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バンめし♪ logo.

BandMeshi♪ (バンめし♪) is a media mix project that was first announced by KONAMI in 2018. It is produced by BEMANI composer Tomosuke Funaki, who also produced HinaBitter♪ (ひなビタ♪).


In Hachiman-cho, a group of girls form the band "Blanc Bunny Bandit" and carry out activities such as blogging, radio, and live broadcasting. The story is divided roughly into Seasons, and is told from their point of view.



The Shirousagi-dan (白兎団) is the central focus of the project, and consists of the leader Shirousagi-sensei along with the members of Blanc Bunny Bandit.

Shirousagi-sensei (白兎先生)
A mysterious woman who suddenly encountered the members of Blanc Bunny Bandit. The leader of the Shirousagi-dan.
Yokaze Tsuyuri (栗花落 夜風) - voiced by Tomori Kusunoki
A first year high school student and daughter of the owners of long-established restaurant "Tsuyuri" in Hachiman-cho. She is the founding member of Blanc Bunny Bandit, playing the guitar.
  • Birthday: May 7th
Chiyo Yoshizako (吉廻 千代) - voiced by Minami Takahashi
A first year high school student and daughter of the owners of long-established inn "Hachimankan" in Hachiman-cho. She is the chair of the discipline committee and the student president of her school. She plays the keyboard.
  • Birthday: August 13th
Arisa Kurokawa (nickname Alisha) (黒川 亜理紗) - voiced by Saki Yasui
An elementary school student and daughter of the owners of long-established miso shop "Kurokawa shoten" in Hachiman-cho. She plays the bass.
  • Birthday: December 30th
Monaka Hyakutake (百武 もなか) - voiced by Takako Tanaka
A first year high school student and daughter of the owners of souvenir shop "Momoya" in Hachiman-cho. She initially played the tambourine, but from Season 2 she now plays the drums.
  • Birthday: June 18th

Furusato Grand Prix contestants

Eventually, Blanc Bunny Bandit participated in the Furusato Grand Prix (FGP), which is a band competition with rivals nationwide. Girl bands from all over the country appeal their charm with local attractions and specialties, to promote and proclaim their hometown number one.

National Tournament A Block

  • Blanc Bunny Bandit: Chubu area champion (Gifu Prefecture: Team Hachimancho). See above for members.
  • Vanitas Lacrimosa (ヴァニタス・ラクリモサ): Kyushu Okinawa area champion (Saga Prefecture: Team Mariyasu). Its members are Sisters of the Sils Vanilla Monastery.
Karina Otomo (大友 華莉那) - voiced by Anju Inami
A 16 years old Sister apprentice. She plays the guitar.
Anna Tachibana (立花 安奈) - voiced by Rui Tanabe
A 15 years old Sister apprentice. She plays the bass.
Erina Eriguchi (江里口 絵里菜) - voiced by Emiri Iwai
A 17 years old Sister apprentice, and the daughter of the monastic order president who runs the monastery. She plays the drums.
  • Merry Bad Marchen (メリー・バッド・メルヘン): Hokkaido area champion (Hokkaido Prefecture: Team Kitashichi). Its members are active cast members of the local theme park Norden Marchen Grim Okoku.
Ren Akizuki (秋月 れん) - voiced by Iori Saeki
Daughter of the owner of the Norden Marchen Grim Okoku park. She plays Little Red Riding Hood in the park, and is also the organizer of the cast. She plays the bandoneon.
  • Birthday: June 6th
Airi Kagami (加賀美 あいり) - voiced by Yukari Anzai
She plays Alice in Wonderland in the park. She plays the wood bass.
Shindo Rera (新藤 れら) - voiced by Nanami Yamashita
As her name hints, she plays Cinderella in the park. She plays the shoulder drums.
  • Yasha-hime Kagura (夜叉姫神楽): Tohoku area champion (Akita Prefecture: Team Sakuradate). Its members are descendants of samurai.
Chikage Tozawa (nickname Yasha-hime) (戸沢 千景) - voiced by Asami Seto
A third year highschool student who is the daughter of a prestigious samurai family who owns a soy sauce shop. She plays the bass.
  • Birthday: May 20th
Rio Onosaki (nickname Sakura) (小野崎 凛桜) - voiced by Maria Naganawa
A highschool junior who is the daughter of a long-established Japanese sweets shop. She plays the drums.
Mio Onosaki (nickname Uguisu) (小野崎 美鶯) - voiced by Rie Murakawa
Rio's twin sister. She plays the guitar.

National Tournament B Block

  • Sesshoseki Shoujo (殺生石少女): Kanto area champion (Tochigi Prefecture: Team Yumoto).
  • Dragon Road (怒羅轟音露悪道): Kinki area champion (Osaka Prefecture: Team Kawachi-Matsubara).
  • Sakura no little*flowers (さくら野リトル*フラワーズ): Chugoku area champion (Tottori Prefecture: Team Kuranogawa). A girls band formed by highschool students who practice in the "Little Flower Studio" in the Hinata shopping district.
  • Mishima Kamihime Suigun (三島神姫水軍): Shikoku area champion (Ehime Prefecture: Team Omishima).

Chuno District Qualifying-Gifu Prefectural Tournament

  • Tengu Gal (天狗ギャル): Team Minokamo. A female trio band, and of the teams that fought against Blanc Bunny Bandit in the Chuno district qualifying final. Their leader is named Aranagi Tenko (荒薙 天古)
  • Hamono girls (刃物ガールズ): Team Seki. One of the teams that fought against Blanc Bunny Bandit in the Chuno district qualifying final. Their leader is named Akane Magoroku (孫六 茜).
  • Oribe Musume (織部むすめ): Team Tajimi. Their co-leader is named Sen Furuta (古田 仙).
  • Rakuichi Rakuza (楽市楽座): Team Gifu.
  • Sarubobo-hime (さるぼぼ姫): Team Hida Takayama.


Characters or bands that have previously appeared in HinaBitter♪ will not be listed here.

Yuzuki Iwasaki (岩崎 結月)
Chiyo's friend. He is training as the next proprietress of a long-established inn in the Misasa Onsen. She lives in a town next to Kuranogawa City.

Music Contributors

The following artists have composed songs for the project:

BandMeshi♪ Singles/Discography

Single Releases

Album Releases


Staff Information

  • Development, Original Plan, Music Supervision: TOMOSUKE
  • Character Designer: CUTEG (Shirousagi-dan), Nardack, 市川浩二 (Vanitas Lacrimosa, Merry Bad Marchen, Yasha-hime Kagura)
  • Design: 林 武志

External Links

Season 1 ビター・エスケープ - 箱庭のエチュード - おにぎりディスコ - シンクロフィッシュ
Season 3 ROOM - 御伽噺に幕切れを - 逆さま♥シンデレラパレード - 至上のラトゥーリア
アリスサイド・キャスリング - 花は折りたし梢は高し - 叛逆のディスパレート - 追憶のアリア
Red Cape Theorem - イノセントバイブル - ハラショー!おにぎりサーカス団☆ - ウソツキ横丁は雨模様
Albums 漂白脱兎 - 共鳴性白染自由主義
バンめし♪ ふるさとグランプリ ROUND1~春の陣~ - ROUND2~夏の陣~ - ROUND3~秋の陣~
Singles ビター・エスケープ
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