MUSECA Information

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This information is from a game that was just released. As such, it's still under heavy construction.


MÚSECA's arcade cabinet.

MÚSECA is the latest entry in the BEMANI line of arcade music video games. After five location tests in 2015, the game was released on December 10th, 2015.

Similar to the SOUND VOLTEX series, currently the song list is only comprised by commissioned artists. Original song contests (named Compe.) are also held.


  • MÚSECA (released on December 10th, 2015)


The MÚSECA cabinet has a foot pedal and five spinners, which can be pressed, held, or rotated, depending on the note type. Much like several other BEMANI games, notes appear from the top of the screen toward the bottom. Note types are the following:

  • Objects: normal notes that can be hit by pressing the spinner.
  • Long Objects: notes where the spinner must be held.
  • Rotate Objects: notes where the spinner must be rotated.
  • Strong Rotate Objects: similar to Rotate Objects, but they must be rotate at a faster speed.
  • Pedal Object: the foot pedal must be pressed the foot pedal.

The gameplay interface itself is very similar to SOUND VOLTEX. There are three difficulties: Green (翠), Orange (橙), and Red (朱). The difficulty scale goes from 1 to 15.


One of MÚSECA's most important aspects are the illustrations named Grafica. A Grafica gives the player GIFTs, which are in-game bonuses that are auto-triggered at some points of the charts, slightly modifying the chart lane's judgment line. GIFTs include Life Support, Score Gain, Play Risk, and Item Collect. Most Grafica characters have their own voices that play when they're triggered in-game. Note that you can have up to three Grafica per song

To access the Grafica system, you must clear STORY, one of MÚSECA's unlocking systems. Most Grafica can be obtained by purchasing them with one of MÚSECA's currencies, COLORIS, while others can be obtained via-STORY.

In addition to original song contests, Grafica design contests are held as well.


STORY is the initial event that teaches the essential aspects of the game, most of them involving Grafica. Completing STORY missions unlocks additional Grafica and songs. Before each song, you may select from available incomplete STORY missions, as well as several EVENT missions (not related to progress).

  • STORY 000 - prologue and tutorial
  • STORY 001
    • Play a song
    • Play a song other than the one you chose for the previous mission
  • STORY 002
    • Play a song using a 〈然〉Grafica
    • Play a song using a 〈月〉Grafica
    • Play a song using a SEGMENT2 Grafica
    • Play a song using a 〈魔〉Grafica (The "snow dance warrior" Grafica you received from the last mission) and get 【凡】 rank or higher
  • STORY 003
    • Play a song (this unlocks Graf. HOLE, the Gacha system for receiving Grafica [press button 5 during Grafica select screen])
    • Play a song and finish with at least 3500 COLORIS in total (including your reserves)
    • Play a song and finish with at least 3500 MUESE in total (including your reserves)
    • Use Graf. HOLE to obtain a Grafica, then play a song
    • Play a song with a previously unused Grafica obtained from Graf. HOLE and get 【凡】 rank or higher (unconfirmed if you can use the same one pulled from previous mission)
  • STORY 004
    • Listen to Iriru's description of Grafica restoration then play a song (This unlocks the ability to restore Grafica)
    • Play a song with 〈然〉Grafica in FRAME03
    • Play a song with 〈月〉Grafica in FRAME03
    • Play a song with 〈魔〉Grafica in FRAME03
    • Restore 1 Grafica and play a song
      • During Grafica Select, select any FRAME, choose the Grafica you wish to restore, then choose the second option on the right menu. Select ORIGINAL GIFT to receive up to two bonuses on the Grafica.
    • Play a song with 3 restored Grafica
  • STORY 005
    • Play a song (unlocks HOLDER, the ability to save preset Grafica selection)
    • Play a song with both 〈魔〉and〈月〉Grafica IN ORDER
    • Play a song with〈煌〉and〈月〉and〈然〉Grafica IN ORDER (you receive〈煌〉Grafica from the previous mission)
    • Play a song with both 〈闘〉and〈然〉Grafica IN ORDER (you receive〈闘〉Grafica from the previous mission)
    • Play a song with both 〈魔〉and〈闘〉Grafica
    • Play a song with 9 different types of Grafica (if you have 9 different types, this can be done in 1 credit)
    • Play a song with a 〈未〉Grafica and get 【凡】 rank or higher (you receive〈未〉Grafica from the previous mission)

External Link

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