] • [[IIDX_General_Info|Other]]
* [[:Category:IIDX Songs|Song Directory]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS SDVX EG|SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ]]
* [[:Category:Bemani Artists|Artist Directory]]
* [[:Category:SOUND VOLTEX Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[Console Songs]]
* [[:Category:SOUND VOLTEX Artists|Artist Directory]]
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== [[Pop'nnomicon|Pop'nnomicon]] ==
=== [[NOSTALGIA Information|ノスタルジア]] ===
* [[NOSTALGIA Information|ノスタルジア General Information]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC NST Op.3|ノスタルジア Op.3]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS NST Konasute|コナステ ノスタルジア]]
* [[:Category:NOSTALGIA Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:NOSTALGIA Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[DANCERUSH Information|DANCERUSH]] ===
* [[DANCERUSH Information|DANCERUSH General Information]]
* Current Version: [[AC DRS|DANCERUSH STARDOM]]
* [[:Category:DANCERUSH Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:DANCERUSH Artists|Artist Directory]]

An encyclopedia of data about pop'n music.
=== [[DANCE aROUND Information|DANCE aROUND]] ===
* [[DANCE aROUND Information|DANCE aROUND General Information]]
* Current Version: [[AC DaR|DANCE aROUND]]
* [[:Category:DANCE aROUND Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:DANCE aROUND Artists|Artist Directory]]

* [[What_Is_Pop_n_Music|What is pop'n music?]]
=== [[Polaris Chord Information|ポラリスコード]] ===
* [[PNM_History|What is the history of pop'n music?]]
* [[Polaris Chord Information|ポラリスコード General Information]]
* Current AC Version: [[PnM_AC_19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]]
* Current Version: [[AC PC|ポラリスコード]]
* Current CS Version: [[PnM_CS_14|pop'n music 14 FEVER!]]
* [[:Category:Polaris Chord Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:Pop'n Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:Polaris Chord Artists|Artist Directory]]
* [[:Category:Bemani Artists|Artist Directory]]

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== Inactive BEMANI Series ==
=== [[beatmania Information|beatmania / beatmania III]] ===
* [[What is beatmania]]?
* [[beatmania History|History of the beatmania / beatmania III Series]]
* '''General Information''' - [[beatmania AC General Info|Arcade]] • [[beatmania CS General Info|Home]]
* Last AC Version: [[AC bm THE FINAL|beatmania THE FINAL]] / [[AC bm III THE FINAL|beatmania III THE FINAL]]
* Last CS Version: [[CS bm 6th + CORE REMIX|beatmania 6thMIX + CORE REMIX]]
* [[:Category:beatmania Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:beatmania Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[pop'n stage Information|pop'n stage]] ===
* [[What is pop'n stage]]?
* [[pns Glossary|Glossary of pop'n stage Terms]]
* Last Version: [[AC pns ex|pop'n stage ex]]
* [[:Category:pop'n stage Songs|Song Directory]]
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* [[What Is KBM|What is KEYBOARDMANIA?]]
* [[KBM Glossary|Glossary of KEYBOARDMANIA Terms]]
* Last AC Version: [[AC KBM 3rd|KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX]]
* Last CS Version: [[CS KBM Yamaha Edition|KEYBOARDMANIA Yamaha Edition]]
* [[:Category:KBM Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:KBM Artists|Artist Directory]]

Information about the Guitar Freaks/Drummania series of games.
=== [[Dance Maniax Information|Dance Maniax]] ===
* [[What Is DMX|What is Dance Maniax?]]
* [[DMX History|What is the history of Dance Maniax?]]
* Last AC Version: [[AC DMX 2nd append JPARADISE|Dance Maniax 2ndMIX append JPARADISE]]
* [[:Category:Dance Maniax Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:Dance Maniax Artists|Artist Directory]]
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=== [[ParaParaParadise Information|ParaParaParadise]] ===
* [[What Is PPP|What is ParaParaParadise]]
* [[PPP History|What is the history of ParaParaParadise?]]
* Last AC Version: [[AC PPP 2nd|ParaParaParadise 2ndMIX]]
* CS Version: [[CS PPP|ParaParaParadise CS]]
* [[:Category:ParaParaParadise Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:ParaParaParadise Artists|Artist Directory]]
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* [[What_Is_GFDM|What is Guitar Freaks/DrumMania?]]
=== [[MAMBO A GO GO Information|MAMBO A GO GO]] ===
* [[GFDM History|What is the history of Guitar Freaks/DrumMania?]]
* [[What Is MAGG|What is MAMBO A GO GO]]
* [[GFDM Glossary|Glossary of GF/DM Terms]]
* AC release: [[AC MAGG|MAMBO A GO GO]]
* Current AC Version: [[AC GFDM XG2|GuitarFreaks XG2 & DrumMania XG2]] / [[AC GFDM V8|GuitarFreaks V8 & DrumMania V8]]
* [[:Category:MAMBO A GO GO Songs|Song Directory]]
* Current CS Version: [[CS GFDM V3|GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3 CS]]
* [[:Category:MAMBO A GO GO Artists|Artist Directory]]
* [[:Category:GFDM Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:GFDM Artists|Artist Directory]]

