Hello! I am ささき.
I like Asaki way too much, especially his (poetic) lyrics.
Thank you very much for your support!
I know a bit of Japanese (though very archaic).
I speak English, since it's my mother's tongue.
Please do your best out there!
I think amamo still does あさき's jacket considering あさき's jacket art style resembles that of amamo's; even if he goes uncredited, he has done nothing but draw up song artwork for あさき since REFLEC BEAT.
Also, I bet ただ、それだけの理由で's lyrics will just be:
この訳を探して ただ、それだけの理由で 今日も、君は笑う!
Also あさき's comments on his song from Twitter, which unsurprisingly is very short. Much like his lyrics he gives out.
And is also brine with nonsense.
ギタドラのプレミアムアンコールで、新曲の「紅蓮」解禁でございます。シンプルなリフとリズムやけど、ゴリゴリでイカし倒した曲やで。良い子も悪い子もチェケラッチョン! The new song "Guren" was released as a Premium Encore for GITADORA. It has a simple riff and rhythm, but it's a gory and crazy song. Good kids and bad kids, check it out!
ギタドラちゃんでかわいい曲作ったから、みんな仲良く遊んでみてね!今日から解禁ダヨー。 今回はMergingMoonのゆーたそちゃんに歌ってもらって、とってもポップでキュートなめたるに仕上がりました。うおーめたるだめたる! あつすぎるやろー。心頭滅却するの困難やろコレ。みんな溶けたらあかんよーあてんしょんぷりーず。ピッピー。 I've made a cute little song with Gitadora-chan, so you guys can play along! The release of this song starts today. This time, I got Yuutaso from Merging Moon to sing it, and it turned out to be a very pop and cute metal. It's a very pop and cute metal indeed! It's too hot! It's going to be hard to get my mind off of this. Don't melt, everyone! Attention please. Pippy.
メリークリスマス!! あと、ポップンで久々に曲作ったからたくさんあそんでねムフフ。 Merry Christmas! Also, I made a new pop'n music after I went around without making it for a long time, so please play it a lot! Mufufu.
蛹 再 & ツミナガラ... と彼女は謂ふ -再-
The two song comments are the same, except which path in GITADORA EXCHAIN is changed depending on the unlock condition. I like how he puts in the -chan honorific to these two songs.
今日からギタドラちゃんで昔懐かしの蛹ちゃんのお平成ファイナル版が遊べるで!ちぇけっ子はおちぇけちぇけしてネ!ネ! 今日からギタドラちゃんで昔懐かしのおツミちゃんのお令和版が遊べるで!ちぇけっ子はおちぇけちぇけしてネ!ネ! Starting today, you can play the Heisei Final version of the nostalgic Sanagi-chan in GITADORA! Kids who check out these songs should check it now! Hey! Starting today, you can play the Reiwa rendition of the nostalgic Tsumi-chan in GITADORA! Kids who check out these songs should check it now! Hey!
さらに、それをおちぇけちぇけし土筆すとなんと、 さらに新たなおちぇけちぇけが可能になるでさらに。さらにこれ。 And what's more, if you check it (Tsuminagara -Sai-) and brush it with clay, what do you get? You'll be able to check out a new song I put out. And then this...
Fear the Merry
ノスタルジアで新曲あそべるで。おチェケリズム高めな休日をお楽しみください。おちぇけ。 You can now play my new songs in Nostalgia. Enjoy the holiday with high checkerism. Please check it a lot.
夢の中で出会った蝶は…… まるで別人のおまえだ The butterfly I met in my dreams... it looks like a different side of you. 今日からギタドラで新曲「蝿の王」が遊べるようになったから、ちゃんとおちぇけちぇけしてみてネ!ちゃんちぇけ。 You can play my new song "Lord of the Flies" on GITADORA starting today, so make sure you check it out! Check it out.
全方向からの愛と感謝に溢れた清潔なおじラブソングです。 何卒よろしくお願い致しますThank you! This is a clean love song from your uncle full of love and appreciation from all directions. Thank you for your support.
このまえ、夏のおい!通信でお伝えしたギターこんとろーら特典曲の『永』、今日から全宇宙でぼちぼち遊べてるみたいー!やったぜー!やっちまえボコボコにしろー! 月光蝶っていうか、もっと色んなこと思いながら作ったんだけどね、とにかく、色々あるけどゆっくりいこーぜ、みたいな、何かそんなかんじー。 民「いいと思いま…すき!」えーやだぁウフフーあっざざーす じゃあね~ん。秋のにっこりマン通信もおたのしみにひぃ~ん。Enjoy your nikkori weekend BYE! The song "Tokoshie," which is a bonus song for コナステ GITADORA announced in summer, seems to be available in the whole universe from today! Yay! Let's go get 'em, let's beat 'em up! It's not really an answer song to Gekkouchou, but I wrote it while thinking about it, as well as a lot of things. People: "I think it's good... I like it!" No way! Ufufuu azzazaasu! Please look forward to the happy man news in Autumn. Enjoy your happy weekend BYE!
This autumn song would be reveled to be ただ、それだけの理由で.
空葬は10億年くらい前にREFLEC BEATというゲームで作った太古の楽曲なのですが、今回発掘に大成功致しました!元気もりもりオーパーツ! ミックスとかもろもろ、最近のおじさんの好みに合わせたわがままボディに調整しているので、その辺も合わせて楽しんで空想してアレしてネ。ぽ、ぽ、ぽわわわーん。 Kuusou (Sky Funeral) is a piece of an ancient song that I wrote down ten hundred million years ago for a game called, "REFLEC BEAT", and this time, I managed to successfully excavated it. What a zesty out of place artifact it is! Everything from the mixing to every instruments has been adjusted to suit the recent tastes of your uncle Asaki, so please enjoy and fantasize about it as well. Pow, pow, pow wowowow.
Note that he made a pun of 空葬 with 空想; both are pronounced, "Kuusou".