Member Introduction

Revision as of 10:06, 10 March 2024 by Angryjoe1111 (talk | contribs) (Added English translations to song production section; feel free to make any necessary changes [From])

Member Introduction

Song Information

Artist: K.S.T.BAND
Composition/Arrangement: Toshiyuki Kakuta
Guitar: Kohichi 'MICKEY' Namiki
Bass: Masato 'TURBO' Saito
BPM: 137
Length: 1:22
Movie: Unknown
First Music Game Appearance: GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX APPEND
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes



  • Member Introduction is a hidden bonus song in GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX APPEND. To unlock it, you must clear KING G.
    • When playing Member Introduction after clearing KING G as the EXTRA STAGE, the combo count is not displayed and the song can't be failed, even if the Excite gauge is depleted in the middle of the song.
    • Once unlocked, Member Introduction can be played in FREE MODE and TRAINING MODE (records for this song are not saved).
    • Member Introduction cannot be edited in EDIT mode.
  • Member Introduction's video is actually GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX APPEND's staff roll.
  • Both ERASER ENGINE and Member Introduction mark Toshiyuki Kakuta's debut on the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series.
    • Member Introduction also marks Toshiyuki Kakuta's only collaboration with Koichi Namiki in BEMANI.
  • Member Introduction has never been on an arcade version of GuitarFreaks.

Song Production Information

Toshiyuki Kakuta

I've made many dance-styled tracks so far, but back when I was a school student, I really liked listening to fusion, so I created a song "using the skills I learned back then". The theme of this song is to introduce the members of a live three-piece band, including the guitarist, bassist, and drummer, and from the boss Togo-chef's fresh idea, I invited my acquaintances, the guitarist Koichi, "MICKEY" Namiki, a big senior in the video game music world who also provided songs for the PS version of GF1st, and my favorite bassist, Masato "TURBO" Saito, to recreate a famous past performance! Do you have certain hobbies? To those people (I'm also one of them), I was able to send this to the members in tears.

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

Difficulty for early GF/DM games rated from 1 to 10 stars.

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts - - - - 279 - - - - - - -
GF2 APPEND - - - . 8 - - - - - - -