Music Tatsujin Challenge 1 Log

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Session Start: Sun Mar 20 11:57:52 2005
Session Ident: #vjarmy
[11:57] * Now talking in #vjarmy
[11:57] * Topic is 'Xythar's Music Tatsujin Challenge - Saturday 19th March, 8:30 PM EST -�'
[11:57] * Set by ChanServ on Wed Mar 16 16:31:28
[11:57] <Xythar> TADA!
[11:57] <Songy> gtfo
[11:58] <sanchny> ban!
[11:58] <Xythar> ;_;
[11:58] <Songy> b&
[11:58] <Xythar> Are we ready to go?
[11:58] <sanchny> Please don't go
[11:58] <PkerUNO> ready when you are
[11:58] <Xythar> Alright. I'll need to get in my bot to keep track of everyone's points...
[11:58] * SCORE has joined #vjarmy
[11:58] <SCORE> You called?
[11:58] <Xythar> Yes, yes I did.
[11:58] <Xythar> >_>
[11:59] <PkerUNO> "in my bot" = get my notebook out
[11:59] <PkerUNO> :P
[11:59] <Songy> YAY YEAH
[11:59] <Xythar> OK. So everyone's read the rules and such?
[11:59] <Songy> </vgta>
[11:59] <sanchny> sort of
[11:59] <Songy> I know that I'm supposed to tell you what a song is after listening to a sample
[11:59] <Xythar> Is anyone here familiar with PnM?
[11:59] <sanchny> I have no attention span. ;_;
[11:59] <sanchny> I am, sort of
[12:00] <Songy> sort of as well
[12:00] <PkerUNO> read about the bonus point thingies
[12:00] <sanchny> I'll be damned if I can tell you the songs, though
[12:00] <Xythar> Just thought I'd double check since Random hasn't shown up yet
[12:00] <Xythar> Yeah, it's basically you say the name of the song
[12:00] <sanchny> there it is, officially 8:30
[12:00] <Xythar> The trick is that you can also give me additional information at the same time.
[12:00] <Songy> like V TAKA PROGRESSIVE 5TH
[12:00] <Xythar> Style/game it debuted in (just '8th' or '10' for PnM will do)
[12:00] <Xythar> Yep
[12:00] <sanchny> only 4 things of information, right?
[12:00] <Songy> how about
[12:01] <sanchny> song, game, genre, artist
[12:01] <Xythar> But it all has to be on the same line, and if someone beats you to it with a shorter answer, they get less points than you would have, but you get nothing.
[12:01] <sanchny> difficulty
[12:01] <sanchny> heh
[12:01] <Xythar> I'll leave difficulty out of it since it changes all the time
[12:01] <Xythar> I will tell you when you're about to hear a filtered sample.
[12:01] <sanchny> How about VJA/PNN identifier? :P
[12:02] <PkerUNO> ...
[12:02] <Xythar> That's the thing, do you want me to tell you beforehand if it's from IIDX or PnM?
[12:02] <Xythar> Bote.
[12:02] <Xythar> Vote.
[12:02] <sanchny> no, don't tell
[12:02] <Songy> nah
[12:02] <sanchny> oooh, one question
[12:02] <Xythar> Yes?
[12:02] <sanchny> can we get points if we're the first to come up with additional information besides the song title?
[12:02] <Xythar> No. It has to be all at once.
[12:03] <sanchny> I mean, if I say "dj TAKA Progressive 5th" before anyone else
[12:03] <PkerUNO> it is?
[12:03] <sanchny> can I get 3 points?
[12:03] <Xythar> It's a gamble. You'll want to provide additional information if you think you've worked it out ahead of everyone else.
[12:03] <Xythar> Nope
[12:03] <Xythar> V would be a *bad* song to try and provide extra info on
[12:03] <Xythar> because all someone has to do is type V and they get 1 point and you get nothing
[12:03] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:03] <Songy> qqq I win
[12:04] <Xythar> Lastly
[12:04] <sanchny> it's just an example
[12:04] <Xythar> I will occasionally ask a trivia question related to the song afterwards, for 1 bonus point.
[12:04] <Songy> hot
[12:04] <Xythar> Alright, we should be ready to go now
[12:04] <PkerUNO> sounds good :)
[12:04] <sanchny> uh oh.
[12:04] <sanchny> ok
[12:04] <Xythar> Open your ZIPs. There should be a file there called practice.txt.
[12:04] <sanchny> no, there isn't
[12:04] <PkerUNO> .zip
[12:04] <Xythar> sorry,
[12:04] <Songy> yes there is
[12:04] <sanchny> ok
[12:05] <PkerUNO> containing practice.txt
[12:05] <sanchny> yes
[12:05] <Xythar> This is to practice opening the files.
[12:05] <PkerUNO> ...
[12:05] <Songy> haha
[12:05] <Xythar> So, have your ZIPs extracted into a directory...
[12:05] <Xythar> And get ready to open and double click practice.txt when I give the password.
[12:05] <Xythar> I assume you all have something that opens MP3s by default, too.
[12:05] <sanchny> double click?  it can't be a single click? this is confusing. ;_;
[12:05] <PkerUNO> uh...
[12:06] <PkerUNO> I'll try drag and drop :P
[12:06] <Xythar> The password is:
[12:06] <Xythar> DgME50n+rURD1582
[12:06] <Xythar> I suggest copy & paste :P
[12:06] <PkerUNO> woohoo!
[12:06] <PkerUNO> You have successfully extracted the practice file!
[12:06] <sanchny> You have successfully extracted the practice file!
[12:06] <sanchny> </spoilers>
[12:06] <PkerUNO> I feel a warm glow inside
[12:06] <Songy> You have successfully extracted the practice file!
[12:06] <Xythar> Make sure you can do that quickly, or you'll get beaten by people who are faster. :P
[12:06] <PkerUNO> can we have a certificate now?
[12:07] <Xythar> why of course
[12:07] <Xythar> Alright, we shall start as of now.
[12:07] <Xythar> Ready?
[12:07] <Songy> I am.
[12:07] <PkerUNO> ok
[12:07] <sanchny> ditto
[12:07] <Xythar> Alright. I hope we get more than 3 people later on, but for now we'll start.
[12:07] <sanchny> we can wait a bit if you want
[12:08] <PkerUNO> nononono
[12:08] <Xythar> Well, do you know anyone who'll play?
[12:08] <PkerUNO> start now :P
[12:08] <sanchny> lol, ok, start
[12:08] <Xythar> If you know someone on MSN/AIM, tell them
[12:08] * PkerUNO sleepy
[12:08] <Xythar> But yeah, we'll do the first one, 01.mp3
[12:08] <Xythar> This one's easy.
[12:08] <Xythar> Password is:
[12:08] <Xythar> VfSbTLXacv4bQGaL
[12:08] <Songy> spiral galaxy
[12:08] <PkerUNO> uh...
[12:08] <PkerUNO> SHIT
[12:08] <PkerUNO> I...
[12:08] <sanchny> Zero-One Mr T 7th
[12:08] <PkerUNO> XENON
[12:08] <Songy> or not
[12:09] <Xythar> Sanchny gets 3 points!
[12:09] <PkerUNO> mild panic
[12:09] <PkerUNO> >_<
[12:09] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 3
[12:09] <Azure326g> that was easy
[12:09] * sanchny trash talks
[12:09] <Xythar> I wonder if anyone got the filename getit
[12:09] <Songy> doh
[12:09] <PkerUNO> -________________________-
[12:09] <Azure326g> I think it is really going to come down to whoever can open the mp3 the fastest
[12:09] <sanchny> haha
[12:09] <PkerUNO> not necessarily
[12:09] <Xythar> no, they're a lot harder than this later on
[12:09] <Songy> not really
[12:09] <PkerUNO> good
[12:09] <sanchny> people guessed before I did, Azure
[12:10] <Songy> I'll win this one watch
[12:10] <sanchny> and I had time to type everything out
[12:10] <Xythar> now, onto 02.mp3
[12:10] <Xythar> Password:
[12:10] <Xythar> LZ33eJ32baAnLNsw
[12:10] <Songy> vj army
[12:10] <Xythar> Nope
[12:10] <Songy> damn
[12:10] <PkerUNO> Love to feel your body
[12:10] <Songy> mo2stepv1.0
[12:10] <PkerUNO> gah
[12:10] <Xythar> I need correct names, people
[12:10] <Songy> m02stepv1.1
[12:11] <Songy> m02stepver.1.1
[12:11] <PkerUNO> I can never remember shoichiro's song names -___-
[12:11] <Xythar> close
[12:11] <Songy> TOO HARD
[12:11] <Songy> m02stepver.1.1.0
[12:11] <sanchny> M-02stp.ver1.01 shoichiro hirata 6th
[12:11] <Azure326g> M-02stp.ver1.01
[12:11] <Xythar> Sachny gets 3 points
[12:11] <Songy> gay
[12:11] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 6
[12:11] <Xythar> Bonus question!
[12:11] <sanchny> sorry :(
[12:11] <Xythar> Name all of the songs on 9th that Shoichiro Hirata made the music for.
[12:12] <PkerUNO> -___________-
[12:12] <Azure326g> Next one, please.
[12:12] <PkerUNO> never heard any of them :P
[12:12] <Xythar> Wait 1 minute and see if anyone knows
[12:12] <Daisuke-Niwa> the biggest roaster
[12:12] <Xythar> and...?
[12:12] <sanchny> The Biggest Roaster & Manatsu no Hana Manatsu no yume
[12:13] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 7
[12:13] <Xythar> Moving onto 03.mp3
[12:13] <Xythar> Password is:
[12:13] <Xythar> KcyGk9p7J7P8Z4+j
[12:13] <Songy> I have never heard that
[12:13] <Azure326g> LOVE
[12:13] <sanchny> what the cheese is this
[12:13] <PkerUNO> uh...
[12:13] <sanchny> wait, sounds familiar
[12:13] <Azure326g> EXE
[12:13] <PkerUNO> Nasty?
[12:13] <Xythar> PkerUNO is correct
[12:14] <PkerUNO> o_O
[12:14] <Songy> MAX 300 I WIN
[12:14] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 1
[12:14] <PkerUNO> I think I've played it once
[12:14] <Xythar> 04.mp3
[12:14] <Xythar> Password:
[12:14] <Xythar> 5a3kabfB3iiac6ju
[12:14] <PkerUNO> WAIT
[12:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> where did you all get the file from?
[12:14] <Azure326g> Gigadelic
[12:14] <Songy> that song sounds really generic and bad
[12:14] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:14] <Xythar> Azure gets it
[12:14] <Azure326g> :)
[12:14] <PkerUNO> gigadelic
[12:14] <sanchny> wait up
[12:14] <Xythar> daisuke: link is here:
[12:14] <Xythar> OK
[12:15] <SCORE> �11,1Azure326g�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 1
[12:15] <PkerUNO> xyth, give us time to open the zip files first
[12:15] <Xythar> OK, I'll do that
[12:15] <PkerUNO> thanks :D
[12:15] <PkerUNO> 5?
[12:15] <sanchny> ok, ready
[12:15] <Xythar> Bonus question:
[12:15] <Xythar> What does MC Natsack spell out towards the end of the song?
[12:16] <PkerUNO> spell...?
[12:16] <Xythar> Yeah, it's hard to hear unless you listen to the OST ver with headphones
[12:16] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:16] <Songy> U-R-M-O-M
[12:16] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:16] <sanchny> haha
[12:16] <PkerUNO> 3 letters
[12:16] <sanchny> I can't hear it
[12:17] <PkerUNO> ah no
[12:17] <PkerUNO> that's genocide
[12:17] <Xythar> Yeah, I meant it's hard to hear if you listen to the OST ver with headphones and impossible otherwise
[12:17] <sanchny> I give up
[12:17] <Songy> I already answered
[12:18] <Xythar> Alright, we might as well move on
[12:18] <PkerUNO> "I can say whatever I want since you can't understand!
[12:18] <PkerUNO> "
[12:18] <Xythar> It's H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E btw
[12:18] <sanchny> You are hardcore?
[12:18] <sanchny> damnit
[12:18] <Songy> what a fag 
[12:18] <Xythar> sorry :/
[12:18] <Xythar> OK, 05.mp3
[12:18] <PkerUNO> 5 next?
[12:18] <PkerUNO> ok
[12:18] <Xythar> Password is:
[12:18] <Xythar> 7qaNSNH2yiGiVznK
[12:18] <Songy> a new morning 6th
[12:18] <PkerUNO> AAAAARGH
[12:18] <PkerUNO> MENTAL BLOCK
[12:19] <sanchny> same
[12:19] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 2
[12:19] <Songy> yes!
[12:19] <PkerUNO> great song though
[12:19] <Xythar> Bonus: What was the first song in IIDX licensed through the same label as A New Morning?
[12:19] <sanchny> Deadline
[12:19] <PkerUNO> Beautiful Days
[12:19] * Kinryuu has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[12:19] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 8
[12:19] <PkerUNO> ah well
[12:19] <Songy> :o
[12:19] <sanchny> :)
[12:19] <Xythar> We shall move onto 06 now
[12:20] <PkerUNO> never played 5th :P
[12:20] <sanchny> you're missing out on 1989
[12:20] <sanchny> :p
[12:20] <Xythar> you should, so I can own you on Dune
[12:20] <Xythar> >_>
[12:20] <Songy> 5th has estella <3
[12:20] <PkerUNO> I've heard it's the best song ever
[12:20] <Azure326g> And rislim
[12:20] <sanchny> yeah, estella <3
[12:20] <PkerUNO> SHUT UP
[12:20] <PkerUNO> SHUT UP
[12:20] <PkerUNO> SHUT UP
[12:20] <Xythar> still my words and sometime are my top picks
[12:20] <PkerUNO> thanks
[12:20] <Xythar> anyway, password...
[12:20] <sanchny> moving on
[12:20] <Xythar> ready?
[12:20] <Azure326g> ja
[12:20] <PkerUNO> yes
[12:20] <Xythar> nwLAtoNaC33NFXs8
[12:20] <Daisuke-Niwa> white lovers
[12:20] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 1
[12:21] <Azure326g> Blueberry Stream
[12:21] <Songy> damn
[12:21] <sanchny> wow
[12:21] <Xythar> (BTW, if I didn't point out, either genre or title is acceptable for PnM)
[12:21] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[12:21] <Xythar> so winter pop would also have won a point
[12:21] <Xythar> and "white lovers winter pop" would be 2
[12:21] <sanchny> what if the genre and song title are the same?
[12:22] <Daisuke-Niwa> then type it twice :P
[12:22] <sanchny> boo
[12:22] <Xythar> I don't think I have any MP3s that fit that criteria
[12:22] <Xythar> OMG HINT
[12:22] <Songy> ?
[12:22] <Xythar> we shall now go onto 07, mmkay?
[12:22] <PkerUNO> ok
[12:22] <Azure326g> Go for it
[12:22] <Xythar> password is...
[12:22] <Xythar> eqmENAEWvwsJERXq
[12:22] <PkerUNO> ageha ryu
[12:22] <Songy> fuck
[12:22] <Azure326g> Never heard of it.
[12:22] <Xythar> Missing the *, but I'll accept it
[12:23] <PkerUNO> ¬_¬
[12:23] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 3
[12:23] <sanchny> ugh, 11th stuff. :/
[12:23] <Azure326g> Man, these are hard!
