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= General Information =
= pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC =

* Released: October 12, 2000
== Release Information ==
* Also released on [[PnM_CS_4_DC|Dreamcast]].
* Release date: October 12th, 2000
* Platforms: PlayStation, Dreamcast
== General Information / Changes ==
* Two of the three missing licenses from [[AC pnm 3|pop'n music 3]] ([[Bit of Love]] and [[LET ME FEEL SO HIGH]]) finally make their CS pop'n music debut. [[ENDLESS SUMMER NUDE]] was the exception.
* pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC's official website is the first CS pop'n music website with staff commentary on the new CS songs.
* The Dreamcast version of pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC was the final version of pop'n music released for the Dreamcast.
** Along with the port of ''Silent Scope'' (which was released the same day), it also was the last game KONAMI released in Japan for the Dreamcast.
** This version is compatible with Dreamcast's VGA mode.
* Total songs: 41.
* Total songs: 41.
* The 3 licenses from ''Pop'n Music 3'' are transferred over, except for ENDRESS SUMMER NUDE, which is absent from the songlist due to licensing issues.

= Songlist =
== Staff Information ==
* Game credits: [[pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC Credits]]
* Soundtracks credits: [[pop'n music 4 consumer originals OST Booklet Credits]]
= Default Songs =
{{pnm popn4 Songlist Header|
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[AC pnm 4|pop'n music 4]]}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|TEEN FOLK|ティーンフォーク|[[Jidai wo kaeteku Teenage|時代を変えてくTeenage]]|[[Kazuyoshi Baba|馬場一嘉]]|[[Jyun&Shingo]] [4]|128|7|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|KAYOU HOUSE|カヨウハウス|[[Nanja-Nai]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|NAO with K Lyric by 所ジョージ]]|NK2000 [4]|133|8|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|KARAOKE|カラオケ|[[Ai kotoba|愛言葉~アイコトバ]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|課長]]と[[Mami Nakayama|マミちゃん]]|8・Taro&Okon [4]|133|8|23}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|FRIENDLY|フレンドリー|[[Over The Rainbow]]|[[Parquets|パーキッツ]]|[[Poet]] [4]|140|9|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|DO UP|ドゥーアップ|[[Joy!]]|[[Satou Ikuo|Reddy Yōko]]|[[Mary]] [4]|120|10|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|PASSION|パッション|[[Koyoi Lover's Day|今宵Lover's Day]]|[[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]]|[[the KING]] [4]|162|11|22}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|AMBIENT|アンビエント|[[birds]]|[[Sanae Shintani|Sana]]|[[SANAE-chan|SANAE♥chan]] [4]|147|12|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|NIGHT OUT|ナイトアウト|[[Toumeina manicure|透明なマニキュア]]|[[Kiyomi_Kumano|Kiyommy]]+[[Kiyoshi Murai|Seiya]]|[[JUDY]] [4]|140|14|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|COQUETTISH|コケティッシュ|[[Koi wa tennen|恋は天然]]|[[Kiyomi Kumano|ナチュラルベア]]|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]] [4]|140|16|20|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|OKINAWA|オキナワ|[[Yume souti|夢そうてい]]|[[Yasuko Morio|Y.Morio]]&MINEHAHA|Mayumi|130|18|24}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|ANALOG TECHNO|アナログテクノ|[[ELECTRONISM]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|V.C.O.]]