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28 October 2015
/* Now I do know that DDR STR!KE PS2 gave all DDR Ultramix 2 songs different BEGINNER charts but I only know the stepcounts to 6 of them that were in DDR SuperNOVA. (4 of them are still in the arcades to this day.) How do I compare all BEGINNER charts...
/* Now I do know that DDR STR!KE PS2 gave all DDR Ultramix 2 songs different BEGINNER charts but I only know the stepcounts to 6 of them that were in DDR SuperNOVA. (4 of them are still in the arcades to this day.) How do I configure all BEGINNER chart...
→Now I do know that DDR STR!KE PS2 gave all DDR Ultramix 2 songs different BEGINNER charts but I only know the stepcounts to 6 of them. How do I configure all BEGINNER charts from Ultramix 2 to STR!KE?
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17 October 2015
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→DanceDanceRevolution Pocket Edition was the last DanceDanceRevolution CS release? But I thought DanceDanceRevolution II/DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 5 was the last one.
→DanceDanceRevolution Pocket Edition was the last DanceDanceRevolution CS release? But I thought DanceDanceRevolution II/DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 5 was the last one.
→DanceDanceRevolution Pocket Edition was the last DanceDanceRevolution CS release? But I thought DanceDanceRevolution II/DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 5 was.
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11 October 2015
6 October 2015
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→I don't get it. All my posts about the songs that returned from previous home consoles and songs that appeared on consoles for the first time are gone. Why did all disappear? Are they all unnecessary or something?
→I know that in DDR EXTREME 2, Look To The Sky (True Color Mix) returned from DDRMAX. But did you have to remove that fact just because it was unnecessary?