Hidenori Kotera

Revision as of 08:03, 3 August 2014 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

Hidenori Kotera

Artist Information

  • Name: Hidenori Kotera (秀典 小寺)


Hidenori Kotera is one of the SOUND VOLTEX sound directors. He first joined BEMANI as a sound data analyzer for the beatmania IIDX and pop'n music series, alongside PON.

Very little is known about him, though he has appeared in several BEMANI-related streams and even in some beatmania IIDX videos. He sometimes provides vocals for some songs, but until KHAMEN BREAK, there was no known song composed by him in BEMANI.


  • Cody
  • ビンビンWAVES (member of)


Song Artist Game Genre Composition Arrangement Lyrics Vocals/Chorus
I will be back -オレは帰ってきた- SUPER STAR 満-MITSURU- beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA ONLY ONE MOMENT - - -
牛乳特急便 -まとめきれないRomantic style- キャプテンメタル GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2: Groove to Live - - - -
ロマンティックあげるよ まのきよみ pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE ROMANTIC AGERU YO - - -
西軍∥∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴∥東軍 Yukky+DES pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 SENRAN EMAKI - - ?
Rhythm in Pocket ビンビン WAVES pop'n rhythmin - - - ?
エンプティ マイ ハート ビンビンWAVES うたっち IDOL WAVE - - -
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