|PAL [4]|130|18|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|FUTURE|フューチャー|[[ostin-art]]|[[Tomomi Ohta|ostin-art]]|ice [4]|145|18|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|CARTOON|カートゥーン|[[TOON MANIAC]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|Theme from"TOON MANIA"]]|[[Henry]] [4]|160|19|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|VISUAL 2|ヴィジュアル2|[[Cry Out]]|[[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat. KöHey from Medical Trance Peach|[[Yuli]] [4]|184|20|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|SUPER EURO|スーパーユーロ|[[WE TWO ARE ONE]]|[[Noriko Fukushima|Lala Moore]]|Elle [4]|160|20|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|DISCO GIRLS|ディスコガールズ|[[HONE made tonight|HONEまで♡トゥナイト]]|[[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat.[[Miki Masuda|Mickin']] Tackin'|YUKI [4]|130|21|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|POWER FOLK 2|パワーフォーク2|[[Kimi wo kowashitai|君を壊したい]]|[[Atsushi Shindo|新堂敦士]]|[[Ash]] [4]|133|24|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[AC pnm 3|pop'n music 3]]}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|EURODANCE|ユーロダンス|[[Bit of Love]]|Super Wink "fut" [[Ryo Asakawa|Ryo Arshe]]|Dia [3]|137|13|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|JUNGLE|ジャングル|[[LA LA LA|La La La]]|[[Takayoshi Watanabe|Edison]]|Bamboo? [3]|160|14|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|LOVELY|ラブリー|[[Hachigatsu no sayonara|8月のサヨナラ]]|[[Sanae Shintani|aprésmidi]]|[[SANAE-chan|SANAE♥chan]] [3]|108|15|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|PUNK|パンク|[[LET ME FEEL SO HIGH]]|[[Ryo Asakawa|Little Bitch.K²]]|Donna [3]|160|16|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|[[CS pnm 3|pop'n music 3 CS]]}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|BOYS|ボーイズ|[[Kimi wo dakishimetai!|君を抱きしめたい!]]|[[Akiko Hashimoto|微熱★kids]]|HIKARU [CS3]|138|16|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|PRELUDE|プレリュード|[[Streams]]|[[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus von dovjak]]|Edward [CS2-5P]|179|17|23}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|POSITIVE|ポジティブ|[[Candy Blue]]|[[Yuko Asai|浅井裕子]]|[[sunny]] [CS3]|112|19|-}}
{{pnm LT Songlist Category|CS originals}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|BOSSA|ボッサ|[[coastline]]|[[Yuichi Tsuchiya|カルロス・ユーイチ & Muddy Brown]]|OLIVIA [1-3P]|129|13|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|MOTOR5 {{from|[[CS pnm GB|pop'n music GB]]}}|モーター5|[[Kuchiurusai mama|くちうるさいママ]]|[[Sanae Shintani|プチさな]]|Kobe [CS4]|106|13|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|GROUP SOUNDS|グループサウンズ|[[Taiyou ga mitsumeteru|太陽がみつめてる]]|[[Tsugumi Kataoka|ツグ&ザ・ラジカルズ]]|Johnny D [CS4-2P]|148|13|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|LIVERPOOL|リバプール|[[love me love me love me|Love me Love me Love me]]|[[Tsugumi Kataoka|the LOΦSE BEAT]]|Johnny D [CS4-1P]|158|15|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|MERENGUE|メレンゲ|[[ENAMORADA]]|[[Enami Nakano|中野エナミ]]|Fanita [CS4]|150|16|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|NUDY {{from|[[CS pnm GB|pop'n music GB]]}}|ヌーディ|[[No more I love you]]|[[Yuichi Tsuchiya|WAX]]|May-Fa [CS2-1P]|104|16|23}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|BOOGIE|ブギー|[[VIVA La HOT LOVE!!]]|[[Akiko Hashimoto|Akko's]]|Jennifer [CS3-1P]|138|17|23}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|LATIN ROCK|ラテンロック|[[Yabai onna|ヤバイオンナ]]|[[Tsugumi Kataoka|ラジカル・ツグ]]&[[Yoichi Hayashi|ミッキー・マサシ]]|Antonio [CS4]|125|19|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|PROGRE|プログレ|[[penta-mode]]|[[Yuichi Tsuchiya|asparagus]]|SYLVESTER [CS1-2P]|160|21|-}}
= Hidden Songs =
The following songs are unlocked after playing for a certain amount of time in ARCADE. ''Only'' time playing songs in ARCADE counts towards time.

