Akai ringo


Song Information

Original Version

赤いリンゴ's pop'n music banner.

Artist: Lollipop Tonic featuring K
Composition/Arrangement: Yoichi Hayashi
Lyrics: Ayako Masuda
Vocals: Yoichi Hayashi, Hisako Agatsuma
BPM: 107
Length: 1:31
pop'n music Genre: GROOVE ROCK (グルーブロック)
pop'n music Character: PEPPER [CS3]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 3 CS
Other Music Game Appearances:

LIVE Version

赤いリンゴ (GROOVE ROCK LIVE)'s pop'n music banner.

Artist: Sana
Composition/Arrangement: Yoichi Hayashi
Lyrics: Ayako Masuda
Vocals: Sana
Keyboard: Youko
BPM: 110
Length: 1:56
pop'n music Genre: GROOVE ROCK LIVE (グルーブロックLIVE)
pop'n music Character: SANAE-chan [8-3P]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 8
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Game Size


鏡に映るボク きっとこんなもんだろう
昨日の繰り返し 多分そんなもんだろう
甘い甘い密の味 どんなもんだろう

曖昧な言葉 巧みにボクを追い込んで

光と影 キミはいつもフワリ抜けてく
赤いリンゴ食べたボクは ワナに堕ちていく

Long Version


鏡に映るボク きっとこんなもんだろう
昨日の繰り返し 多分そんなもんだろう
甘い甘い密の味 どんなもんだろう

曖昧な言葉 巧みにボクを追い込んで

光と影 キミはいつもフワリ抜けてく
赤いリンゴ食べたボクは ワナに堕ちていく

本当の心は 何を映すんだろう

愛という魔法で ボクを振り回して
動けない心 何度も問いただす

罪と罰 キミは自分しか愛せない
愛の罪に溺れたボクは 目を覚ませない

誰も待ってなんていないし 誰も信じてなんていないわ
閉ざされた心は 毒を失っているだけ・・・)

光と影 キミはいつもフワリ抜けてく
赤いリンゴ食べたボクは ワナに堕ちていく

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of 赤いリンゴ can be found on the pop'n music 3 V.S. pop'n stage album.
  • A cover of 赤いリンゴ by Sana can be found on the Sana-mode album. This version was performed on the pop'n music live!! event, and was used as the basis for GROOVE ROCK LIVE.
  • The original version of 赤いリンゴ appears as part of the PM SUPER BEST すぺしゃるメドレー, a medley by Tsugumi Kataoka that can be found on the pop'n music SUPER BEST BOX compilation album.
  • An instrumental version of 赤いリンゴ appears in ダンスダンスレボリューション ふぁみマット.


赤いリンゴ's pop'n music 6 banner.
  • In pop'n music 4 and pop'n music 5, 赤いリンゴ's character was AYA [4], who was designed by p-cat.
  • 赤いリンゴ is the only song from pop'n music 3 CS that made its arcade debut in pop'n music 4.
  • 赤いリンゴ is the only CS pop'n music song that received a LIVE version in pop'n music 8.
  • Before pop'n music 11, the LIVE version of 赤いリンゴ's songwheel genre was グルーヴロックLIVE.
  • 赤いリンゴ appears as DLC for ポップンミュージック, in the 初級卒業セット pack.
  • "Akai ringo" translates in English to "red apple", hence why SANAE-chan has a red apple in her hand on the banner for the LIVE version.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information

Original Version

Character bio translations done by narukamikun and enigmaopoeia, and posted by madamluna on bemanistyle, from this now defunct thread: [1]


Birthplace: Japan
Hobby: Dance, basketball
Likes: Carbonated drinks
Dislikes: Cleaning, the steep hill road in front of her house

AYA is the girl of global-fame for her television performances. But, her life is very busy. Her free time is important to her.

LIVE Version


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever.)

pop'n music

Original Version

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 120 197 - - 152 -
pop'n music 3 CS - 15 - - - -
pop'n music 6 CS - 9B - - - -
pop'n music GB ※22 - - - - -
pop'n music 4 - 15 - - - -
pop'n music 5 ? ↑16 - - - -
pop'n music 6 - 9B - - - -
pop'n music 9→19 TUNE STREET 4 ↓12 - - 7 -
pop'n music 20 fantasia ↑8 ↑14 - - ↑10 -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - ↑23 - - 10 -

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart (total notes: 198).

Other chart not shown on the above table:

  • pop'n music 3 CS's BEGINNER chart: total notes: 111.

LIVE Version

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 142 299 593 - 255 539
pop'n music 8 11 15 28 - 12 26
pop'n music 9 ↓5 15 ↓27 - 12 26
pop'n music 10→19 TUNE STREET 5 15 ↓26 - 12 26
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 21 32 - 12 26
pop'n music 8 CS 5 15 27 - 12 26