DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2 Scoring System

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The scoring system was revamped in DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2, following the trend of replacing the score system in every main (non-PLUS) title in the series since DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX. However, this new system broke that trend as it became the standard scoring system for nearly every release since its debut in 2007.


The maximum score possible for a song is 1 000 000 points. Similar to the scoring system in SuperNOVA, all steps (Freeze Arrows included) in a song are scored evenly throughout the song. Due to the notescount being different each song for each difficulty, a new Step Score have to be determined every time in order to calculate the score:

Step Score (SC): 1.000.000 ÷ (Number of steps [A jump will be considered a step in scoring] + Number of freezes [A pair of freeze that starts and ends at the same time will be considered as one freeze in scoring])

The Step Score is then used to calculate the player results using all the judgment timing obtained in the song:

Score: SC x (number of Marvelous + number of OKs) + (SC - 10) x (number of Perfects) + [(SC ÷ 2) - 10] x number of Greats

The scores are always displayed as multiples of 10 if playing in Standard mode, multiples of 1 if playing in NonStop or Challenge mode.


The table below applies to both Single Play (SP) and Double Play (DP).

This new grade system changed two fundemental elements that have been a part of the series since the beginning. The highest grade available (AAA and AA) are no longer exclusive to a Full Combo as it's now obtained solely based on the points obtained. The grade system also takes into consideration the Dance Level selected by the player. The easiest Dance Levels have a more uniform score range for each letter while the hardest difficult levels have a wider range at the bottom (D) and thinner one at the top (A). A few elements are shared by every Dance Level such as the score range for an AAA and AA being the same. Similar to the previous systems, as long as the life gauge is not completely depleted, the song will be considered CLEAR[ED] and thus, receive a grade letter for the corresponding score.

Score Dance Level
Beginner Difficult Expert
Basic Challenge
990 000 – 1 000 000 AAA
950 000 – 989 990 AA
900 000 – 949 990 A A A
850 000 – 899 990 B
800 000 – 849 990 B
750 000 – 799 990 B C
700 000 – 749 990 C
600 000 – 699 990 C D
500 000 – 599 990 D
0 – 499 990 D