=== Arcade Version Songs ===
{{pnm popn4 Songlist Header|
{{pnm popn4 Song|BRIT POP <br><small>2 hours</small>|ブリットポップ|[[Girls Riot]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|Political Trees]]|Donna [3-3P]|210|22|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|HORROR<br><small>2.5 hours</small>|ホラー|[[Youkai Z no uta|妖怪Zの唄]]|[[Hiroki Koga|ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド]]|[[Smile (character)|Smile]] [4]|144|15|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|POPS REMIX<br><small>3 hours</small>|ポップスREMIX|[[I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU~bokura wa kanpeki sa|I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ Single edit]]|[[Kiyotaka Sugimoto|sugi]] & [[Reo Nagumo|reo]]|[[RIE-chan|RIE♥chan]] [1-3P]|142|24|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|J-TEKNO REMIX<br><small>3.5 hours</small>|J−テクノREMIX|[[Quick Master Millennium mix]]|[[Youhei Shimizu|act deft]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|[[SHOLLKEE]] [1-5P]|147|23|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|DANCE REMIX<br><small>4 hours</small>|ダンスREMIX|[[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]]|[[Tomomi Ohta|Hi-Tekno]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|[[JUDY]] [1-3P]|140|23|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|BONUS TRACK REMIX<br><small>4.5 hours</small>|ボーナストラックREMIX|[[Surechigau futari Millennium mix|すれちがう二人 Millennium mix]]|[[Hiroshi Takeyasu|aprésmidi]]/[[Kiyoshi Murai|Millennium Project]]|[[SANAE-chan|SANAE♥chan]] [1-3P]|143|24|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|SPECIAL ENDING<br><small>5 hours</small>|スペシャルエンディング|[[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]]|[[Kiyoshi Murai|Popper Head]]|[[Rave girl]] [4]|140|21|-}}
{{pnm popn4 Song|CLASSIC 4<br><small>5.5 hours</small> <br><small>('''new CS song''')</small>|クラシック4|[[Concertare]]|[[Junichiro Kaneda|Waldeus von Dövjak]]|[[HAMANOV]] [CS1-3P]|179|20|24}}

* TEEN FOLK / [[Jidai wo kaete Teenage|時代を変えてくTeenage]] / [[馬場一嘉]] ([[Jyun & Shingo]]) - 7 / -
= Unlock Information =
* KAYOU HOUSE / [[Nanja-Nai]] / [[NAOwithK]] ([[NK2000]]) - 8 / -
* KARAOKE / [[Aikotoba|愛言葉〜アイコトバ]] / [[課長とマミちゃん]] ([[8・Taro & Okon]]) - 8 / 23
* FRIENDLY / [[Over The Rainbow]] / [[パーキッツ]] ([[Poet]]) - 9 / -
* DO UP / [[Joy!]] / [[Reddy Yoko]] ([[Mary]]) - 10 / -
* PASSION / [[Koyoi Lover's Day|今宵Lover's Day]] / [[ミッキー・マサシ]] ([[The KING]]) - 11 / 22
* AMBIENT / [[Birds]] / [[Sanae_Shintani|Sana]] ([[SANAE Chan]]) - 12 / -
* NIGHT OUT / [[Toumei na manicure|透明なマニキュア]] / [[Kiyomi_Kumano|Kiyommy]] + [[Seiya_Murai|Seiya]] ([[Judy]]) - 14 / -
* COQUETTISH / [[Koi no tennen|恋は天然]] / [[Natural bear|ナチュラルベア]] ([[Rie Chan]]) - 16 / 20
* ANALOG TECHNO / [[ELECTRONISM]] / [[Seiya_Murai|V.C.O.]]  ([[PAL]]) - 18 / -
* FUTURE / [[ostin-art]] / [[Ostin Art (Artist)|Ostin-Art]] ([[Ice]]) - 18 / -
* OKINAWA / [[Yume sou tei| 夢添うてぃ]] / [[Y.Morio]] & [[MINEHAHA]] ([[Mayumi]]) - 18 / 24
* CARTOON / [[TOON MANIAC]] / [[Theme from "Toon Mania"]] ([[Henry]]) - 19 / -
* VISUAL 2 / [[Cry Out]] / [[Tatsuya_Furukawa|good-cool]] feat. [[KoHey|KoHey from Medical Trance Peach]] ([[Yuli]]) - 20 / -
* SUPER EURO / [[WE TWO ARE ONE]] / [[Seiya_Murai|LaLa Moore]] ([[Elle]]) - 20 / -
* DISCO GIRLS / [[HONE made tonight|HONEまでートトゥナイト]] / [[Tatsuya Furukawa|good-cool]] feat. [[Mickin']] & [[Tackin']] ([[Yuki]]) - 21 / -
* POWER FOLK 2 / [[Kimi wo kowashitai|君を壊したい]] / [[新堂敦士]] ([[Ash]]) - 24 / -
* EURO DANCE / [[Bit of Love]] / [[Super Wink "fut" Ryo Arche Asakawa]] ([[Dia]]) - 13 / -
* PUNK / [[Let me feel so high]] / [[Little Bitch.K2]] ([[Donna]]) - 16 / -

=== Returning Songs ===
== Song Unlocks ==
These will unlock the songs permanently in FREE MODE, but not in ARCADE. All these songs will appear on FINAL STAGE when their requirements have been met.

