Infinity Of Our Love

Infinity Of Our Love

Song Information

Infinity Of Our Love's pop'n music banner.
Infinity Of Our Love's jacket

Artist: 猫叉Master feat.Sana
Composition/Arrangement: Naoyuki Sato
Lyrics: Hiroshi Egawa
Vocals: Sana
Chorus: Mary
Engineer: Masato Kamata
BPM: 114
Length: 2:14
pop'n music Genre: Elebits J-POP (エレビッツJポップ)
pop'n music Character: Kai&Zero [17]
pop'n CG designer: ちっひ
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


ボクらは二人  笑顔を忘れて  さまよう風に吹かれてた
ぎこちないまま  過ぎてく時間も  心地良く感じていたよ
二人の時間  少しずつ増えて  心の欠片触れ合って
雨のち晴れの  小さな世界が  少しずつ広がってくよ

君の声が聞こえるから  僕は前に歩き出した
光の糸  たぐり寄せて

Your Shine now 世界中に
Try to Try 描いた未来は
そう 勇気をくれるんだ

Your Shine now 広がってく
Sing a Song やさしいメロディが
Change 世界を包んでく


bokura wa futari egao wo wasureta samayou kaze ni fukareteta
gikochinai mama sugiteku jikan mo kokochi yoku kanjite ita yo
futari no jikan sukoshi zutsu fuete kokoro kakera fureatte
ame nochi hare no chiisana sekai ga sukoshi zutsu hirogatteku yo

kimi no koe ga kikoeru kara boku wa mae ni arukidashita
hikari no ito taguri yosete

Your Shine now sekaijuu ni
Try to Try egaita mirai wa
sou yuuki wo kurerunda

Your Shine now hirogatteku
Sing a Song yasashii MELODY ga
Change sekai wo tsutsun deku

Long Version

Japanese Version

ボクらは二人 笑顔を忘れて さまよう風に吹かれてた
ぎこちないまま 過ぎてく時間も 心地良く感じていたよ
二人の時間 少しずつ増えて 心の欠片触れ合って
雨のち晴れの 小さな世界が 少しずつ広がってくよ

君の声が聞こえるから 僕は前に歩き出した
光の糸 たぐり寄せて

Your Shine now 世界中に
Try to try 描いた未来は
そう 勇気をくれるんだ
Your Shine now 広がってく
Sing a song やさしいメロディが
change 世界を包んでく

未来に向かう   僕等の先には  まだ見たことの無い明日
大きな空に  地図を広げたら  印をつけて向かうんだ
君の瞳に  悲しみの影が  差したら僕が拭うから
心配ないよ  約束するから  僕等はずっとー緒だよ

果てしなく広い世界  出会ったのは奇跡だから
眩しいほど  星が降るよ

My wishes 僕らは今
Try again 進み続けるんだ
そう  希望をポケットに
My Friends さぁ  広がってく
Sing a song 希望のメロディが
change 世界は変わってく

Your Shine now 世界中に
Try to try 描いた未来は
そう 勇気をくれるんだ

Your Shine now 広がってく
Sing a song やさしいメロディが
change 世界を包んでく

English Version

Back in the old days
Just the two of us
playing a game called
loneliness to win
We liked to talk tough
Oh but it ain't enough
To hide the fear and pain
We both did share

Now when I see you
Walking beside me now
Keeping me safe from all
the dark and harm
I am invincible
Safe from all trouble
We can be brave although
We may be scared

It's written in the stars
To be just who you are
So beautifully complete
And utterly unique
So incomparable
In everything you do

Please show me just how you feel
Your smile could possibly be
The most powerful energy
To light the sky

Attracting the best from me
A kind glance is all that I need
To warm up a whole universe
of tender hearts

Infinity of our love

On feel courage
It's growing stronger than
Challenges around us everywhere
Such a miracle
Opening our hearts
Friends from the depths of our despair

Can you believe it?
To have got so far
When the future is mystery
Let's give the loving
Room to grow and fly
Out to everyone we'll ever meet

A promise I can keep
To friendship so complete
The possibilities
Together ever free
Our strength is being one
So we can overcome

Please show me just how you feel
Your smile could possibly be
The most powerful energy
To light the sky

Attracting the best from me
A kind glance is all that I need
To warm up a whole universe
of tender hearts

Please show me just how you feel
Your smile could possibly be
The most powerful energy
To light the sky

Attracting the best from me
A kind glance is all that I need
To warm up a whole universe
of tender hearts

Infinity of our love

Song Connections / Remixes

  • The full version of Infinity Of Our Love, titled Infinity Of Our Love Jp version, can be found on Sana's ボクをさがしに album.
  • An English version of Infinity Of Our Love by Joelle Strother can be found on 猫叉Master's first album, Raindrops, as well on the COMPOSERS albums.


  • Infinity Of Our Love is the ending theme of Elebits: Kai to Zero no fushigi na tabi (エレビッツ カイとゼロの不思議な旅, also known as Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero).
  • Infinity Of Our Love marks the first Sana song part of a pop'n music game's default songlist since 流星☆ハニー in pop'n music 12 いろは.
  • According to pop'n music staff member Mameshiba, Infinity Of Our Love's original genre was going to be Elebits POP 2, but since The Smile of You was planned to be a hidden song, the genre had to be changed accordingly.
    • The Smile of You still kept the genre Elebits POP, possibly as a remainder of this idea.
  • Kai&Zero does not have a 2P color.
  • Infinity Of Our Love is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.1.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, and from 1 to 12 from VOLZZA onwards. (Ratings obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 319 334 739 949 334 497
pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE→20 fantasia 12 15 27 33 14 23
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 21 ↑34 39 14 23
pop'n music Lively - 21 34 39 - -


Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 78 162 278 -
REFLEC BEAT plus 2 5 7 -