[12:23] <Xythar> Azure: 07  AGEHA / RED / Happy Hardcore / Ryu*
[12:23] <Songy> I always recognize ageha by the piano parts and not the hardcore parts
[12:23] <Xythar> exactly :)
[12:23] <Azure326g> I only know so many songs...
[12:23] <Xythar> it's Starmine II
[12:23] <PkerUNO> the songs I know I always recognise :D
[12:23] <Xythar> anyway, let's keep going
[12:23] <sanchny> ok
[12:23] <Xythar> onto 08 now
[12:24] <Xythar> and the password for it is.. *drumroll*
[12:24] <Xythar> bHqv8kVh4CzHmFse
[12:24] <Daisuke-Niwa> special cooking
[12:24] <sanchny> Special Cooking Orange Lounge
[12:24] <PkerUNO> 100 sec kitchen battle
[12:24] <Azure326g> I wouldn't know this one...
[12:24] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 2
[12:24] <Songy> it wouldnt open :((((((((
[12:24] <Songy> I didnt copy enough
[12:24] <Xythar> :(
[12:24] <sanchny> took too long to type two things, damn
[12:24] <Xythar> that's the GAMBOL
[12:25] <Xythar> :deadhorse;
[12:25] <Azure326g> That's what I get for not wanting to hear GAMBOL so that it ends up being a cool moment
[12:25] <PkerUNO> we are not amused
[12:25] <Xythar> the sample was not from GAMBOL
[12:25] <Songy> treecat does not find this funny
[12:25] <Xythar> I was joking
[12:25] <sanchny> ok, 09
[12:25] <Xythar> yep
[12:25] <Songy> EOTC
[12:25] <Xythar> ***THIS ONE IS FILTERED***
[12:25] <sanchny> uh oh
[12:25] <PkerUNO> yay :D
[12:25] <Xythar> That means I could change the speed, or pitch, or reverse it even
[12:25] <PkerUNO> bad routine
[12:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> huh?
[12:26] <Azure326g> 300 Max
[12:26] <Xythar> password is:
[12:26] <Xythar> yPgypmXHoE6qUyQE
[12:26] <PkerUNO> o_O
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> rislim remix
[12:26] <Azure326g> Damn
[12:26] <Azure326g> It was in winamp!
[12:26] <Xythar> Daisuke is correct!
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh snap
[12:26] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 3
[12:26] <Azure326g> I was still in winamp so I couldn't time >_<
[12:26] <Xythar> I thought Azure would get this one actually O_o
[12:26] <Azure326g> type*
[12:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> i was gonna throw in the artist name but its too long
[12:26] <sanchny> o_O
[12:26] <PkerUNO> O_o
[12:27] <Azure326g> I knew it right away, I just couldn't type it in
[12:27] <Xythar> Oh
[12:27] <sanchny> so yeah, 10.mp3
[12:27] <Xythar> Well, 10
[12:27] <Xythar> the password isss.....
[12:27] <Xythar> kcqBcwu26y4JfeAR
[12:27] <PkerUNO> never heard this
[12:27] <Songy> a lot of noise
[12:27] <Azure326g> Sounds familiar
[12:27] <Daisuke-Niwa> gah i dont know it :/
[12:27] <Azure326g> Frozen Ray?
[12:27] <sanchny> no clue
[12:27] <Xythar> nope
[12:27] <PkerUNO> so it's from 3rd, 5th or 9th
[12:27] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha
[12:27] <Azure326g> Is this one filtered?
[12:27] <Xythar> no
[12:27] <sanchny> it might be 10th or 11th
[12:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> i doubt it
[12:28] * davidbrit2 has joined #vjarmy
[12:28] <PkerUNO> don't think so, I have the OSTs
[12:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> i would remember hearing a cool song like this
[12:28] <Xythar> are you playing, David?
[12:28] <PkerUNO> I'd have at least remembered it
[12:28] <PkerUNO> could be pop'n?
[12:28] <Xythar> in 1 minute I will give a clue
[12:28] <Azure326g> R10k?
[12:28] <Xythar> no
[12:28] <sanchny> doesn't sound familiar at all
[12:28] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:28] <davidbrit2> Any 9th Style news since I went to the mall earlier?
[12:28] <Songy> it's blue
[12:28] <Xythar> Other than that it's coming out on the 21st I don't think so
[12:28] <PkerUNO> is it shoichiro hirata?
[12:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> sounds like it
[12:29] <Azure326g> Clue?
[12:29] <Xythar> first clue
[12:29] <Songy> is it vj army
[12:29] <Xythar> it's from Pop'n Music
[12:29] <sanchny> ack
[12:29] <PkerUNO> aaaah
[12:29] <Songy> okay never mind
[12:29] <Azure326g> I might as well give up
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> OH THAT HELPED A LOT
[12:29] <PkerUNO> PASS
[12:29] <Xythar> haha
[12:29] <Xythar> fine okay
[12:29] <Azure326g> I thought it was going to be all IIDX?
[12:29] <Songy> PASS
[12:29] <Xythar> second clue
[12:29] <Xythar> it's a CS song
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> THAT HELPS EVEN MORE
[12:29] <Xythar> from 9
[12:29] <sanchny> ooooh
[12:29] <PkerUNO> and I have 10
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> ah crap
[12:29] <PkerUNO> I'm out :P
[12:29] <Xythar> that's as far as I'm going
[12:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> i havent fully unlocked 9 yet :/
[12:29] <Azure326g> Usual Days
[12:29] <Xythar> I don't think it's locked
[12:29] <Xythar> no :P
[12:30] <Azure326g> Contemporary Nation
[12:30] <Songy> misty?
[12:30] <Xythar> alright, nobody knows?
[12:30] <sanchny> i do
[12:30] <Xythar> what is it?
[12:30] <Daisuke-Niwa> you do?
[12:30] <PkerUNO> go on then
[12:30] <Xythar> give sachny typing time
[12:30] <sanchny> angel fish tomo k. tears
[12:30] <Xythar> nice try, but it wasn't to be
[12:30] <sanchny> damn.
[12:30] <Songy> FAILURE
[12:30] <Xythar> alright, shall we move on?
[12:30] <PkerUNO> Stop fighting... now.
[12:30] <Songy> what was it though
[12:30] <PkerUNO> Stop typing... now.
[12:30] <Azure326g> 11
[12:30] <Xythar> alright, I'll say
[12:31] <davidbrit2> Jesus, there's like a hundred people in here.
[12:31] <davidbrit2> I WONDER WHY.
[12:31] <Xythar> 10  Kaleidoscope / 9 / Infinity / ASparagus
[12:31] <Azure326g> 100?
[12:31] <PkerUNO> more like 22
[12:31] <davidbrit2> Y helo thar figurative language.
[12:31] <davidbrit2> Heh.
[12:31] <Xythar> David, do you want to play?
[12:31] <Xythar> let's go onto 11 now
[12:31] <PkerUNO> we're not at home to mr huge exaggeration :P
[12:32] <Xythar> ready?
[12:32] <Songy> yes
[12:32] <sanchny> si
[12:32] <PkerUNO> yes
[12:32] <Xythar> password is...
[12:32] <Xythar> uqG9zaceFncK3b+I
[12:32] <Azure326g> Sakyura
[12:32] <Songy> sakura
[12:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> sakura
[12:32] <Azure326g> Sakura
[12:32] <Azure326g> Damn!
[12:32] <Xythar> hahahaha no
[12:32] <PkerUNO> nope
[12:32] <sanchny> 1st samurai
[12:32] <Songy> setsugekka
[12:32] <PkerUNO> that was too fast for sakura
[12:32] <Xythar> no and no
[12:32] <sanchny> damn
[12:32] <Azure326g> He can speed it up
[12:32] <Xythar> it's not tho
[12:32] <Azure326g> Tsugaru
[12:32] <Xythar> I'll tell you if it is
[12:32] <PkerUNO> it's pop'n... I think
[12:32] <sanchny> something pop'n again, probably
[12:32] <Azure326g> It better not be
[12:32] <PkerUNO> zen jazz?
[12:32] <Songy> zen jazz
[12:33] <Xythar> Pker is correct
[12:33] <Azure326g> EXE?
[12:33] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:33] <PkerUNO> WILD GUESS
[12:33] <Songy> BASTARD
[12:33] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 4
[12:33] <Xythar> we shall now move onto 12
[12:33] <Azure326g> My guess is that it will be from IIDX 12
[12:33] <PkerUNO> :P
[12:33] <Xythar> I heard Rislim Remix Headdesk Mix was in IIDX 12
[12:33] <Xythar> anyway, the password is:
[12:33] <Xythar> NwKSH64LVhNFgooS
[12:33] <Azure326g> EXE!
[12:33] <Azure326g> EXE
[12:33] <sanchny> lion suki
[12:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh god
[12:34] <PkerUNO> O_O
[12:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> i cant spell it :(
[12:34] <PkerUNO> never heard it
[12:34] <sanchny> haha
[12:34] <Songy> I had never heard that song
[12:34] <Xythar> I admit I did this to annoy you guys
[12:34] <Xythar> sorry :(
[12:34] <Azure326g> Empathy?
[12:34] <PkerUNO> no
[12:34] <Xythar> no
[12:34] <Songy> evo 66?
[12:34] <Azure326g> Gravity
[12:34] <PkerUNO> no
[12:34] <PkerUNO> it's no song I've ever heard
[12:34] <sanchny> º˜aŠé‹ÆíŽmrŽR‰Û’·
[12:34] <Xythar> Daisuke has the right idea
[12:34] <sanchny> WOOO
[12:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> can i get points for artist name?
[12:34] <Xythar> that just shows up as crap on my monitor
[12:34] <PkerUNO> I'm 100% sure
[12:34] <Xythar> is it correct?
[12:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> akira yamaoka
[12:34] <sanchny> damnit
[12:34] <sanchny> it is!
[12:34] <Xythar> I can't get it to display properly at all
[12:34] <Xythar> Can you romanise it?
[12:34] <Azure326g> Same here
[12:35] * Kinryuu has joined #vjarmy
[12:35] <Azure326g> Romanize
[12:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> lol romanize
[12:35] <Xythar> Romanise
[12:35] <Xythar> it's only romanize if you're a yank which I'm not :P
[12:35] <Azure326g> ???
[12:35] <PkerUNO> Xythar, you win 10 esteem points :P
[12:36] <Azure326g> Since there was one from Pop'N, is there one from DDR?
[12:36] <Xythar> no
[12:36] <Xythar> there's no DDR Air Force
[12:36] <sanchny> Shouwa Kigyou Senshi Arayama
[12:36] <sanchny> Kachou
[12:36] <sanchny> JESUS
[12:36] <Xythar> Correct!
[12:36] <sanchny> bastard
[12:36] <Songy> cheater
[12:36] <PkerUNO> from?
[12:36] <sanchny> :p
[12:36] <Xythar> Is it sad that I know that title from memory?
[12:36] <Azure326g> Next one, please
[12:36] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 9
[12:36] <PkerUNO> which style?
[12:36] <Xythar> 9th
[12:37] <PkerUNO> d'oh
[12:37] <Xythar> TECHNO CHOP!
[12:37] <sanchny> ack
[12:37] <sanchny> I didnt even have time to type more info :(
[12:37] <Xythar> anyway, 13
[12:37] <PkerUNO> NO. 13
[12:37] <Xythar> no
[12:37] <sanchny> No.13 dj TAKA Progressive Baroque
[12:37] <Xythar> the password is this
[12:37] <sanchny> damn!
[12:37] <Xythar> uByXZ4b3adz8x2TL
[12:37] <Azure326g> R10k
[12:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> anubis
[12:37] <Songy> music to your head
[12:37] <PkerUNO> WHAT
[12:37] <Xythar> Daisuke is correct
[12:37] <Azure326g> EXE
[12:37] <PkerUNO> anubis? o_O
[12:37] <Xythar> Azure, I'll tell you now, none of them are EXE
[12:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> popn 8
[12:37] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:37] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 4
[12:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> fun song too :)
[12:38] <Xythar> Anubis is such an awesome song
[12:38] <Azure326g> I've never heard EXE, so...
[12:38] <Xythar> 13  Beyond the Bounds / 8 / Anubis / Mitsuto Suzuki feat. Sana
[12:38] <Azure326g> Isn't Anubis from ITG?
[12:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> no
[12:38] <sanchny> different anubis
[12:38] <Xythar> the genre is Anubis in PnM
[12:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> this one has sana in it :)
[12:38] <Xythar> the title is Anubis in ITG
[12:38] <Xythar> brb
[12:38] <PkerUNO> "after these messages"?
[12:38] <Xythar> Okay
[12:39] <Xythar> 14
[12:39] <Xythar> password...........................
[12:39] <Xythar> AFE4m6wvWid6s7QI
[12:39] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:39] <PkerUNO> I've heard it
[12:39] <sanchny> me too
[12:39] <Azure326g> I haven't
[12:39] <Songy> michael jackson
[12:39] <PkerUNO> buuuut
[12:39] <PkerUNO> no idea
[12:40] <Songy> be quiet
[12:40] <PkerUNO> slake?
[12:40] <Songy> ?
[12:40] <Xythar> Michael Jackson's Butt / PkerUNO feat. Songy
[12:40] <PkerUNO> jp miles?
[12:40] <Xythar> no
[12:40] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:40] <Azure326g> Cual style?
[12:40] <Xythar> ...cual?
[12:40] <Daisuke-Niwa> which
[12:40] <Xythar> alright
[12:40] <davidbrit2> Random guess: Motor 5
[12:40] <Xythar> Azure *has* heard it
[12:40] <PkerUNO> it's probably some obscure 2step
[12:40] <davidbrit2> Even though I didn't download the song. Ha ha.
[12:40] <Azure326g> I have?
[12:40] <Xythar> yes
[12:41] <Songy> lab
[12:41] <Songy> act
[12:41] <Songy> loh
[12:41] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:41] <Songy> high'
[12:41] <sanchny> Never Let You Down good cool feat JP Miles 3rd garage house
[12:41] <Songy> snow
[12:41] <Xythar> it's from 5th and 7th style
[12:41] <Xythar> there's a huge clue right there
[12:41] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:41] <Daisuke-Niwa> spin the disc
[12:41] <Azure326g> Dissolve
[12:41] <Daisuke-Niwa> entrance
[12:41] <PkerUNO> NO
[12:41] <Azure326g> REAL
[12:41] <sanchny> Come With Me goodcool feat Andrea Hopkins
[12:41] <Xythar> I didn't think this one was so hard
[12:41] <Songy> in my eyes
[12:41] <Xythar> JP Miles? Are you guys listening to the same MP3 as me?
[12:41] <Azure326g> Virtual Mind
[12:41] <sanchny> Flash of Love good cool feat Mickin Tackin
[12:41] <Songy> rislim
[12:41] <Xythar> Like, one with vocals?
[12:42] <Songy> still my words
[12:42] <Xythar> The sample I am talking about does not have vocals
[12:42] <Songy> qqq
[12:42] <PkerUNO> uh...
[12:42] <Xythar> final clue
[12:42] <sanchny> Make Your Move goodcool feat JP MILES
[12:42] <Xythar> it's by dj TAKA
[12:42] <PkerUNO> we hear the end of "baby"
[12:42] <Songy> abyss
[12:42] <Azure326g> That doesn't help me, unforunately
[12:42] <Azure326g> I never look at the artist
[12:42] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 3
[12:42] <PkerUNO> WHAT
[12:42] <Azure326g> Abyss?
