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Golializze is an art book produce containing much of the work of GOLI. It also includes (in the first printing) a set of 12 posters and a bonus DVD containing the video for the song Alfarshear.
Art Sources
#001 - Internet Ranking Gift Record #008 - 9th CS Cover Art #010 - 9th eAmuse Card #011 - 8th CS eAmuse Card #012 - RED eAmuse Card #013 - Konamistyle Calendar Poster (2003) #014 - Arcadia No. 030 Cover (Background) #015 - Arcadia No. 048 Cover #016 - Arcadia No. 030 Cover (Left side) #017 - Arcadia No. 038 Cover (Left side) #018 - Arcadia No. 030 Cover (Right side) #020 - Password Screen? {MazriM TaiM} #023 - Arcadia No. 038 Cover (Background) #024 - 7th Internet Ranking Password, 7th AAA Result Screen #025 - 9th Tapestry #026 - 10th Tapestry #027 - RED Tapestry #028 - HAPPY SKY Tapestry #029~038 - Cardboard standouts for use on the sides of arcade machines {rmz} #039 - 10th Soundtrack Cover #040 - 10th Soundtrack Back Cover {abszero/Miz} #041 - Secret Live poster design {rmz} #042 - 2004 Calendar Cover #043 - RED Soundtrack Cover #044 - RED Soundtrack Back #045 - Arcadia No. 28 Bonus Poster #046 - 2005-6 Calendar (July) #047 - 2005-6 Calendar (October) #048 - 4th Name Entry, 6th CS Result Screen #049 - 7th Poster, 7th eAmuse Card, 7th CS Cover, 7th CS Result Screen, 7th Internet Ranking Password #052 - Can't Stop Falling in Love {MazriM TaiM} #053 - 3rd Result Screen #054 - 4th Result Screen, 4th CS Memory Card Menu Button, 4th CS Memory Card Background, Love Will... Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #055 - Absolute {abszero/Miz} #056 - 9th Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (April) #057 - HAPPY SKY Result Screen #058 - 10th CS Result Screen #059 - 8th Result Screen #060 - 8th Result Screen #061 - 8th ?? Dan DP {abszero/Miz} #062 - 6th Result Screen #063 - 6th Result Screen #064 - RED Result Screen #065 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #066~067 - 7th Style poster design (I think?) {rmz} #068 - 7th Poster, 7th eAmuse Card, 7th CS Cover, 7th CS Result Screen, 7th Internet Ranking Password #069 - 6th CS Result Screen #070 - 6th Result Screen #071 - 6th Result Screen #072 - G2Arts / 3rd style intro movie (?) {rmz} #073 - Absolute video {rmz/Mix} #074 - 9th Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (June) #075 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #076 - 4th CS Records Menu Button, 4th CS Records Background #077 - 8th Result Screen #078 - 8th Result Screen #079 - 8th ?? Dan DP #080 - 9th Result Screen #081 - 10th CS Result Screen #082 - HAPPY SKY Result Screen #083 - RED Result Screen #084 - Similar to 3rd Poster #085 - Similar to 4th Result Screen #086 - Similar to 5th Result Screen #088 - 9th AAA Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (July) #089 - RED Result Screen #090 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #091 - 8th Result Screen #092 - 3rd Poster, 3rd CS Cover #093 - 4th Result Screen, 4th CS Options Menu Button, 4th CS Options Background #094 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #095 - 8th ?? Dan DP #096 - 3rd Result Screen #097 - 6th Result Screen #098 - HAPPY SKY Result Screen #099 - 9th Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (September) #100 - RED Result Screen #102 - 6th Result Screen #103 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #104 - 8th Result Screen #105 - 8th ?? Dan DP #106 - 6th style ?? {rmz} #107 - HAPPY SKY Result Screen #108 - 3rd style result screen {rmz} #109 - RED result screen {rmz} #110 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #112 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #113 - 4th style result screen {rmz} #114 - 5th style result screen {rmz}, 4th CS Training Mode Menu Button #115 - 7th style result screen {rmz} #116 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #117 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #118 - 2004 Calendar (May) #119 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #120 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #121 - 3rd(?) style intro video {rmz} #123 - 3rd(?) style result screen {rmz}, 4th Course Result Screen {MazriM TaiM} #124 - RED result screen {rmz} #125 - 6th Expert Course Result {MazriM TaiM} #126 - 9th(?) result screen {rmz} #127 - 4th CS Free Mode Menu Button, 4th CS Free Mode Background {rmz/abszero} #128 - 8th Soundtrack Booklet Cover (confirm?) {Miz} #129 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #130 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #131 - 8th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #132 - RED result screen {rmz} #133 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #134 - 8th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #135 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #136 - 9th Result Screen #137 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #138 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #139 - 2004 Calendar (March) #140 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #141 - RED result screen {rmz} #143 - 9th result screen {rmz} #144 - 8th result screen {rmz} #145 - RED result screen {rmz} #146 - 7th G2Arts {Miz} #147 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #148 - RED Sunday Course Result {Miz} #149 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #150 - 9th style result screen {rmz} #151 - 2004 Calendar (October) #152 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #153 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #154 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #155 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #156 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #157 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #158 - 8th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #159 - 10th CS Result Screen #160 - 9th Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (December) #161 - RED result screen {rmz} #162 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #163 - 9th style poster/ad design {rmz} #164 - 9th style poster/ad design {rmz} #165 - 9th style result screen / 2004 Calendar (January) #166 - RED result screen {rmz} #167 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #168 - 2nd or 3rd style ?? {rmz/Miz} #169 - RED result screen {rmz} #170 - 3rd style intro movie(?) {rmz}, 5th Style Result Screen {Miz} #172 - 2004 Calendar (February) #173 - 7th Border Bonus {MazriM TaiM} #174 - 7th style result screen {rmz} #175 - 5th Style Result Screen (see 170) {Miz} #176 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #177 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #178 - 7th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #180 - RED result screen {rmz} #182 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #183 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #184 - 9th style result screen {rmz} #185 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #186 - 2004 Calendar (November) #187 - 3rd style ?? {rmz} #188 - 7th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #189 - 7th style result screen {rmz} #190 - 7th style result screen {rmz} #191 - RED result screen {rmz} #192 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #194 - 7th CS Master Mode Fail Screen {Miz} #195 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #196 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #197 - 7th style Dan mode result screen {rmz} #198 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #199 - 5th style box art {rmz} #200 - 9th style result screen {rmz} #201 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #203 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #204 - RED result screen {rmz} #205 - 5th style box art {rmz} #206 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #207~208 - 4th style intro movie {rmz} #209 - 4th Style G2Arts {MazriM TaiM}, 4th CS Title Screen #210 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #211 - 5th Survival Background #213 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #214 - 9th Result Screen, 2004 Calendar (August) #215 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #216 - 4th Survival Menu Select Background {rmz/abszero} #217 - 5th style ?? {rmz} #218 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #219 - 4th CS Game Start Menu Button, 4th CS Game Start Background #220 - 7th style Dan mode failed screen {rmz} #221 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #223 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #224 - 5th style G2Arts {rmz} #225 - 6th style result screen {rmz} #226 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #227 - 8th/9th(?) style result screen {rmz} #228 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #230 - 7th style result screen {rmz} #232 - 3rd Style Result {MazriM TaiM}, Possibly something from 4th? {Miz} #233 - 8th style result screen {rmz} #235 - RED result screen {rmz} #236 - 10th CS result screen {rmz} #237 - RED OMES result screen {rmz} #238 - RED result screen {rmz} #239 - RED Dan mode result screen {rmz} #240 - RED poster art {rmz} #241 - Happy Sky result screen {rmz} #242 - CaptivAte Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #243 - Happy Sky poster art {rmz} #244~247 - Dancing Into The Night Overlays {MazriM TaiM} #251 - Get Me In Your Sight (confirm?) {Taka-no-Hakkin} #254 - I Was The One Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #255 - Mr.T (Take Me Higher) Overlay {Miz} #256 - 2nd or 3rd G2 Arts ('Ui-su' guy) {Miz} #257 - Burning The Floor Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #259 - Dong Tepo No. 1 Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #268 - Let The Beat Hit 'Em Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #269 - Leading Cyber, 3rd Expert Result Screen, 4th Expert Result Screen {MazriM TaiM} #270 - Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix) {MazriM TaiM} #272 - Indigo Vision {MazriM TaiM} #272 - Indigo Vision overlay {rmz} #273~274 - The Safari overlays {rmz} #275~276 - Over The Clouds Overlays {Miz} #277 - Let's Talk It Over Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #279 - Is This Love...? overlay {rmz} #280 - Leading Cyber overlay {rmz} #281 - Holic overlay {rmz} #282 - End Of The Century Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #283 - Can't Stop Fallin' in Love overlay {rmz} #284 - Take One Me overlay {rmz} #285 - Dynamite Rave overlay {rmz} #286 - R5 overlay {rmz} #287 - Empathy {MazriM TaiM} #288 - Minimalian Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #289 - Empathy overlay {rmz} #290 - Burning The Floor Wallpaper {MazriM TaiM} #291 - Empathy wallpaper {rmz} #292 - Love Will... overlay {rmz} #293 - Love Will... Overlay {rmz} #294 - Love Again Tonight Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #295 - Flash Of Love Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #296 - Love Again Tonight Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #297~298 - Remember You Overlays {MazriM TaiM} #299 - Flash Of Love Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #300 - Rislim Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #301 - Real Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #302 - Rislim Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #303 - Voltage (feat. Hidemaru) #304 - Voltage Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #306 - Rislim Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #307 - Tablets Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #308 - Zero-One overlay {rmz} #309 - 4th Name Entry, 6th CS Result, Nemesis video {rmz} #311 - 7th Style Full Combo result screen #312 - VJ Army video {rmz} #313 - Double Thrash(?) video {rmz}, VJ Army art(?) {Miz} #314 - VJ Army video {rmz} #315 - VJ Army video {rmz} #316 - VJ Army video {rmz} #317 - VJ Army video/G2Arts {rmz} #320 - Cloudy Music overlay {rmz} #321~322 - Buffalo overlay {rmz} #323 - Take It Easy overlay {rmz} #324 - Yesterday #325 - Yesterday #326 - Kotti wo muiteyo overlay {rmz/Miz} #327 - Kotti wo muiteyo overlay {rmz} #328 - Love Me Do overlay {rmz} #329 - Love Me Do overlay {rmz} #330 - Deadline overlay {rmz} #331 - Mr.T (Take Me Higher) Overlay {Taka-no-Hakkin} #332 - Fly Away Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #333 - Happy Wedding G2Arts {rmz} #334 - Happy Wedding full combo overlay {rmz} #335 - Happy Wedding overlay {rmz} #336 - Kotti wo muiteyo overlay(?) {rmz} #337 - A G2Arts {rmz} #338~339 - Traces overlay {rmz} #340 - A overlay {rmz} #341~342 - Solid Gold overlay {rmz} #343 - MAX 300 overlay {rmz} #344 - D2R overlay {rmz} #345 - one or eight overlay {rmz} #346 - one or eight overlay {rmz} #347~349 - Showa kigyo senshi arayama kacho overlays {rmz} #350~351 - One More Lovely overlays {rmz} #352 - 10th style AC result screen {rmz} #353 - 10th style AC result screen {rmz} #354 - 10th style AC result screen {rmz} #355 - EXE overlay {rmz} #356 - Tant Pis Pour Toi Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #357~360 - System Romance overlays {rmz} #361 - 1st Samurai result screen {rmz} #362~363 - Setsugekka overlays {rmz} #364 - Fly Away To India #365 - Fly Away To India #366 - Gigadelic video {rmz} #367 - Gigadelic video #368 - Fake Time video {rmz} #369 - Garden video {rmz} #370 - Garden video {rmz} #371~372 - Catch Me Overlays {MazriM TaiM} #373 - CaptivAte video {rmz} #374 - 10th style Dan mode result screens {rmz} #375 - Toe Jam {rmz} #376~379 - Patriotism Overlays {MazriM TaiM} #380 - SexySexyChevy Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #381~382 - Happy*Angel {rmz} #383 - tant pis pour toi miss animation {Miz} #384 - Rage Against Usual Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #385 - SEXYSEXYCHEVY overlay {Miz} #386 - Toe Jam Overlay {MazriM TaiM} #387-8 - PLASMA {Miz} #389-90 - Scripted Connection {Miz} #391 - tant pis pour toi {Miz} #392 - rage against usual {Miz} #393 - 2nd style poster design {rmz} #394~395 - 2nd style website art {rmz} #396~397 - GOLI IIDX RED G2Arts {rmz} #398 - Trick Or Treat Pop'n Music song character background? {MazriM TaiM} #399 - Pop'n 10 Mimi {rmz} #400 - Pop'n 10 Jack {rmz} #401~404 - Pop'n Tsubasa {rmz} #405~409 - Castlevania ?? #410 - Benzaiten from ?? #411 - Bishamonten from ?? #412 - Jurojin from ?? #413 - Hotei from ?? #414 - Fukurokuju from ?? #415 - Daikokuten from ?? #416 - Ebisu from ?? #417 - Love Shine {rmz} #418~449 - DoLL #450~456 - Double Thrash #457~469 - Empty Of The Sky #470~497 - Eden #498~514 - Alfarshear