Song Information
Artist: Humanoid
BPM: 168
Genre: Irregular Hi-Break
VJ: Unknown
First Appeared On: AC DJ TROOPERS
Length: ?
Song Connections/Remixes
- This is the Military Splash #02 One More Extra Stage after clearing the Battlefield songs ICARUS, four pieces of heaven, Steel Needle and Do it!! Do it!!.
- The video's enemy is "MENDES", the depiction of Humanoid, with 9999 HP.
- Like AC DistorteD's Cardinal Gate and AC GOLD's VIP Room Extra Stages, all Military Splash #02 songs have different color skins. This one has a computer-themed black skin.
- As it was the case with 嘆きの樹, Sense 2007, and TROOPERS, the LED marquee displays a different message when the song is played as One More Extra Stage: "Warning AREA15 Enemy Approrching!!"
Song Production Information
Video Production Information