Believe (y)our Wings (V:IVID RAYS)

Revision as of 03:14, 28 April 2020 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

Believe (y)our Wings {V:IVID RAYS}

Song Information

Artist: RASIS COLORS (かめりあ ft. 紫崎 雪、ぁゅ、かぼちゃ、Kuroa*、SOPHY、みかん汁、みゅい)
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Camellia
Vocals: Yuki Shizaki, ayu, Kabocha, Kuroa*, SOPHY, mikanzil, Myui
BPM: 188
Length: 2:03
First Music Game Appearance: SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes


  • With the exception of Yuki Shizaki, all of the vocalists featured in Believe (y)our Wings {V:IVID RAYS} were previously involved in the SDVX × DTM MAGAZINE Collaboration Contest (SDVX × DTM MAGAZINE コラボレーションコンテスト).
  • RASIS, Tsumabuki RIGHT, and Tsumabuki LEFT appear in Believe (y)our Wings {V:IVID RAYS}'s jackets.
  • Believe (y)our Wings {V:IVID RAYS} was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on April 28th, 2020.

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)

Game Level
Max Chain 674 1035 1467 2057 -
Effected By 元祖レイシス親衛隊長 元祖レイシス親衛隊長 元祖レイシス親衛隊長 元祖レイシス親衛隊長 -
Jacket Artists 赤と青の光を信じて進み、遂にVに辿り着きました…! 元祖オニーチャンProducer 蒼弐 元祖レイシスProducer 蒼弐 元祖レイシスProducer 蒼弐 -
SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE→Present 5 11 14 17 -
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ 5 11 14 17 -
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