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Song Information

クラゲータ's pop'n music banner.

Artist: Kurotou mur.mur.
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Vocals: Kurotou mur.mur.
BPM: 140
Length: 1:34
pop'n music Genre: NAN-KYOKU (ナンキョク)
pop'n music Character: SOUTH [11]
pop'n music CG design: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 11
Other Music Game Appearances: None.




南極の海の でっかい透明な奴
南極の海の でっかい透明な奴


南極の海の でっかい透明な奴
南極の海の でっかい透明な奴

Song Connections / Remixes



This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • クラゲータ is one of the hidden song unlocks in pop'n music 11's POP'N TOURIST (ポップンツーリスト) event. It could be unlocked from May 19th, 2004 through June 30th, 2004 by reaching STAGE 20.
    • As of June 30th, 2004, it is unlocked for everyone to play.
  • frost and クラゲータ are Akehiro Hidaka's first original songs in the pop'n music series.
  • According to shio, she wanted to name クラゲータ's character "ポール" (Pole or Paul), but there was another character named Paul already [1].
  • クラゲータ's genre, NAN-KYOKU, is a wordplay on "nankyoku" (南極, South Pole) and "kyoku" (曲, song).
  • クラゲータ received UPPER charts in pop'n music peace as the second pop'n tourist (ポップンツーリスト) unlock of the pop'n event archive (ポップンイベントアーカイブ) event. It can be unlocked from March 19th, 2020.
  • クラゲータ is unlockable in pop'n music Lively from March 9th, 2022 as part of the pop'n quest (ポップンクエスト) unlocking system.
  • Upon its debut, クラゲータ UPPER did not use its original chart's background. This was fixed in pop'n music UniLab.

Music Comment

Is this a real South Pole dance song!? Are jellyfish on the way to South Pole?

Song Production Information

Kurotou mur.mur.

Come to think of it, how were jellyfish in South Pole?
A South Pole song was really hard, because there isn't an image of the music.
But enjoy.

Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Regular Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 315 326 555 752 292 363
pop'n music 11→20 fantasia 10 14 26 37 14 19
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 20 32 43 14 19
pop'n music 11 CS 10 14 26 37 14 19
pop'n music 12 いろは CS 10 14 26 37 14 19
pop'n music Lively - 20 32 43 - -

UPPER Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts / Long pop-kun 164 / 31 378 / 51 608 / 53 1024 / 64 292 363
pop'n music peace→Present 9 26 37 47 14 19
POP'N TOURIST (ポップンツーリスト)
ROUTE A おれはジャイアンさまだ!
ROUTE B ANAHONIKUY -雪の華PuzzLeMix- - - 夜間行殺法
ROUTE C monde des songe (HYPER/EX) - YOUNG DREAM (HYPER) - ロマンス
ROUTE D INNOVATION (HYPER/EX) - Line Times - School Life
STAGES 20-25 クラゲータ (STAGE 20) - テンプラ揚三 (STAGE 22) - A change of probability (STAGE 23) - GRADIUS -FULL SPEED- (STAGE 25)
STAGES 26-30 D-groove REQ (STAGE 26) - でんがなマンガナ (STAGE 28) - ワルドック船長のブルース (STAGE 30/GOAL)
ポップンツーリスト station CRUX - クラゲータ (UPPER)
ポップン秘伝忍法帖 おたすけ!アン子ちゃん (シノビアンレディーのテーマ 弐) - エイプリルフールの唄 (UPPER)
ポップン ポチコの幸せな日常 (狂犬U`x´UばうわうHARDCORE Remix) - 天鈴少女
ミミニャミ探検隊 Crumble Soul - BEEF
それゆけ!ポップンクエスト FLOWER (UPPER) - Celsus Ⅱ
EXTRA さようならは言わないけれど - Popperz Chronicle (UPPER)
わくわく ポップンランド マッシュルームナイト - Dracophobia
フィーバー戦士 ポップン14 Aithon (UPPER) - 爆裂再生!フィーバー戦士ポップン14
TOWN MODE 放課後コンチェルティーノ~私だけの部室狂騒曲
ポップンスターメーカー CARTOON☆RagHour - MADSPEED狂信道 (UPPER)
めざせ天下統一!ポップン風雲録 元禄花吹雪
ポップン 夕陽のダンディー
ストーリーモード perditus†paradisus (UPPER)