[12:42] <Songy> yes!
[12:43] <PkerUNO> �WHAT
[12:43] <Songy> it's by dj taka and on 5th :p
[12:43] <Xythar> there's this bit in the middle of Abyss
[12:43] <PkerUNO> OOOOH
[12:43] <Xythar> where it goes silent for a second or two
[12:43] <PkerUNO> d'oh -____-
[12:43] <PkerUNO> of course
[12:43] <sanchny> wow
[12:43] <Azure326g> teh impossiblez
[12:43] <Xythar> now let's move onto 15!
[12:43] <Songy> xythar;s hint hgelped a lot
[12:43] <Azure326g> 3+2+6=15!
[12:43] <Xythar> ***THIS ONE IS FILTERED*
[12:43] <Azure326g> Nevermind
[12:43] <Xythar> and the password is
[12:43] <Xythar> bFxQNAnXRkuCoHFM
[12:44] <Azure326g> R10k
[12:44] <PkerUNO> love to feel your body
[12:44] <Songy> vjarmy
[12:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> vj army
[12:44] <Azure326g> Take It Easy
[12:44] <Daisuke-Niwa> oh snap
[12:44] <Xythar> Daisuke
[12:44] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 5
[12:44] <Songy> WHAT
[12:44] <sanchny> damn, Songy got it first on my screen
[12:44] <PkerUNO> ah yes
[12:44] <Xythar> oh, whoops
[12:44] <Thunderbird> Songy said it first from my view
[12:44] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was deducted�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 4
[12:44] <Azure326g> I should really play all 6th Style songs
[12:44] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 4
[12:44] <Songy> :D
[12:44] <Xythar> sorry :/
[12:44] <Songy> np
[12:44] <Xythar> now, onto 16
[12:45] <Xythar> and the password is
[12:45] <Xythar> HEnLWEcLT3j5c8VG
[12:45] <PkerUNO> O_O
[12:45] <Songy> oi punk 0
[12:45] <sanchny> Oi Punk 0
[12:45] <Azure326g> Higher
[12:45] <Xythar> songy got it
[12:45] <PkerUNO> HIGHER????
[12:45] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 5
[12:45] <Songy> higher is great answer
[12:45] <Azure326g> I don't know songs, sorry.
[12:45] <sanchny> ahaha
[12:45] <Xythar> there's a higher in 5 key too
[12:45] <PkerUNO> have you got a random song title generator? :D
[12:45] <Xythar> latinaires beats by slake or something
[12:45] <Azure326g> I thought it was messed up
[12:46] <Azure326g> The vocal
[12:46] <Xythar> Bonus Q, since I've been forgetting to do these
[12:46] <Azure326g> oi punk 0 is a song?
[12:46] <Xythar> The person who does the Oi Punk songs - who else do they do the music for?
[12:46] <Xythar> it's a genre
[12:46] <sanchny> GFDM
[12:46] <PkerUNO> Classical?
[12:46] <Xythar> *who*
[12:46] <Azure326g> djTAKA
[12:46] <Songy> konami
[12:46] <Azure326g> SLAKE
[12:46] <PkerUNO> EMINEM
[12:46] <Azure326g> Capcom
[12:46] <Xythar> it's an artist name, but not those
[12:46] <Songy> des row?
[12:47] <Azure326g> Pink pOng
[12:47] <Xythar> incorrect
[12:47] <Azure326g> RIC
[12:47] <sanchny> butapunch
[12:47] <PkerUNO> pavarotti
[12:47] <Xythar> that's who does Oi Punk
[12:47] <Azure326g> Shawn the Horny Master
[12:47] <Xythar> as a clue, it's about the last artist you'd think
[12:47] <sanchny> Hideo Suwa
[12:47] <Songy> milli vanilli
[12:47] <Azure326g> Outphase
[12:47] <PkerUNO> ZZ
[12:47] <Xythar> haha
[12:47] <Xythar> no
[12:47] <sanchny> Naoki
[12:47] <Songy> Xythar, is this the fairy tale one
[12:47] <Xythar> yes, but that's Butapunch too
[12:47] <Xythar> I'm looking for another artist name
[12:47] <PkerUNO> N*Sync
[12:48] <Xythar> the guy's name is Tsugumi Kataoka
[12:48] <Azure326g> good-cool
[12:48] <Daisuke-Niwa> who would have known that?
[12:48] <Xythar> no, that's a clue
[12:48] <Xythar> not the answer
[12:48] <Azure326g> DJ AMURA
[12:48] <Daisuke-Niwa> TaQ?
[12:48] <Azure326g> DJ AMURO
[12:48] <Xythar> Butapunch's name is Tsugumi Kataoka and he does music for one other PnM artist/group
[12:48] <Songy> Parquets
[12:48] <Xythar> Songy got it
[12:48] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 6
[12:48] <Xythar> !top5
[12:48] <Songy> he did say google
[12:49] <Xythar> !top10
[12:49] -SCORE- �11,1sanchny�0 has the best score of�11,1 9�0;,01 Songy - 6; Daisuke-Niwa - 4;,01 PkerUNO - 4; Azure326g - 1;,01 Xythar - 0;�
[12:49] <Azure326g> What was the answer
[12:49] <Xythar> Parquets
[12:49] <Azure326g> WTF?
[12:49] <PkerUNO> !topofthepops
[12:49] <Xythar> top10 is the one that works
[12:49] <Songy> !top10
[12:49] <PkerUNO> except it doesn't
[12:49] <Xythar> btw, if anyone wants a quick break at any point, tell me
[12:49] <PkerUNO> god no
[12:49] <Xythar> it works for *you*
[12:49] <Songy> my leg broke I need a break
[12:49] <PkerUNO> the quicker the earlier I get to sleep :P
[12:49] <Xythar> it's a private message
[12:49] <sanchny> !top10
[12:49] <PkerUNO> aaah
[12:49] <PkerUNO> !top10
[12:49] <Xythar> okay, let's do 17
[12:50] <Xythar> the password for 17 is........
[12:50] <Xythar> pE3NNvydrvb3phfE
[12:50] <Xythar> and no, it's not 17 from DDR
[12:50] <Azure326g> R10k
[12:50] <Songy> junglist king 3rd
[12:50] <Azure326g> Take it Easy
[12:50] <PkerUNO> WHAT
[12:50] <Xythar> songy
[12:50] <Azure326g> Damn
[12:50] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 8
[12:50] <PkerUNO> never heard it
[12:50] <Songy> good thing I've been playing 3rd
[12:50] <Xythar> I AAAed Junglist 
[12:50] <Azure326g> I don't even have 3rd...
[12:50] <Xythar> King on like my second try :D
[12:50] <Daisuke-Niwa> i played it once
[12:50] <Xythar> it's a good song
[12:51] <Azure326g> I never heard of it
[12:51] <Xythar> now, onto #18
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> its on 3rd
[12:51] <Xythar> *****FILTERED WARNING******
[12:51] <Azure326g> OMG!
[12:51] <Xythar> p6jRE8w3j3E7654T
[12:51] <PkerUNO> ah
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> solid gold
[12:51] <Azure326g> Remember Me
[12:51] <Azure326g> Remember You
[12:51] <PkerUNO> love generatio
[12:51] <Xythar> keep trying
[12:51] <Songy> love generation 7th suzy lazy
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> love generation
[12:51] <PkerUNO> n
[12:51] <Azure326g> Love Generation
[12:51] <Xythar> I'm not sure which to take
[12:51] <Daisuke-Niwa> haha pkeruno typoed it
[12:52] <Azure326g> That song is a bitch
[12:52] <sanchny> take pker
[12:52] <PkerUNO> >_<
[12:52] <Songy> why not me
[12:52] <sanchny> his was just a simple typo
[12:52] <Azure326g> Doesn't count.
[12:52] <Xythar> I don't know how to tiebreak these things
[12:52] <PkerUNO> lol
[12:52] <Azure326g> You have to type it in correctly
[12:52] <PkerUNO> duel?
[12:52] <Songy> how was mine wrong
[12:52] <PkerUNO> pistols at dawn?
[12:52] <Xythar> technically songy was correct, yes
[12:53] <Azure326g> Songy got it.
[12:53] <Xythar> so I think I'll have to give the points to him this time
[12:53] <sanchny> boooo
[12:53] <PkerUNO> :(
[12:53] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 11
[12:53] <sanchny> !top10
[12:53] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 5
[12:53] * sanchny boos again
[12:53] <Azure326g> Are we on 19 now?
[12:53] <Songy> what was the issue
[12:53] <Xythar> and pker was almost correct >_>
[12:53] <PkerUNO> damn the lack of light in my room
[12:53] <PkerUNO> ok :D
[12:53] <Azure326g> Damn my lack of knowledge of bemani songs
[12:53] <Xythar> now, let's do 19
[12:53] <Songy> and if it was about the "suzy" thing
[12:53] <Xythar> the password isssss.........
[12:53] <Songy> I do believe that's how it's spelled int eh game
[12:53] <Xythar> +PKx9HB+sb3p+imY
[12:54] <Azure326g> WTF is this shit?
[12:54] <Xythar> I wish random was here for this one
[12:54] <PkerUNO> aaah
[12:54] <PkerUNO> pahman
[12:54] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats a popn song nobody cares about
[12:54] <Xythar> yep
[12:54] <Azure326g> Pop'N?
[12:54] <PkerUNO> :D:D:D:D
[12:54] <sanchny> mukashi banashi
[12:54] <Songy> oh fuck I know this
[12:54] <Azure326g> Usual Days
[12:54] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 6
[12:54] <Xythar> onto #20
[12:54] <Xythar> pw:
[12:54] <Xythar> YQPyza+aWujHAa6O
[12:54] <Azure326g> R10k
[12:55] <PkerUNO> never heard this
[12:55] <Azure326g> Empathy
[12:55] <Songy> 1st samurai
[12:55] <PkerUNO> -___-
[12:55] <Azure326g> Setsugekka
[12:55] <Xythar> does that really sound japanese to you?
[12:55] <PkerUNO> from 3rd, 5th or 9th
[12:55] <Songy> yeah kind of
[12:55] <Azure326g> Japanese?
[12:55] <Songy> with the string bits
[12:55] <PkerUNO> or popn
[12:55] <Xythar> it sounds more arabian to me
[12:55] <sanchny> world tour miracle 4 popn8 goodcool
[12:55] <PkerUNO> HINT
[12:55] <Azure326g> Sounds impossible
[12:55] <Songy> cyber arabian?
[12:55] <Xythar> no matter
[12:55] <Xythar> sachny got it
[12:55] <Azure326g> EXE
[12:55] <Azure326g> Oh wait
[12:55] <PkerUNO> IT IS NOT EXE FFS
[12:55] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 4�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 13
[12:55] <Azure326g> Yeah, I just remembered
[12:55] <PkerUNO> :P
[12:55] <Xythar> that's our first 4 pointer, isn't it?
[12:56] <Songy> AAAA
[12:56] <Xythar> the 'popn' isn't necessary btw
[12:56] <sanchny> yeah, but the 8 after the 4 seemed odd
[12:56] <sanchny> I figured I had time :p
[12:56] <Xythar> ok
[12:56] <Xythar> heheh
[12:56] <Xythar> world tour is like VJ Army with ethnicities
[12:56] <Xythar> spanish, japanese, arabian, western
[12:56] <PkerUNO> sounds cool
[12:56] <sanchny> the American part sucks 
[12:56] <Azure326g> Never heard em both
[12:56] <Xythar> the best part is the spanish part
[12:56] <Azure326g> Okay
[12:57] <Xythar> Bonus Q:
[12:57] <Xythar> Which Miracle 4 member is the only one without an own song?
[12:57] <Xythar> I say 'an' instead of a pronoun to be less specific even though it's horrible grammar
[12:57] <Songy> mr. fantastic
[12:57] <Azure326g> Who the hell knows the names of the "miracle 4" people?
[12:57] <PkerUNO> the question "who is miracle 4" springs to mind
[12:57] <Xythar> you don't need to
[12:57] <Azure326g> Member 1?
[12:57] <Xythar> just describe in any way you can
[12:57] <Xythar> slightly more specific than that
[12:57] <PkerUNO> the tall guy with the hair
[12:57] <Azure326g> Akira Yamaoka
[12:57] <Songy> the invisible woman
[12:58] <Xythar> sachny?
[12:58] <Azure326g> \
[12:58] <Songy> uncle fester?
[12:58] <PkerUNO> the one who isn't the incorrect answer
[12:58] <Azure326g> \\
[12:58] <sanchny> the arabian girl
[12:58] <Xythar> miracle 4 as in 'the characters from World Tour'
[12:58] <Songy> spic
[12:58] <Azure326g> The spanish girl
[12:58] <Songy> dunecoon
[12:58] <Azure326g> The japanese girl
[12:58] <sanchny> the japanese dude
[12:58] <Songy> cracker
[12:58] <Songy> gook
[12:58] <Azure326g> The american dude
[12:58] <sanchny> the western dude
[12:58] <Azure326g> The british dude
[12:58] <Azure326g> Am I close?
[12:58] <Xythar> i'm waiting
[12:58] <Azure326g> European dude?
[12:58] <PkerUNO> the czechoslovakian dude
[12:58] <Azure326g> African dude?
[12:59] <Songy> the antartican
[12:59] <sanchny> waiting for what?
[12:59] <Azure326g> Mexican dude?
[12:59] <sanchny> we named them all
[12:59] <PkerUNO> even thought that is now technically incorrect
[12:59] <Xythar> for the right answer :P
[12:59] <Songy> the cosmonaut
[12:59] <davidbrit2> The penguin.
[12:59] <Xythar> no, you named them with specific genders
[12:59] <Songy> the argonaut
[12:59] <PkerUNO> the lamppost
[12:59] <Xythar> you got right nationality, wrong gender
[12:59] <Azure326g> The Human
[12:59] <PkerUNO> the zombie
[12:59] <sanchny> the western girl
[12:59] <Azure326g> The Japanese
[12:59] <sanchny> the spanish guy
[12:59] <sanchny> the japanese girl
[12:59] <Azure326g> The Eastern girl
[12:59] <Xythar> finally
[12:59] <Songy> the hessians
[12:59] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 14
[12:59] <sanchny> o_O
[13:00] <Xythar> I didn't think it was that hard a question
[13:00] <Azure326g> It was impossible fort me
[13:00] <Daisuke-Niwa> !top10
[13:00] <PkerUNO> you misjudged our IQs
[13:00] <Songy> me too
[13:00] <sanchny> haha
[13:00] <Azure326g> Next one, please.
[13:00] <Xythar> the Western guy is in Cyber Rockabilly, the Arabian guy is in Cyber Arabian, the Japanese guy is in Cyber Gagaku
[13:00] <sanchny> 5 points, woohoo. :D
[13:00] <Xythar> so let's move on
[13:00] <PkerUNO> keep on moving
[13:00] <Xythar> groan
[13:00] <Xythar> 21
[13:01] <Azure326g> por que?
[13:01] <Azure326g> groan
[13:01] <Xythar> password is...
[13:01] <Xythar> n9UrjwaAczmEPTEU
[13:01] <Daisuke-Niwa> flute man
[13:01] <PkerUNO> GAH
[13:01] <Songy> fluter man 8th
[13:01] <Azure326g> Flute man
[13:01] <sanchny> meep.
