Composition: 164
Original Artist: 164 feat. GUMI
Album: THEORY -164 feat.GUMI- (2012)
BPM: 189-199 (ノスタルジア), 200-205 (jubeat)
Length: 1:51
First Music Game Appearance: ノスタルジア FORTE
Other Music Game Appearances:
The GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series uses a game-size cut of the promotional video version of 天ノ弱 (without the intro effector and chorus), instead of the album version used in the other BEMANI games.
A cover version of 天ノ弱 featuring the vocals of Mayumi Morinaga can be found on Mayumi Morinaga's 天ノ弱 single.
The ノスタルジア series uses a piano arrangement of 天ノ弱.
THEORY -164 feat.GUMI- is 164's third album featuring the synthesized vocals of GUMI.
According to 164, 天ノ弱's title has a double meaning: "天ノ弱 (ama no jaku)→天邪鬼 (ama no jaku, a contrary person) and 天性 ノ 弱虫 (tensei no yowamushi, a born coward)".
天ノ弱 was added to SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH on August 3rd, 2012. Its charts can be purchased for 20 BLOCKS for ADVANCED, and 60 BLOCKS for EXHAUST. Also, you have to meet these prerequisites to purchase its charts:
ADVANCED chart: you must obtain at least 5 COMPLETE medals.
EXHAUST chart: you must obtain at least 30 COMPLETE medals.
天ノ弱 was added to pop'n music Sunny Park on September 19th, 2013 as a default song.
GUMI is not selectable as a player character in pop'n music.
While GUMI used her GREAT animation for her FEVER animation (which can be seen by playing a song with GUMI as the rival character and clearing a Highlight Zone), a different, unused FEVER animation could be found on the data (although it could be seen by hacking GUMI as a player character as her regular FEVER animation). Since pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢, this latter FEVER animation is used by GUMI even as a rival character.
In pop'n music, 天ノ弱 is not keysounded.
In pop'n music, instead of displaying its character's portrait, 天ノ弱 displays its jacket on the songwheel.
天ノ弱 is the Challenge B of jubeat saucer's Smith Seminar (スミスゼミナール) event.
In jubeat saucer fulfill, it can be unlocked as part of saucer macchiato's Side Menu from September 24th, 2014.
In jubeat prop, it is part of the Step unlocking system, unlockable by reaching Step Level 5.
In the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series, 天ノ弱's video consists of a single image, which is an extended image of the jacket.
天ノ弱 was added to BeatStream on August 7th, 2014. Its MEDIUM and BEAST charts could be unlocked via the Mei mail Chikyuutte kekkou tooi no ne in Takahashi-san Lab..
As of December 3rd, 2015, these charts have been unlocked by default.
天ノ弱 received an INFINITE chart in SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- as part of the INFINITE BLASTER unlock system.
天ノ弱 received a different set of charts in the arcade REFLEC BEAT releases.
Despite being a licensed song, 天ノ弱 was not included on the TV・J-ポップ category until pop'n music ラピストリア.
天ノ弱 was added back to the pop'n music Sunny Park category in pop'n music UniLab.
天ノ弱 [ 2 ] can be unlocked in jubeat prop's Step unlocking system, by reaching Step Level 42.
These charts were added to jubeat plus as alternate Hold Marker charts for 天ノ弱 on November 6th, 2015.
As of jubeat Qubell, it is available by default.
In the DanceDanceRevolution, GuitarFreaks & DrumMania, and REFLEC BEAT series, as well as in jubeat plus and ポップンリズミン, 天ノ弱's artist is shown simply as 164.
In MÚSECA, 天ノ弱 uses its SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE and ADVANCED/EXHAUST/INFINITE jackets for its Green and Orange/Red difficulties, respectively.
天ノ弱's SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE jacket is used as the jacket for 天ノ弱's appearance in every other BEMANI game besides MÚSECA.
天ノ弱 received new BASIC and ADVANCED charts for Guitar and Drum in GITADORA Tri-Boost on July 29th, 2016.
天ノ弱 was added to DanceDanceRevolution A on August 9th, 2016.
天ノ弱 is not available on the North American/European versions of DanceDanceRevolution A due to licensing issues.
天ノ弱 was added to ノスタルジア FORTE on March 21st, 2018.
The piano version of 天ノ弱 was added to jubeat (2021) on June 3rd, 2021.
It also received an EXTREME chart on June 15th, 2021.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Character Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
MÚSECA difficulty rated from 1 to 15.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH to III GRAVITY WARS difficulty rated from 1 to 16, and 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards.
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki, BEMANIWiki 2nd, and GITADORA Rating Sources.)