Listen up
Listen up
Song Information
Artist: Mitsuto Suzuki
BPM: 133
Genre: Click House
First Appeared On: AC Happy Sky
Length: 1:43
Set and fuse it Just don't trace it Trust your music Spare the same refrains Slice your music Scale the beats you fix and run There's no reasons, there's no signs Compress the moment to feel your life Use more tensions, use more sense Insist the accent in your voice
Song Connections/Remixes
- The full version is called Listen up (Post-Production Mitsuto Suzuki) and can be found on the OST.
Song Production Information
Mitsuto Suzuki / Sound
Hello. I'm Mitsuto Suzuki (鈴木光人). This is my second piece for beatmania IIDX. They're identically developed, but they layer together so well. It feels like I've written a song in a strange, mysterious genre. When I was about 40% done with the mix-down, it sounded really nice, but it didn't seem like enough for gameplay; this is how the listening version got its chance to shine.
Video Production Information
MAYA / Movie
This is my first shot at a mostly 3D movie. It was really fun to try to put together a video that fit a song that's made up of lots of smaller sounds, but it was also really hard. Whenever I listened to it, I'd hear something I hadn't noticed before. But rather than worry about it a lot, I just tried to keep pushing forward enthusiastically.
There's even a tie-in with the HAPPY SKY theme, Since all the highs and lows in this labyrinth-like creation come together to look like some sort of cloud.
It'd be really fun to do another movie like this one.