Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~

Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~

Song Information

Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~'s pop'n music banner.
Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~'s jacket.

Artist: Togo Project featuring Sana
Composition/Lyrics/Back-up Vocals: Hiroyuki Togo
Arrangement: L.E.D.
Vocals: Sana
BPM: 138
Length: 1:43 (pop'n music), 1:39 (DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME→Present), 1:42 (DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3)
pop'n music Genre: J-GARAGE POP REMIX (JガラージポップREMIX)
pop'n music Character: MZD [7-J-GARAGE POP]
Jacket design: moroEX
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania APPEND 5thMIX: Time to get down
Other Music Game Appearances:




ねぇ、星の彼方に願いを込めて 二人をつなぐ交信術

Do you believe in LOVE?
Yes,I'm just feeling now.


Do you believe in LOVE?
Yes,I'm just feeling now.

Song Connections / Remixes

  • Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ is a remix of the song Miracle Moon from beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX.
  • A long version of Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~, titled Miracle Moon ~お月様が中継局~ (L.E.D.STYLE MIX), can be found on Sana's second album, Sanative.
  • In beatmania BEST HITS, the ANOTHER chart version of Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ sounds different compared to the OST version.
  • In DanceDanceRevolution ULTRAMIX3, the version of Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ used is from the 2nd disc of beatmania 5thMIX ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK, the Nonstop Megamix CD. You can actually hear a couple of seconds of LINN 1999 (the song before it in the megamix) before Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ starts.
    • Because of this, the ULTRAMIX3 version of Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ is several seconds longer than the shorter DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME cut of the song.


  • In beatmania, Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~'s genre was EPIC HOUSE.
  • Miracle Moon ~L.E.D.LIGHT STYLE MIX~ marks L.E.D.'s first appearance in the pop'n music series.

Music Comment

Now, a special version of that familiar beatmania song that everybody loves!

Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever.)

pop'n music

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 176 371 575 - 196 400
pop'n music 7 8 18 28 - ※20 -
pop'n music 8 8 18 28 - 9 20
pop'n music 9 ↓6 18 ↓27 - 9 20
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia ↓5 18 ↑28 - 9 20
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 24 34 - 9 20
pop'n music 7 CS 8 18 28 - ※20 -
pop'n music Best Hits! 6 18 27 - - -
pop'n music 8 CS 6 18 27 - 9 20

※ The notecount of this chart corresponds to the later HYPER chart of Battle Mode.

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