[13:01] <Azure326g> Flute Man
[13:01] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 5
[13:01] <Azure326g> Damn
[13:01] <PkerUNO> KILL
[13:01] <PkerUNO> KILL
[13:01] <PkerUNO> KILL
[13:01] <Songy> too easy I couldnt win
[13:01] <Azure326g> I almost put New York
[13:01] <Xythar> I have a playlist at work called 'TaQ 'n' Slake'
[13:01] <Xythar> because that's all it is
[13:01] <Xythar> good playlist, that
[13:01] <PkerUNO> lol, I'd destroy it immediately
[13:01] <Songy> 22 gogogo
[13:01] <Xythar> pker's favourite I'm guessing
[13:01] <Azure326g> Slake did FLute Man?
[13:02] <Xythar> Slake = Sparker
[13:02] <Songy> yep
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> sparker
[13:02] <Azure326g> Damn
[13:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> but same thing
[13:02] <Azure326g> And I hated Slake so much...
[13:02] <Xythar> next up is 22
[13:02] <Azure326g> I guess he has one good song
[13:02] <PkerUNO> I like Taq's trance, though
[13:02] <Xythar> password:
[13:02] <Xythar> MmXAyTvhr5kpAbg5
[13:02] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:02] <Xythar> a remarkably topical selection as it turns out
[13:02] <Xythar> you will soon
[13:02] <Azure326g> It's from 6th
[13:02] <Songy> kyougeki
[13:02] <Azure326g> R10k
[13:02] <Azure326g> Take it Easy
[13:02] <PkerUNO> itis NOT from 6th
[13:02] <Azure326g> It isn't?
[13:02] <Azure326g> Damn
[13:02] <Xythar> look at my blatant clues
[13:02] <Azure326g> What clues?
[13:02] <Xythar> "never heard? you will soon!"
[13:03] <Xythar> "remarkably topical!"
[13:03] <sanchny> 22dunk
[13:03] <Songy> festa do sol
[13:03] <Xythar> actually I thought Pker would have heard but then 10 takes forever to unlock, so I don't blame him
[13:03] <PkerUNO> aaah
[13:03] <PkerUNO> no
[13:03] <Azure326g> Man, this shit is impossible for someone like me who doesn't know bemani songs well. It isn't even fun having only 1 point and getting screwed on all of them.
[13:03] <sanchny> beyond the earth contemporary nation 10
[13:03] <Xythar> yep
[13:03] <PkerUNO> actually, I've only unlocked about 5% of it
[13:03] <Songy> OH FUCK
[13:03] <Azure326g> Fuck this shit.
[13:03] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 17
[13:03] * Azure326g has quit IRC (Quit: ��07—�14I�07-�15n�07-�15v�07-�00i�07-�00s�07-�15i�07-�15o�07-�14n�07—� 2.0 Build 3515�)
[13:03] <Xythar> :(
[13:03] <Songy> quitter
[13:04] <Xythar> !top10
[13:04] -SCORE- �11,1sanchny�0 has the best score of�11,1 17�0;,01 Songy - 11; PkerUNO - 6;,01 Daisuke-Niwa - 5; Azure326g - 1;,01 Xythar - 0;�
[13:04] <PkerUNO> I still haven't heard cyber arabian or anthem trance
[13:04] <PkerUNO> and I own the bloody game -___-
[13:04] <Xythar> anthem trance is such a good song
[13:04] <Xythar> even though it isn't anthem trance >_>
[13:04] <sanchny> unlock stuff with a dual shock
[13:04] <Daisuke-Niwa> cyber arabian is arrabiata right?
[13:04] <PkerUNO> stop taunting me ;_;
[13:04] <Xythar> yes
[13:04] <sanchny> yeah, d-n
[13:04] <Daisuke-Niwa> and you havent heard it?
[13:04] <PkerUNO> nope...
[13:04] <PkerUNO> still locked
[13:05] <Xythar> PnM 10 took me like a day to unlock
[13:05] <sanchny> ok, bathroom break after 25, please.
[13:05] <Xythar> then I put my save up on GameFAQs
[13:05] <Songy> Xythar, me too just baout
[13:05] <Xythar> we can call one now if you like
[13:05] <sanchny> nah, 25
[13:05] <sanchny> halftime
[13:05] <sanchny> :)
[13:05] <Xythar> Alright
[13:05] <Xythar> #23
[13:05] <Xythar> password is.....
[13:05] <Xythar> qn3KNpqT3MWHXoa9
[13:05] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> still my words 5th
[13:06] <Xythar> yes
[13:06] <PkerUNO> precisely. 5th. :P
[13:06] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 7
[13:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> artist name too long again
[13:06] <sanchny> taq feat meg?
[13:06] <Xythar> bonus question
[13:06] <Xythar> who did the piano?
[13:06] <Songy> taq
[13:06] <sanchny> dj taka
[13:06] <Songy> meg
[13:06] <sanchny> wac
[13:06] <sanchny> osamu kubota
[13:06] <Xythar> yes
[13:06] <Songy> osaku kubota
[13:06] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 18
[13:06] <Songy> k != m
[13:06] <sanchny> what was the answer? :p
[13:07] <Xythar> osamu kubota
[13:07] <Songy> 24 gogogogo
[13:07] <Xythar> now, #24
[13:07] <Xythar> .......
[13:07] <Xythar> ZEmqzmVsgGAGrFVy
[13:07] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:07] <Songy> mongol
[13:07] <Xythar> yes
[13:07] <PkerUNO> I'm getting good at this :P
[13:07] <Songy> the actual name is fucking long
[13:07] <Madek> wtf is that shit
[13:07] <Xythar> for a bonus point, who is it actually by
[13:07] <sanchny> what's mongol from?
[13:08] <Xythar> PnM 11
[13:08] <Songy> popn 11?
[13:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats no fair
[13:08] <Songy> I know that song from playing dwi for it on stepmania
[13:08] <Daisuke-Niwa> there are like NO popn11 or 12 machines in the east coast
[13:08] <Xythar> Ryan: They're passwords for ZIPs containing MP3 samples
[13:08] <PkerUNO> it sounds really cool, actually
[13:08] <Xythar> if you want to play I'll get the link for the file for you
[13:08] <Xythar> anyway, anyone know who it's by?
[13:08] * davidbrit2 has quit IRC (Quit: We expect you a nice play again.�)
[13:08] <sanchny> Morning Blue Dragon
[13:08] <Madek> I'll pass  :D
[13:08] <Xythar> but who is that?
[13:08] <PkerUNO> ¬_¬
[13:09] <Xythar> OK, although we're a bit low on people since Azure chucked a wobbly
[13:09] <Songy> :L
[13:09] <Songy> so where's my point
[13:09] <Xythar> Clue: They have a backside course for them in 9
[13:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> ok im 15 so i can go on a road trip to AI any time i went
[13:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> 3000 miles should be fun
[13:10] <Daisuke-Niwa> want rather
[13:10] <Songy> you forgot my point
[13:10] <Daisuke-Niwa> but anyway
[13:10] <Xythar> oh, sorry
[13:10] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 12
[13:10] <Songy> s'okay
[13:10] <Xythar> nobody knows still?
[13:10] <Songy> hex naw
[13:10] <Xythar> there's only so many people with backside courses in 9
[13:10] <PkerUNO> and? I have to cross half of europe to get to the only pop'n 8 in the continent -___-
[13:10] <Xythar> IIDX 9, that is
[13:10] <Xythar> sorry for not mentioning that sooner
[13:11] <PkerUNO> good-cool?
[13:11] <Xythar> no
[13:11] <PkerUNO> slake?
[13:11] <sanchny> taq
[13:11] * DragoonRaven has joined #vjarmy
[13:11] <Songy> yu takami
[13:11] <sanchny> dj taka
[13:11] <DragoonRaven> what the o_O
[13:11] <Xythar> let's move on then
[13:11] <Xythar> it was wac, btw
[13:11] <DragoonRaven> Ohh, that's today
[13:11] <Songy> haslbkdf
[13:11] <Xythar> Join in, we're only halfway through
[13:11] <sanchny> dj.w!
[13:12] <DragoonRaven> Cool, what do I need :x
[13:12] <DragoonRaven> +to do
[13:12] <Songy> *~�[� 24 �]�o<
[13:12] <sanchny> did you get the zip file?
[13:12] <Xythar> Did you read the topic?
[13:12] <Xythar> Read the rules, grab the zip, and you're good to go
[13:12] <DragoonRaven> Rock on
[13:12] <Xythar> I'm giving out the passwords one by one
[13:12] <sanchny> shall we take the bathroom break now while DR gets settled?
[13:12] <Xythar> Sounds like a plan
[13:12] * Songy grabs a coke
[13:13] <PkerUNO> break?
[13:13] <PkerUNO> good
[13:13] <Daisuke-Niwa> !top10
[13:13] <PkerUNO> my bed is getting uncomfortable
[13:13] <Songy> coke acquired
[13:13] <PkerUNO> plus, I have to position the laptop in such a way so that I get neckache
[13:13] <PkerUNO> otherwise the wireless signal dies
[13:14] * SeanH has joined #vjarmy
[13:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> sit on some desk with a lawn chair
[13:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats what i do :D
[13:14] <PkerUNO> I have no desk
[13:14] <PkerUNO> and I have no lawn chair
[13:14] <PkerUNO> I have no lawn either
[13:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> hehe
[13:14] <PkerUNO> and it's the middle of the night :P
[13:14] <PkerUNO> and my parents think I'm sleeping
[13:14] <PkerUNO> so I've got to have the light off too
[13:14] <Xythar> i'm honoured by your devotion
[13:14] <Daisuke-Niwa> its saturday
[13:15] <PkerUNO> so basically:
[13:15] <Daisuke-Niwa> so do they care?
[13:15] <PkerUNO> - I can't see the keys
[13:15] <PkerUNO> - I have a stiff neck
[13:15] <DragoonRaven> it's 2 am there or about ;P
[13:15] <DragoonRaven> (if I'm not mistaken)
[13:15] <DragoonRaven> UK, right?
[13:15] <PkerUNO> - My laptop keeps disconnecting from the network
[13:15] <PkerUNO> - And I haven't slept in days
[13:15] <PkerUNO> yes :D
[13:15] <Xythar> How are you keeping the connection up?
[13:15] <PkerUNO> 2.45
[13:15] <PkerUNO> luck
[13:16] <Xythar> I'm sorry for having this at an inconvenient time then
[13:16] <Xythar> I'll see what I can do for making the next one earlier
[13:16] <Daisuke-Niwa> what time is it in AU?
[13:16] <Xythar> and thanks :)
[13:16] <PkerUNO> and whenever I see the connection go down, I have to shift the computer quicly
[13:16] <sanchny> ok, back
[13:16] <DragoonRaven> How long has this been going :x
[13:16] <PkerUNO> lest mIRC disconnect :D
[13:16] <Xythar> 1:16 pm, it's not hard to start earlier for me
[13:16] <Xythar> about an hour and 15 mins
[13:16] <PkerUNO> in other occasions I wouldn't mind
[13:16] <DragoonRaven> Okay, got the zip
[13:16] <sanchny> !top10
[13:16] <PkerUNO> but I've just finished my final-year project
[13:17] <Xythar> We ready to continue?
[13:17] <PkerUNO> and I'm absolutely destroyed
[13:17] <PkerUNO> ok
[13:17] <sanchny> ready
[13:17] <Xythar> Whiz?
[13:17] <SeanH> HAMMER TIME
[13:17] <Xythar> alrighty then
[13:17] <Xythar> 25
[13:17] <sanchny> wait
[13:17] <Xythar> ok
[13:17] <sanchny> where's Songy
[13:17] <Songy> here
[13:17] <sanchny> ok
[13:17] <Xythar> ok, so 25?
[13:17] <PkerUNO> ok
[13:17] <Xythar> the password is....
[13:17] <Xythar> 5SZNv7GbHqEBxuLt
[13:18] <Xythar> oh it's filtered
[13:18] <PkerUNO> YOU FORGOT
[13:18] <PkerUNO> :D
[13:18] <Xythar> I have the passwords and index in different files
[13:18] <Songy> resonate 1793
[13:18] <Xythar> I forget to check back at the index which says whether it's filtered or not
[13:18] <Xythar> no
[13:18] <PkerUNO> sounds like it's from super eurobeat o_O
[13:18] <Xythar> it's only sped up
[13:18] <PkerUNO> I meant the melody
[13:19] <Xythar> oh
[13:19] <Xythar> it sounds different slower
[13:19] <DragoonRaven> uh
[13:19] <DragoonRaven> Desolation?
[13:19] <PkerUNO> everybody dance, I think :D
[13:19] <Xythar> nope
[13:19] <Xythar> btw, this one is relatively hard compared to most
[13:19] <PkerUNO> from pop'n, 3rd, 5th or 9th I guess
[13:19] <Xythar> no, it's from IIDX
[13:19] <Songy> difficulty+++++++
[13:19] <DragoonRaven> if it's a pop'n music song I'm right out
[13:19] <sanchny> what style?
[13:19] <Xythar> that's a difficult one to say
[13:19] <Xythar> technically two
[13:20] <sanchny> zuh.
[13:20] <sanchny> home style first?
[13:20] <Xythar> AC first
[13:20] <Xythar> but appeared in both AC and CS very recently
[13:20] <Songy> murmur twins?
[13:20] <Xythar> no, more recent than that
[13:20] <Xythar> the most recent AC and currently the most recent CS if you don't count 9th
[13:20] <Songy> red nikita
[13:20] * Xythar gives it away
[13:20] <DragoonRaven> Don't be afraid myself
[13:20] <Xythar> yep
[13:20] <Songy> FUCK
[13:20] <SCORE> �11,1DragoonRaven�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 1
[13:21] <DragoonRaven> yayay
[13:21] <DragoonRaven> (Didn't want to take too long writing all the genre/artist crap out)
[13:21] <PkerUNO> gay song on 7key ¬_¬
[13:21] <Xythar> btw, the only correct answer for game would be RED
[13:21] <Xythar> as that was the first one it was in
[13:21] <sanchny> how about "11th" :p
[13:21] <Xythar> I was happy when I beat that on 7 key
[13:21] <Xythar> if you like, but it's more keypresses
[13:21] <DragoonRaven> The melody sounded rreeeeally familiar
[13:21] <Xythar> 26
[13:21] <DragoonRaven> It was just sped up so harder to figure
[13:21] <Xythar> let's go
[13:22] <Xythar> pw:
[13:22] <Xythar> 74oKqfX4jLABamCk
[13:22] <PkerUNO> don't know
[13:22] <Xythar> planes are flying over my head :O
[13:22] <Daisuke-Niwa> ive heard this somewhere
[13:22] <sanchny> pop'n yay
[13:22] <Daisuke-Niwa> dont know where :(
[13:22] <Songy> blueberry stream
[13:22] <Xythar> that's not a clue, it's just what's happening right now
[13:22] * DragoonRaven is out ;P
[13:22] <sanchny> orange airline 11 orange lounge airport
[13:22] <Xythar> not a clue!
[13:22] <sanchny> oh
[13:22] <sanchny> haha
[13:22] <DragoonRaven> ehehe
[13:23] <DragoonRaven> Xyth, you're so misleading ;P
[13:23] <sanchny> clue please
[13:23] <SeanH> Pfft, It's obviously The Safari just really heavily filtered
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOL
[13:23] <Xythar> not filtered :P
[13:23] <Xythar> clue...
