Page history
23 October 2013
15 October 2013
11 October 2013
10 October 2013
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Added all the known reports from the loctest
RB colette was released right before the KAC2012 finals
→General Information: interestingly though... need verification on other Bemani games that did it (I think copious is one? not sure)
2 October 2013
29 June 2013
18 June 2013
16 June 2013
15 June 2013
→Removed Songs
→Removed Songs
→Removed Songs
→Removed Songs
→Removed Songs: someone said BRING HER DOWN is still there
→Removed Songs: Rising in the Sun is still in the game
→Removed Songs: curucuru is still alive
→Removed Songs
→Removed Songs: EXE, Rock da House, and Empire State Glory are reportedly still in the game
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14 June 2013
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→New Songs
→Removed Songs
→New Songs: JUVENILE something genre. Guess who.
→Removed Songs
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→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs