Scott Dolph Interviews

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Scot Dolph Interviews


Interview/artist profile was included in the CS DDRMAX instruction booklet released in 2002.

  • Name: Scott Dolph
  • Artist Name(s): Scotty D.
  • Age: 32 years old
  • Time at Konam?: Over 4 years
  • First Konami Project: Hideo Kojima Interview for a UK magazine and Mystical Ninja.
  • Favorite Instrument: I do not play instruments, but I love doing Karaoke.
  • Favorite Music Style: Danceable tunes.
  • Favorite Music producder or artist: Earth, Wind & Fire
  • Favorite Bemani song you have written: I believethe lyrics to DROP THE BOMB are quite powerful and deep for a DDr track.
  • Favorite song(s) in DDRMAX and why?: I still have to go with my own song DROP THE BOMB.
  • What do you think about the success of DDR in North America so far: I happen to be the one who persuaded management in Japan to launch the DDR series for the console in the US. I knew American gamers would enjoy this concept and I'm glad I was correct.
  • How did you first get involved making Bemani music?: I was asked to write lyrics to a Bemani song 3 years ago and I was even asked to rap. I enjoyed it a lot and those who heard the song enjoyed it too.
  • Did you always like Bemani-style music or did you like those dance styles after you started making songs?: I have always been a big fan of dance music - disco, soul, techno, trance, etc. Given the opportunity to work on DDR tunes was a dream come true.
  • Do you feel limited as an artist because of the game design and mechanics of DDR?: I would like to write lyrics of more mature content, but I would not want to boost up the rating of this game just because of my lyrics.
  • You have written lyrics and sung on many DDR/Bemani songs. Did you first create the lyrics and then music was composed to fit the lyrics or was there a different process involved? How much studio recording time is involved to complete one song?: I am always given the music first. I listen to it once and the concept of my lyrics pop up in my mind. Then I start writing the lyrics and I'm usually done in 3 hours or less. Spending too much time on thinking does not help. It's pure inspiration. It takes about 2 to 3 hours in the studio to record the voices. Then the engineers spend more time to finish up everything. I do not stick around until everything is done. I leave the studio when the voices are done. Then a few days later I heard the completed track, and I am greatly surprised by how professional done the final version is.
  • Do you have any comments or words to players?: I remember the first few times I played DDR. I was embarassed. But as I got better, the fact that people were watching me did not stop me a bit. Then the time came when I was asked to write lyrics and rap for DDR. That moment when I evolved from PLAYER to RAPPER & LYRICIST is one I will never forget. I hope you all play the game and dance like you've never danced before and evolve from PLAYER to ULTIMATE DANCE. Enjoy!