BAD BOY BASS!! (dj Remo-con MIX)

Revision as of 23:55, 25 March 2008 by CardinalDan (talk | contribs) (New page: =BAD BOY BASS!! (dj Remo-con MIX)= ==Song Information== Artist: Y&Co.<br> BPM: 148<br> Genre: NRG<br> VJ: F-FLY<br> First Appeared On: AC 9th style<br> Length:...)
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BAD BOY BASS!! (dj Remo-con MIX)

Song Information

Artist: Y&Co.
BPM: 148
Genre: NRG
First Appeared On: AC 9th style
Length: 1:58


Soundbite is, "One more time for the bad boy bass!!"

Song Connections/Remixes




Song Production Information

Anyway, it's energetic. A silly song with no point except to be energetic. I was able to build up tension well in such a relatively short song. I think the groove in DJ play is being revived really well. I don't know if this song would be played if I could make a longer club mix of it. Well, Konami? Will you make analog record players? Hahaha ...

Video Production Information

I wanted to see the lyrics, but there wasn't a hard copy, so I couldn't help but hear "Momo-chan, bad boy bass" every time I listened to the song ... And for some reason, a panda kept coming to mind every time I listened to the song, so I named the panda "Momo" and had him dance around crazedly to the song.

And every time I listened to the song, I thought, "the video needs hiragana and katakana", so I strung them together with punctuation, and added more and more and then boom! Momo-chan would appear.