Page history
7 April 2010
Sorry, thought the artist was Gira Gira Megane Dan, which has been used by wac before, so deleted that. Probably still is wac though..
Updated Ikki Explosion requirement, requires 155 on first two songs
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録 (Tenkatouitsu! pop'n Fuuun Roku): any evidence marks PSYCHOBILLY made by wac?
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→New Songs
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→Unlockable Songs: This song's title has been changed
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→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
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→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録: add
5 April 2010
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
m→New Songs
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
Have you seen footage of this song online? Momo Visual is what the genre on the banner reads.
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録: I think "peach" is more easier to make out than "momo",
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
4 April 2010
1 April 2010
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
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→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
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→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録 Songs
Thanks for taking care of this while I was gone Tsuyoshi. Fleshed out the event information a little and made a few small edits.
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→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→New Songs
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
→めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
31 March 2010
18 March 2010
17 March 2010
16 March 2010
15 March 2010
12 March 2010
→Removed Songs
mDifficulty Changes: Covered through PnM 17. Only CS games, TV/Anime, and ee'Mall left!
11 March 2010
→Difficulty Changes
Hip Rock 5 is only credited to Des-ROW on the official site.
Wrong site. Woops.