[13:23] <DragoonRaven> A (Guitar Pop Ver.) ;P
[13:23] <Daisuke-Niwa> murmur twins
[13:23] <Xythar> the artist name is the same as the character (it's from PnM)
[13:23] <sanchny> more clue
[13:23] <Xythar> that's a huge clue
[13:24] <PkerUNO> more clue (ver2.1)
[13:24] <sanchny> which game?
[13:24] <Xythar> there aren't many songs like that, so it really narrows it down
[13:24] * SKYE has joined #vjarmy
[13:24] * Radio has joined #vjarmy
[13:24] <SKYE> disconnect :<
[13:24] * Songy has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�)
[13:24] <SKYE> this is songy
[13:24] <DragoonRaven> bossa lounge / more clue / clueinho with xyth.d
[13:24] * SKYE is now known as Songy
[13:24] <Xythar> ah
[13:24] <DragoonRaven> :E
[13:24] <Xythar> it's from 8
[13:24] <Songy> sunny sunday sky
[13:25] <Xythar> that's from 9
[13:25] <PkerUNO> the only song I remember from 8th is lupin :P
[13:25] <Songy> oops
[13:25] <Xythar> that's not even in 8
[13:25] <Songy> poond
[13:25] <SeanH> The oldest Popn Style I've played is 10 >_>
[13:25] <PkerUNO> lupin not in 8?
[13:25] * Radio0wn has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[13:25] <Xythar> it's a 6 license
[13:25] <Songy> <-- best hits
[13:25] <PkerUNO> aaaah
[13:25] <PkerUNO> 6
[13:25] <Songy> I think I've done 6
[13:25] <Xythar> anyway, nobody knows?
[13:25] <PkerUNO> ok, 6 then
[13:25] <sanchny> ack
[13:25] <Daisuke-Niwa> i know ive played this before
[13:25] <sanchny> Ido
[13:26] <sanchny> more hint!
[13:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> just dont remember :(
[13:26] <PkerUNO> in that case I take back what I said to Daisuke before
[13:26] <Xythar> the genre has a 2 in it
[13:26] <Songy> sympathy 2
[13:26] <Xythar> that's in 7CS and no
[13:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> what did you say to me?
[13:26] <PkerUNO> I have to cross half of europe to get to the only pop'n SIX on the entire continent
[13:26] <sanchny> innocent 2 waterstand
[13:26] <Xythar> also the character for the sympathy songs is Sumire, not EGOISTIC LEMONTEA
[13:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> heh
[13:26] * Songy gets gamefaqs
[13:26] * Madek has left #vjarmy
[13:26] <Xythar> the character for innocent 2 is mutsuki
[13:26] <PkerUNO> [02:40] <PkerUNO> and? I have to cross half of europe to get to the only pop'n 8 in the continent -___-
[13:26] <Daisuke-Niwa> ive never even played popn6 on CS
[13:27] <SeanH> Miracle2
[13:27] <Songy> Power Folk 2
[13:27] <Xythar> you guys'd be so screwed on Random's :P
[13:27] <Xythar> no
[13:27] <sanchny> swedish 2 tangeline risette
[13:27] <Xythar> yes
[13:27] <Xythar> !
[13:27] <PkerUNO> we need to pick up the pace here a little :S
[13:27] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 21
[13:27] <Xythar> okay, 27
[13:27] <DragoonRaven> :O
[13:27] <Xythar> the password for 27 iiiisss....
[13:27] <Xythar> z5Hq7huWnhwSVaUY
[13:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> traces -tracing you out mix-
[13:28] <PkerUNO> oh
[13:28] <Xythar> not quite
[13:28] <Xythar> too many words, get rid of one
[13:28] <sanchny> traces -tracing you mix-
[13:28] <Xythar> yes
[13:28] <PkerUNO> traces -tracing you mix-
[13:28] <DragoonRaven> urgh
[13:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> aw bull
[13:28] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 22
[13:28] <Daisuke-Niwa> whatever
[13:28] * sanchny dunks
[13:28] <Xythar> bonus question
[13:29] <Xythar> what was kors k's most recent song?
[13:29] <DragoonRaven> Love is Eternity?
[13:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> love is eternity
[13:29] <Xythar> no
[13:29] <Xythar> he has one in RED
[13:29] <PkerUNO> the ending to RED?
[13:29] <Songy> fake time
[13:29] <Xythar> but it's not credited to him as such
[13:29] <Xythar> the ending to RED is by DJ Yoshitaka so no
[13:29] <PkerUNO> ah
[13:29] <DragoonRaven> fake time is by dj remo-con
[13:29] <DragoonRaven> unless that's kors k
[13:29] <Xythar> nope
[13:29] <Songy> I dont know
[13:29] <Daisuke-Niwa> on the tube
[13:29] <Xythar> dj remo-con is Y&Co
[13:29] <Xythar> Q-HEY is some guy with the last name of Kyuhei. It's not kors k
[13:30] <Xythar> Kors k is Kosuke someone or another. It's a bad pun.
[13:30] <Songy> SCORPION FIRE
[13:30] <Xythar> no
[13:30] <Songy> car of your dreams
[13:30] <Xythar> that's licensed
[13:30] <DragoonRaven> scorpion fire is probably by d.jw
[13:30] <Songy> I'm just saying random shit now
[13:30] <Xythar> :/
[13:30] <sanchny> no clue
[13:30] <Songy> KEY
[13:30] <Xythar> it's credited to the vocalist
[13:30] <PkerUNO> believe
[13:30] <DragoonRaven> at a guess I would say Horizon
[13:30] <Xythar> yes
[13:30] <Songy> PERFECT WORLD
[13:30] <DragoonRaven> yes to whom
[13:30] <SCORE> �11,1DragoonRaven�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 2
[13:30] <DragoonRaven> yay
[13:30] <Xythar> you
[13:30] <PkerUNO> gah
[13:31] <Songy> oh damn
[13:31] <Xythar> 28!
[13:31] <Xythar> and the Password of your Dreams is...
[13:31] <Xythar> RGinixZr5AeArcgc
[13:31] <Daisuke-Niwa> kiss me all night long
[13:31] <PkerUNO> sounds familiar
[13:31] <Xythar> yes
[13:31] <Songy> shitty eurobeat song
[13:31] <DragoonRaven> yeah
[13:31] <DragoonRaven> doh
[13:31] <PkerUNO> but I don't think I've played it
[13:31] <sanchny> dive into your heart 6th
[13:31] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 8
[13:31] <Xythar> Kiss me all night long / 5th / J-Euro Pop / NAOKI J-STYLE feat. MIU
[13:31] <sanchny> doh
[13:32] <PkerUNO> 5th :(
[13:32] <Songy> Kiss me all night long = shitty eurobeat song
[13:32] <Xythar> it's a good song, I like it
[13:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> its on didder as well
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> it's awful
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> and yes it is
[13:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> actually fun too
[13:32] <Xythar> LABYRINTH
[13:32] <Xythar> anyway
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> 2929292929
[13:32] <Xythar> next up is 29
[13:32] <SCORE> AuEmf3tNXvzmC7En
[13:32] <SCORE> filtered
[13:32] <Songy> night flight to tokyo red
[13:32] <sanchny> solid gold 6th
[13:32] <Xythar> yes
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> NIGHT OF FIRE / Niko
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> Er
[13:32] <DragoonRaven> Fuck
[13:32] <PkerUNO> solid gold
[13:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> solid gold 7th
[13:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> 6th is WRONG
[13:32] <Xythar> sachny gets 1 point
[13:32] <sanchny> meep
[13:33] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 23
[13:33] <Xythar> correct name, wrong game
[13:33] <sanchny> damn you, Eurobeat
[13:33] <PkerUNO> hey, wait
[13:33] <Xythar> yes?
[13:33] <PkerUNO> I made a typo before :P
[13:33] <sanchny> but that was the song name
[13:33] <PkerUNO> grumble grumble
[13:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> it was somewhat right
[13:33] <Xythar> yes
[13:33] <sanchny> this is song info that doesnt matter
[13:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> but 6th is completely wrong
[13:33] <sanchny> :P
[13:33] <PkerUNO> :P
[13:33] <PkerUNO> joking
[13:33] <Xythar> doesn't matter, as long as the name's right you get a point
[13:33] <Xythar> the extra stuff is just bonus material
[13:34] <Xythar> now, onto 30!
[13:34] <Xythar> TJUtnnsKBdCa+vPx
[13:34] <Songy> what
[13:34] <Xythar> congrats on finishing your project btw Pker
[13:34] <Songy> the
[13:34] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:34] <Songy> hell
[13:34] <DragoonRaven> ugh is this pop'n
[13:34] <PkerUNO> thanks :D
[13:34] <sanchny> yup, pop'n
[13:34] <sanchny> orange lounge orange airline airport 11
[13:34] <PkerUNO> it'll go live sometime in july
[13:34] <Songy> hints tornt pls
[13:34] <Xythar> disappointed in you guys :P
[13:34] <Xythar> it's not from pop'n
[13:34] <sanchny> haha
[13:35] <PkerUNO> 3rd/5th/9th
[13:35] <Xythar> if you're not familiar with it now, you will be soon
[13:35] <sanchny> 9th
[13:35] <Songy> hitch hiker
[13:35] <DragoonRaven> give me a hint / 2step / shoichiro hirata feat "red" ;P
[13:35] <Xythar> huge hint?
[13:35] <sanchny> Act ram 9th
[13:35] <Xythar> close!!!
[13:35] <PkerUNO> it is NOT act
[13:35] <Songy> high
[13:35] <Xythar> sachny got 2/3
[13:35] <sanchny> snow ram 9th
[13:35] <Songy> low
[13:35] <PkerUNO> I know that much
[13:35] <Xythar> but not the important one
[13:35] <sanchny> switch ram 9th
[13:35] <Xythar> yes
[13:35] <Songy> ah man
[13:36] <Xythar> even though you just guessed :P
[13:36] <sanchny> :D
[13:36] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 3�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 26
[13:36] <DragoonRaven> ><
[13:36] <Xythar> actually, technically...
[13:36] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was deducted�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 24
[13:36] <Xythar> I already gave the artist and game away
[13:36] <Xythar> so you shouldn't get points for them
[13:36] <Xythar> sorry
[13:36] <sanchny> this is your fault.
[13:36] <DragoonRaven> hohoho
[13:36] <sanchny> :p
[13:36] <SeanH> You should give me those points, instead >_>
[13:36] <DragoonRaven> 3131313131~~~
[13:36] <Xythar> onto the next!
[13:36] <sanchny> ok, 31
[13:36] <Xythar> it is...
[13:36] <Xythar> ddQpKh7oScccFHyF
[13:37] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:37] <DragoonRaven> what the
[13:37] <sanchny> tabla n bass 9
[13:37] <Xythar> that's insulting to Q-Mex I'll have you know
[13:37] <Xythar> but then so was Scat, so she probably deserves it
[13:37] <DragoonRaven> Hmm
[13:37] <PkerUNO> q-who?
[13:37] <SeanH> Sounds like some horrible bastard child of Afronova
[13:37] <DragoonRaven> I think this is Move Me from RED
[13:37] <DragoonRaven> but sped up
[13:38] <Xythar> it's not sped up
[13:38] <DragoonRaven> probably wrong >_>
[13:38] <Songy> nope
[13:38] <Xythar> or filtered in any way
[13:38] <Songy> it has an explosion noise
[13:38] <PkerUNO> rocket beats?
[13:38] <Songy> move me doesnt have those
[13:38] <PkerUNO> that crap one from 8th I never play
[13:38] <DragoonRaven> 's why I thought it was sped up
[13:38] <Xythar> okay, clue
[13:38] <Xythar> sachny's answer was half correct
[13:38] <Daisuke-Niwa> i assume the 9 part
[13:39] <Xythar> yes
[13:39] <Daisuke-Niwa> which i havent played in months
[13:39] <Songy> soundtracks
[13:40] <Xythar> no, it's not by Q-Mex
[13:40] * Songy shrugs
[13:40] <PkerUNO> zzzzzzzzzzz...
[13:40] <Xythar> alright, nobody knows?
[13:40] <DragoonRaven> .__.
[13:40] <Xythar> sachny?
[13:40] <Xythar> better move on before Pker dozes off
[13:40] <PkerUNO> :P
[13:40] <Xythar> 31  2tone / 9 / Mods / Love And Zest
[13:40] <sanchny> ack
[13:40] <PkerUNO> "dozes" is incorrect
[13:41] <Xythar> bonus Q
[13:41] <PkerUNO> "falls into a coma"
[13:41] <Songy> song I havent played on 9
[13:41] * nekura has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[13:41] <Xythar> what other song did Love and Zest make for 9? It wasn't under the same alias.
[13:41] <Xythar> Or, what other song in Bemani has the same title, "2Tone"?
[13:41] <PkerUNO> -____-
[13:41] <Xythar> As in, who it's by, where it's from
[13:41] <PkerUNO> the one on 10?
[13:41] <Xythar> if nobody answers either in 1 minute I will move on
[13:41] * nekura has joined #vjarmy
[13:41] <Xythar> no, for 9
[13:41] <PkerUNO> ok
[13:41] <Xythar> or for 8
[13:41] <PkerUNO> I'm out
[13:41] <Xythar> I'll take either
[13:41] <Xythar> the one in 8 was quite infamous
[13:42] <Xythar> actually, it's in 10 as well1
[13:42] <PkerUNO> screen?
[13:42] <Xythar> no
[13:42] <Xythar> the BPM keeps speeding up during the song
[13:42] <PkerUNO> don't remember
[13:42] <sanchny> beachest beach
[13:42] <PkerUNO> is it locked?
[13:42] <Xythar> yes
[13:42] <PkerUNO> well then ¬_¬
[13:42] <Xythar> it's really slow to start with speeds up ridiculously to like 260 and then slows down to a more manageable 130-140 or so
[13:42] <PkerUNO> for me it's STILL locked ;D
[13:42] <DragoonRaven> ugh bemanistyle is down :<
[13:43] <sanchny> Russia
[13:43] <Xythar> close
[13:43] <SeanH> Uzbekistan!
[13:43] <sanchny> Russia no Omiyage
[13:43] <Xythar> that's part of the 9 song's name
[13:43] <SeanH> >_>
[13:43] <Xythar> but let's keep going
[13:43] <Songy> cossack?
[13:43] * Team_Ragnarok has joined #vjarmy
[13:43] <Xythar> yes that's it
[13:43] <DragoonRaven> yo
[13:43] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 13
[13:43] <sanchny> Russia no Omiyage, no?
[13:43] <Songy> yay
[13:43] <Team_Ragnarok> hey
[13:43] <Xythar> is that Cossack's name?
[13:43] <Songy> I can pass the hyper on dualshock
[13:43] <sanchny> yes
[13:43] <Xythar> fine
[13:44] <SCORE> �11,1sanchny�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 25
[13:44] <Radio> oh, so this is where that gaytastic notice came from
[13:44] <sanchny> it has no kanji, read it if you know katakana and hiragana
[13:44] <Radio> !trivia
[13:44] <Xythar> you got a point, okay? :P
[13:44] <sanchny> :D
[13:44] <Songy> wrong game Radio
[13:44] <Xythar> 32
[13:44] <Xythar> let's keep this moving
[13:44] <Xythar> along
[13:44] <DragoonRaven> 32!!!
