pop'n music peace/Event archive

pop'n event archive

pop'n music peace's pop'n event archive (ポップンイベントアーカイブ) event is based on unlocking events from previous games, although simplified. All event archives start right where the original events ended.

Note that unlike pop'n time trip, players have to complete each part of an event archive in order to progress through it (i.e. station CRUX has to be unlocked before obtaining クラゲータ's UPPER charts).

pop'n music 11 - pop'n tourist

At the end of your credit, you will see three reels of various numbers. Unlike the original event, the numbers are determined by the following factors:

  • Default steps per credit: 6 steps
  • First credit of each day: +6 steps
  • Played a song from the Event boost category: +3 steps

After the three numbers are shown in the screen, Nyami and Mimi will move that many steps towards the next goal. Once you reach 50 steps, you'll unlock a new song.

Songs are listed in unlocking order.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 11 - pop'n tourist
station CRUX m@sumi
クラゲータ (UPPER) Kurotou mur.mur.

pop'n music 12 いろは - pop'n hiden ninpouchou

At the end of your credit, Shinobian will throw his shuriken on one of several scrolls under a small time limit. However, unlike the original event, Shinobian will always throw the shuriken at the "Atari" (あたり) scroll, regardless is any button is pressed or not. Afterwards, you'll see a picture slowly unroll from that scroll. Once it unrolls all the way, you unlock a song.

While there are no numerical values in this event archive, you will get more progress by playing songs from the Event boost category, and from your first credit of the day.

Songs are listed in unlocking order.

Song Title Artist
pop'n music 12 いろは - pop'n hiden ninpouchou
おたすけ!アン子ちゃん (シノビアンレディーのテーマ 弐) ARM × 狐夢想 ft. ricono
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