Chikusaku call ga natsukashii


Song Information

チクサクコールが懐かしい's NOVICE jacket.
チクサクコールが懐かしい's ADVANCED jacket.
チクサクコールが懐かしい's EXHAUST jacket.
チクサクコールが懐かしい's MAXIMUM jacket.

Artist: 諸星なな feat.加藤はるか
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Nana Moroboshi
Vocals: Haruka Kato
BPM: 109-194
Length: 2:01
First Music Game Appearance: SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • チクサクコールが懐かしい is part of the The 10th KAC Original Song Contest (The 10th KACオリジナル楽曲コンテスト). It was added to SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR on May 26th, 2022.
  • チクサクコールが懐かしい is available in SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ from March 3rd, 2023, by purchasing the Konasute SOUND VOLTEX Music Pack vol.19 (コナステ版 SOUND VOLTEX 楽曲パック vol.19).

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)

Game Level
Max Chain (EXCEED GEAR→Present) 617 757 1127 1621 -
Effected By 凹ーダー凸ード 凹ーダー凸ード 凹ーダー凸ード 凹ーダー凸ード -
Jacket Artists KING (∀) KING (K) KING (C) KING (S) -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR→Present 5 12 15 17 -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ 5 12 15 17 -
The 10th KACオリジナル楽曲コンテスト
Highest Excellence Award MixxioN - XHRONOXAPSULΞ
Excellence Award AμreoLe ~for Triumph~ - EncorE & cALL - Rhapsody ⚙f Triumph - Xb10r - ZEUS - 十の試煉
Prize Award AIM HIGHER - All for One - refluxio - Wings to fly high - 火狐之舞 -
Accepted Songs Across the Starlight - Corrupting Wonderland - Hydroblast - Imperator - Μοῦσα
Never Ending Future - NOT YOUR IDOL - ØƵ - PHOTON BLAXT - Re:call
Re:Rose Gun Shoooot! - ROZELCIA - SHARK ATTACK - Splash Underwater - Struggle for Revival
Twinkle Rookie - チクサクコールが懐かしい - メテオライツ・プレリュード - 夢幻泡影
涙の女神と無形のエトワル - 二分間の世界 - 神罰
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