[13:44] <Xythar> password
[13:44] <Xythar> CASBXFt3ZnCdQ+wz
[13:45] <Songy> taiga drama 9
[13:45] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:45] <Xythar> haha songy fell for it
[13:45] <Radio> I don't know what the fuck that means
[13:45] <Songy> taiga drama 
[13:45] <PkerUNO> and it sound like it's from an old film
[13:45] <Xythar> radio: read the topic
[13:45] <sanchny> Russia
[13:45] <Songy> taiga drama remix
[13:45] <DragoonRaven> ugh
[13:45] <Xythar> there's a link in the chatroom topic that has info on this
[13:45] <Radio> oh, screw that shizzo
[13:45] <DragoonRaven> *feels helpless under the barrage of pop'n songs..*
[13:45] <Xythar> ok then
[13:45] <Xythar> songy got it btw
[13:45] <Radio>
[13:45] <Xythar> well, close
[13:45] <Radio> more stretch cat
[13:45] <Xythar> but it'll do
[13:45] <PkerUNO> less popn, more notesmash please
[13:45] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 14
[13:45] <Songy> so what was it actually
[13:46] <Xythar> Taiga Remix
[13:46] <Songy> oh
[13:46] <Xythar> 33
[13:46] <Radio> I love DDR so I should fit in fine here =)
[13:46] <Xythar> vRkQXoA39depCkCC
[13:46] <PkerUNO> slake -____-
[13:46] <Songy> choo choo train 10th slake
[13:46] <DragoonRaven> uh what the heck
[13:46] <Daisuke-Niwa> choo choo train dnb mix
[13:46] <Xythar> Songy didn't actually provide the full title or artist name
[13:47] <Xythar> i'll give him and Daisuke 1 point each
[13:47] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 15
[13:47] <SCORE> �11,1Daisuke-Niwa�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 9
[13:47] <Team_Ragnarok> Rargh. This is going to take quite a while. The game'll probably be over by the time I can play. XD
[13:47] <Songy> slake feat. mika oops
[13:47] <DragoonRaven> -_-
[13:47] <Xythar> nobody ever provides the genre I notice
[13:47] * PkerUNO[ShinBASHI] has joined #vjarmy
[13:47] <Daisuke-Niwa> it takes too long :P
[13:47] <Xythar> disconnected?
[13:47] <sanchny> nobody knows iidx genres
[13:47] <Xythar> hahaha
[13:47] <Radio> HARD BEAT
[13:47] <DragoonRaven> we try to kick out the song name to WIN
[13:48] <Xythar> alright, let's keep going
[13:48] <Xythar> 34
[13:48] <Radio> donkey konga
[13:48] <Radio> discuss
[13:48] <SeanH> Stand by to WIN, WOW
[13:48] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> is 34 next?
[13:48] <Xythar> FILTERED!!!
[13:48] <Xythar> yes it is
[13:48] <Xythar> v3h6R+RAcctbQUZ7
[13:48] <Radio> D
[13:48] <Radio> D
[13:48] <Radio> D
[13:48] <Radio> D
[13:48] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> starmine
[13:48] <DragoonRaven> STARMINE
[13:48] <sanchny> starmine 4th ryu
[13:48] <sanchny> grrrrr
[13:48] <Xythar> Pker gets it
[13:48] <Xythar> it was backwards :D
[13:48] <DragoonRaven> >_<
[13:48] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 7
[13:48] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> didn't notice to be honest :D
[13:48] <SeanH> I hate this game.
[13:48] <SeanH> =P
[13:48] <Xythar> 35
[13:49] <Xythar> ready....
[13:49] <Xythar> yQEB8GfzoYxx2yNf
[13:49] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> never heard
[13:49] <Xythar> not that anyone'll know it :P
[13:49] <Songy> country beats
[13:49] <DragoonRaven> dunno
[13:49] <Xythar> fine, prove me wrong
[13:49] <Xythar> go right ahead
[13:49] <Xythar> x_x
[13:49] <sanchny> haha
[13:49] <DragoonRaven> man this sucks
[13:49] * PkerUNO has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[13:49] <sanchny> beat me to it, damn
[13:49] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 16
[13:49] <PkerUNO[ShinBASHI]> with all this slake and popn I'd say you have it in for me ¬_¬
[13:49] <Xythar> it's probably just me who never plays country beats
[13:49] <DragoonRaven> there needs to be a separate game of this for just IIDX and one for just Pop'N
[13:49] * PkerUNO[ShinBASHI] is now known as PkerUNO
[13:49] <Xythar> yeah, I'll do that next time
[13:49] <Xythar> especially since Random is a noshow :/
[13:50] <Xythar> and he didn't tell anyone
[13:50] <Xythar> 36
[13:50] <Xythar> super easy go go go
[13:50] <Xythar> bfvZHAnuxNkGQbtW
[13:50] <Songy> cheer train 7th
[13:50] <SeanH> cheer train
[13:50] <PkerUNO> CHEER TRAIN
[13:50] <PkerUNO> GAH
[13:50] <DragoonRaven> oh god damn it
[13:50] <SeanH> BLARGH HATE YOU.
[13:50] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 18
[13:50] <PkerUNO> miscopied the password
[13:50] <DragoonRaven> me too
[13:50] <Xythar> 37
[13:50] * sanchny erases his blatantly wrong answer
[13:50] <PkerUNO> I really love cheer train now
[13:50] <Xythar> haha what was it
[13:50] <sanchny> New York
[13:50] <SeanH> STAND BY TO WIN
[13:51] <Xythar> :)
[13:51] <Xythar> well, artist was right
[13:51] <sanchny> one of those easy ones up there
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> hah
[13:51] <Xythar> anyway, 37
[13:51] <Xythar> password:
[13:51] <Xythar> NMLjJE6vfvQyHZsi
[13:51] <Xythar> filtered
[13:51] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:51] <Songy> popn taisou 10
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> what
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> the
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> fuck
[13:51] <Xythar> songy got it
[13:51] <sanchny> haha
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> o__O
[13:51] <SeanH> What the heck kind of demon music is THIS?
[13:51] <Xythar> sped up pop'n taisou, which is weird to begin with
[13:51] <Songy> the best song on 10 when not sped up
[13:51] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 2�0 points. Current Wins:�11,1 20
[13:51] <PkerUNO> locked
[13:51] <Xythar> even better when sped up!
[13:51] <Xythar> !top10
[13:51] <PkerUNO> right?
[13:51] -SCORE- �11,1sanchny�0 has the best score of�11,1 25�0;,01 Songy - 20; Daisuke-Niwa - 9;,01 PkerUNO - 7; DragoonRaven - 2;,01 Azure326g - 1; Xythar - 0;�
[13:51] <Xythar> yes
[13:51] <sanchny> !top10
[13:51] <PkerUNO> -___-
[13:51] <Xythar> sorry :(
[13:51] <DragoonRaven> this suuuuuuuucks :(((
[13:51] <Xythar> I didn't think of this at the time
[13:52] <Xythar> 38
[13:52] <Xythar> ready set go
[13:52] <Xythar> 9xzbCisc2EHi68mS
[13:52] <PkerUNO> never heard
[13:52] <Songy> setsugekka
[13:52] <PkerUNO> ¬_¬
[13:52] <Xythar> IT'S HIP ROCK 3 GUYS
[13:52] <Xythar> not
[13:52] <PkerUNO> yet... again
[13:52] <Radio> Songy knows his songs
[13:52] <Daisuke-Niwa> HIP ROCK 2
[13:52] <Daisuke-Niwa> HIP ROCK
[13:52] <Daisuke-Niwa> LOLOL
[13:52] <Songy> HIP HOP POP LOCK
[13:52] <Xythar> GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO
[13:52] <Xythar> CUT THE DRUGS, MAN
[13:53] <Songy> rhythm and police
[13:53] <PkerUNO> Xythar: are there any IIDX songs coming up? :P
[13:53] <Xythar> yes!
[13:53] <Xythar> the next one is
[13:53] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 21
[13:53] <PkerUNO> you know, that game with the keys and the turntable? :P
[13:53] <DragoonRaven> >____<
[13:53] <Xythar> it's Rhythm and Police from PnM 11
[13:53] <Xythar> 39!
[13:53] <Xythar> and the password of the day is...
[13:53] <Xythar> GVBv8oQS2JfCkAjQ
[13:53] <PkerUNO> SOS
[13:53] <sanchny> sos
[13:53] <Daisuke-Niwa> s.o.s
[13:53] <DragoonRaven> Calcutta
[13:53] <Songy> calcutta 3rd
[13:53] <Daisuke-Niwa> s.o.s.
[13:53] <PkerUNO> LOOOL
[13:53] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 8
[13:53] * Xythar claps
[13:54] <DragoonRaven> >_____________<
[13:54] <Songy> I had a brain fart
[13:54] <DragoonRaven> they sound the exact same to me anyway
[13:54] <PkerUNO> my friends got me his album before I even knew of IIDX
[13:54] <Xythar> 40. This is (heavily) filtered
[13:54] <PkerUNO> I don't know if I shoukd be proud
[13:54] <Xythar> get ready for.....
[13:54] <Xythar> KqGZPpd7JnHhT3AP
[13:54] <Xythar> be proud. dr. bombay is awesome
[13:54] <Songy> gigadelic
[13:54] <Xythar> no
[13:54] <Songy> rainbow rainbow
[13:54] <sanchny> setsugekka
[13:54] <Xythar> yes
[13:54] <DragoonRaven> holy fuck
[13:54] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 22
[13:54] <DragoonRaven> oh my CHRIST
[13:54] <Songy> I cant forget that speed up
[13:54] <Xythar> it was rainbow rainbow.
[13:55] <PkerUNO> the file wasn't open yet ;_;
[13:55] <Xythar> now, for 41
[13:55] <PkerUNO> could have been be quiet]
[13:55] <Xythar> no, it's not the same
[13:55] <Xythar> rainbow rainbow has a really long one
[13:55] <Xythar> anyway, 41.
[13:55] <Xythar> password:
[13:55] <Xythar> vRHy9ZAyEEfbk8y6
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB]
[13:56] <DragoonRaven> LAB
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB
[13:56] <DragoonRaven> fuck
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB
[13:56] <PkerUNO> LAB
[13:56] <DragoonRaven> jesus
[13:56] <Xythar> i'll give it to pker
[13:56] <SeanH> lab oh forget it
[13:56] <Songy> fuck you guys
[13:56] <PkerUNO> :D
[13:56] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 9
[13:56] <Daisuke-Niwa> !top10
[13:56] <PkerUNO> lol
[13:56] <DragoonRaven> LABORATORY
[13:56] <PkerUNO> I'm so close to passing it...
[13:56] <Songy> GARAGE
[13:56] <Xythar> 42. FILTERED!
[13:56] <DragoonRaven> :D
[13:56] <Xythar> Sf25TrcyLVopHNkz
[13:57] <PkerUNO> er...
[13:57] <DragoonRaven> uh
[13:57] <Songy> power folk ?
[13:57] <PkerUNO> I'm guessing it's from 3rd
[13:57] <Xythar> the funny thing is that I'm putting it the right way around
[13:57] <Xythar> it's backwards in the song
[13:57] <PkerUNO> unless...
[13:57] <PkerUNO> war game?
[13:57] <Songy> genocide
[13:57] <Xythar> no
[13:57] <Songy> I dont know
[13:57] <DragoonRaven> ahhhhaaaa
[13:57] <Xythar> hear guitars?
[13:57] <Team_Ragnarok> Still downloading the damn pack, 8 minutes left. -_-
[13:57] <PkerUNO> er...
[13:58] <PkerUNO> I don't know
[13:58] * Azure326g has joined #vjarmy
[13:58] <PkerUNO> should I?
[13:58] <Xythar> hi
[13:58] <Azure326g> So, who won?
[13:58] <Xythar> you missed LAB by like two songs
[13:58] <sanchny> still going on, Azure
[13:58] <PkerUNO> YOU MISSED LAB
[13:58] <Xythar> type !top10
[13:58] <Songy> were on 42
[13:58] <Team_Ragnarok> It's still going on.
[13:58] <DragoonRaven> !top10
[13:58] <Songy> !top10
[13:58] <sanchny> !top10
[13:58] <PkerUNO> !top10
[13:58] <SeanH> !top10
[13:58] <Radio> !top10
[13:58] <Azure326g> I still probably wouldn't have gotten LAB
[13:58] <Xythar> !top10
[13:58] -SCORE- �11,1sanchny�0 has the best score of�11,1 25�0;,01 Songy - 22; Daisuke-Niwa - 9;,01 PkerUNO - 9; DragoonRaven - 2;,01 Azure326g - 1; Xythar - 0;�
[13:58] <DragoonRaven> :(((((((
[13:58] <sanchny> so, HINT?
[13:58] <Xythar> look at me, I have 0 points
[13:58] <Songy> hint pls
[13:58] <Xythar> I gave one already
[13:58] <DragoonRaven> omg sanchny >:(((
[13:58] <sanchny> one more lovely
[13:58] <Songy> hint+ pls
[13:58] <Xythar> it's from PnM 7
[13:59] <Xythar> and 8
[13:59] <sanchny> as in, one more lovely hint.
[13:59] <sanchny> :D
[13:59] <Songy> power folk 5
[13:59] <Team_Ragnarok> 42 out of how many?
[13:59] <Xythar> 50
[13:59] <DragoonRaven> 50 >__<
[13:59] <Team_Ragnarok> Dammit. Ah well.
[13:59] <Radio> -_-
[13:59] <Songy> darkness
[13:59] <Xythar> no, it's not radio
[13:59] <Xythar> but thanks for guessing
[13:59] <Radio> -_-
[13:59] <Azure326g> R10k
[13:59] <Team_Ragnarok> Oh well, if there's a next one, I'll do that.
[13:59] <Xythar> also, radio wasn't on 8
[13:59] <DragoonRaven> WTF
[13:59] <PkerUNO> IT IS NEVER R10K
[13:59] <Azure326g> Oh, Pop'n?
[13:59] <Azure326g> Usual Days
[13:59] <PkerUNO> seriously
[13:59] <DragoonRaven> If you're not a Pop'n player you lose this game automatically pretty much
[14:00] <Xythar> alright let's go on
[14:00] <Xythar> it was space kiss btw
[14:00] <Songy> I got the hardest popn ones I think
[14:00] <Xythar> glam rock
[14:00] <Azure326g> It *might* be Usual Days one of these times
[14:00] <PkerUNO> !"uchuu"
[14:00] <PkerUNO> did the singer say uchuu at any point?
[14:00] <Azure326g> Okay, 43 now.
[14:00] <Xythar> there's only 1 more PnM one
[14:00] <Xythar> honest
[14:00] <DragoonRaven> yay
[14:00] <DragoonRaven> then
[14:00] <DragoonRaven> all we have to do is answer REALLY FAST
[14:00] <Xythar> onto 43?
[14:00] <DragoonRaven> k
[14:00] <PkerUNO> ok
[14:00] <Xythar> iTiSHB8EjVHQdTaQ
[14:00] <PkerUNO> lol
[14:01] <Xythar> it's not by TaQ
[14:01] <PkerUNO> doublecheese rest my mind
[14:01] <Daisuke-Niwa> this sounds like a REALLY old song
[14:01] <Songy> what the hell
[14:01] <Xythar> pker got the title
[14:01] <Songy> time is money
[14:01] <Azure326g> These get harder and harder, right?
