Inside Jokes

Revision as of 00:52, 21 November 2005 by Remy (talk | contribs) (Moved Rislim Remix explanation around, amended Peview joke)

IIDX Community Inside Jokes

You've found the thrilling page where you can finally learn about what the hell all those dumb jokes are. They're too cool!

Rislim Remix

This joke manifests itself as anything relating to playing a song at certain hours, being in love with a song, effective ways of appreciating a song, particular times of the year to purchase IIDX games, or anything relating to Rislim Remix.

During a conversation on the VJ Army Forums about what preview songs might appear on CS 8th style, the following conversation took place:

Azure, Post #191
As for the preview song, I just hope it's not Quasar or Rislim -remix- because I really want those play those for the first time in 9th and not in 8th as preview songs.
Greyfox, Post #192
Quasar's one of the extra stages (right? if that needs correcting...), so that's doubtful. Rislim -remix- is perfectly likely, and I don't see why you wouldn't want to play it on 8th Style. The sooner the better, eh?
Azure, Post #193
I don't want to play Rislim -Remix- right now because I first heard it in the summer and fell in love with it. Right now, I'm busy with school, so I won't be able to enjoy it as much when it comes out in 8th Style, but when 9th comes out (Hopefully next summer) I'll have the whole summer to play the song (During this summer I would stay up pretty late watching the Rislim -Remix- video and I'd like to do the same when I get the chance to play it). The same is with Quasar, but to a lesser degree. These two songs really kick ass and it wouldn't do them justice if they were placed with 8th Style and not 9th Style, which has the best interface of them all (And best results screen too).
Shapermc, Post #196
You know if it comes out in Nov. that you can just WAIT until you have time... like a weekend or winter break...
Azure, Post #198
I am going to wait. I'm going to get it right when my winter break starts, which is 2 weeks, but I'll most likely still have lots of projects to be doing during that break and I'll also be studying for finals, which is why it wouldn't be a good time for Rislim -Remix- or Quasar.
Remy, Post #201
Azure, please seek medical assistance. I'm serious. You're having this whole hypothetical conversation about if THESE two songs are on 8th Style, then you don't want to get the game right at release. You don't want to get the game right at release because you want to be able to play those songs in the summer. You want to play those songs in the summer because you stayed up for hours on end this past summer watching the videos over and over again. This doesn't seem the least bit strange to you?
Azure, Post #202
These songs are very nice songs and I wouldn't be able to enjoy to their full extent if I would be playing them when the school year isn't over. If 8th Style came out tomorrow I would wait till Decemeber to buy it because then I would have a nice 2 weeks of no school to play it. I do the same with every other game. The game won't get the attention it deserves if I get it during school; the same with the songs.

I guess a lot of just came from that BOX& video. In the video it looks like it's 2:00 a.m and he's been playing IIDX for hours on end enjoying himself. It seems as if he doesn't have a care in the world and doesn't care what time it is, he's just relaxing and playing IIDX (Particularly Rislim -Remix-). I'd like to do the same because, I believe, that would be the most efficient way to appreciate Rislim -Remix-.

At this point, the conversation really started to spiral; notable is Boxthor's post destroying most of the things Azure believed about the video.

Is 69 Easier With Hard On?

Another (perhaps unintentionally) hilarious line from Azure, posted on the VJ Army forums during a discussion about Innocent Walls' stupidly hard measure #69.

Azure, Post #843
Is 69 easier with hard on?
MazriM TaiM, Post #847
In my experience, yes. ;)


A mainstay throughout the English-speaking Bemani community. The basic concept of a GET IT is to find Bemani song titles in sentences during conversation, whether intentional or not.

Classic example
Person A: "I have a headache."
Person B: "Then take some tablets."


This has also been extended to objects in everyday life that contain references to Bemani song titles (or the titles themselves, such as ACT mouthwash), or other aspects of Bemani games in general.

See also: A Guide To GET IT?!?!

Truly A Fantastic

written by Dan "Remy" Dickinson

When Konami announced that they were doing surveys to gauge interest in reviving the CS release of IIDX (prior to the release of 7th), there was widespread concern that the survey would not get enough responses to qualify for the game. This worry was not only felt in the US, but also in Japan.

As a manifestation of this concern, one Japanese player took it upon himself to write anyone who ran any sort of English web page relating to Beatmania. His email (long since lost) pleaded for US webmasters to inform everyone of the survey and get them to fill it out. I know he sent nearly the same email to everyone after comparing with a friend, but mine had a small PS that read:

P.S. I watch dj RYRY superplay video. It's a fantastic!!

This was in reference to a video of Ryan's I had mirrored, and which I found cute enough to tell Ryan about. I then wrote back in very gentle English, thanking him and asking him some general questions about the Japanese scene. During the back-and-forth that ensued, questions were asked to be passed onto Ryry about "if doubles were carried out" and "if the pinky extends"; the word "truly" was used a lot as well.

To this day, a number of us will still joke about things being "truly a fantastic".


The 10th CS site launch was notable due to being the first IIDX site with Flash-based audio-visual previews of the new CS songs.

With one small and hilarious problem: the button to click to view them was labeled as Peview. This has since been corrected but, like all good Engrish typos, will live in infamy.

Fake Location Test Songs

It is traditional for fake songs to float around the community when games go into location test, as crafty players try to pass off the most plausible crap on unsuspecting fanboys desperate for MP3s.

The most notable of all fake location test songs was M, which appeared during the 8th Style Location Test period. Credited to dj TAKA, based on a Mozart song, and sounding similar enough to V, it convinced enough players that it was legit to place it in the hall of fame for IIDX-related pranks.


V is widely considered an inside joke at this point, as it has appeared on six consecutive CS games. ("You can't spell revival without V.") Many players take this as a sign that Konami hates them.