10 facts about me:
- Hi, I'm Jun Kai, but you can call me JK, or by my username.
- I live in Singapore.
- The first BEMANI song I listened to was HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW by THE OLIVIA PROJECT, in Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX. I had been searching for that song since. And I found it in X3.
- I'm in the army now.
- Once I get out I'll be studying computer engineering in university.
- I'm only almost 20.
- My favorite artists recently are Ryutaro Nakahara and Kosuke Saito. Coincidentally they debuted in the same game, beatmania IIDX 4th style.
- I currently play mostly jubeat, REFLEC BEAT, DDR, and a little beatmania and GFDM. However I'm a Jack of all trades, master of none. Especially not beatmania.
- I would love to have some rivals in the above-mentioned games. My game ID is PT47.
- I may make some mistakes over time, so I apologize if I do.
- And I communicate through the summaries a lot. Sorry, cos I don't really like to create new talk pages for small matters. :P
- And I know I said 10.