CANDY (Riyu Kosaka)

This page is for the song CANDY♥, a 小坂りゆ song from DDRMAX2 that was featured in pop'n music. For the GUITARFREAKS / drummania song by 野獸王國, please see ☆CANDY.

CANDY♥'s pop'n music banner.


Song Information

Artist: 小坂りゆ
BPM: 180
Length: 1:34
pop'n music Genre: CANDY POP (キャンディポップ)
pop'n music Character: おしゃれずきん [8]
First Music Game Appearance: DDRMAX2
Other Music Game Series Appearances:



 Dream☆ きっともうすぐほら
 Love Song☆ きっと今からそう

 Everyday Everywhere ココロに虹をかけて
 七色のMelody どこまでも空高く
 Everyday Everytime ココロに響かせて
 優しいHarmony いつまでも愛を込めて

 Everyday Everywhere Make sure of LOVE again
 そのたびキモチ伝えて この歌で
 Everyday Everytime アナタへ届けるよ
 恋するRhythm いつまでも鳴り続けて

Song Connections / Remixes

  • This is a vocal remix of the song CANDY★ from DDRMAX.


Song Information


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43. (Ratings obtained from BemaniWIKI)

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 223 386 666 930 324 580
pop'n music 8 10 23 32 - 16 29
pop'n music 9 ↓8 23 32 - 16 29
pop'n music 10→16 PARTY♪ 8 23 ↓31 - 16 29
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET→Present 8 23 31 37 16 29
pop'n music 8 CS 8 23 32 - 16 29