
Song Information

Giudecca's banner.

Artist: D.J.SETUP
Composition/Arrangement: D.J.SETUP
Producer: TaQ
Additional Vocals: b(rad)
BPM: 155
Length: 1:55
VJ: VJ YUZ (2-D art by GOLI)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 8th style
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • An extended version of Giudecca appears on TaQ's live album, bounce:connected.
  • The version of Giudecca used in DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3 has the background vocals changed, presumably since it sounds too much like swearing.
  • A remix of Giudecca by dj REMO-CON, titled Giudecca -Remo-con RMX size M-, appears on dj TAKA's first album, milestone.


Giudecca's unused banner.
  • In Dante's Divine Comedy, Giudecca (also spelled Judecca) is the lowest level in the ninth circle of hell (the Inferno), just above Satan. It contained the souls of those who betrayed their benefactors.
  • Giudecca is also an island near Venice, Italy. Unlike hell, it mostly contains resort hotels and summer homes, and some 16th-century churches and convents.
  • As beatmania IIDX 8th style had no overlays in its song videos, Guidecca is GOLI's only art in 8th style not from result screens/Internet Ranking/title cards (in the case of xenon).
    • It's also VJ YUZ's only video in 8th style.
  • Similar to xenon, Giudecca's unique title card (in this case, the font of the song itself) was not kept in the home version.
  • A slightly different banner of Giudecca was used in the DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3 official website, where the song was credited to DJ Setup.

Song Production Information

Up until now I've been consistently self-produced, but this time in producing me TaQ has drawn out a new D.J.SETUP.

I really like the "inorganic" feel this track has through its controlled use of tension. It's a lot like being irritated by something.

Once again, the video is a collaboration with Yuz. Even though we never had a chance to sit down and talk things out, we can trust each other to know what the other is thinking without having to say a word. I'd like to remain in this partnership as long as possible.

Video Production Information

I made this movie with the aim of letting the player get wrapped up in the great feeling of the song's speed and overall coolness.

A general, free-for-all discussion follows.
"Wonder! The Giudecca Effect!"

About the time I first heard this song, VJ GYO left a 7th soundtrack CD on my desk - another staff member had gotten us a bunch as souvenirs.
Then, HES-kun made us all Okinawa food!
I got IIDX 6th style for PS2 from Kani.
GOLI gave me yakiniku.
And so on. I was really lucky.

Thanks, SETUP!
By playing Giudecca all the time, you too can all enjoy a happy life!

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