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Song Information

1/n's jacket.

Artist: iri
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Other Instruments & Programming: TAG
Vocals/Chorus: iri
Guitar: Kazutaka Fujimoto
Bass: Yoshihiko Koezuka
BPM: 141
Length: 1:35
Movie: kei (produced by IMAGICA Imageworks)
First Music Game Appearance: GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!
Other Music Game Appearances:





I wish forever

ゆら ゆら ゆらめいていて 
踊ろう 全て忘れて 
ゆら ゆら ゆらめいていて 

きら きら きらめいていて 
踊ろう 心ゆくまで 
ゆら ゆら ずっとこのまま 

Song Connections / Remixes



This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • 1/n is Yasuhiro Taguchi's first composition in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series with vocals, and his only BEMANI song with Nobumitsu Irio.
  • 1/n is available for play in GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG as an unlockable song in JukeBox #1 (March 10th, 2010).
    • As of April 23rd, 2010, it has been automatically unlocked into Standard Mode.
  • 1/n received an updated jacket in GITADORA.
  • 1/n also appears in the SPINFEVER series of medal redemption games by KONAMI.
  • 1/n is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HISTORY PACK vol.23 (コナステ GITADORA HISTORYパック vol.23).

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania difficulty rated from 1 to 99 from GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX onwards.
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 328 587 876 208 342 385 292 321 - 208 342 385
GF/DM V6→V8 22 47 65 21 35 68 20 43 - 22 37 70


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 328 587 876 - 208 342 385 - 292 321 321 -
GF/DM XG→XG3 1.60 3.90 6.10 - 3.15 4.30 6.25 - 3.10 3.70 4.70 -
GITADORA→Tri-Boost ↑2.45 ↑4.60 ↑6.55 - ↑3.95 ↑5.00 ↑6.75 - ↑3.95 ↑4.45 ↑5.35 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓2.00 ↓4.50 ↓6.35 - ↓3.35 ↓4.80 ↓6.30 - ↓3.60 ↓3.95 ↓4.85 -
GITADORA Matixx ↑3.00 ↑4.80 ↑6.45 - ↑3.45 ↑5.25 ↑6.75 - ↑3.95 ↑4.60 ↑5.30 -
GITADORA EXCHAIN ↑3.25 ↑5.40 ↑6.90 - ↓3.30 5.25 ↑7.00 - ↓3.80 4.60 ↑5.35 -
GITADORA NEX+AGE ↑3.30 ↑5.45 ↑6.95 - ↑3.35 ↑5.30 ↑7.05 - ↑3.85 ↑4.65 ↑5.40 -
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→Present ↓3.05 ↑5.55 ↓6.90 - ↑3.75 ↑5.70 ↑7.25 - ↑4.10 ↑5.15 ↑5.85 -
GITADORA (Mobile) 2.45 4.60 6.55 - 3.95 5.00 6.75 - 3.95 4.45 5.35 -
コナステ GITADORA 3.05 5.55 6.90 - 3.75 5.70 7.25 - 4.10 5.15 5.85 -