* JUNGLE / [[LA LA LA]] / [[edison]] / Jungle ([[Bamboo|Bamboo?]]) - 14 / -
* BRIT POP: play as Donna and get 80,000 points on PUNK on Stage 2. (What you play on Stage 1 does not matter.)
* LOVELY /  [[8gatsu no sayonara|8月のサヨナラ]] / [[Sanae_Shintani|Sana]] ([[SANAE Chan]]) - 15 / -
* HORROR: on Stage 1, get the last two digits of your max combo to be 44, and then clear VISUAL 2 on Stage 2.
* BOYS / [[Kimiwo dakishimetai|君を抱きしめたい!]] / [[微熱★kids]] ([[三浦ヒカル]]) - 16 / -
* POPS REMIX: get 90,000+ points on Stage 1, then clear LOVELY on Stage 2. (Playing in BEGINNER mode will not unlock the song.)
* PRELUDE / [[Streams]] / [[Waldeus von dovjak]] ([[Edward]]) - 17 / 23
* J-TEKNO REMIX: play as Ice, and clear Stage 1 with 80,000+ points, and Stage 2 with a MAX COMBO of 70 or higher. (Playing in BEGINNER mode will not unlock the song.)
* POSITIVE / [[Candy Blue]] / [[浅井裕子]] ([[Sunny]]) - 19 / -
* DANCE REMIX: play as JUDY and get a MAX COMBO of 50 or more on Stage 1, and then get 90,000+ points on Stage 2. (Playing in BEGINNER mode will not unlock the song.)
* BONUS TRACK REMIX: play as SANAE-chan and get a MAX COMBO of 37 on Stage 1, and then get 90,000+ points on Stage 2. (Playing in BEGINNER mode will not unlock the song.)
* SPECIAL ENDING: get a perfect score of 100,000 on Stage 1 ''and'' 2.
* CLASSIC 4: get a score of 26,000 points or less on Stage 1 (clearing is not required), and then CLEAR a song with 26,000 or less on Stage 2.

=== CS Original Songs ===
== Code Unlocks ==
Played songs will not be saved. The buttons correspond to the buttons on the pop'n music Controller from left to right.

* MOTOR 5 / [[Kuchiurusai Mama|くちうるさいママ]] / [[プチさな]] ([[Coby]]) - 13 / -
* GROUP SOUNDS / [[Taiyou ga mitsumeteru|太陽がみつめてる]] / [[ツグ&ザ・ラジカルズ]] ([[Shawny D]]) - 13 / -
** pop'n music controller: 33997733
* BOSSA / [[coastline]] / [[カルロス・ユーイチ]] & [[Muddy Brown]] ([[Olivia]]) - 13 / -
** PlayStation controller: ← ← R2 R2 ○ ○ ← ←
* LIVERPOOL / [[Love me Love me Love me]] / [[the loose beat|the LOφSE BEAT]] ([[Shawny D]]) - 15 / -
** Dreamcast controller: ↓ ↓ R R A A ↓ ↓
* MERENGUE / [[ENAMORADA]] / [[中野エナミ]] ([[Fanita]]) - 16 / -
* NUDY / [[No more I love you]] / [[WAX]] ([[Mei Fa]]) - 16 / 23
* BOOGIE / [[VIVA La HOT LOVE!!]] / [[Akko's]] ([[Jennifer]]) - 17 / 23
* LATIN ROCK / [[Yabai onna|ヤバイオンナ]] / [[ラジカル・ツグ]]&[[ミッキー・マサシ]] ([[Antonio]]) - 19 / -
* PROGRE / [[penta-mode]] / [[asparagus]] ([[Sylvester]]) - 21 / -

=== Hidden Songs ===
** pop'n music controller: 333111333
** PlayStation controller: ← ← ← L2 L2 L2 ← ← ←
** Dreamcast controller: ↓ ↓ ↓ L L L ↓ ↓ ↓

