HYENA (album)

This page is for the Hommarju album titled HYENA. For the song it's named after, please see HYENA.


HYENA is Hommarju's first solo album, released at the Comic Market 92 event. Named after one of his BEMANI songs, it features an extended version of the aforementioned track as well as an extended version of Crazy Jackpot. The album was released under his own self-named circle.

Album Information

Artist Hommarju  
Release Date 8/11/2017
Catalog Number NO1Z-0001
Published by Hommarju
Track List
Title From
01. Intro NEW
02. HYENA 熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム
03. Crazy Jackpot REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
04. Right Now NEW
05. Once In A Life NEW
06. Stress BA-ZOO-KA!!
07. The Noise (Hommarju Remix) (ft. Mayumi Morinaga) The Noise
08. Mindphobia NEW
09. Colors (ft. Yukacco) NEW
10. Your Lights (The Acceptance World) NEW
11. Thank you EDP presents ravemania

All Copyright & Production: Hommarju
Vocal: Mayumi Morinaga (3, 7), Hommarju (9), Yukacco (9)
"Thank you" Chorus: Hommarju, Ayu, kabotya, Kanae Asaba, Mayumi Morinaga, mow*2, nanahira, DJ Noriken, P*Light, Yukacco
Vocal Mastering & Engineering: Hedonist
Hair Makeup & Jacket Production: Kimihiko Ishihara
Total Design: TOHRU MiTSUHASHi


  • A CD containing an audio commentary track detailing the album's production is being offered exclusively at Comic Market 92.

External Link