Song Information
Artist: æ±é (Suzaku)
BPM: 185
Genre: Deceptive Gabba
Video Type: Full + Overlay & Miss Screen
First Appeared On: AC GOLD
Length: ?
Remixes / Song Connections
- This is the AC GOLD Extra Stage.
- A remix exists on GuitarFreaks/Drummania V5 entitled "VANESSA -è½çç¯-"
- Throughout the entire video of this song, a portrait of "Vanessa" is displayed. Depending on the song performance, the portrait portrays certain facial expressions
- In certain parts of the song, the loud guitar sounds from Contract can be heard, possibly a theme of Suzaku's.
- This is one of two songs (the other being KAMAITACHI) on CS GOLD that feature a special chart only available in dan mode.
- The portrait can be seen hanging above a small throne in the background animation for AC EMPRESS' extra stage system, EMPRESS PLACE.