* CLASSIC 4 / [[Concertare]] / [[Waldeus von Dovjak]] ([[Harmanov]]) - 20 / 24
* BRIT POP / [[Girls Riot]] / [[Political Trees]] ([[Dona]]) - 22 / -
** pop'n music controller: 44322366
* SPECIAL ENDING / [[Tap'n! Slap'n! Pop'n Music!]] / [[Seiya_Murai|Popper Head]] ([[Rave Girl]]) - 21 / -
** PlayStation controller: ↑ ↑ ← L1 L1 ← △ △
* HORROR / [[Youkai Z no uta|妖怪Zの唄]] / [[Hiroka Kogi|ナヤ~ン・ブラザーズ・バンド]] ([[Smile]]) - 15 / -
** Dreamcast controller: ↑ ↑ ↓ ← ← ↓ Y Y
* J-TEKNO REMIX / [[Quick Master Millennium mix]] / [[act deft]]/[[Millennium Project]] ([[Shorky]]) - 23 / -
* DANCE REMIX / [[Hi-Tekno Millennium mix]] / [[Hi-Tekno (artist)|Hi-Tekno]]/[[Millennium Project]] ([[Shorty]]) - 23 / -
* BONUS TRACK REMIX / [[Surechigau futari Millenium mix|すれちがう2人 Millennium mix]] / [[apresmidi]]/[[Millennium Project]] ([[Sanae Chan]]) - 24 / -
* POPS REMIX / [[I Really Want To Hurt You|I REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU ~僕らは完璧さ Single edit~]] / [[Sugimoto_Kiyotaka|Sugi]] & [[Reo_Nagumo|Reo]] ([[Rie Chan]]) - 24 / -

= Unlock Information =
** pop'n music controller: 864291
** PlayStation controller: R1 △ ↑ L1 R2 L2
** Dreamcast controller:  B Y ↑ ← R L
** pop'n music controller: 68686842
** PlayStation controller:  △ R1 △ R1 △ R1 L1 ↑
** Dreamcast controller: Y B Y B Y B ← ↑
** pop'n music controller: 444322211
** PlayStation controller: ↑ ↑ ↑ ← L1  L1  L1  L2  L2
** Dreamcast controller: ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ← ← ←  L  L
** pop'n music controller: 2179223718
** PlayStation controller: L1 L2 ○ R2 L1 L1 ← ○ L2 R1
** Dreamcast controller:  ← L A R ← ← ↓ A L B
** pop'n music controller: 222222222222282
** PlayStation controller: L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1 L1
** Dreamcast controller: ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← B ←
== Mods ==
Enter the following options on the menu. You cannot enter these codes on the title screen, and only one code can be activated a game. Only a pop'n music controller can enter these codes.

* As always, time unlocks are the norm. 2 hours of play gets you the first unlock (Brit Pop), then every 30 minutes of play after that unlocks another song. All songs will have been unlocked after 5 and a half hours of play.
* RANDOM: hold down both white buttons and then select ARCADE or BEGINNER with the red button.
* To unlock Brit Pop, pick Dona as your character and clear Punk as your second stage, getting 80000 or higher as your score.
* HIDDEN: hold down both yellow buttons and then select ARCADE or BEGINNER with the red button.
* To unlock Horror, on your first stage, get the last to digits of your max combo to be 44. Then, clear Visual 2 as your second stage.
* MIRROR: hold down both green buttons and then select ARCADE or BEGINNER with the red button.
* To unlock Pops Remix, outside of beginner mode, get 90000 or more points on your first stage, then clear Lovely as your second stage.
* To unlock J-Tekno Remix, outside of beginner mode, choose Ice as your character, clear your first stage with more than 80000 points, and clear any song as second stage with a max combo of 70 or greater.
* To unlock Dance Remix, outside of Beginners mode, pick Judy as your character, get a max combo of 50 or greater on your first stage, and a score of 90000 or greater on your second stage.
* To unlock Bonus Track Remix, outside of beginners mode, get a max combo of 37 on your first stage, then get more than 90000 points on your second stage.
* To unlock Special Ending, get a score of 100000 on your first and second stages.
* To unlock Classic 4, get a score of less than 20000 on your first stage, and CLEAR your second stage with a score of 26000 or less.

= Related Links =
= Related Links =

* [http://www.konami.jp/gs/game/pop/4/index.html Pop'n Music CS 4 Official Site]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20150507062733/http://www.konami.jp/bemani/popn/gs/4/index.html pop'n music 4 CS Official Site] (archived)
* [http://www.psn.ne.jp/~slayer/bemanicd/pm4.html Pop'n Music Original Soundtracks Information]

[[Category:Pop'n Music Titles]]
[[Category:pop'n music]]


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