Song Information
Artist: ビートまりおとARM
Composition: beatMARIO
Arrangement: ARM
Lyrics: beatMARIO, ARM
Vocals: beatMARIO, ARM, Takai-san
BPM: 200
Length: 1:44
Movie: Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ
Jacket design: Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ
First Music Game Appearance: BeatStream
Other Music Game Appearances:
- jubeat plus / jubeat plus (Android) Qubell pack 8
- jubeat Qubell
ビー!ト!ストリーム! あー言われてえ... あー言われてえ... びすこに BisCo 「パーフェクト!すごいっ!すごいっ!ぱちぱちっ!? えへえhふぇwゃっひゃはー!?」 ...って 言われてえっ ひゃはっ言われてえっ!! ははっ言われてえけど この曲けっこー難しくてさ だからさー ちょっと練習してくれねーかなと思って一緒に え? 何? やる? じゃあやろっかじゃあ♡ え? ウサテイぽいって?はははーw それ言っちゃダメなやつw はい、上上下下左右左右 Bと!Aと!ビートストリーム! 右中右中右上右上 叢雲連打を見逃すな! 長押ししながらウェーイwww 長押ししながらウェェェェェェェェェイwww 両手を使って長押ししたら その次のがwww押せないねwwwwwww (押せない!押せないよ!) あっタカハシサン? タカハシサンには内緒だよって言ってますけど タカハシサン ハッカー気づいてますよねw あ タカハシサン これ内緒じゃないんですけど オレタカハシサンに会ったことあるんですよw あwあwタカハシサン ハッカーのお姉さんには内緒なんですけど あの人いつの時代の言葉使ってるんですかwwwwwww チョベリバとか古くないすかwwwww うしろ? おっ... おねえさーん!
Song Connections / Remixes
- びいすと! is very similar to ウサテイ, another song involving beatMARIO. This is acknowledged in びいすと!'s lyrics and video.
- びいすと! was added to BeatStream on July 17th, 2015 to celebrate the first anniversary of the game's release.
- びいすと! marks beatMARIO's first original song in BEMANI. He previously provided a Touhou Project arrangement for the BEMANI×TOHO project REITAISAI 2015 event with BEAT-NEW-WORLD.
- It also marks the first KONAMI original collaboration between him and ARM in BEMANI.
- びいすと!'s video contains bits and pieces of videos of every BeatStream KONAMI original in the original BeatStream.
- "びいすと" (ビースト) is the official Japanese nickname for BeatStream.
- The KONAMI Code (↑↑↓↓←→←→ B A) is referenced in びいすと!'s lyrics.
- びいすと! received a NIGHTMARE chart in BeatStream on November 26th, 2015, unlockable via BEAST HACKER.
- びいすと! is automatically unlocked in jubeat Qubell from February 23rd, 2017 by having played BeatStream アニムトライヴ before February 13th, 2017, as part of Phase 1 of the BeatStream no ano kyokutachi ga jubeat demo asobechau! (BeatStreamのあの曲達がjubeatでも遊べちゃう!) event.
- びいすと!'s BEAST jacket is used as the jubeat series' jacket.
- In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
- In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
- びいすと! could be unlocked in SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN from January 18th to February 18th, 2018 as part of the Maybe~nyuugaku!? BeatStream gakkyoku VOLTE ni chakkou daisakusen!! (メイビ~入学!? BeatStream楽曲ボルテに着港大作戦!!) event. It could be unlocked after obtaining sixteen stamps.
- It could be unlocked again from April 13th to May 13th, 2018.
- It could be unlocked again from September 13th to 30th, 2018.
- びいすと!'s LIGHT, MEDIUM, BEAST, and NIGHTMARE jackets are used as the SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE, ADVANCED, EXHAUST, and MAXIMUM jackets, respectively.
- In the BeatStream series, "murakumo renda" (叢雲連打) means that a next ripple notes will appear in the same position before a previous ripple notes disappear. This stems from the quarter-ripple notes that appear in the same place in two consecutive times on the MEDIUM chart of 月に叢雲華に風. びいすと!'s BEAST and NIGHTMARE charts include a murakumo renda respectvily.
- In all difficulties of びいすと!'s BeatStream, jubeat, and SOUND VOLTEX charts, there are tricky positioned notes during hold notes. This is directly referred by its lyrics and video.
- Unlike all the BeatStream videos uploaded to the KONAMI公式 YouTube channel, びいすと! does not contain the KONAMI or BEMANI logos over it.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 164 | 226 | 397 | 580 |
BeatStream | 4 | 6 | 9 | 10 |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 4 | ↑7 | 9 | 10 |
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts / Holds | 202 / 6 | 376 / 11 | 736 / 56 |
jubeat Qubell→clan | 4 | 7 | 10 |
jubeat festo location test | 4 | 7 | 10.1 |
jubeat festo→Present | 4 | 7 | ↓10.0 |
jubeat plus | 4 | 7 | 10 |
jubeat plus (Android) | 4 | 7 | 10 |
Game | Level | ||||
Max Chain | 742 | 1189 | 1420 | 1906 | - |
Effected By | 月刊ミズタニ | 月刊ミズタニ | 月刊ミズタニ | 月刊ミズタニ | - |
Jacket Artists | Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ | Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ | Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ | Kaitoとビートストリーム動画制作ラボ | - |
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present | 6 | 12 | 15 | 18 | - |