Song Information
Artist: Master of Lapis
Composition: PON, wac, TAG
Arrangement: Power Of Nature
BPM: 209?
Length: 2:15
pop'n music Character: MZD / Lapis [LT]
pop'n CG design: ちっひ (MZD), とっきー (Lapis)
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music ラピストリア
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Some vocal samples can be heard.
Song Connections / Remixes
- L-an!ma is one of the Story Mode unlockable songs in pop'n music ラピストリア, added on July 9th, 2015. To unlock it, you must clear MZD and AKANE's story: Creation of God (神のつくりしもの).
- With 328 notes on its EASY chart, L-an!ma currently holds the record of the highest number of notes in a pop'n music EASY chart, beating ZADAMGA's 321 notes.
- Also, L-an!ma's EASY chart is the highest rated EASY chart in the pop'n music series, rated as a Level 19.
- With 1827 notes on its EX chart, L-an!ma currently holds the record of the second highest number of notes in a non-LONG Version pop'n music chart, behind neu's 1899 notes.
- "L'anima" is Italian for "the soul".
- If you play as MZD [LT-1P], Lapis will be your rival character instead of him.
- Lapis isn't selectable as a player character.
- RETSU, HIUMI, FUGA and RINKA all appear in MZD's FEVER and DANCE animations.
- L-an!ma's BPM ranges from 104.5 to 209 in-game.
- L-an!ma is the first composition collaboration between TAG and wac in BEMANI.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and Pop'n Music Fever.)
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