[14:01] <Xythar> no
[14:01] <PkerUNO> or something like that
[14:01] <DragoonRaven> dj nagureo feat doublecheese
[14:01] <PkerUNO> ah
[14:01] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 10
[14:01] <DragoonRaven> ;P
[14:01] <Azure326g> Sounds like something from Beatmania
[14:01] <Xythar> it is
[14:01] <Xythar> and 4th
[14:01] <Xythar> style
[14:01] <Xythar> it's in beatmania 3 or something
[14:01] <DragoonRaven> 444444444444444
[14:01] <Xythar> 44
[14:01] <DragoonRaven> :D!
[14:01] <PkerUNO> really?
[14:02] <Xythar> 9pUAPxvGo+EwwcW8
[14:02] <Xythar> yes
[14:02] <PkerUNO> 3rd mix is all we have in the uk
[14:02] <Radio> okay
[14:02] <Radio> wild guess
[14:02] <Radio> popn taisuo 10
[14:02] <Azure326g> R5?
[14:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> y31
[14:02] <Radio> I win
[14:02] <PkerUNO> never heard
[14:02] <Xythar> no
[14:02] <DragoonRaven> never heard this either
[14:02] <Daisuke-Niwa> not y31?
[14:02] <sanchny> is this the remaining pop'n song?
[14:02] <Radio> you can give me that point now
[14:02] <Xythar> yes
[14:02] <DragoonRaven> probably a pop'n
[14:02] <PkerUNO> sorry
[14:02] <Azure326g> Most likely a Pop'N.
[14:02] <Xythar> it has the same genre as a new IIDX 9th CS song
[14:02] <Radio> give me a point
[14:02] <DragoonRaven> ok since we're on a question I can't answer
[14:02] <Radio> give me a point
[14:02] <DragoonRaven> anyone have an mp3 of Beyond the Earth
[14:02] <Radio> give me a point
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> I would get it from BMS myself but it's down
[14:03] <SCORE> �11,1Radio�0 was deducted�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 -1
[14:03] <Azure326g> Just extract the audio from the bg video
[14:03] <Songy> drum n bass
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> Wanna hear it :(((
[14:03] <Radio> give me a point
[14:03] <Radio> you fuck
[14:03] <Songy> hardstyle
[14:03] <Azure326g> Get it from bemanistyle, under Pop'N 10
[14:03] <PkerUNO> you just got one
[14:03] <PkerUNO> stop being greedy
[14:03] <sanchny> ragga jungle
[14:03] <Team_Ragnarok> If someone sent it to me, I'd probably be able to get it.
[14:03] <Songy> ragga jungle
[14:03] <sanchny> dance pop
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> dude
[14:03] <Xythar> keep trying
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> I just said
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> BMS is DOWN
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> NOT UP
[14:03] <Radio> BMS is shit
[14:03] <Songy> club jazz
[14:03] <sanchny> club jazz
[14:03] <Xythar> yes
[14:03] <Azure326g> Oh, should I send it to you?
[14:03] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 23
[14:03] <DragoonRaven> It would be much appreciated :D
[14:03] <Team_Ragnarok> Eh, never mind, someone got it.
[14:03] <Xythar> 44  Betty Boo / 7 / Senax / Club Jazz
[14:03] <Xythar> onto 45!
[14:04] <Daisuke-Niwa> i assume that was the last popn
[14:04] <Xythar> filtered!
[14:04] <Xythar> yes
[14:04] <Xythar> xNUPsAjz255KGg92
[14:04] <Songy> smoke
[14:04] <DragoonRaven> yes
[14:04] <PkerUNO> yes
[14:04] <Xythar> correct
[14:04] <DragoonRaven> it's smoke
[14:04] <Songy> that was EZ
[14:04] <DragoonRaven> aya / nu-fusion / smoke / 8th / not that this matters
[14:04] <Azure326g> Smoke is scary
[14:04] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 24
[14:04] <Xythar> 46, also filtered
[14:04] <Xythar> rLBfIJMozAEjhZs4
[14:05] <PkerUNO> 5.1.1
[14:05] <Azure326g> Sphere?
[14:05] <Songy> music to your head slake
[14:05] <sanchny> 5.8.8
[14:05] <Azure326g> 5.1.1. Another?>
[14:05] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 11
[14:05] <DragoonRaven> yeah, it's 5.1.1.
[14:05] <Songy> hah
[14:05] <DragoonRaven> sped way up
[14:05] <Xythar> 47
[14:05] <Xythar> not filtered
[14:05] <Songy> we just heard the whole song 
[14:05] <Xythar> hahaha
[14:05] <Xythar> anyway
[14:05] <Xythar> 48
[14:05] <Azure326g> 5.1.1. another is pretty good
[14:05] <Xythar> 47
[14:05] <Xythar> oops
[14:05] <Xythar> yeah, 47
[14:05] <Xythar> eAWK9DXmbWxXwNhS
[14:05] <PkerUNO> slake
[14:05] <Songy> gentle stress
[14:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> the cube
[14:05] <DragoonRaven> Gentle Stres
[14:05] <Xythar> songy is right
[14:05] <Daisuke-Niwa> gah
[14:05] <DragoonRaven> FUCK FUCK ASS FUCK SHIT
[14:05] <DragoonRaven> I give up
[14:05] <Xythar> pker is wrong >:O
[14:06] <PkerUNO> ah?
[14:06] <Azure326g> What style is that on???
[14:06] <PkerUNO> lol
[14:06] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 25
[14:06] <Daisuke-Niwa> 3rd
[14:06] <Azure326g> Damn
[14:06] <SeanH> It's like I'm not even here!
[14:06] <Azure326g> They should be from the more common styles
[14:06] <Xythar> 3rd is the cheapest & easiest style to get
[14:06] <DragoonRaven> 3rd is common
[14:06] <PkerUNO> it reminded me of something he did
[14:06] <Songy> not sheapest
[14:06] <Songy> s=c
[14:06] <Xythar> sure it is
[14:06] <Azure326g> More common than like 7th and 8th?
[14:06] <Azure326g> Much more people have those than 3rd
[14:06] <DragoonRaven> about as prolific
[14:06] <PkerUNO> I don't have 3rd either
[14:06] <Xythar> 48.
[14:06] <Songy> I have all
[14:06] <Xythar> Filtered.
[14:06] <DragoonRaven> this is in DDR too
[14:06] <PkerUNO> so you can't blame me
[14:07] <Xythar> yes it is
[14:07] <Xythar> the sex0r mix
[14:07] <Xythar> anyway.
[14:07] <Azure326g> Xyth said it wasn't
[14:07] <Xythar> 48
[14:07] <Xythar> hJaqW6NP511ibfXr
[14:07] <Xythar> like I said, filtered
[14:07] <Songy> taiyo
[14:07] <DragoonRaven> memories?
[14:07] <Songy> oh damn lose
[14:07] <Xythar> close
[14:07] <PkerUNO> jam?
[14:07] <Xythar> yes
[14:07] <PkerUNO> key?
[14:07] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 12
[14:07] <Azure326g> Jam Jam Reggage
[14:07] <Xythar> jam
[14:07] <Azure326g> Jam?
[14:07] <Azure326g> Sounds cool
[14:07] <Azure326g> What style?
[14:07] <Xythar> 49.... second last....
[14:07] <Xythar> 10th
[14:07] <PkerUNO> key sicks
[14:07] <PkerUNO> sucks
[14:07] <Xythar> you only say that since my sample has no vocals Azure
[14:07] <PkerUNO> like memories
[14:08] <Xythar> JAM has the worst vocalists in the history of anything
[14:08] <Xythar> seriously
[14:08] <PkerUNO> true
[14:08] <DragoonRaven> MOVING ON....
[14:08] <Azure326g> Oh, where did you get the one without vocals?
[14:08] <Azure326g> Could you send me the non-sample after this?
[14:08] <Xythar> all they needed to do was to get Des-ROW in there and they'd form a vortex of bad vocals that destroyed the universe
[14:08] <DragoonRaven> haha
[14:08] <Xythar> No, only the sample has no vocals as it's from a non vocal part
[14:08] <Xythar> ANYWAY
[14:08] <Xythar> 49
[14:08] <SeanH> LEeeEEttt ThhEeememm MOoooVvveEEE
[14:08] <Xythar> S9M69mEB+lT6STy1
[14:08] <PkerUNO> sana molette ne ente
[14:08] <DragoonRaven> oph fuck
[14:08] <DragoonRaven> yes
[14:08] <DragoonRaven> shit
[14:08] <Xythar> not quite
[14:08] <Songy> sana morrette ne ente BLT style
[14:08] <Azure326g> What???
[14:08] <Xythar> yes!
[14:09] <Azure326g> That's in IIDX????
[14:09] <SCORE> �11,1Songy�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 26
[14:09] <Songy> 4th style
[14:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> 4th
[14:09] <DragoonRaven> in 4th
[14:09] <PkerUNO> ¬_¬
[14:09] <Xythar> both the original and the remix
[14:09] <Xythar> it came from Beatmania originally (Gottamix 2)
[14:09] <Songy> are you going to post results and what the answers on the forum
[14:09] <Azure326g> How the hell do you know all of this, Xyth
[14:09] <Xythar> the lyrics are about beatmania 
[14:09] <Xythar> I read a lot
[14:09] <Daisuke-Niwa> hes a veteran
[14:09] <DragoonRaven> Xythar is a MACHINE
[14:09] <PkerUNO> research?
[14:09] <Xythar> wrote the wikipedia page for artists
[14:09] <Xythar> that kind of thing
[14:09] <DragoonRaven> LAST ONE :O
[14:09] <Songy> I mean
[14:09] <Xythar> yep
[14:09] <DragoonRaven> <--- won't get it
[14:09] <Azure326g> R10k is my guess
[14:10] <Songy> are you going to post results and what the answers were on the forum
[14:10] <Xythar> btw, look at the password for the previous song
[14:10] <Xythar> yes
[14:10] <PkerUNO> this has got to be SUPERHARD
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> Usual Days
[14:10] <SeanH> It's gonna be The Safari
[14:10] <SeanH> I can feel it
[14:10] <Xythar> okay
[14:10] <PkerUNO> lol
[14:10] <SCORE> last one
[14:10] <Xythar> password:
[14:10] <Xythar> FWno+cHiNWiNIsH1
[14:10] <PkerUNO> step into the new world
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> Step into the New World
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> FUCK CHRIST
[14:10] <Songy> you bastards
[14:10] <Xythar> I bet you guys didn't even bother to open the MP3
[14:10] <Azure326g> Did he say Winage?
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> no
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> I didn't
[14:10] <Daisuke-Niwa> that was fast
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> and yes he did
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> I didn't either
[14:10] <PkerUNO> :D
[14:10] <DragoonRaven> I hate you Pker
[14:10] <SCORE> �11,1PkerUNO�0 was awarded�11,1 1�0 point. Current Wins:�11,1 13
[14:10] <Azure326g> How did you know what it was?
[14:10] <Xythar> look at the password
[14:10] <PkerUNO> lololol
[14:10] <Azure326g> I don't get it
[14:11] <DragoonRaven> fw.No+Chin "Winnish"
[14:11] <Xythar> and look at 49's password too
[14:11] <Songy> HE'S SAYIN G WEENIES
[14:11] <DragoonRaven> Thanks for the mp3, Azure
[14:11] <Xythar> also one of the passwords had "LAB" in it but wasn't LAB
[14:11] <PkerUNO> ah
[14:11] <Azure326g> One of them had ygpm
[14:11] <Xythar> and 10 to 21 spell "RISLIM GET YOU" on the right hand side
[14:11] * SeanH has quit IRC (Quit: �)
[14:11] <Songy> !top10
[14:11] <Songy> I win!
[14:11] <Xythar> !top10
[14:11] -SCORE- �11,1Songy�0 has the best score of�11,1 26�0;,01 sanchny - 25; PkerUNO - 13;,01 Daisuke-Niwa - 9; DragoonRaven - 2;,01 Azure326g - 1; Xythar - 0;,01 Radio - -1;�
[14:11] <Xythar> indeed!
[14:11] <Xythar> well done :P
[14:11] <DragoonRaven> I do not win
[14:11] <Azure326g> Meh
[14:11] <DragoonRaven> :<
[14:11] <sanchny> !top10
[14:11] <sanchny> :(
[14:11] <Azure326g> I got 1 point
[14:11] <DragoonRaven> Came in halfway ;P
[14:12] <Xythar> good game guys
[14:12] <Xythar> want to do this again some time?
[14:12] <Songy> yes
[14:12] <DragoonRaven> yeah
[14:12] <Songy> sure
[14:12] <DragoonRaven> but a JUST IIDX one
[14:12] <Xythar> yeah
[14:12] <Azure326g> Wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be, especially considering how many songs were from Pop'N or from earlier styles
[14:12] <Xythar> I'll see if I can set one up for the next weekend
[14:12] <Azure326g> So, what does the winner get?
[14:12] <sanchny> if just IIDX, not from AC only styles. :p
[14:12] <Xythar> uh...
[14:12] * Xythar runs
[14:12] <Daisuke-Niwa> they get an increase in their epenis
[14:13] <Azure326g> So, Xyth, could you send me the non-sample of Jam instrumental?
[14:13] <DragoonRaven> Meh
[14:13] <PkerUNO> all winners now get the chance to rest and go to sllllllllllllpo#kePDDDDD#K##########################################################
[14:13] <Azure326g> It's only 7:43 here
[14:13] <DragoonRaven> What's the romanized name of the artist for Beyond the Earth ?__?
[14:13] <Xythar> I just said there is no Jam instrumental
[14:13] <Azure326g> Yes, romanized!
[14:13] <Xythar> the last part has no vocals, I sampled that
[14:13] <Azure326g> Oh
[14:13] <Azure326g> Damn!
[14:13] <DragoonRaven> (I only ask because I'm anal retentive in how I keep my mp3 filenames sorted)
[14:13] <Xythar> Neko Mata Master
[14:13] <DragoonRaven> Thanks :D
[14:14] <Azure326g> Could you post all the passwords again, or make a zip containing all the samples not password-protected?
[14:14] <DragoonRaven> This sounds REALLY bad ass by the way
[14:14] <Xythar> I will put the passwords file up, watch the thread
[14:14] * Songy 's epenis increases
[14:14] <PkerUNO> OOOOOK
[14:15] <PkerUNO> unless there's something else I think I'll head off
[14:15] <Azure326g> Contemporary Nation is badass. It is so far the only Pop'N song that I really LOVE! Do you guys know any other songs that are similar to it in the genre?
[14:15] <Azure326g> Or others that sound similar
[14:15] <PkerUNO> rislim -remix-?
[14:15] <Daisuke-Niwa> we should do this weekly or something
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> uhh
[14:15] <Azure326g> No, the two are different
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> The only song this really reminds me of
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> Is like
[14:15] <PkerUNO> LAB?
