One Night Carnival

One Night Carnival

Song Information

Original Version

One Night Carnival's jacket.

Artist: 氣志團
Composition/Lyrics: Sho Ayanokoji
Album: One Night Carnival (2002)
BPM: 134-137 (Toy'sMarch), 135 (jubeat)
Length: 1:57 (Toy'sMarch), 1:46 (jubeat)
First Music Game Appearance: Toy'sMarch2
Other Music Game Appearances:

Cover Version

One Night Carnival's うたっち banner.

Composition/Lyrics: Sho Ayanokoji
Original Artist: 氣志團
Album: One Night Carnival (2002)
BPM: 135
Length: 1:55
うたっち Character: [6-1P]
First Music Game Appearance: うたっち
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


The lines marked with an asterisk (*) are only present on the cover version of One Night Carnival. Lines marked with ※ (and ⁑ in the Toy'sMarch's cut) are only present on the original version of the song.


* 「俺んとこ こないか?」

ワンナイト・カーニバル 胸の奥 Zuki-Zukiと音たてる Angel
「とにかくもう 行儀良く真面目なんて うんざりだった」 Angel
⁑ 退屈に怯えてたのさ 夜の闇に逃げ込んだ Angel
⁑ 「捨て猫みたいな俺達に 帰る場所なんてもう 何処にも無かった」 Angel

Can you master baby? master baby!
Can't you master baby? master baby!
Can you master baby? master baby!!
Can't you master baby? So long...

瞬きもせずに 俺達は光の渦に巻き込まれてく
雲の隙間に 照らせ 青白き月よ 照らせ
星が瞬くDistance さみしがり屋達の伝説さ
One Night Carnival fun fun
※One Night Carnival Oh wrong
  Let's get free...


* "ore n toko konai ka?"

ONE NIGHT CARVINAL mune no oku Zuki-Zuki to ototateru Angel
"tonikaku mou gyougi yoku majime nante unzari datta Angel
⁑ taikutsu ni obieteta no sa yoru no yami ni nige konda Angel
⁑ "sute neko mitai na ore-tachi ni kaeru basho nante mou doko ni mo nakatta" Angel

Can you master baby? master baby!
Can't you master baby? master baby!
Can you master baby? master baby!
Can't you master baby? So long...

mabataki mo sezu ni ore tachi wa hikari no uzu ni maki komareteku
kumo no sukima ni terase aojiroki tsuki yo terase
hoshi ga matataku Distance samishigari ya tachi no densetsu sa
One Night Carnival fun fun
※One Night Carnival Oh wrong
  Let's get free...

Song Connections / Remixes

  • うたっち features a cover of One Night Carnival, while the Toy'sMarch and jubeat series use the original version of the song.
    • The jubeat series uses a shorter cut of One Night Carnival.


  • One Night Carnival is Kishidan's first single.
  • In うたっち, One Night Carnival can be bought in the Shop for 1500 points.
  • One Night Carnival was added to jubeat saucer on November 1st, 2012.
  • One Night Carnival was removed from jubeat prop on September 14th, 2015.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
Toy'sMarch difficulty rated from 1 to 5. Renda notes are counted as 1 note.
うたっち difficulty rated from 1 to 5 stars. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from jubeat@Wiki,, and tminfo.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 242 403 670
jubeat plus 3 6 8
jubeat saucer→prop 3 6 8
jubeat plus (Android) 3 6 8


Game Level
Notecounts 226 298
Toy'sMarch2 3 5


Game Single
Easy Hard
Notecounts 120 177
うたっち 2 3