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=== [[Toy'sMarch Information|Toy'sMarch]] ===
* [[What Is TM|What is Toy'sMarch]]
* Last AC release: [[AC TM2|Toy'sMarch2]]
* [[:Category:Toy'sMarch Songs|Song Directory]]
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== [[DJ_Max|DJ Max Info]] ==
=== [[DANCE 86.4 Information|DANCE 86.4]] ===
* [[What Is DANCE 86.4|What is DANCE 86.4]]
* AC release: [[AC DANCE 86.4|DANCE 86.4 FUNKY RADIO STATION]]
* [[:Category:DANCE 86.4 Songs|Song Directory]]

Information about Pentavision's PSP rhythm game, DJ Max.
=== [[REFLEC BEAT Information|REFLEC BEAT]] ===
* Last AC Version: [[AC RB Reflesia|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア]]
* CS Versions: [[CS RB plus|REFLEC BEAT plus]] / [[CS RB +|REFLEC BEAT +]]
* [[:Category:REFLEC BEAT Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:REFLEC BEAT Artists|Artist Directory]]
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'''Sections Of Interest''': [[DJ_Max_Summary|General Information]] [[DJ_Max_Songlist|Songlist]] [[DJ_Max_Unlockables|Unlockables]]
=== [[DanceEvolution Information|DanceEvolution]] ===
* AC Version: [[AC DanEvo|DanceEvolution ARCADE]]
* Last CS Version: [[CS BBD|BOOM BOOM DANCE]]
* [[:Category:DanceEvolution Songs|Song Directory]]
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== [[Jubeat Information|Jubeat Information]] ==
=== [[BeatStream Information|BeatStream]] ===
Information about Konami's four-by-four touch rhythm game.
* Last Version: [[AC BST AnimTribe|BeatStream アニムトライヴ]]
* [[:Category:BeatStream Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:BeatStream Artists|Artist Directory]]
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'''Sections of Interest''': [[:Category:Jubeat Songs|Songlist]]
=== [[MUSECA Information|MÚSECA]] ===
* Last Version: [[AC MSC 1+1/2|MÚSECA 1+1/2]]
* [[:Category:MUSECA Songs|Song Directory]]
* [[:Category:MUSECA Artists|Artist Directory]]

== [[Reflec Beat Information|Reflec Beat Information]] ==
== General BEMANI Trivia ==
* [[Song Samples]] - a list of the most frequent samples heard in BEMANI songs.
* [[Later Appearing Songs]] - a more detailed look at songs that appeared in earlier BEMANI games, either via HDD data or in another series altogether, before their proper debuts.
* [[Scrapped Songs]] - a more detailed look into the deleted songs that never made to the final projects of BEMANI games.
* [[Cancelled Games]] - BEMANI-related games that never saw the light of day.
* [[What Could Have Been]] - various errata (concepts, ideas, and transplants) that didn't make to the final release of BEMANI games, or put later on.

Information about Konami's newest rhythm game.
== BEMANI Related Media Mix Projects ==
* [[HinaBitter|HinaBitter♪]] - a further look at the media mix project co-produced by [[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] and FujimiShobo (富士見書房).
* [[BandMeshi|BandMeshi♪]] - information on TOMOSUKE's second media mix project.

'''Sections of Interest''': [[Reflec Beat Information|General Information]] [[Reflec Beat Plus|REFLEC BEAT PLUS]] [[:Category:Reflec Beat Songs|Songlist]]
== Other BEMANI Related Articles and Lists ==
* [[:Category:Albums|BEMANI Albums]] - a list of BEMANI related albums, featuring both in-house and commissioned artists.
* [[BEMANI Events]] - a list of all the BEMANI events that have happened through the years.
* [[BEMANI Timeline]] - a timeline of various BEMANI games, soundtracks, and other BEMANI-related activities sorted by year.
* [[BEMANI Records]] - a list of game/songs/charts that hold records of every BEMANI series.
* [[BEMANI Sound Team]] - a look back at the infamous 2017 rebranding of KONAMI's in-house BEMANI musicians, and how it came to be.
* [[BEMANI Staff Tenure]] - a list of all the people who ever worked in-house on BEMANI game projects, and how long they worked in BEMANI.
* [[Censorship in BEMANI]] - a look at how certain BEMANI releases censored songs or graphics outside of Japan.
* [[JASRAC]] - a list of BEMANI artists and songs licensed through Japan's copyright collection society, '''Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers'''.
* [[List of BEMANI Arcade Hardware]] - a list of all arcade hardware used in BEMANI titles, since the beginning to current date.
* [[List of BMS songs appearing in BEMANI]] - an overview of the songs from Be-Music Source files that have appeared in BEMANI.
* [[List of Dancemania songs appearing in BEMANI]] - an overview of the songs from the ''Dancemania'' series of albums that have appeared in BEMANI.
* [[:Category:Game Credits|Game Credits]] - a list of credits for various BEMANI games, including beatmania IIDX, DanceDanceRevolution, pop'n music, and more.
* [[:Category:Record Labels|Record Labels]] - a list of the different labels which contribute either in-house or licensed music to BEMANI games.
* [[ULTIMATE MOBILE MUSIC PLAYER omissions]] - a list of songs you're missing out on in [[CS ULTIMATE MOBILE|beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE]].