Pink Turbo

Revision as of 16:54, 12 August 2010 by Ryujin (talk | contribs) (Myspace lists two extra members back in 2009, but their more recent XG blog vid only features the two main ones, and IIRC so does the website, so they may be former members.)
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General Information


  • マキノ (Makino) - Vocals
  • 斎藤昇 (Noboru Saitou aka NOBO) - Guitar


Pink Turbo is a J-pop/pop punk/rock band based in Japan. The group made their first Bemani-related appearance on Ryu☆'s 1st album starmine performing starmine -swallowtail mix-, a remix of starmine which would later appear in pop'n music. Since then, the band has also performed songs in the DDR, GF/DM, and jubeat series.


To be updated.


  • ピンクターボ (self)

Credited Songs

Bemani Songs

Song Artist Game Composition Performance
kiss me ピンクターボ GF/DM XG
fellow ピンクターボ jubeat knit
starmine -swallowtail mix- ピンクターボ PnM 18 せんごく列伝 -