User talk:Malev

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Revision as of 04:25, 5 June 2022 by Malev (talk | contribs) (→‎Paranoia survivor MAX and StepManiaX)
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Paranoia survivor MAX and StepManiaX

There is a video similar to the PSMAX video (and, for that matter, Paranoia survivor too) in StepManiaX:
How come you have deleted my edit? Is there a proper way to incorporate this information? --LABcrab (talk) 22:46, 4 June 2022 (UTC)

The rules discussed in the discord states that non-BEMANI references are to be kept to a minimum. While the allusion to the video is in StepManiaX, it is not directly tied to Paranoia survivor MAX in the way say FLOWER appears in non-Konami titles like Taiko no Tatsujin and maimai. StepManiaX and other rhythm games have made references and callbacks to the series throughout the years. In a way, it's to prevent "trivia creep".

At least you DID bring attention to the new StepManiaX song --Malev 04:24, 5 June 2022 (UTC)