

Song Information

ポルターガイスト's pop'n music banner.

Artist: 96 feat.藤本美樹
Composition/Arrangement: 96-chan
Violin: Miki Fujimoto
BPM: 128
Length: 1:35
pop'n music Genre: VIOLIN PROGRESSIVE (ヴァイオリンプログレッシヴ)
pop'n music Character: PANDETH [16]
pop'n CG design: eimy
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 16 PARTY♪
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of ポルターガイスト can be found on 96's first album, BLACK ALBUM.


  • ポルターガイスト is 96's first original composition for the pop'n music series. He earlier provided the arrangement of 愛をとりもどせ!! in pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE.
  • Miki Fujimoto (藤本美樹) is a famous violinist. You can check her website here.
  • A poltergeist is the apparent manifestation of an invisible but noisy, disruptive or destructive entity. Most accounts of poltergeist manifestations involve noises and destruction that have no apparent cause.
  • A third, unused, portrait for PANDETH can be found in the pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ data.
  • The character's name for ポルターガイスト, PANDETH, is a pun on "panda" and Megadeth.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 through Sunny Park. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Standard Battle PSP-Exclusive
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper 5B Hyper 7 Button 7B Hyper
Notecounts 217 258 575 1014 238 433 ? ? ?
pop'n music 16 PARTY♪→17 THE MOVIE 10 20 32 41 12 19 - - -
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝→20 fantasia 10 20 ↑33 41 12 19 - - -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - ↑25 ↑39 ↑47 12 19 - - -
pop'n music portable 2 10 20 33 ※41 - - 24 19 36

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart (total notes: 955).