[14:15] <Songy> wimbo
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> Move Me
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> From RED
[14:15] <Azure326g> But this one is worthy of the LAB, Strong Jaeger Ryu* remix title
[14:15] <DragoonRaven> Though this song is way better
[14:15] <Xythar> I'll have to think of some
[14:16] <Xythar> sorry, was sorting something out
[14:16] <Azure326g> Though I only really like the beginning part (It is repeated in the song, thought)
[14:16] <Azure326g> though*
[14:16] <Xythar> I don't know how long I can keep this up weekly for, but we'll see
[14:16] <Xythar> next time will just be IIDX, if Random wants to organise a PnM thing he can
[14:16] <PkerUNO> I vote fortnightly/monthly
[14:16] <Azure326g> Is the beginning of Contemporary Nation from a game or something? It sounds VERY familiar
[14:16] <Xythar> that's probably better
[14:17] <Songy> the victory would be assured if random was a player
[14:17] <Xythar> especially since next weekend I'll be home for easter
[14:17] <Songy> for a popn one
[14:17] <PkerUNO> hmm
[14:17] <Xythar> I could still run it from home but I'd have to get home quickly from the arcade and I'd rather no
[14:17] <Xythar> not
[14:17] <PkerUNO> how about adding a new round
[14:17] <PkerUNO> 5-6 songs mixed together
[14:17] <PkerUNO> name all of them
[14:17] <Xythar> I'm still doing equal numbers from each style
[14:17] <Xythar> because otherwise it's too easy
[14:17] <PkerUNO> hmm
[14:18] <PkerUNO> I might try to do one, actually
[14:18] <Azure326g> Why is there no Pop'N Navy channel?
[14:18] <PkerUNO> yeah!
[14:18] <Azure326g> I was going to ask what songs people would recommend that aren't already in IIDX
[14:18] <Thunderbird> Cause Remy hasn't bothered to register one?
[14:18] <PkerUNO> take samples from various songs
[14:18] <PkerUNO> compose a new short track
[14:18] <DragoonRaven> that's way more work than even this
[14:18] <PkerUNO> name the songs the samples came from!
[14:18] <Daisuke-Niwa> theres no point in making a popnnavy chan
[14:18] <Xythar> I'm not quite at the music composing point yet
[14:19] <Xythar> mashups would be possible, but otherwise
[14:19] <PkerUNO> I'll try and make one :)
[14:19] <PkerUNO> see how it goes
[14:19] <Azure326g> Has anybody tried this yet:
[14:19] <Azure326g> It is actually quite fun
[14:19] <Azure326g> Especially with the boss at the end.
[14:19] <PkerUNO> if it's one of those scary ones...
[14:20] <Azure326g> It's not, trust me.
[14:20] <Xythar> and the reason there's no pop'n navy channel is that this channel alone isn't very lively most days - why split it up?
[14:20] <Azure326g> Oh, it isn't?
[14:20] <Xythar> no, usually it's dead quiet
[14:20] <Xythar> at least, whenever I check it
[14:20] <Azure326g> Anyways, I was wondering, where can I find lots of Pop'N videos? Bemanistyle doesn't have too many, and most just show the screen.
[14:21] <Xythar> Ummm.... I'm not sure. I got all of mine off Bemanistyle, random links, or sites like HELL's or RoBo's.
[14:21] <Azure326g> HELL's or RoBo's?
[14:21] <Daisuke-Niwa> google is your best friend
[14:21] <Xythar> Yeah, and I don't remember where they are
[14:21] <Azure326g> BTW, why is Konami changing the name of Contemporary Nation to that Earth crap?
[14:21] <Xythar> I think there was a Bemanistyle topic where someone asked for videos and people linked to HELL's site and such
[14:21] <Xythar> check that out
[14:21] <Xythar> Contemporary Nation is the genre in PnM 10
[14:22] <Azure326g> WHAT?
[14:22] <Xythar> Beyond the Earth was always the title. And it's a good title.
[14:22] <Azure326g> Why is the mp3 named after the genre?
[14:22] <Xythar> Because that's the standard way to do it
[14:22] <Azure326g> Damn, and I was getting all excited about the name...
[14:22] <Xythar> often the genre is the only thing in English
[14:22] <Xythar> this is the most ridiculous discussion to be having you know
[14:22] <Azure326g> It is?
[14:22] <Azure326g> I thought it would be common for something like IIDX
[14:23] <Xythar> yeah. What difference does it make whether 'contemporary naton' is the genre or name?
[14:23] <Xythar> everyone who plays PnM calls it Contemporary Nation anyway
[14:23] <Azure326g> Why?
[14:23] <Azure326g> Seems so awkward
[14:23] <Xythar> because in PnM people usually call songs by the genres, it's like a second name because usually no 2 songs have the same genre
[14:23] <Xythar> there are exceptions but not many
[14:23] <Azure326g> So, when selecting songs, the genres are the only things in English?
[14:24] <Xythar> depends on the song
[14:24] <PkerUNO> ok, I can't take it anymore
[14:24] <Xythar> usually yes
[14:24] <Xythar> goodnight
[14:24] <Xythar> sleep tight :)
[14:24] <Azure326g> So, it would be okay to call it Contemporary Nation?
[14:24] <PkerUNO> good continuation of whatever time of day it is :P
[14:24] <Xythar> yes. that is what everyone else does.
[14:24] <PkerUNO> bye ;)
[14:24] <Xythar> except that people who only played it in IIDX will not know what you mean
[14:24] * PkerUNO has quit IRC (Quit: Blog: | Schan:�)
[14:24] <Azure326g> That's what I'm worried about
[14:25] <Xythar> So call it either. Who cares?
[14:25] <Azure326g> They see that I'm calling it by the genre because the genre will be displayed
[14:25] <Azure326g> I *want* to call it Contemporary Nation
[14:25] <Azure326g> But the IIDX players won't know what I'm talking about.
[14:25] <Xythar> It's a name. The song wouldn't sound any different if it was called Weird Guy With Spoons Sticking Out Of His Head Does Some Dance.
[14:25] <Team_Ragnarok> Yeah, but if it were called that, a lot of people would be let down. XD
[14:25] <Songy> aka the popn banner
[14:25] <Xythar> character, yeah
[14:26] <Azure326g> Do most of the people on VJA and Bemanistyle call it contemporary nation?
[14:26] <Xythar> when it was in PnM, everyone did
[14:26] <Azure326g> But now it is that Earth crap?
[14:26] <Xythar> who knows what the de facto nomenclature will be when it's in IIDX? wait and see.
[14:27] <Xythar> you get worked up over the most ridiculous things
[14:27] <Xythar> personally I like Beyond the Earth much better as a title than 'contemporary nation', whatever the hell that means
[14:27] <Xythar> "beyond the earth" sounds like the 5th level of Rez or something
[14:27] <Azure326g> But this doesn't sound like it would belong in Rez
[14:27] <Xythar> it doesn't sound very contemporary either
[14:28] <Xythar> what next, are you going to complain "Neko Mata Master" sounds wrong?
[14:28] <Azure326g> But it's the Nation part that's the big deal fort me. The Contemporary just adds to the excitement and familiarity
[14:28] <Azure326g> for*
[14:28] <Azure326g> It's like Rislim -Remix-
[14:28] <Xythar> call it Beyond the Nation then, people will probably know what you mean
[14:28] <Azure326g> Spending those long summer nights listening to it
[14:28] <Xythar> don't bring this up
[14:28] <Azure326g> Reading it with Contemporary Nation is just like that
[14:28] <DragoonRaven> Beyond the Earth is the actual song name
[14:28] <DragoonRaven> So that's what I am going to call it
[14:28] <Azure326g> Except I'm reading/typing it, instead of listening to it
[14:28] <DragoonRaven> The end
[14:29] <Azure326g> Or thinking about the name.
[14:29] <Xythar> looks like you'll have to buy PnM 10 and just play it in that thne
[14:29] <Xythar> then
[14:29] <Azure326g> But then I would have to buy an ASC
[14:29] <Xythar> that way every time you play the game you can be reminded of 'contemporary nation' because it's right there in the banner
[14:29] <Xythar> you could also just buy a small controller and play it like IIDX
[14:29] <Azure326g> I can't afford an ASC right now
[14:29] <Xythar> that's what I do
[14:29] <Azure326g> I can't do that, that would ruin everything
[14:29] <DragoonRaven> Dualshock it op!
[14:29] <Azure326g> And I have to buy it in the summer
[14:29] <DragoonRaven> up
[14:29] <DragoonRaven> Haha
[14:30] <Xythar> you don't 'have' to do any of these things.
[14:30] <DragoonRaven> You realize he's just playing you
[14:30] <DragoonRaven> Xythar
[14:30] <Azure326g> I can't buy a whole new bemani thing in the middle of school. It has to be done during the summer for the full effect. Just like with IIDX and DDR
[14:30] <Azure326g> You don't have to do a lot of things...
[14:30] <Azure326g> There's just a BIG difference when you buy it and play it
[14:31] <Xythar> well, what do you want to do?
[14:31] <Azure326g> If I want the whole experience to be "magical" and what not, I need to get it for the summer
[14:31] <Xythar> I've told you the facts. Make up your own bizarre OCD mind.
[14:31] <Azure326g> If I do want to get it, it would have to be during the summer
[14:31] <Azure326g> But this summer will be the summer of Rislim -Remix- and 9th
[14:31] <Songy> better start marking your calendar dates
[14:31] <Azure326g> So, maybe summer of 2006
[14:31] <Thunderbird> lemme guess, you're not getting 9th until the summer?
[14:31] <Daisuke-Niwa> hey azure
[14:31] <Azure326g> Yeah
[14:32] <Azure326g> I got 6th instead
[14:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> just so you know, its spring break for us
[14:32] <Azure326g> Spring break starts Thursday for me
[14:32] <Xythar> it's summer here!
[14:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> so i'll get rislim remix over the break :D
[14:32] <Azure326g> It still wouldn't be the same
[14:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> how so?
[14:32] <Azure326g> Sprin Break != Summer
[14:32] <Azure326g> Spring*
[14:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> i'll get a whole week before it gets old
[14:32] <Azure326g> It's not like everything in school is dropped during spring break
[14:32] <Daisuke-Niwa> for me it is :P
[14:33] <Azure326g> Well, for me it isn't, which is why I must wait for summer
[14:33] <Team_Ragnarok> Bah, my break is pretty well over.
[14:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> k
[14:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> youre only hurting yourself
[14:33] <Azure326g> How?]
[14:33] <Team_Ragnarok> I'll be getting my 9th Style just as the worst part of the semester begins.
[14:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> you are waiting for rislim remix
[14:33] <Azure326g> The whole experience is dependent on me playing it in the same environment
[14:33] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats a bullet to the head
[14:33] <Azure326g> It must be during the summer, late at night, while I'm a little cold, with headphones
[14:33] <DragoonRaven> oh my fucking God
[14:34] <Azure326g> What
[14:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> cold during the summer?
[14:34] <Azure326g> What's wrong with this?
[14:34] <Xythar> !top10
[14:34] -SCORE- �11,1Songy�0 has the best score of�11,1 26�0;,01 sanchny - 25; PkerUNO - 13;,01 Daisuke-Niwa - 9; DragoonRaven - 2;,01 Azure326g - 1; Xythar - 0;,01 Radio - -1;�
[14:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> in california?
[14:34] <Azure326g> Do you guys like at least one song a whole lot?
[14:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> i dont
[14:34] <Azure326g> Don't worry, I have that taken cared of.
[14:34] <sanchny> So, guys, my animal crackers broke when they fell off my desk.  Somebody please console me.
[14:34] <Azure326g> I'll probably just go outside barefoot for like 20-30 minutes
[14:34] <Daisuke-Niwa> but rislim remix im looking forward to since its got a fun another :P
[14:34] <DragoonRaven> I like Distress the best
[14:34] <DragoonRaven> But I'm not going to try and like
[14:34] <DragoonRaven> Replicate an environment
[14:34] <DragoonRaven> To get any effect out of it
[14:34] <Azure326g> But the whole experience will be nothing if it is done this early
[14:35] <Azure326g> The cold thing seems normal to me.
[14:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> well, you have your experiences and i have mine
[14:35] <SCORE> I don't like any particular song way above the rest
[14:35] <Xythar> typed in wrong window :P
[14:35] <DragoonRaven> eheheh
[14:35] <Azure326g> Don't you guys like it when it is really cold, maybe on rainy night, and you curl up in blankets and do something that you really enjoy?
[14:35] <Xythar> there are a bunch I like a lot, but it's hard to pick one
[14:35] <Azure326g> Maybe watch a favorite movie?
[14:35] <Thunderbird> the only time I curl up in blankets is when I'm going to bed :P
[14:35] <Daisuke-Niwa> i cant curl up in a blanket and play IIDX
[14:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> i get an adrenaline surge
[14:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> and therefore i get hot
[14:36] <Azure326g> You don't have to curl up
[14:36] <Xythar> the most ritualistic thing I ever did was play FFX around January every year and I only did that like, 2-3 times before stopping
[14:36] <DragoonRaven> Haha, me too
[14:36] <DragoonRaven> I play "HARD AND EXTREME"
[14:36] <Azure326g> It's just being cold and getting comfortable
[14:36] <DragoonRaven> For real
[14:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> and sometimes i swear
[14:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> sweat*
[14:36] <Songy> the one song in iidx I REALLY like is rainbow rainbow
[14:36] <Daisuke-Niwa> and thats why the towel is there :P
[14:36] <Azure326g> Getting comfotable would be the rest of the rislim remix experience
[14:36] <Xythar> there are very few IIDX songs I dislike
[14:36] <Xythar> very few
[14:36] <Azure326g> But isn't there at least one song that you just absolutely love?
[14:36] <Xythar> even some of the stuff I have outdated VJA comments hating are songs that have grown on me
[14:36] <Xythar> nope
[14:37] <Songy> I said mine
[14:37] <Xythar> it's hard to narrow it down that far
[14:37] <Azure326g> One song that you just want to keep to yourself?
[14:37] <Xythar> no O_o
[14:37] <Azure326g> Meh.
[14:37] <DragoonRaven> No
[14:37] <Songy> I played rainbow rainbow so much on RED
[14:37] <DragoonRaven> That's a little silly if you ask me
[14:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> where in CA do you live?
[14:37] <Azure326g> I haven't heard Rainbow Rainbow yet, but it sounds like it is really good. I should try it out.
[14:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> cause i doubt it rains there often
[14:37] <Songy> I think I played oml 7k the most tyring to pass that drumroll on the latent screen
[14:37] <Azure326g> Northern CA
[14:37] <Daisuke-Niwa> unless its spring :P
[14:37] <Azure326g> Central Valley
[14:37] <DragoonRaven> It didn't rain much when I lived in California
[14:37] <DragoonRaven> Then, I lived in like, the desert (also Central Valley, for the record)
[14:37] <Songy> *~�[� Ryu* - rainbow rainbow �]�o<
[14:38] <Azure326g> Rain isn't a problem. It should be cold enough at night to the point where I can get cold by just staying outside for like 20 minutes while barefoot
[14:38] <Xythar> I passed OML 7K as like my third 8 but I think it might have been a fluke
[14:38] <DragoonRaven> god damn I cannot WAIT to play Beyond the Earth
[14:38] <Songy> this was my first time playing red so timing was all fucked for me
[14:38] <DragoonRaven> this is so cool :D!
[14:38] <Songy> the only 8s I passed on it were quasar, oml, rainbow flyer, and giudecca
[14:38] <Azure326g> Xyth, did you play OML on red?
[14:39] <SCORE> no, on 10
[14:39] <Daisuke-Niwa> if i dont sight read rislim remix l7 into a AAA im gonna get mad
[14:39] <Daisuke-Niwa> thats all i know :/
[14:39] <Azure326g> Good.
[14:39] <Songy> I played it on red
[14:39] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Mar 20 14:39:28 2005