Wakeruna kiken! Momomomomomoizm
Song Information
Artist: ARM×狐夢想 feat. 桃井はるこ
Composition/Arrangement: ARM (IOSYS)
Lyrics: Komso (COOL&CREATE)
Vocals: Haruko Momoi
BPM: 200
Length: 1:56
Movie: UNE (INVITCA) (MV: UNE, Illustration: 大神アキラ) (new movie), ? (old movie)
Jacket design: 大神アキラ (INVICTA) (new jacket), ビースト映像制作ラボ現場より (old jacket)
First Music Game Appearance: BeatStream アニムトライヴ
Other Music Game Appearances:
- jubeat plus / jubeat plus (Android) Qubell pack 10
- jubeat Qubell
この曲をプレイするときは、ガンガン踊り狂って この曲をプレイするときは、目立たないように 観客の目線を独り占めにしてね。 おとなしく遊んでくださいね。 約束だぞ 約束だよ ハーイ! 呼ばれて飛び出てアタシモモイ子! モモーイの中から生まれた妖精なの! さっそくモモーイのお部屋チェック~ (゚Д゚)ハァ? いやぁぁぁぁぁぁ~~~! (おっとぉ!) 机の上にモモーイの描いた同人誌みっけ! (キャー!!!) ご開帳からの拝見 腐った本た゛に゛ゃ゛ー! (ちょ!) 返しなさーい! あんなこと こんなこと ましてや そんな妄想炸裂!? 声に出して読み上げないで どうにかなっちゃいぞー! どうにかなっちゃいぞー! (アイヨッ!) 書きかけのラブレター 「ずっとずっと、好きでした」 (キャー!!!) ダメよ ムリよ 渡せるわけない 全部全部打ち明けちゃえよ (いやん) 殻をぶち破り そうよ本当はなんだって ほじくり出しちゃえ さらけ出したいの こなこぞ! でも恥ずかしい 理性が邪魔なの 理性が邪魔なの モモイ子はね、モモーイの本当の気持ちから生まれた妖精なんだよ えっ⋯私の、本当の⋯気持ち? そう、今こそ一歩踏み出すのよ! そうよ、やるわわたし! あるがままに 生きに強さ 胸に抱いて 壊れないように 驚き 桃の木 アナーキー 恥ずかしいからやめとこうとか 見た目ばかりを気にし過ぎたら かっこ悪い チャンスはみんな逃げて行くから 動き出さなくちゃ 姿だって 向き合えるから 大丈夫だから ねっ?
kono kyoku wo PLAY suru toki wa, gangan odori kurutte kono kyoku wo PLAY suru toki wa, medatanai you ni kankyaku no me wo hitorijime ni shite ne. otonashiku asonde kudasai ne. yakusoku dazo yakusoku dayo hai! yobarete tobidete atashi Momoiko! Momoi no naka kara umareta yousei nano sassoku Momoi no oheya CHECK~ (゚Д゚)haa? iyaaaaaaa~~~! (otto!) tsukue no ue ni Momoi no haita doujinshi mikke! (kyaa!!!) gokaichou kara no haiken kusatta hon da nyaa! (cho!) kaeshinasai! anna koto konna koto mashiteya sonna mousou sakuretsu!? koe ni dashite yomiagenai de dounika nacchaizo! dounika nacchaizo! (aiyo!) kakikake no LOVE LETTER "zutto zutto, suki deshita" (kyaa!!!) dame yo muri yo wataseru wakenai zenbu zenbu uchiake chae yo (iyan) kara wo buchi yaburi sou yo hontou wa nandatte hojikuridashichae sarakedashitai no ko na kozo! demo hazukashii risei ga jama nano risei ga jama nano Momoiko wa ne, Momoi no hontou no kimochi kara umareta yousei nandayo e⋯ watashi no, hontou no⋯ kimochi? sou, ima koso ippo fumidasu no yo! sou yo, yaru wa watashi! aru ga mama ni iki ni tsuyosa mune ni daite kowarenai you ni odoroki momo no ki ANARCHY hazukashii kara yametokou toka mitame bakari wo ki ni shi sugi tara kakko warui chansu wa minna nigete iku kara ugokidasanakucha sugata datte mukiaeru kara daijoubu dakara ne?
Song Connections / Remixes
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム is one of BeatStream アニムトライヴ's hidden songs. It can be unlocked via Takahashi-san no okurodashi (タカハシサンのお蔵出し).
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム originally had a generic video and a placeholder jacket when it first debuted. It received its own unique video and new jackets on January 13th, 2016.
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム marks Haruko Momoi's first original vocal song in BEMANI. She's a veteran Japanese singer and voice actress who's been performing for over 15 years.
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム is automatically unlocked in jubeat Qubell from March 2nd, 2017 by having unlocked it in BeatStream アニムトライヴ before February 13th, 2017, as part of Phase 2 of the BeatStream no ano kyokutachi ga jubeat demo asobechau! (BeatStreamのあの曲達がjubeatでも遊べちゃう!) event.
- In jubeat clan, it can be unlocked in the jubeat SHOP.
- In jubeat festo, it can be purchased at the emo MART.
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム could be unlocked in SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN from April 13th to May 13th, 2018 as part of the Maybe~nyuugaku!? BeatStream gakkyoku VOLTE ni chakkou daisakusen!! (メイビ~入学!? BeatStream楽曲ボルテに着港大作戦!!) event. It could be unlocked after obtaining six stamps.
- It could be unlocked again from September 13th to 30th, 2018.
- In SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE, it can be purchased with PCB from June 27th, 2019.
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on August 1st, 2019.
- 分けるな危険!モモモモモモーイズム's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat festo ratings on March 7th, 2022.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 134 | 272 | 538 | - |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 4 | 8 | 10- | - |
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts / Holds | 258 / 8 | 572 / 10 | 710 / 31 |
jubeat Qubell→clan | 4 | 8 | 10 |
jubeat festo→Present | 4 | 8 | ↓9.6 |
jubeat plus | 4 | 8 | 10 |
jubeat plus (Android) | 4 | 8 | 10 |
Game | Level | ||||
Max Chain | 743 | 934 | 1146 | 1760 | - |
Effected By | 狂風少年鑑定団 | 狂風少年鑑定団 | 狂風少年鑑定団 | 狂風少年鑑定団 | - |
Jacket Artists | 大神アキラ (INVICTA) | 大神アキラ (INVICTA) | 大神アキラ (INVICTA) | 大神アキラ (INVICTA) | - |
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present | 5 | 11 | 14 | 17 | - |
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ | 5 | 11 | 14 | 17 | - |